How will they rule ??!

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Why? How?

Explain yourself I'm willing to listen...

...but I don't personally believe anything he did was wrong and I would appoint him President of the new USA right now if I could...or at least some kind of advisor to Rand Paul because those mf'ers talk more sense than he entire media/political world. They do not talk as of we live in some fantasy world.

Like Willy said, we need many more like Ed who actually care about this country and the people that live here.

He's in Russia right? They're not our friend, and Russia is chummy with Syria/Iran. Stay here and voice your displeasure about the NSA. There are consequences with that, I understand, but what is going on now could be much, much worse IMO.
He's in Russia right? They're not our friend, and Russia is chummy with Syria/Iran. Stay here and voice your displeasure about the NSA. There are consequences with that, I understand, but what is going on now could be much, much worse IMO.

That's exactly what he did, man. E-X-A-C-T-L-Y. He worked for them. He kept it in house and voiced his displeasure to his employer many times before feeling like he had no other choice bc the government doesn't give a shit about your personal privacy, wkycatfan.

The *most* troubling aspect of all this, to me, is how much The People dgas about privacy. It's crazy to me. Because, again, we literally asked for and signed up for all this shit.

A person like Ed tries to shine light in this subject and he's labeled a terrorist and running for his life.

We deserve all this, tbh. It's just sickening to face that reality, and that's why we as a society do not face that reality.
Yeah, the WaPo article about the SS targeting a member of Congress for retribution got nary an eyebrow raised anywhere.
You guys are missing one crucial piece on the Carson thing - his backstory is completely compelling. But I agree, he'll fizzle eventually, as will Trump and Fiorina - although I won't be surprised to see her land a VP slot on the ticket.....
That's exactly what he did, man. E-X-A-C-T-L-Y. He worked for them. He kept it in house and voiced his displeasure to his employer many times before feeling like he had no other choice bc the government doesn't give a shit about your personal privacy, wkycatfan.

The *most* troubling aspect of all this, to me, is how much The People dgas about privacy. It's crazy to me. Because, again, we literally asked for and signed up for all this shit.

A person like Ed tries to shine light in this subject and he's labeled a terrorist and running for his life.

We deserve all this, tbh. It's just sickening to face that reality, and that's why we as a society do not face that reality.

One of the more chilling things he said was the NSA wouldnt hesitate to kill him if they thought he hadnt provided fail safes for the info being exposed. Think about that for a second - our own government would assassinate a citizen if that meant they could keep something covered up.

I know there have been several suspicions of such in the past, but this was confirmed by Snowden; whos information has been flawless to this point. How did our government reach this point? Where theyd murder to protect something that, in the grand scheme of scandals, isnt even that big. What would they do to coverup something bigger? Kill an entire family? Town?

Yeah, the WaPo article about the SS targeting a member of Congress for retribution got nary an eyebrow raised anywhere.

Yawwwwn who cares. But did you see Trumps hair? Or Kim K's new instagram pic?? ----- MSM and the vast majority of americans.
One of the Clinton emails. I'm absolutely certain 60 Minutes would work as closely with any GOP candidate. Ridiculous.

"Madame Secretary, a very quick update. I just received confirmation from 60 Minutes that a piece on Julian Assange will air Sunday night. He will be the only person featured. We had made a number of suggestions for outside experts and former diplomats to interview to "balance" the piece. 60 Minutes assures me that they raised a number of questions and concerns we planted with them during the course of the interview. We will be prepared to respond to the narrative Assange presents during the program."
You guys are missing one crucial piece on the Carson thing - his backstory is completely compelling. But I agree, he'll fizzle eventually, as will Trump and Fiorina - although I won't be surprised to see her land a VP slot on the ticket.....

Fiorina is awful. Worse than Carson imo. At least Carson is giving us an honest opinion. Fiorina sounds great in interviews and debates; until you realize shes just outright lying over and over. Of course the general public really doesnt care enough to look. And so far, the MSM has taken it pretty easy on her; considering her liberties with the truth.
One of the Clinton emails. I'm absolutely certain 60 Minutes would work as closely with any GOP candidate. Ridiculous.

