How will they rule ??!

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The idea of them winning again is terrifying considering how insane they have become.
The country isn't stupid enough to elect this democratic party again. The reason the cult exploded was electing O'bama too soon. Should have let Hillary have it 8 years ago to set em up and let O'bama come in now to knock them down. They showed their hand and the sane people had enough time to make a good decision. 8 more years of dems and they would have had enough refugee votes to never lose another office.

Donald Trump has literally saved America.
For the record, mouthbreathers, (is that offensive? Will that offend any of your all's snowflake sensibility? You cant call a spade a spade, nor use farm animals, yet the slew of insults of others. Only reporting seems to come from the snowflake right) defending one cause is not the same as negating the opposite.

Just because I defend oranges, doesnt mean I bash apples. But some of you make the argument as such. Oh, that liberal, I cant stand his apple bashing. Not the case. Logically, it doesnt hold.

Transposition (contraposition): In a syllogism, taking the antecedent and consequent in the first premise, then “transposing” them in the second premise, and negating each term

So when I say you are arguing from emotion, you are literally arguing with emotions.
Oh, so now your bashing fruits. The gay community will attack you now.
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Another Democrat turning on Obama, starting to speak up about what's really happening in Syria. Just saw Kucinich on TV echoing Gabbard's words.
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O'Reilly is one corn dog away from being Morton Downey Jr.. Fodder for Neanderthals unable to think for themselves so they import their thoughts from carnival barkers like O'Reilly.

I believe for shows like Al Sharpton, Sean Hannity, and O'Reilly to be stomached you have to have an IQ below say 100 or so to stomach that crap. An intelligent person is not going to appreciate bulbous condescension and dime store propaganda from some snotty a-hole like all of them are.
Still tens of points higher than your IQ. You have been getting it wrong all election year long and now with what shows are better. In the voice of Jim Carrey Lahooosaher.
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Never run to the mods but I did call windy out right here in this thread based on what he was getting away with yet better posters that had been here longer got banned for less.

Just made me think he was a former mod.
No, the important thing is for you to realize you are a snowflake and your precious feelings are of no concern to me. It could be you or it could be some other whiny snowflake but in the end it doesn't matter. You're going to find something to cry about whether I insult you or not. It's always something with snowflakes like you. GMOs, sugary cereal, second hand smoke... blah blah blah.
You guys should be committed.

You guys have a bigger 'small man' complex than even Drumpf. When you have to brag to your supposed allies about how awesome you are, you are small.

This admin is going by the 1984 playbook and you all are slurping it up like the Nazi sympathizers before you. Just making yourselves look like small minded Neanderthals who can't understand the world around them.

You continue to think the US is a special 'snowflake' and can just do whatever we want and treat our allies however we want and they will unconditionally support us. Throwing 6th grade tantrums on phone calls with allies is not how you start a new relationship. Just further proof that everyone is right about Drumpf. He and his phony patriotism.

Curious how Drumpf is gonna bring back all those jobs when Americans are getting laid off left and right because of his stupidity and amateur hour behavior. Mexico supports 6 million US jobs. You can't win the War on Islam without allies. Russia is not your ally. Neither will anyone in the Middle East be once Drumpf starts targeting non-violent Muslims(already happening).

You all are the same ones who cried for 8 years about how Obama was destroying our place in the world and how the US was retreating right? How divisive he was? Bwahaha, hypocrites.
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Fake news media spreading BS that Trump wanted to send troops into Mexico.
You believe anything. Seriously...anything, as long as it's your side. Anything. Is that what Fox News told you? Newsmax? Infowars? Get some real news sources. Or maybe, just maybe...multiple news sources. I'm sure the story about the call with Australia is wrong too. Please don't talk bad about my man. But you'll believe anything about Obama or Hilary...pathetic.
You believe anything. Seriously...anything, as long as it's your side. Anything. Is that what Fox News told you? Newsmax? Infowars? Get some real news sources. Or maybe, just maybe...multiple news sources. I'm sure the story about the call with Australia is wrong too. Please don't talk bad about my man. But you'll believe anything about Obama or Hilary...pathetic.
Oh shut up. If Obama declared himself God, you'd be first in line to worship him.
Enjoy your funny tasting coffee at Starbucks

Abdur-Rahman bin Yazid said: “They said to Salman, ‘Your Prophet taught you about everything, even defecating?’ So Salman said, ‘Yes. He prohibited us from facing the Qiblah when defecating and urinating, performing Istinja with the right hand, using less than three stones for Istinja, and using dung or bones for Istinja.'” — Jami` at-Tirmidhi 16
You believe anything. Seriously...anything, as long as it's your side. Anything. Is that what Fox News told you? Newsmax? Infowars? Get some real news sources. Or maybe, just maybe...multiple news sources. I'm sure the story about the call with Australia is wrong too. Please don't talk bad about my man. But you'll believe anything about Obama or Hilary...pathetic.
So what you're saying is that you actually believe that Trump really does want to send troops into Mexico?
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You guys should be committed.

