How will they rule ??!

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Hey, more name calling. Ya mad bruv!

How can no one be talking about the adults in child prostituon? A kid standing on the corner isn't child prostition. When a person offers payment to a minor for sexual favors, it's child prostitution that's punishable by law. The minor in this instance is taken into child protection services while criminal charges are filed against the perpetrators .
new law says the minor is taken into child protection, and not being charged. Before the new law, the child prostitute was arrested and charged as an adult or sent to juvie hall.

Why are you making this so difficult?
In "sanctuary" fight, Abbott cuts off funding to Travis County

Gov. Greg Abbott has followed through on his threat to cut off state funding for Travis County over its new "sanctuary" policy.

The move appears to target about $1.5 million Travis County was due to receive this year from the criminal justice division of the governor’s office.
He just appeared on O'Reilly. Yep, cutting funding. On local news, they will shift missing funds. Sally Hernandez is a GD loose cannon.
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"The Governor is willing to sacrifice veterans, women and children to garner political points," state Rep. Eddie Rodriguez, D-Austin, said in a statement Wednesday. "Governor Abbott must be held accountable for playing politics with the lives of the most vulnerable in our communities.""

It's the Governor's fault for following the law, the Sheriff is not culpable. Democrat reasoning.
Sally, our Sheriff (ha ha) is a bought and paid-for shill. True story.
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Hey everyone, my name's Bill Cosby, and child molestation and child pornagraphy is actually decriminalized and legal in our country because the child doesn't face charges! Zing!

Seriously, that's the basis of your argument.

No it was a criminal act for a child to sell his or her body. Now it's not a criminal act for a child to sell his or her body. It was decriminalized you dense rube.

How are you not understanding that?

Really, it's probably the simplest thing that's ever been said on cat paw. Yet, when trying to explain the basis of my argument, you show you lack the ability to understand basic concepts.

I don't think I can put it in simpler terms. If you can't understand it at this point, I really hope you have a caretaker or guardian who is watching out for you.
So would it be okay for prominent Republicans to openly and aggressively call Democrats such as Schumer, Pelosi, Sanders, Obama, Hillary, et al., black supremacists, and view them as figure heads of said group until they disavow black lives matter?

Your comparing a movement that aims to address the institutionalized overuse of force in our police force with white supremacist groups that believe black people are inferior to whites, should be legally discriminated against, or should leave the country? OK.

BLM isnt putting one race over another, rather voicing their displeasure with law enforcement treating them unfairly.

But sure, you can associate those pols with BLM. I mean, they already are, and white conservative men will never vote for them anyway.
Your comparing a movement that aims to address the institutionalized overuse of force in our police force with white supremacist groups that believe black people are inferior to whites,
Bullshit. Stopped reading after this because you are a damn fool. Those f**kers march down the streets rioting, lynching whites, screaming for dead cops, to kill whitey, to take their riots to the suburbs.

It's all on video, too. For you to say black lives matter is anything different than a black supremacy movement shows how utterly delusional you are.
No it was a criminal act for a child to sell his or her body. Now it's not a criminal act for a child to sell his or her body. It was decriminalized you dense rube.

How are you not understanding that?

Really, it's probably the simplest thing that's ever been said on cat paw. Yet, when trying to explain the basis of my argument, you show you lack the ability to understand basic concepts.

I don't think I can put it in simpler terms. If you can't understand it at this point, I really hope you have a caretaker or guardian who is watching out for you.

It's still criminal for a child to sell their body for sex. It's just covered under statutory rape laws.

The simplest part of this argument is 'Is Child Prostitution legal in CA? Has it been decriminalized? Is it legal for a child to sell their body for sex?

The answer to all of these questions is NO

Your caught up with inane semantics and isolating the victim of this activity.

You can stay up all night calling me names. Doesn't help the fact that you're attacking my position on the basis that a) the child is the only individual involved in child prostitution and 2) there are no criminal charges associated with child prostitution.

Good luck when you get to CA and try to take advantage of this new found loophole from the " decriminalization" of child prostition.
I mean, Gary Johnson helped. I think he set the libertarian party back a few generations.

I knew I was done with them when they vowed to not bring up hillarys emails.

It's still criminal for a child to sell their body for sex. It's just covered under statutory rape laws.

Statutory rape has nothing to do with money changing hands. Even more, that's only a crime for the OLDER participant. Not the child. So your point still doesn't make sense.

In ca, if a child throws a rock through a window they'll take them to juvenile court. If they sell their body, nothing.

Ya, makes total sense.
Bullshit. Stopped reading after this because you are a damn fool. Those f**kers march down the streets rioting, lynching whites, screaming for dead cops, to kill whitey, to take their riots to the suburbs.

They lynched whites? Really?

They were screaming to kill whitey?

Sure there are rogue member of BLM. But read the BLM website. Now compare it to the Klans.