"Madame Secretary, a very quick update. I just received confirmation from 60 Minutes that a piece on Julian Assange will air Sunday night. He will be the only person featured. We had made a number of suggestions for outside experts and former diplomats to interview to "balance" the piece. 60 Minutes assures me that they raised a number of questions and concerns we planted with them during the course of the interview. We will be prepared to respond to the narrative Assange presents during the program."
pathetic, and that is gold standard supposedly
If you don't think it could be much much worse you aren't paying attention. As our policy over there has gotten more muddled, to protect BO and HRC the narrative has been that Iraq created ISIS thus Bush's fault. It is not rational to think that men shooting girls in the back of the head for going to school would be peaceful goat farmers if we had not gone to Iraq. There are no decent answers.
Everything could always be worse.
To deny that Bush doesn't deserve at the very least a majority of the blame for how F'd up Iraq is today and for getting us involved in that hell hole is sticking-head-in-sand to the extreme. I have always given Bush 1 full credit for how he handled the situation in Kuwait and for listening to his advisers and not attempting to overthrow the govt. Years after the end of Desert Storm Norman Schwarzkopf was interviewed and when asked why they didn't "...finish the job...". He gave a very reasoned, multifaceted answer which he ended with..."And, oh by the way, I think we'd still be there, we'd be like a dinosaur in a tar pit, we could not have gotten out and we'd still be the occupying power and we'd be paying one hundred percent of all the costs to administer all of Iraq.".

So BO hasn't been able to straighten up Iraq...who could have done so? IMHO that it is beyond the power of the US to resolve the problems in that part of the world. It is sad that conditions exists as they do but only the Iraqis, Syrians, etc can solve those problems. The longer we stay involved the longer it stays f'd up.

You admit that "There are no decent answers." yet you imply that we should somehow do something. Why if nothing that can be done is "decent"?

Like family members who fight, they may hate each other, but they hate outsiders even more. We will always be outsiders in that part of the world.
Perhaps we can offer those who want it, asylum. After all, that is the principle this country was founded upon.

We have enough problems of our own.
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To deny that Bush doesn't deserve at the very least a majority of the blame for how F'd up Iraq is today and for getting us involved in that hell hole is sticking-head-in-sand to the extreme.
Never said anything resembling that so I just ignored the rest of the blather. Guessing it contained 3-5 rathole questions or otherworldly myopia
So BO hasn't been able to straighten up Iraq...who could have done so?

heh. Would have been nice to campaign on that theme - rather than those promises to roll back the ocean tides, fundamentally transform the nation, etc. Now we get humility?

I can't fix anything, but vote for me anyway!
heh. Would have been nice to campaign on that theme - rather than those promises to roll back the ocean tides, fundamentally transform the nation, etc. Now we get humility?

I can't fix anything, but vote for me anyway!

Much worse than that. He campaigned, and deeee parroted here many times, that "he got us out of Iraq". But when the shit hit the fan and it was found that he ignored Gates' recommendation to extend the deadline and leave a residual force there and said it was ignored due to changed to "Bush set the date for us to leave, nothing we could do". Around the same time he referred to ISIS as the JV.
So BO hasn't been able to straighten up Iraq...who could have done so?.

Do whaaaa? Bush signed the doc to have U.S out of Iraq before Obama took office. What was Obama exactly suppose to do for Iraq after we left?
What is she lying about?

Many things. Just for example, during her interview weeks ago with Katie Couric she had awesome responses to an answer concerning climate change. She came to a decent, but not groundbreaking conclusion: that we need to focus on reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, but doing it in an economically responsible way. Then, you find out almost every figure she rattled off was, at best, exaggerated.

Shes also stated several times she had nothing to do with HP's near collapse under her guidance, and that all tech companies suffered the same. Thats just not true. Many other companies grew during that same time. HP lost 50% of its value. Also she was a senior exec at Lucent when it disintegrated.
Do whaaaa? Bush signed the doc to have U.S out of Iraq before Obama took office. What was Obama exactly suppose to do for Iraq after we left?[/QUOTE]
When are people finally gonna be OK with just cutting our losses and staying out of the ME from here on out?
Do whaaaa? Bush signed the doc to have U.S out of Iraq before Obama took office. What was Obama exactly suppose to do for Iraq after we left?
When are people finally gonna be OK with just cutting our losses and staying out of the ME from here on out?[/QUOTE]

Well FTS, the mess we have created didn't just didn't start with Iraq. We created the Iran mess in 1952-53 and I'm sure there was involvement before that too. Once oil becomes as worthless as sand, we may just leave it alone. But Afghanistan has about 2 trillion in natural resources just waiting to be raped by the U.S, Russia, and China
Many things. Just for example, during her interview weeks ago with Katie Couric she had awesome responses to an answer concerning climate change. She came to a decent, but not groundbreaking conclusion: that we need to focus on reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, but doing it in an economically responsible way. Then, you find out almost every figure she rattled off was, at best, exaggerated.

Shes also stated several times she had nothing to do with HP's near collapse under her guidance, and that all tech companies suffered the same. Thats just not true. Many other companies grew during that same time. HP lost 50% of its value. Also she was a senior exec at Lucent when it disintegrated.

Got ya. Thought you were going to get into the Planned Parenthood thing - and after actually looking at what she said, I don't think she lied about that. Or maybe to put it differently, I think her defenders get the better of the argument relative to her detractors.