You guys have a bigger 'small man' complex than even Drumpf. When you have to brag to your supposed allies about how awesome you are, you are small.

This admin is going by the 1984 playbook and you all are slurping it up like the Nazi sympathizers before you. Just making yourselves look like small minded Neanderthals who can't understand the world around them.

You continue to think the US is a special 'snowflake' and can just do whatever we want and treat our allies however we want and they will unconditionally support us. Throwing 6th grade tantrums on phone calls with allies is not how you start a new relationship. Just further proof that everyone is right about Drumpf. He and his phony patriotism.

Curious how Drumpf is gonna bring back all those jobs when Americans are getting laid off left and right because of his stupidity and amateur hour behavior. Mexico supports 6 million US jobs. You can't win the War on Islam without allies. Russia is not your ally. Neither will anyone in the Middle East be once Drumpf starts targeting non-violent Muslims(already happening).

You all are the same ones who cried for 8 years about how Obama was destroying our place in the world and how the US was retreating right? How divisive he was? Bwahaha, hypocrites.
Will you retract your statements when the alleged conversation between Trump and Nieto turns out to be false? Because hook, line and sinker, you bought fake news.

And do you know why you believed it? Because you want it to be true, it fits into your preconceived notions of Trump.
So what you're saying is that you actually believe that Trump really does want to send troops into Mexico?
If trump really did say it (so far it looks like fake news) Trump was probably using it as a bargaining tool. I'm sure Spicer will clean it up tomorrow.
I'm going to be honest, I don't know wtf is true anymore. Trump shitting on the media is ridiculous, but to be fair during the campaign we literally saw CNN making shit up over and over again. They gave debate questions, they would make protests and rallies seem bigger or smaller depending on their narrative, and the worst offender of all IMO was "take that shit to the suburbs" lady. That one incident crushed any faith I had in the press.

But, which is more manipulative? Editing someone inciting a riot to make them sound peaceful, or shouting down that channel and not letting them ask questions ? Are we now in 1984, or have we been in 1984 since 1984?
Yup....Cal Berkeley on fire currently, which is fine by me if they burn the joint down. Even just caught a tree on fire next to the one they set.......ahhh, irony at it's finest.

Problem is the students didn't start the shit. Group called came on campus and as students showed up the idiots started damaging the building to put on a show.

Liberals can't be so stupid to see this was designed to look like more. They are being played by rich liberals.
You guys should be committed.

You guys have a bigger 'small man' complex than even Drumpf. When you have to brag to your supposed allies about how awesome you are, you are small.

This admin is going by the 1984 playbook and you all are slurping it up like the Nazi sympathizers before you. Just making yourselves look like small minded Neanderthals who can't understand the world around them.

You continue to think the US is a special 'snowflake' and can just do whatever we want and treat our allies however we want and they will unconditionally support us. Throwing 6th grade tantrums on phone calls with allies is not how you start a new relationship. Just further proof that everyone is right about Drumpf. He and his phony patriotism.

Curious how Drumpf is gonna bring back all those jobs when Americans are getting laid off left and right because of his stupidity and amateur hour behavior. Mexico supports 6 million US jobs. You can't win the War on Islam without allies. Russia is not your ally. Neither will anyone in the Middle East be once Drumpf starts targeting non-violent Muslims(already happening).

You all are the same ones who cried for 8 years about how Obama was destroying our place in the world and how the US was retreating right? How divisive he was? Bwahaha, hypocrites.

Mexico doesn't support 6 million middle class American jobs, which is what we lost in the deal with Mexico.

You need to wake up, the middle class is dying, the left is completely out of control.
The nation was tired of the lefts direction of the Government, so they put the Reps in power of all branches of government. Now the left is having a tantrum.
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Unfortunately my kind isn't welcomed. I'm not privileged enough and white enough to feel guilty about it.