In the former, there is no promotion of one race over another.
Mime, You're comparing a group that has rioted, injured citizens and called for the killing of police officers to a group that simply thinks the government should put the nation and its citizens above others.
Statutory rape has nothing to do with money changing hands. Even more, that's only a crime for the OLDER participant. Not the child. So your point still doesn't make sense.

In ca, if a child throws a rock through a window they'll take them to juvenile court. If they sell their body, nothing.

Ya, makes total sense.

Ya, makes total sense.

Using your logic, the window that was broken made the kid do it?

But if I understand you correctly, you believe child prostitution to be legal in CA? A child has the ability to sell their body for profit without legal interruption?
Mime, You're comparing a group that has rioted, injured citizens and called for the killing of police officers to a group that simply thinks the government should put the nation and its citizens above others.

To what group are you referring? White nationalist groups like the KKK and Spencer's white nationalist group that believes minorities to be inferior to whites?
They lynched whites? Really?

They were screaming to kill whitey?

Sure there are rogue member of BLM. But read the BLM website. Now compare it to the Klans.

In the former, there is no promotion of one race over another.

The Klan is awful, but the Klan is no longer a viable entity. It's simply used by the media, and quite frankly people on the left as a boogeyman to justify there own awful behavior.
I say that because I'm white, and I'm more concerned with the US than the rest of the world. I think the US is an exceptional nation born of exceptional ideas that made the world a better place.
What I see now from the left is borderline treason, and the behavior of the democrats is inciting riots.
Using your logic, the window that was broken made the kid do it?

But if I understand you correctly, you believe child prostitution to be legal in CA? A child has the ability to sell their body for profit without legal interruption?

That doesn't even make sense. Statutory rape is only a crime for the adult. Not the child. So no matter how you try to spin it, you just look dumb.

I don't have to go by my beliefs. I read the law. It is not a crime for the child, even if they're a willing participant.

Twist, squirm, lie, do whatever you want. But that's what it says.
They lynched whites? Really?
Yes. Specifically sought them out. It's on video

They were screaming to kill whitey?
And, yes. Again, all on video, plain as day.

But read the BLM website.
[laughing] You made that up. I don't need to read victim propaganda. I have seen their actions with my own eyes and heard their intentions with my own ears.

The very fact that these things are new to you tells me all I need to know about your "knowledge" of black lives matter. You must have garnered it all from their website.

If hundreds of white men and women marched through the streets rioting, attacking every black in sight, screaming for dead cops, screaming kill darky, threatening to take their riots to an area where black people live, what would you call them?
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I don't care who you are or what you believe, but Joe Rogan + Alex Jones is 4 hours of amazing.
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That doesn't even make sense. Statutory rape is only a crime for the adult. Not the child. So no matter how you try to spin it, you just look dumb.

I don't have to go by my beliefs. I read the law. It is not a crime for the child, even if they're a willing participant.

Twist, squirm, lie, do whatever you want. But that's what it says.

He's gonna double down on the stubbornness.

The law decriminalized the punishment for underage prostitutes.
Hidden in all of the insanity today, crazy people caused the Uber CEO to stop advising Trump.

How does anyone think this is good? Uber CEO is a hardcore libertarian, and really smart. Don't you want smart people talking to your great orange Satan?
He's gonna double down on the stubbornness.

The law decriminalized the punishment for underage prostitutes.
Yeah, I have a feeling after seeing all the hoops he jumped through and mental gymnastics used to argue the semantics, he's going to come back and explain to me that lynch means to murder, and not realize I was using it in today's, 2017, verbiage.
Lying MSM reported Trump warned Israel to stop the israeli settlements. Not true at all. Trump is taking Ws stance on Israel and not Obamas.

The MSM lies about Trump so much, that if they released some real dirt on Trump that nobody would even believe it. True shit.
What is a "white nationalist"?

Someone who believes whites are superior to other races/ethnicities and believe their nation will benefit from such recognition, including given greater opportunity and access to power relative to other races they believe to be inferior.
Someone who believes whites are superior to other races/ethnicities and believe their nation will benefit from such recognition, including given greater opportunity and access to power relative to other races they believe to be inferior.

Then why did the media try to paint that as the reason Trump won? Do you think most white people feel that way, or is it simply a small minority of people that left is trying to use a boogeyman?
Their trying to paint all white peoples that voted Trump as white nationalists, why? Why does the left continually try to label?
Someone who believes whites are superior to other races/ethnicities and believe their nation will benefit from such recognition, including given greater opportunity and access to power relative to other races they believe to be inferior.
That's a white supremacist. Superior to other races/ethnicities. Has absolutely nothing to do with nationalism. Superior to other countries.

You're purposely conflating the two, trying to turn it into a racist thing. It's doesn't work. A black person who is a die hard, patriotic American can just as easily be a nationalist.
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Then why did the media try to paint that as the reason Trump won? Do you think most white people feel that way, or is it simply a small minority of people that left is trying to use a boogeyman?
Their trying to paint all white peoples that voted Trump as white nationalists, why? Why does the left continually try to label?

