How will they rule ??!

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Longer life expectancies, you mean? Yeah, rascals!
Are these not issues you have talked about needing addressed?:

The estimated annual increase in medical and prescription expenses stands at 4 percent to 5 percent, about the same as last year. Prescription costs are trending higher than medical, at slightly above 7 percent, said Sunit Patel, senior vice president of Fidelity's Benefits Consulting group. Prescription drug costs account for 23 percent of that $245,000 figure. Money spent on deductibles and cost-sharing with an insurer make up 43 percent, and 34 percent goes to Medicare Part B and D premiums.
Fresh from the "whatthehellletstryit" dept:

The Hill ‏@thehill 5m5 minutes ago
White House: ObamaCare can help stop gun violence


Wonder if Obamacare can help stop insurance's increasingly high deductibles too.

On second thought, theyre right. Obamacare would make it almost impossible for anyone to afford buying a gun.

The argument I'm making is an ad hoc approach to gun acquisition is weak, we need a comprehensive national approach that makes sense in order for it to be effective.

It will take a multilayered approach. But more stringent regulations just dont work, so thats a waste of time and an unnecessary infringement upon constitutional rights.

In fact, most of the solutions (mental background checks, etc) would all be pretty futile. Ya it may catch 1 person here or there, but how many of those people would go on to use a gun illegally? This isnt Minority Report.

Plus I dont recall any mass shooters that had medical evidence of mental instability that would have even been screened out of a gun purchase. The only mass killer I can recall who wouldve been screened out, wouldve been the movie execs son, who was running over people with his car. Although, interestingly enough nothing happened to that therapist for failure to warn, and there was no Obama press conference wanting to ban cars.

That last case is a perfect example. Crazy guy runs over people with his car. No Obama press conferences. No invites from Hillary to the family. No calls to ban cars. Its an agenda. Posters have linked studies on here before, showing gun violence overall is down. The method in which its happening is just changing. But the media would have you believe otherwise.

Its all an agenda. For some, its for votes. For others, its for ratings.
Are these not issues you have talked about needing addressed?:

The estimated annual increase in medical and prescription expenses stands at 4 percent to 5 percent, about the same as last year. Prescription costs are trending higher than medical, at slightly above 7 percent, said Sunit Patel, senior vice president of Fidelity's Benefits Consulting group. Prescription drug costs account for 23 percent of that $245,000 figure. Money spent on deductibles and cost-sharing with an insurer make up 43 percent, and 34 percent goes to Medicare Part B and D premiums.
Those categories account for almost every aspect of health care spending, so yes?

That 11% "revised up" figure was due to an increase in the average life expectancy that the company was using for calculations. The author explicitly said that rates of increase in health care expenses (which are still trending lower than in the previous 20 years) held steady at "about the same as last year".
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Still increasing at multiples of rise in income and retirement savings. Bottomline, healthcare inflation is a major issue and was not really addressed in UCA (well it was, but was promised to go the other way and also add jobs and many other things, thus the "rascals" line). No real components of competition or cost control.
Not surprising due to the recent Carson bump, was inevitable....a UPenn professor referred to Carson as a "coon" yesterday. I guess Uncle Tom is not strong enough these days. Tenure!
But more stringent regulations just dont work, so thats a waste of time and an unnecessary infringement upon constitutional rights.

There is a good body of evidence, some of which was linked earlier in this tread during the previous shooting, that rejects that notion.

Plus I dont recall any mass shooters that had medical evidence of mental instability that would have even been screened out of a gun purchase.

How would we know if they were never screened?

The vast majority of Americans including NRA members support mandatory background checks. That's only one thing to fix a complex problem and admittedly the results will be marginal. But "marginal" can be quantified as at least a few hundred lives a year. I think those that reject this one simple measure are selfishly saying that their conveniences are more important than someone else's life. That's a hard position to support.

The mass shootings are becoming an enormous issue and it isn't satisfactory to simply throw up your hands and say we can do nothing and every idea that is floated to solve the problem "won't work". AS a country and as a people I'm confident we CAN do much better.
Still increasing at multiples of rise in income and retirement savings. Bottomline, healthcare inflation is a major issue and was not really addressed in UCA (well it was, but was promised to go the other way and also add jobs and many other things, thus the "rascals" line). No real components of competition or cost control.

Needs to be uncoupled from the employer. How is there competition when most jobs offer, what, 1 to 3 options? It's a tax policy (thanks, WWII) that's distorted the market (along with many other things), reduced competition, and led to increased costs. McCain wanted to address it, and it was a talking point for some policy group like 10-15 years ago.
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Still increasing at multiples of rise in income and retirement savings. Bottomline, healthcare inflation is a major issue and was not really addressed in UCA (well it was, but was promised to go the other way and also add jobs and many other things, thus the "rascals" line). No real components of competition or cost control.
"Health care spending" =/= premiums and deductibles

And yes, health care spending was thoroughly addressed in the final bill; its in that 60% that people never want to discuss because their eyes begin to glaze over. Not comprehensive or exhaustive by any means (tort reform and drug price manipulation, for example).
I'll be interested to see how the gun lobby responds to Carson's proposal to allow psychiatrists to intervene on gun purchases by their patients (or whatever his hypothetical intervention by mental health pros would be)
Does anyone really believe that the US government will actually try to come take people's guns? It would be a civil war and a lot of people would die defending their right to bear arms.

it won't happen
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There is a good body of evidence, some of which was linked earlier in this tread during the previous shooting, that rejects that notion.

How would we know if they were never screened?

