How will they rule ??!

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I used to think Mime was more intelligent than this. I am beginning to wonder about the reason for the stance he has taken here. Ignorance or compliance.

A common theme with the liberals throughout the thread. They start strong, post around 40 charts a day, link to unknown "intellectual" think tank sites, use super big words etc. Then as time goes on, it gets less and less until you figure out you've been talking to some 23 year old dipish with google, a dictionary, and too much time on their hands. They end up burning out on all of the research and become themselves.
Bratty rich kids are Antifa


When you talk crazy like this and totally ignore that white people are more F'd up and play a larger role in f'ng up this country they own, it's straight racism. Come to my town. White people are F'd. You live in KY? How could you even speak on black problems?

Tired of hearing mf'ers only talk about color and claim they ain't racist. Color is all they see apparently. Again, we live in fn KY. I am way more concerned with the dodgy-eyed meth head. How do the white people get it together? Stop having welfare babies, get off drugs, etc?

As I said, it's not a color issue, it's a cycle of the product. Different races have different median incomes and different percentages of poverty. I'd say asians are kicking everyone's ass, and the correlation to family structure is enormous.

You need to take a look around.

Stick with Asians. I'll agree with that. They generally seem to have great respect....but there are like 10 Asians in my town. I don't have a clue. All I know is my town is shit because of poors. And most of those poors happen to be white.
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You need to take a look around.

Stick with Asians. I'll agree with that. They generally seem to have great respect....but there are like 10 Asians in my town. I don't have a clue. All I know is my town is shit because of poors. And most of those poors happen to be white.

Well I was using general terms based on statistical data. I wasn't looking into each small town case by case and checking off white / black / Asian / jew / Latino / ............

Every group has its issues, and whites have a huge drug issue and family structure problems. Traditional values have gone down the toilet, and it's effecting all people. But I was responding to Kyboy about his question on Caucasian success and white supremacy. Expanding on his thought and speaking more toward the causes of success and failure in our communities.
First jobs report of the year coming around 8:30. It's expected to be at least 175k for the month of January, up 20k from December.

The man tweets at 5am. I bet he's up 4 hours before Obama on average. Probably goes to sleep 4 hours later too.
The difference is the Republicans haven't condoned their message, invited them to the White House, or had them speak at the convention.

Just a minor difference.
Yeah it is a lazy but convenient mindset from the liberal bubble. Easier to flippantly accuse 10s of millions of people of being racist than question their own team's gross embrace of divisive and dishonest idiocy. Michael Brown's mom being an active pawn of the DNC is a great example of the stuff that has turned off white moderate America. They lost the freaking rust belt, not rural America, causing them the election and they still can't/won't get it. Being liberal means every liberal on the planet is perfect in your eyes.
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Well there are no African Americans alive today that were slaves. So I guess that settles that, no problem at all.

Dotson argued we had an inherited privilege and blacks have an inherited grievance and mentioned something about a system of documentation proving your claim to reparations but if I remember correctly, if you're white and your ancestors weren't over here during slavery, you still still owed because you benefitted from the system.
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Dotson argued we had an inherited privilege and blacks have an inherited grievance and mentioned something about a system of documentation proving your claim to reparations but if I remember correctly, if you're white and your ancests weren't over here during slavery, you still still owed because you benefitted from the system.

The left and grievance industry will find a way, rest assured.
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I have no doubt Trump is having people leak false information that he can easily prove to be false just to see if the media will run with a negative story without double checking sources.
Abbott isn't finished. This dude means business. Yesterday he withheld funds, today his SB4 bill advances. The bill would require local law enforcement and universities to comply with U.S. Immigration and ICE or lose state grants and possibly face criminal charges.

"We have a clear message to our law enforcement officers, obey the rule of law, respect the detainers or else there are dire consequences"

And they can't use the worn out, lame excuse that enforcing detainers stops innocent illegals from stepping up and reporting crime. Abbott is one step ahead of them.

The bill does exempt witnesses and victims of crime from being held on ICE detainers.
Bumped...... Just to make sure that this reply isn't ignored.
I know what the retort is going to be. Have seen it play out dozens of times.

Even though they're at a BLM protest, marching among other BLM members, chanting "black lives matter" with the rest of them, there's no proof that the violent ones are actually associated with BLM.

Same argument they use for Islamic terrorists. Never mind that a Muslim has a social media history full of Isis propaganda, then blows ups, guns down, runs over, slices up people while screaming "alluha akbar", there's no proof that they're actually associated with Islamic terror.
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The left doesn't promote said beliefs, rather focuses on their ideology

Just read that out loud and tell me it makes any sense.

CNN with more fake news. However I love this quote from former Australian prime minister Rudd:

"His style of diplomacy is very different from his recent predecessors," former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd told CNN International's Hala Gorani Thursday. "He is much more in your face. I suppose the diplomacy of the rest of us is kind of going to have to get used to that."

Yea, you're going to have to get used to a president who doesn't Bend over and take it up the ***. Boo F'n hoo. The world is on notice, as you've been told.

**fake news CNN link**

About time.

I loved it when trump said the leader of every nation should be able to pursue what's in the best interest of their nation. Incredible what we've been stuck with the past 24 years or so.
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Dotson argued we had an inherited privilege and blacks have an inherited grievance and mentioned something about a system of documentation proving your claim to reparations but if I remember correctly, if you're white and your ancestors weren't over here during slavery, you still still owed because you benefitted from the system.
Slavery is a terrible blemish on our country's history no doubt, but today's AA is arguably much better off than people actually living in Africa.
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Another college campus protest turned violent at NYU last night because McInnes was there to speak. NYPD wasn't playing around, though. Came with 4 vans loads full and shut it down quick before it had a chance to get out of hand. Threatened to lock any and everyone up who broke law in any way. Double digit arrests.
Would love to hear Fuzz's thoughts on the people hiring these protestors. Should they be punished?

I kid. I don't really want to hear Fuzz's thoughts on anything, and I certainly don't feel like playing 20 questions.

LEK, Z & Fuzz bring nothing to the discussion table. It's more like a debate game to them where they get off on getting people upset.
Nope, from the child's perspective, they are turned over to child protection services. And their rebuffed requests are still not legal.

If a child offers to have sex with you, and you don't, will they be charged with a criminal activity?
My understanding was that prior to this bill a child offering sex for money would indeed be charged with criminal activity, but after this bill they will not.
LEK is actually a reasonable lefty-leaner. Or he has turned into one recently (the reasonable part).

Z provides some entertainment value. He does have very good creative writing skills. When he's on his meds, he does have the ability to make an OK post.

Fuzz's impossible to read. They're 10 paragraphs long and filled with questions. But you can't respond or answer the questions because they jump around to so many topics, and you aren't sure if they're intended to be rhetorical or not most of the time.

Edit: None of the above applies for LEK and Z if we start talking man made global warming.
Also loved the moment when Tucker Carlson asked him if felt like people in Eastern Kentucky owed black privileged people like himself reparations and he acknowledged that they did.

Poor people, some without running water, who have never owned slaves and never had slavery in their family background, owe him reparations. A smug, educated, elitist, rich guy that works and lives in NY half of the year is owed compensation by poor, defenseless, impoverished people because?

Someone owned someone 200 years ago that had nothing to do with him or them.

Liberal. logic. keeps. rolling. on