How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I'm turning into the guy on the right and you clowns arguing about the criminality of child prostitution are the guy in the middle. Losing my mind reading through this. [roll]

It's apparent mime is mentally handicapped.

I'll stop if everyone else does.

Right, you'll stop [laughing] You've showed such admiral constraint during this entire discussion.

If everyone else stops then we have no choice to but to summarize your position that child prostitution is decriminalized and thus legal in the state of CA. Minors offering sex, which they actually can't legally offer, for money will continue without lawful intervention.

Feel proud, you totally nailed this one, bruv.
Why do libs still bring up the KKK? Those democrat racists haven't been relevant in like 4 decades or so.
The whole California child prostitution thing has kind of shit the thread for the night. It's kind of become that dead horse having the hell beat of it at this point.
From the child's perspective wouldn't that be the case? Couldn't a child proposition an adult and offer sex for money without any legal consequences? Let's assume the adult refuses the offer. Before, that was still a criminal act on the part of the child making the proposition. From the child's perspective, prostitution has been decriminalized.

Nope, from the child's perspective, they are turned over to child protection services. And their rebuffed requests are still not legal.

If a child offers to have sex with you, and you don't, will they be charged with a criminal activity?
Why do libs still bring up the KKK? Those democrat racists haven't been relevant in like 4 decades or so.
The Ku Klux Klan says it will hold a Trump victory parade in North Carolina

The Loyal White Knights of Pelham, N.C., says on its website that its parade will take place on Dec. 3.

"TRUMP = TRUMP'S RACE UNITED MY PEOPLE," says the website's front page.

But "the Klan" is a general term for organizations that support an idea that the white race is superior to others, of which they are tens of thousands of members in the US, including, but not limited to, organizations like the American Freedom Party, EURO, National Alliance, Aryan Brotherhood, The Order, Phineus Priesthood, White Aryan Resistance, and Volksfront.

But I see where you're coming from. White people can't be racist because the KKK hasn't been "relevant" since the 80's, and you all have a black friend.
The Ku Klux Klan says it will hold a Trump victory parade in North Carolina

The Loyal White Knights of Pelham, N.C., says on its website that its parade will take place on Dec. 3.

"TRUMP = TRUMP'S RACE UNITED MY PEOPLE," says the website's front page.

But "the Klan" is a general term for organizations that support an idea that the white race is superior to others, of which they are tens of thousands of members in the US, including, but not limited to, organizations like the American Freedom Party, EURO, National Alliance, Aryan Brotherhood, The Order, Phineus Priesthood, White Aryan Resistance, and Volksfront.

But I see where you're coming from. White people can't be racist because the KKK hasn't been "relevant" since the 80's, and you all have a black friend.

Nobody takes the Klan serious... on the other hand, you guys are in bed with the wackos on the left.
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The Ku Klux Klan says it will hold a Trump victory parade in North Carolina

The Loyal White Knights of Pelham, N.C., says on its website that its parade will take place on Dec. 3.

"TRUMP = TRUMP'S RACE UNITED MY PEOPLE," says the website's front page.

But "the Klan" is a general term for organizations that support an idea that the white race is superior to others, of which they are tens of thousands of members in the US, including, but not limited to, organizations like the American Freedom Party, EURO, National Alliance, Aryan Brotherhood, The Order, Phineus Priesthood, White Aryan Resistance, and Volksfront.

But I see where you're coming from. White people can't be racist because the KKK hasn't been "relevant" since the 80's, and you all have a black friend.
What can you do? Fringe groups have the right to take a side. BLM and SJW and every other notable loon has hitched its wagon to the left. Most fringe groups are dreadful but have the right to vote and think for themselves right?

I'm sure they won't destroy the town in the process unless provoked though.
Didn't the liberal Gods Dawrin and Marx think the darker the race, the closer to the animal kingdom? How f'in racist is that? And you want our kids to study their work all the way through.


And Spicer isn't close to a white nationalist [laughing]

You mean supremacist?

I'm done with mime. Dude needs help.

You never started with me. No, Spencer is a white supremacist and white nationalist, in which he advocates for white nation state and the expulsion of, what he describes as, inferior cultures.

Yep, Darwin and Marx had some racist tendencies. The left doesn't promote said beliefs, rather focuses on their ideology that may advance society through equal opportunity, as well as the appreciation of sound science in evolution.
What can you do? Fringe groups have the right to take a side. BLM and SJW and every other notable loon has hitched its wagon to the left. Most fringe groups are dreadful but have the right to vote and think for themselves right?

I'm sure they won't destroy the town in the process unless provoked though.

What is SJW? And how is BLM a fringe group comparable to the offshoots of the Klan that promote racial inequality through white supremacy?
I'm on Mime's side. There is literally no way you can envision a scenario where this new law will have unintended consequences. It will be positive to the exclusion of any other possible outcome. Several states have an age of consent as young as 16, but California girls are not able to make a decision on their own to have sex at such a young age. You guys just don't understand Cali like me and Mime do.