I know the HP think is supposed to be this noose around her neck - and may eventually prove to be just that - but it doesn't really bother me. Everything I've read about HP in modern times suggests it's a disfunctional place. From what I recall, the loss in value on her watch largely comes from one thing, the Compaq acquisition (again, may be wrong, that's memory). I've done enough deals and been through enough deals I know how that can go.

If she really is cavalier with the truth, that will out. I know, because the media will want to trumpet that if they are at all able.....
@Mashburned. You really think Russia doesn't do the same thing? All countries? We've been spying on our own citizens longer than you or I want to admit. This isn't new.

Just seems traitorous to me to seek asylum in Russia given everything going on right now, and given everything that Snowden probably knows about the US.
Shes also stated several times she had nothing to do with HP's near collapse under her guidance, and that all tech companies suffered the same. Thats just not true. Many other companies grew during that same time. HP lost 50% of its value.

That is a complicated subject. Dell and IBM faced the same challenges that HP did shifting from computer companies to other lines as PCs became commodities and the Apple revolution hit. Dell nearly went bankrupt and is owned by private equity and IBM makes very little hardware now. HP made many poor purchases trying to figure out who they were going to be but Compaq (the major one under her) was the best of them due to their server leadership still today. Not that I think she did great but that has been beast to manage for quite some time. No doubt the board hated her.
Thought you were going to get into the Planned Parenthood thing - and after actually looking at what she said, I don't think she lied about that.
Ross Douthat at the NYT wrote a piece defending her on this. If you find lefties losing their minds entertaining go read it and the comments section.
@Mashburned. You really think Russia doesn't do the same thing? All countries? We've been spying on our own citizens longer than you or I want to admit. This isn't new.

Just seems traitorous to me to seek asylum in Russia given everything going on right now, and given everything that Snowden probably knows about the US.
What were his options? Come back here or stay in some other country that would have extradited him back to the US so he could go to prison?

I'm sure there are other places he would rather be.
Saying, not from the onion is so deficient in describing this:

Salon.comVerified account‏@Salon
I’m a pedophile, you’re the monsters: My week inside the vile right-wing hate machine

I absolutely cannot stand any politicians and agree that the parties are messed up. However, the insanity and the radicals in charge on the left is so outrageous and mind-blowing that I believe the majority of them belong in a mental institution and they're modern day proof of brainwashing.

Everyone acted like it was so preposterous that the left would start advocating garbage like this and we are already seeing it.
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Ross Douthat at the NYT wrote a piece defending her on this. If you find lefties losing their minds entertaining go read it and the comments section.
yep - coincidentally, that is the only piece I've bothered to read on the whole mess. It's just one of those topics where there's entrenched sides, no real conversation, a lot of obfuscation and some outright lying in the name of The Cause. Fatigues me. So all I know is what I read in that column.

Too many goats and young boys to rape first to worry about working mines.

Classic microaggression and white paternalism.
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@Mashburned. You really think Russia doesn't do the same thing? All countries? We've been spying on our own citizens longer than you or I want to admit. This isn't new.

Just seems traitorous to me to seek asylum in Russia given everything going on right now, and given everything that Snowden probably knows about the US.

No, they do it better than we do. We're playing catch up. We are following in the footsteps of Europe. In every way. This country ain't special, or better than other F'd up countries, it's just younger. We ain't been through shit yet. We are so blessed, but we will throw it all away in the name of greed. Watch.

What do you mean? Do you not understand Edward brought his concerns to the NSA? He was a concerned citizen uncomfortable with the spying practices. He gave our government an opportunity to do the right thing. Next, he ran for his life. He feared deeply for the life of his family in The States. We can assume the NSA was not willing to address his concerns.


Forget all that other junk I said and focus on that. If you don't believe the NSA is a traitor then we cannot discuss this issue. I got nothin. And that's fine. The majority of people see no problem with government collecting private data. I disagree with that.

Freedom, man. Gone. Poof.

Just think how all that data effects the political world. I can't imagine. It's hard enough finding people that want to be politicians.
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From what I recall, the loss in value on her watch largely comes from one thing, the Compaq acquisition (again, may be wrong, that's memory)

An acquisition which she oversaw.

The MSM has been pretty soft on her so far. Im not sure why, but they have. If she gets more popular, then itll increase.

That is a complicated subject. Dell and IBM faced the same challenges that HP did shifting from computer companies to other lines as PCs became commodities and the Apple revolution hit. Dell nearly went bankrupt and is owned by private equity and IBM makes very little hardware now. HP made many poor purchases trying to figure out who they were going to be but Compaq (the major one under her) was the best of them due to their server leadership still today. Not that I think she did great but that has been beast to manage for quite some time. No doubt the board hated her.

Sure it was tough. But she was captain of a ship she sunk. Then she says repeatedly that all tech companies were losing money, when that just wasnt the case. Other companies made money. And I think her successor came in and made money for HP.

