How will they rule ??!

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This is cool. Coach Cal and Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts watched Trump's speech introducing the new Supreme Court pick to succeed Scalia. Afterward, Justice Roberts also saw the nail-biter against the Dawgs.

The coach meets the chief: John Calipari, John Roberts watched Trump's speech together.

I am no Roberts fan anymore, but that is cool.

Roberts scares me as a conservative supreme court judge. I'd like to sway it 6-3 if @death would get going on RBG
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Question for the board: In your lifetime who are the top five most discriminated groups you have encountered?

Mine are as follows:

1) The mentality ill
2) Gay People
3) People with speech impediments
4) People with physical disabilities
5) Immigrants
Question for the board: In your lifetime who are the top five most discriminated groups you have encountered?

Mine are as follows:

1) The mentality ill
2) Gay People
3) People with speech impediments
4) People with physical disabilities
5) Immigrants

Mainly the elderly. It's disgusting the way we treat our elders.

Other than that, I see more human nature going on than discrimination.
Another college campus protest turned violent at NYU last night because McInnes was there to speak. NYPD wasn't playing around, though. Came with 4 vans loads full and shut it down quick before it had a chance to get out of hand. Threatened to lock any and everyone up who broke law in any way. Double digit arrests.
Yeah but Mcinnes got pepper sprayed on stage. That's total bs and that person needs to do serious jail time!
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I used to think Mime was more intelligent than this. I am beginning to wonder about the reason for the stance he has taken here. Ignorance or compliance.

I, for one, am glad Mime is out in the open. She has exposed herself and the libs for what they really are.

Get them out of the shadows: shine the light on them and let the American public vote accordingly.
Question for the board: In your lifetime who are the top five most discriminated groups you have encountered?

Mine are as follows:

1) The mentality ill
2) Gay People
3) People with speech impediments
4) People with physical disabilities
5) Immigrants

I'd put the military in that list somewhere... but solely from the left.

Every single righty I know has a deep respect for the military, even if they didn't serve.

I'm old enough to remember Nam vets being referred to as "baby killers" from lefties.
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Question for the board: In your lifetime who are the top five most discriminated groups you have encountered?

Mine are as follows:

1) The mentality ill
2) Gay People
3) People with speech impediments
4) People with physical disabilities
5) Immigrants
I'd put the military in that list somewhere... but solely from the left.

Every single righty I know has a deep respect for the military, even if they didn't serve.

I'm old enough to remember Nam vets being referred to as "baby killers" from lefties.
baby killers . ha that's rich from a group that auctions off baby parts.
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Agreed, that freedom of speech bit should only apply to the correct people. That's where all the trouble started in this country.....rights given to anyone not right.
Also loved the moment when Tucker Carlson asked him if felt like people in Eastern Kentucky owed black privileged people like himself reparations and he acknowledged that they did.
I'm 35 years old, and originally from Eastern Kentucky. I wasn't alive when slavery was going on, took no part in it for obvious reasons. I don't now or at any time will ever give reparations to any black person! I owe them nothing and they owe me nothing.
Question for the board: In your lifetime who are the top five most discriminated groups you have encountered?

Mine are as follows:

1) The mentality ill
2) Gay People
3) People with speech impediments
4) People with physical disabilities
5) Immigrants

I'd be curious to know which groups are the most discriminated today.
Gays have historically been discriminated, but in the current environment, society as a whole appears to have accepted this group.
I'd be curious to know which groups are the most discriminated today.
Gays have historically been discriminated, but in the current environment, society as a whole appears to have accepted this group.

I would imagine that has a lot to do with your zip code. Being gay in San Francisco is probably way different than being gay in Alabama.
Big news today: Trump is rolling back Dodd-Frank via an EO.

This is a HUGE issue for the banking industry.


A big one I've wanted gone for a long time.

Barnie Frank. One of the most detestable human beings ever on the house floor. I can usually watch him talk for 20 seconds then want to take a shower and vomit.
I'm 35 years old, and originally from Eastern Kentucky. I wasn't alive when slavery was going on, took no part in it for obvious reasons. I don't now or at any time will ever give reparations to any black person! I owe them nothing and they owe me nothing.
A big one I've wanted gone for a long time.

Barnie Frank. One of the most detestable human beings ever on the house floor. I can usually watch him talk for 20 seconds then want to take a shower and vomit.
This guy, along with Chris Dodd, is probably responsible for more loss of net worth than anyone in US history.

This video should be required viewing. It really heats up at 2:30:
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Can someone explain why the EO cancelling Dodd-Frank is good? I dont know. From the brief research, it says it closes the "too big to fail" loop hole. What have been the unintended consequences? Obviously, an EO cant over turn law.
Can someone explain why the EO cancelling Dodd-Frank is good? I dont know. From the brief research, it says it closes the "too big to fail" loop hole. What have been the unintended consequences? Obviously, an EO cant over turn law.

Bottom line, banks will be able to lend money again without fear of getting into trouble for making tiny little mistakes. They were being micromanaged.
Bottom line, banks will be able to lend money again without fear of getting into trouble for making tiny little mistakes. They were being micromanaged.

Getting substantial loans from banks has been harder than sucking your own d*** since Dodd Frank. Could be turned away with good credit, collateral, and a decent job. Just made them incredibly reluctant to put it generally. And if you don't have stellar credit and a bomb job you're screwed completely.
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown (D) prohibited state agencies from cooperating with federal immigration officials Thursday, becoming the latest blue-state official to act against President Trump’s early moves against undocumented immigrants.

In a letter to Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum (D), Brown said she was “alarmed” at the steps taken by the Trump administration. Brown cited a recent incident in which Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrested undocumented immigrants in or around Portland's Multnomah County Courthouse without seeking county or court authorization.
Bottom line, banks will be able to lend money again without fear of getting into trouble for making tiny little mistakes. They were being micromanaged.
It also limits risk taking ability of the investment firms... which is their whole point of existing lol.
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If those f*cking cocksuckers don't repeal that entire law, they all need to be sent packing. Hopefully Trump uses the bully pulpit to ensure that happens.
Yeah, they are going to take action that causes 20+ million people to lose their insurance.
Here's what you can take to the bank...all of the talk and promises have been to repeal and REPLACE Obamacare. What do you want to bet that the replacement looks a whole lot like Obamacare?
Going to eliminate the pre-existing conditions mandate? not a chance
If you don't have a mandate that requires everyone seek coverage then what you will end up with is a participant pool that is entirely made up of those with pre-existing conditions. Yeah, that's going to bring rates down. smh

The selling across state lines will have little effect. The only reason that doesn't exist now is because insurance is regulated by states and every state has their own rules and regulations.
The same fundamentals that hamstring Obamacare will hamstring Trumpcare. Chief among those is that our healthcare system has priced itself out of the reach for all but the most wealthy to use.

This liberal for one is going to sit back and enjoy watching those who have criticized Obamacare from the beginning defend something that is 98% Obamacare.


Trump supporter that was knocked out by Berkeley rioters.

The guy could have a good lawsuit case against George Soros since he's the cat that's been busing in a lot of these violent protesters. In fact I don't know why someone has not tried to cabbage in on some of that action already.
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