Just wanted to remind again.

Democrats have not got the majority of white people to vote for them since the 1948 election. That's why they want to import the third world and then paint every Republican as racist. It's what they do. They're terrible people.
He's gonna double down on the stubbornness.

The law decriminalized the punishment for underage prostitutes.

You're right, fellas The left and CA should totally be admonished for taking the onus of responsibility for child prostitution off the minor who can't actually consent and who is legally raped during this criminal activity, but instead trying to remove the children from the environment that fostered child molestation and place them in protective care where therapy services for sufferers of sexual abuse may be offered.

But that's not all. Becausethese minors can't be criminally charged with prostitution, they're getting off without recourse! Damn lucky leaches. And due to this "decriminalization", childten can prostitute themselves all they want ! Come on out and take advantage of this deprave loophole where underage sex workers can continue this legally, AMARITE?

That's your alls position, in a nutshell.
Media and Dems are doing everything they possibly can to sabatoge Trump. They are pissed and embarrassed that he has made fools of all of them and are out for blood. Unless Trump tweets it himself I do not believe anything I see from the media now.
To what group are you referring? White nationalist groups like the KKK and Spencer's white nationalist group that believes minorities to be inferior to whites?

Didn't the liberal Gods Dawrin and Marx think the darker the race, the closer to the animal kingdom? How f'in racist is that? And you want our kids to study their work all the way through.


And Spicer isn't close to a white nationalist [laughing]

You mean supremacist?

I'm done with mime. Dude needs help.
It's still criminal for a child to sell their body for sex. It's just covered under statutory rape laws.

The simplest part of this argument is 'Is Child Prostitution legal in CA? Has it been decriminalized? Is it legal for a child to sell their body for sex?

The answer to all of these questions is NO

Your caught up with inane semantics and isolating the victim of this activity.

You can stay up all night calling me names. Doesn't help the fact that you're attacking my position on the basis that a) the child is the only individual involved in child prostitution and 2) there are no criminal charges associated with child prostitution.

Good luck when you get to CA and try to take advantage of this new found loophole from the " decriminalization" of child prostition.

Dude what you're not getting which has been pointed out..

If YOU are a minor then YOU will not be charged for prostitution. That's what Cosby is pointing out. It's a pretty simple thing to understand.

Now, besides that. This law will do nothing BUT encourage pimps to use underage more frequently. Regardless of what you or I think, that will be the consequence. Poorly written law which is typical of the Ds
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I'm on Mime's side. There is literally no way you can envision a scenario where this new law will have unintended consequences. It will be positive to the exclusion of any other possible outcome. Several states have an age of consent as young as 16, but California girls are not able to make a decision on their own to have sex at such a young age. You guys just don't understand Cali like me and Mime do.

I also think you guys are having trouble understanding that, in Cali, the rough percentage of underage prostitutes who are being forced to have sex for money is approximately 99.367%. So really your concern is for .633% of underage prostitutes. You see, it's cool bruv.
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Dude what you're not getting which has been pointed out..

If YOU are a minor then YOU will not be charged for prostitution. That's what Cosby is pointing out. It's a pretty simple thing to understand.

Now, besides that. This law will do nothing BUT encourage pimps to use underage more frequently. Regardless of what you or I think, that will be the consequence. Poorly written law which is typical of the Ds

Lack. of. common. sense.

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The tolerant left where old leftists pepper-spray young conservative women.

Gavin McInnes, an unapologetic white male conservative, had his event shut down at NYU by more protestors. Of course, he was called Nazi and blah blah blah. I did find out though, that he was the original creator of Vice until his partner became way too SJW.

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That's a white supremacist. Superior to other races/ethnicities. Has absolutely nothing to do with nationalism. Superior to other countries.

You're purposely conflating the two, trying to turn it into a racist thing. It's doesn't work. A black person who is a die hard, patriotic American can just as easily be a nationalist.

All the left knows is how to bash whites. They're too afraid to insult anyone else because they're all on their voting blocks aka The Oppression Pyramid.
All the left knows is how to bash whites. They're too afraid to insult anyone else because they're all on their voting blocks aka The Oppression Pyramid.

And this is 100% true. They are completely afraid to look at a person of another color and be honest, on any topic. Even if it hurts the groups they claim to care about. They are the bigots in the end because deep down they are afraid of people who don't look like them.

It's where the words Soft bigot were born.
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Using your logic, the window that was broken made the kid do it?

But if I understand you correctly, you believe child prostitution to be legal in CA? A child has the ability to sell their body for profit without legal interruption?
From the child's perspective wouldn't that be the case? Couldn't a child proposition an adult and offer sex for money without any legal consequences? Let's assume the adult refuses the offer. Before, that was still a criminal act on the part of the child making the proposition. From the child's perspective, prostitution has been decriminalized.