I can live with someone making mistakes, taking a loss, etc. But I cant live with someone lying about it or making excuses. Sometimes a person just swings and misses. She should own up to it.

She shouldve said "it was hard for tech companies to make money at that time", and that wouldve been perfectly fine.
Yes, she should say "hardware or PC" companies not tech...for sure.

At least she isn't playing the "male dominated board couldn't handle a woman CEO" card. I find the thought of someone actually versed in technology kind of interesting as a candidate. She has not laid out any vision of how her experience there could be put to use though.
Cybersecurity, tech in schools, fed govt IT failures, etc could be a good avenue.

HRC was emailing senior aides to get help finding NPR in Long Island.

Which reminds me of the favorite ironic email of hers so far...asking people what fubar meant.
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I can live with someone making mistakes, taking a loss, etc. But I cant live with someone lying about it or making excuses. Sometimes a person just swings and misses. She should own up to it.

This is true - obvious, even - in principle. The reality is she's in an environment where it's not really possible. Too easily thrown back in her face, henceforth every story would begin, "Carly Fiorina, who by her own admission single handedly ran HP into the ground, thinks she can run a country...."

This is similar to coaches when looking at other jobs. Take Nick Saban when he was with the Dolphins, as an example. He said repeatedly and emphatically "I will not be the coach at Alabama." Of course, he was lying. And for a long time after that he paid the price in the way he was covered by the media and criticized by all. I say - what real choice did he have? He either denies it, and we saw how that worked out. Or he tells the truth, and one or both of the following happens: a) he loses the locker room in Miami, as that team immediately turns on him (and he likely gets fired anyway), and b) Alabama pulls the offer they'd made or considered making.

Note all of that is true while he's talking to them but has yet to come to terms. if he's already agreed and they have a deal, the honorable thing is to announce that and walk away from the Dolphins (but even that would have been met with much ridicule - see Petrino and the Falcons).

I'm one of those right wing knuckledraggers that lamentst the loss/de-emphasis of Judeo-Christian ethics in this country....but in those 2 situations, not sure how either is supposed to be completely candid....
Yes, she should say "hardware or PC" companies not tech...for sure.

At least she isn't playing the "male dominated board couldn't handle a woman CEO" card. I find the thought of someone actually versed in technology kind of interesting as a candidate. She has not laid out any vision of how her experience there could be put to use though.
Cybersecurity, tech in schools, fed govt IT failures, etc could be a good avenue.

HRC was emailing senior aides to get help finding NPR in Long Island.

Which reminds me of the favorite ironic email of hers so far...asking people what fubar meant.

Right. She has some redeemable qualities. Just for me personally, dishonesty is tough to overcome.

Like you noted, she really isnt running on any platform other than her real world business experience. When that experience was a failure at more than one stop - what kind of platform is that?

She does sound great in interviews and debates though.
This is true - obvious, even - in principle. The reality is she's in an environment where it's not really possible. Too easily thrown back in her face, henceforth every story would begin, "Carly Fiorina, who by her own admission single handedly ran HP into the ground, thinks she can run a country...."

This is similar to coaches when looking at other jobs. Take Nick Saban when he was with the Dolphins, as an example. He said repeatedly and emphatically "I will not be the coach at Alabama." Of course, he was lying. And for a long time after that he paid the price in the way he was covered by the media and criticized by all. I say - what real choice did he have? He either denies it, and we saw how that worked out. Or he tells the truth, and one or both of the following happens: a) he loses the locker room in Miami, as that team immediately turns on him (and he likely gets fired anyway), and b) Alabama pulls the offer they'd made or considered making.

Note all of that is true while he's talking to them but has yet to come to terms. if he's already agreed and they have a deal, the honorable thing is to announce that and walk away from the Dolphins (but even that would have been met with much ridicule - see Petrino and the Falcons).

I'm one of those right wing knuckledraggers that lamentst the loss/de-emphasis of Judeo-Christian ethics in this country....but in those 2 situations, not sure how either is supposed to be completely candid....

But she doesnt have to run for office. If you run for office, your failures and successes are both fair game. Ive always found if someone is honest about their negatives, its much easier on them. Instead, shes running as a successful business leader, when she really wasnt successful.

If shed admit she failed, admit she learned from it, and say shes better now - then i think that would resonate better with me. Of course the rest of the electorate may disagree; I dont know.
But she doesnt have to run for office. If you run for office, your failures and successes are both fair game. Ive always found if someone is honest about their negatives, its much easier on them. Instead, shes running as a successful business leader, when she really wasnt successful.

If shed admit she failed, admit she learned from it, and say shes better now - then i think that would resonate better with me. Of course the rest of the electorate may disagree; I dont know.
Bold for emphasis.