Tell that to the peeps that believe child prostitution to be decriminalized, and thus legal for minors, in CA.
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I think all men are created equal myself.

If there was a poll, similar to the basketball/football polls, for races I'd imagine the caucasians would receive a lot of first place votes and spend a lot of time ranked first though. Not sure if that's white supremacist views or not.

The Jews would spend some time there too...that whole Gods chosen people thing.
The Ku Klux Klan says it will hold a Trump victory parade in North Carolina

The Loyal White Knights of Pelham, N.C., says on its website that its parade will take place on Dec. 3.

"TRUMP = TRUMP'S RACE UNITED MY PEOPLE," says the website's front page.

But "the Klan" is a general term for organizations that support an idea that the white race is superior to others, of which they are tens of thousands of members in the US, including, but not limited to, organizations like the American Freedom Party, EURO, National Alliance, Aryan Brotherhood, The Order, Phineus Priesthood, White Aryan Resistance, and Volksfront.

But I see where you're coming from. White people can't be racist because the KKK hasn't been "relevant" since the 80's, and you all have a black friend.
This doesn't mean they are relevant. Any group of nutjobs can hold a parade. Whens the last time the KKK was openly killing people?
So...when the f*** is Paul Ryan going to stop being useless and have Obamacare repealed? I know we are only 2 weeks in to Trump, but this should've happened already.
Dyson was on Tucker tonight talking about reperations and whites needing to take responsibility and accountability for privilege.

With as problematic as that culture is, that's like a drug addict chastising someone for eating gluten.

As I've said sine 2008, reparations is the next item on the plate for radical liberal african americans and their lobby of white liberals.

And I've always wondered, what happens when Dyson finds that he had a black relative who owned slaves? What happens when we find that Denzel Washington was related to slave pushers in Africa? What happens when Obama finds that he's related to a black slave owner in Louisiana who (some) owned between 50-80 slaves?? What happens when we find that there's a huge pool of blacks who are actually related to former white slave owners? What happens then? And I'm being serious, it's not rhetorical. What happens? I've never heard the left explain reparations clearly.
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I think all men are created equal myself.

If there was a poll, similar to the basketball/football polls, for races I'd imagine the caucasians would receive a lot of first place votes and spend a lot of time ranked first though. Not sure if that's white supremacist views or not.

The Jews would spend some time there too...that whole Gods chosen people thing.

Well, the liberals would tell you it's because of white supremacy. But I'll expand on your point for a moment.

I'm not going to get into the total truth of it, because I'd probably get banned for just stating obvious truths. That's what PC culture has done. The left moved the debate so far left of center than we must start the conversation -4 on the political number line (thanks media).

I'll just say this, the data supports "the family" being the number one indicator of success and failure, something the left will not admit (even though white liberals know it's true), and some races have been better at putting children first, thus the cycle of success moves on and on, and on. Success and poverty are both cycles. It's up to each generation to end the cycle, no matter circumstances. Not everyone will have the same shot, same opportunity, same chances. And it's not your right to be guaranteed anything. This is a free society, you take your hand and play it.

To your point, in general, yes, caucasians have been very successful, as have Asian Americans, the jews etc. All have sturdy foundations and pillars provided by a strong family and upbringing. It's not about race or oppression, or something even dumber like supremacy, it's about family structure and situation. Most whites in poverty are broken homes as well.

Condoleeza Rice grew up during segregation in Birmingham Alabama. Her parents would barricade the door during the dangerous moments and guard the door so she could study her schoolwork, laugnages, and Piano and no one could get in. One mom, one dad, taking their pitiful hand and making a future AA SECRETARY OF STATE out of it. Think they'd laugh at how easy they could make it work today?

It's family that makes 90% of successful people. I never realized that until I worked in a terrible school system and saw the ones that didn't have the family I did. And it just pisses me off when these kids are told they are failing because of "white boogieman" that doesn't exist. White supremacy is pure bullshit, and this kind of crap is why the liberals "helping" certain communities has been an absolute disaster.
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CNN with more fake news. However I love this quote from former Australian prime minister Rudd:

"His style of diplomacy is very different from his recent predecessors," former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd told CNN International's Hala Gorani Thursday. "He is much more in your face. I suppose the diplomacy of the rest of us is kind of going to have to get used to that."

Yea, you're going to have to get used to a president who doesn't Bend over and take it up the ***. Boo F'n hoo. The world is on notice, as you've been told.

**fake news CNN link**
The incident allegedly occured on Riverside. The neighborhood is located out south. I wonder if a police report exists?

It's a matter of time before someone pulls out a gun and starts shooting. I think it's going to take a bunch of violent protesters being gunned down before they realize how dangerous this is becoming. Hope it can end peaceful on all sides.
I know some of you don't like Oreilly, but I love his talking points at the beginning of the show. Best and most thought out segment of any news show imo. I might start posting them for easy viewing.