The vast majority of Americans including NRA members support mandatory background checks. That's only one thing to fix a complex problem and admittedly the results will be marginal. But "marginal" can be quantified as at least a few hundred lives a year. I think those that reject this one simple measure are selfishly saying that their conveniences are more important than someone else's life. That's a hard position to support.

The mass shootings are becoming an enormous issue and it isn't satisfactory to simply throw up your hands and say we can do nothing and every idea that is floated to solve the problem "won't work". AS a country and as a people I'm confident we CAN do much better.

You mean the same "adjusted" stats where you argued Chicago was less violent that most other places? Me and other posters already pointed out how ridiculous those were. Nevermind the non "adjusted" stats showed Chicago has the 3rd most deadly city in the nation.

You wont know. Because as I mentioned before, this isnt Minority Report where we restrict lawful behavior in an attempt to predict unlawful behavior.

What we do know, is all the highly publicized mass murders were done by people with no real mental health history, except the kid who ran over all those people with his car. That one should have been stopped by his therapist, but the therapist ignored it.

So the safeguards are already in place, they just need to be followed.
The poors had and still have Medicaid Willie. The working class - folks that earn a living but not enough to buy insurance are effected - but what did they have before ACA? nothing - everything was out of pocket.
At least now if a major health issue comes up they won't have to declare bankruptcy leave their home and live in a pup tent.

They still won't use their insurance because their oop and deductibles are too high.
I'm ok with stripped down gun laws, because if someone wants a gun they're gonna get one. So I hope you are implying there are too many drug laws, too, by the same reasoning. We don't need big government telling people they can't smoke a joint.
I am not talking about marijuana, I am talking about the more destructive drugs being used and pushed that are destroying peoples lives. But, that was not the main point. Just because something in illegal does not mean it is going to stop people from getting/doing it. In the case of guns, many people believe that once you outlaw guns only outlaws will have them. Also, if they are outlawed, what is next? I know, many say that they do not want to outlaw them, only make them harder to get. The first step in eliminating anything is invoke tighter restrictions.
Does anyone really believe that the US government will actually try to come take people's guns? It would be a civil war and a lot of people would die defending their right to bear arms.

it won't happen
Agreed, however I can see them using backdoor tactics to try. Such as what we have already seen in the recent past with anti-gun activist and politicians wanting to put a ban on what they were falsely (and later admitting so) defining as assault weapons when they already knew a ban existed on the real thing since about 1993. Deceptive tactics to try and get them another way.

One big problem they really don't see is many of the people who voted them in office would not give theirs up either.
You mean the same "adjusted" stats where you argued Chicago was less violent that most other places?

I have no clue what you are talking about and I never made that statement or anything like it. Chicago does have a high instance of gun violence. I simply pointed out that it's extremely easy to transport guns into Chicago from surrounding areas with liberal gun laws.

What we do know, is all the highly publicized mass murders were done by people with no real mental health history, except the kid who ran over all those people with his car.

You actually think these people are sane? Come on man, sane people don't commit these kinds of meaningless, motivationless crimes.
I personally have a family member who went on Obamacare and their deductible was around $5000 plus their premium doubled. They just dropped it and said they would pay the penalty if they have to. He is self employed and simply could not afford to keep it.
deee told you all what kind of gun laws he wants, like NYC. I also find it amusing that he uses the "folks" and "common sense reform" just like the admin
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What are the deductibles to you have any figures? $6000, $8000? I doubt that would force many people into bankruptcy or cause them to lose their home.

So people have obamacare that they can't use because their deductibles are too high and will protect them if something catastrophic happens from bankruptcy, but thousands end up dropping coverage anyway because their premiums continue to go up?

Trillions of dollars well spent. Yup.
Just read this. Inspiring leadership from this White House. Oh for the days of promises of racial healing, of being a uniter! Stray Voltage, that's beautiful....

Major Garrett detailed the White House’s calculated effort to be controversial and provocative in 2014:
This is the White House theory of “Stray Voltage.” It is the brainchild of former White House Senior Adviser David Plouffe, whose methods loom large long after his departure. The theory goes like this: Controversy sparks attention, attention provokes conversation, and conversation embeds previously unknown or marginalized ideas in the public consciousness.

Mickey Kaus characterizes the approach as “gaslighting” — giving your opponent a legitimate reason to get angry, then turning around and pointing to their anger as evidence they’re unhinged, obsessed, incapable of governing responsibly, et cetera....
Obama's SoTU addresses have been spoken at the lowest grade level in POTUS history, 6th...less than Bush.

BTW Trump has beaten them all, his speeches come in at a 5th grade level.
Perhaps they are dumbing it down for the Republicans.
I want Dee to personally come take my gun when he gets his law passed.

Oh that won't be necessary. Haven't you heard Obama is issuing an executive order to convert all the national guard units into Gun Retrieval Units that will go door to door demanding you surrender your guns and that includes you kids pellet guns and even water blasters that look like guns. I know that's true becasue I read it on a favorite news site for some of our valued members on here :D
or the 2/1 ratio of votes he got from people that failed to graduate hs.
you are a data science denier need to check your data.

He also got a majority of the votes of people with postgraduate a larger margin.

fuzz if you really don't think the Dem party panders to idiots and detached voters you really should hire your services out to Card Chronicle for a while.
"In Kunduz, our patients burned in their beds, our doctors' nurses and other staff were killed as they worked, our colleagues had to operate on each other. One of our doctors died on an improvised operating table, an office desk, while his colleagues tried to save his life," Jason Cone [US executive for MSF] said.

Somebody with a bunch of brass stars on their shoulders needs to double MSF's annual budget for the next several years.
Hillary with some blatant union pandering ahead of the "debate". Odds that she would do anything to undermine TPP once in office: roughly 16 trillion to one.

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