Oh now you are being too serious. It's must watch, I'm addicted to it.

Everyone after the kids go to bed there is a mad dash for popcorn or sugary desert and something to drink and I don't skip a minute for at least 20-30 minutes until I can't stop laughing then I go to bed knowing slapstick is certainly alive.
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I'm so sick of "White Goodmans" that by into the narrative of white privilege or as they now call it "white supremacy". We get it, you've bought into Alinsky tactics for radicals. Your mindless drivel is becoming intolerable. Whites have given as much as possible, including allowing immigration to expand nearly 70 million since the immigration act all together. All that's left is mass Caucasian suicide. Wow. We're some weak ass white supremacist. It's not everyday Hitler accepts millions and millions of non whites into his country. Americas Nazi America must be retarded, because they're not doing this whole racist thing right.

And really, in 2008-2011 it was really cool to be that guy, the one that used to be the biggest dork in your entire university. It was so "in" to call out your own race, if you're white of course. It's becoming a fading fad however, and some just take longer than others to figure out how incredibly bland they are.

It's not hard to hold a white persons foot to the fire. The media does it, politicians do it, Hollywood does it, every university in the country does it, and the progressive W. European liberal thinkers do it. It's safe, and easy, and it's a cowards way of avoiding the elephants.

What's way more difficult, is to hold other minority groups accountable. To use data and make valid points about the issues African American communities must correct themselves before anything else needs to happen. To use logic and modern thinking to actually solve problems. But liberal politicians can't pander that way, and being "that guy" just isn't cool enough right now.

The country isn't stupid enough to elect this democratic party again. The reason the cult exploded was electing O'bama too soon. Should have let Hillary have it 8 years ago to set em up and let O'bama come in now to knock them down. They showed their hand and the sane people had enough time to make a good decision. 8 more years of dems and they would have had enough refugee votes to never lose another office.

Donald Trump has literally saved America.

I think the liberals knew their policy and ideas weren't actually sustainable positions. Their economic solutions are too close to Western Europe and socialist / communist nations. Their position on government isn't popular as a general rule of public opinion. No one really wants government in almost every aspect of life. This is largely why the Soros types wanted Liberals to move on middle eastern expansion pertaining to immigration. A third world massive population / block of undereducated people who really want entitlements and don't understand the constitution. Essentially, since they can't win, change the game. You can't change common sense Americans. You must "reupholster the culture" as I say.

I think as long as "traditional American" republicans AND democrats (although this block of decent democrats are dwindling) are the most widely accepted belief system in America and majority, we're good. But eventually immigration will change the landscape, and these progressive liberals will finally get what they've always been brainwashed into fighting for, the destruction of the most free world the globe has ever seen. Hopefully I don't have to live to see it.
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Going to spend some time on here late this evening and into tomorrow morning catching up with what's being said -

FWIW - I'm posting updates on the following topics on my blog in case you'd like to stop by --- I"ll leave the light on for you

I've also resigned my position within the aerospace industry -- need a whole new direction in life and have been burning the candle on 3 different ends for decades now (sadly my best prospects right now are a) supporting weapons development in the AZ desert or b) Supporting weapons development - albeit less deadly and less sensitive - in FL.......I'm hoping for a university position though.....damnit
(a wordpress site)

Updates include articles on the following topics (going back to about 1/22) if you're interested - will be back soon:

  • The Pope and His Feedback on the President - "Collision Imminent"
  • Dissolve NATO?
  • Unions Supporting Trump? (Uh Oh ... Did That Just Happen?)
  • Thoughts on Immigration Controls and the fallacy of a "ban" on Muslims
  • Something of an ongoing "epic" piece where I'm trying to examine two possible futures of the Trump Presidency --- one where he is what he says he is and another where it goes south....what would it look like? What would be the historical comparisons?
  • Many references for the need to have ideological honesty at this point in our history - looking back at a lot of G. Orwell statements about how language impacts thinking and how political language in particular is used to obfuscate and "make murder seem respectable"
  • A recent article on the latest BLM debacle where death threats are issued

A Lot more out there as well - will run back through again tonight to see what the prevalent thoughts / trends are on here.....I've a lot of extra time on my hands right now [winking]
Dennis Miller just made a funny suggestion about making this nation into three countries. Let Mexico have California, Washington and Oregon. Then have the northeast have their own nation and then the middle will be America.

Now UC Berkeley has shut down Milo's speech and set fires while chanting that they're against fascism. Pure irony.

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