How will they rule ??!

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Then their pimp's lawyer shows up, walks them out the station and kicks them out the car 2 blocks down the street. Or they go into "protective" services where they are sold off to the elites who run these agencies to go back into rotation.

Only thing being protected is the criminal's ability to control the assets.

This is the common sense part I was talking about.

Common F****** sense. Liberal voters don't have any, and the democrats love it.
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No wonder libertarians finally just said f*** it and joined the republicans.

I mean, Gary Johnson helped. I think he set the libertarian party back a few generations. But more so than that, here's what really did it.

Modern democrats. Even if I weren't a republican, I would be just to get as far away from that god awful party as I could. When you're a libertarian you are within an arms reach of liberals on 1/4th of the issues. When you're a modern republican you can barely see them through the Forrest.

Northern union workers reacted the same exact way.

Thanks libs for bringing all sane Americans together.
So the lifting of Russian sanctions turned out to be nothing but more fake news. Go figure. Starting to become a daily occurrence from the liberal media.

But not for the minor, right?
And since the minor doesn't face any consequences, they have zero incentive to work with police and to help them catch the child traffickers. Not all minor prostitutes in California are victims of child sex trafficking. Some are out there of their own free will making a living.
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From this point forward all leftist on this board should be referred to as alt-left. I saw a leftist tonight declare Milo a member of the alt-right and therefore, anything is fair because the alt-right are racist. Like fake news make it ours.
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From this point forward all leftist on this board should be referred to as alt-left. I saw a leftist tonight declare Milo a member of the alt-right and therefore, anything is fair because the alt-right are racist. Like fake news make it ours.

I always call them either the alt left or the treason lobby.

There's very few true alt right groups defined by the left. The left is full of them.
From this point forward all leftist on this board should be referred to as alt-left. I saw a leftist tonight declare Milo a member of the alt-right and therefore, anything is fair because the alt-right are racist. Like fake news make it ours.

Hannity calls them the alt-left. They love to label so they should have it given right back to them.
be careful. There's a liberal mod trolling this thread, I don't care what everyone says. I've been banned for saying the left would love to see trump assassinated, and a warning for having barnie frank dreaming of a man riding a hot dog in my avatar.

And there's a few liberal dipshts that act cool and tough but run to the mods like a punk when they get owned. You know who you are pussy.
Take with a grain of salt but would be cool.


Also saw this on reddit.


This is also a pic of the cops and SWAT not doing anything while the rioters were going nuts and assaulting people.

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I'm serious. I know Mime is reading this, what has he said that makes him a white supremacist?

Seems awfully irresponsible to try to ruin someone's life by branding him that without evidence...

Not sure why I'm getting called into this. Don't like Pelosi. Had the pleasure of voting against Pelosi.

Is she said Brennan is publicly cheered and idolized by white supremacists (Duke, Spencer, and Higbie, to name a few) due to his nationalistic ideology and propagandic trolling propensities that's so popular with white racists, id agree with her.

My guess is that, until he disavowes the vocal support of white supremacists, he'll be viewed as a figure head of said group.
So Pelosi called Steve Bannon a "white supremacist" twice today publicly.....what has this guy said that makes him a white supremacist?

Am I missing something?
Why wouldn't Nancy Pelosi be considered the poster twat for white supremacy?
My guess is that, until he disavowes the vocal support of white supremacists, he'll be viewed as a figure head of said group.
So would it be okay for prominent Republicans to openly and aggressively call Democrats such as Schumer, Pelosi, Sanders, Obama, Hillary, et al., black supremacists, and view them as figure heads of said group until they disavow black lives matter?
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In "sanctuary" fight, Abbott cuts off funding to Travis County

Gov. Greg Abbott has followed through on his threat to cut off state funding for Travis County over its new "sanctuary" policy.

"The move appears to target about $1.5 million Travis County was due to receive this year from the criminal justice division of the governor’s office.
"The Governor is willing to sacrifice veterans, women and children to garner political points," state Rep. Eddie Rodriguez, D-Austin, said in a statement Wednesday. "Governor Abbott must be held accountable for playing politics with the lives of the most vulnerable in our communities.""

It's the Governor's fault for following the law, the Sheriff is not culpable. Democrat reasoning.
From the Mime-is-Money dictionary I found online:

Decriminalize: verb: meaning to do away with all criminal laws applying to all actors who can be a party to an act.

Child prostitution isn't decriminalized in California because adults can still be charged with crimes; even though no one is actually talking about the adults and I'm a dumb stubborn jackass.

Hey, more name calling. Ya mad bruv!

How can no one be talking about the adults in child prostituon? A kid standing on the corner isn't child prostition. When a person offers payment to a minor for sexual favors, it's child prostitution that's punishable by law. The minor in this instance is taken into child protection services while criminal charges are filed against the perpetrators.

Hey everyone, my name's Bill Cosby, and child molestation and child pornagraphy is actually decriminalized and legal in our country because the child doesn't face charges! Zing!

Seriously, that's the basis of your argument.
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"The Governor is willing to sacrifice veterans, women and children to garner political points," state Rep. Eddie Rodriguez, D-Austin, said in a statement Wednesday. "Governor Abbott must be held accountable for playing politics with the lives of the most vulnerable in our communities.""

It's the Governor's fault for following the law, the Sheriff is not culpable. Democrat reasoning.
As always, playing the victim. They ignore the unlawful actions of themselves and attack the reactions/consequences of the law.
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Will not be watching because I know it's coming. Toying with the idea of not watching the Super Bowl considering I haven't watched a single NFL game all year and they went so left.
I kind of want the Patriots to win just to piss off the SJWs who hate Brady and Belichick for supporting Trump.

And I hate the Patriots. But I hate SJWs more.
But what about the underage prostitutes who aren't victims? The ones who are out there of their own free will under the direction of their pimps?

Now the police are handcuffed and have zero means of consequences in order to get them to cooperate, and snitch on their pimp. Makes catching the adults running some of these child prostitution rings that much difficult.
That's how the opponent is horribly misreading the bill. The actual SB 1322 says that criminal charges will not be brought against the minors. Protection offers will place these minors in civil protective custody.

Child prostitution is not legal. The child will be place in protective custody but will not be treated as criminals, similar to victims of child pornography.

Thought this would be easy for y'all to understand.

If you can't see how this bill does more to INCREASE underage prostitution then I don't know what to tell you.