Here's February 1st segment aimed at Pelosi and the liberal obstruction.

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The Ku Klux Klan says it will hold a Trump victory parade in North Carolina

The Loyal White Knights of Pelham, N.C., says on its website that its parade will take place on Dec. 3.

"TRUMP = TRUMP'S RACE UNITED MY PEOPLE," says the website's front page.

But "the Klan" is a general term for organizations that support an idea that the white race is superior to others, of which they are tens of thousands of members in the US, including, but not limited to, organizations like the American Freedom Party, EURO, National Alliance, Aryan Brotherhood, The Order, Phineus Priesthood, White Aryan Resistance, and Volksfront.

But I see where you're coming from. White people can't be racist because the KKK hasn't been "relevant" since the 80's, and you all have a black friend.

The klan isn't relevant, hell it wasn't relevant in the 80's either. That "parade" was no more than a handful of dipshits looking for a attention. I haven't read the article, but I guarantee that community either ran them out of town, or ignored them. Thats the difference between the ACTUAL terrorism going on right now coming from the left, and the irrelevant KKK.
The left loons have full support from the media and politicians, they are being legitimized. The KKK has no outside support, no one but the left even pays them any attention or gives them creedence.
As I've said sine 2008, reparations is the next item on the plate for radical liberal african americans and their lobby of white liberals.

And I've always wondered, what happens when Dyson finds that he had a black relative who owned slaves? What happens when we find that Denzel Washington was related to slave pushers in Africa? What happens when Obama finds that he's related to a black slave owner in Louisiana who (some) owned between 50-80 slaves?? What happens when we find that there's a huge pool of blacks who are actually related to former white slave owners? What happens then? And I'm being serious, it's not rhetorical. What happens? I've never heard the left explain reparations clearly.
Reparations SHOULD be paid immediately! To any AA alive today that was a slave, no brainer, what's the problem?
That's a white supremacist. Superior to other races/ethnicities. Has absolutely nothing to do with nationalism. Superior to other countries.

You're purposely conflating the two, trying to turn it into a racist thing. It's doesn't work. A black person who is a die hard, patriotic American can just as easily be a nationalist.
I used to think Mime was more intelligent than this. I am beginning to wonder about the reason for the stance he has taken here. Ignorance or compliance.
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Media and Dems are doing everything they possibly can to sabatoge Trump. They are pissed and embarrassed that he has made fools of all of them and are out for blood. Unless Trump tweets it himself I do not believe anything I see from the media now.
Fake news from the left has snow balled into a second Moon. Were they not the ones who said we need to stop fake news?
I used to think Mime was more intelligent than this. I am beginning to wonder about the reason for the stance he has taken here. Ignorance or compliance.

Me too. Not sure what's going on with him. Hope he hasn't started using meth or delved into deep psychosis. But something is going on for sure.
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Well, the liberals would tell you it's because of white supremacy. But I'll expand on your point for a moment.

I'm not going to get into the total truth of it, because I'd probably get banned for just stating obvious truths. That's what PC culture has done. The left moved the debate so far left of center than we must start the conversation -4 on the political number line (thanks media).

I'll just say this, the data supports "the family" being the number one indicator of success and failure, something the left will not admit (even though white liberals know it's true), and some races have been better at putting children first, thus the cycle of success moves on and on, and on. Success and poverty are both cycles. It's up to each generation to end the cycle, no matter circumstances. Not everyone will have the same shot, same opportunity, same chances. And it's not your right to be guaranteed anything. This is a free society, you take your hand and play it.

To your point, in general, yes, caucasians have been very successful, as have Asian Americans, the jews etc. All have sturdy foundations and pillars provided by a strong family and upbringing. It's not about race or oppression, or something even dumber like supremacy, it's about family structure and situation. Most whites in poverty are broken homes as well.

Condoleeza Rice grew up during segregation in Birmingham Alabama. Her parents would barricade the door during the dangerous moments and guard the door so she could study her schoolwork, laugnages, and Piano and no one could get in. One mom, one dad, taking their pitiful hand and making a future AA SECRETARY OF STATE out of it. Think they'd laugh at how easy they could make it work today?

It's family that makes 90% of successful people. I never realized that until I worked in a terrible school system and saw the ones that didn't have the family I did. And it just pisses me off when these kids are told they are failing because of "white boogieman" that doesn't exist. White supremacy is pure bullshit, and this kind of crap is why the liberals "helping" certain communities has been an absolute disaster.


When you talk crazy like this and totally ignore that white people are more F'd up and play a larger role in f'ng up this country they own, it's straight racism. Come to my town. White people are F'd. You live in KY? How could you even speak on black problems?

Tired of hearing mf'ers only talk about color and claim they ain't racist. Color is all they see apparently. Again, we live in fn KY. I am way more concerned with the dodgy-eyed meth head. How do the white people get it together? Stop having welfare babies, get off drugs, etc?