How will they rule ??!

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Enough of this pansy ass whining. It's time to get serious about your beliefs. Let's have some self immolation. Come on progressives, set yourselves on fire!

Can we confirm that catching yourself on fire will not get you in a medical ward?

Also can anyone please confirm that doing this will not be too painful?

- Stop with the country splitting up. It will not happen. Civil war though now that would be epic.
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I'm so sick of "White Goodmans" that by into the narrative of white privilege or as they now call it "white supremacy". We get it, you've bought into Alinsky tactics for radicals. Your mindless drivel is becoming intolerable.

Wyvern -- YES: A LOT of people are fed are not alone and the #'s are clearly growing .... and sharpening their knives (metaphorically of course)

And really, in 2008-2011 it was really cool to be that guy, the one that used to be the biggest dork in your entire university. It was so "in" to call out your own race, if you're white of course. It's becoming a fading fad however, and some just take longer than others to figure out how incredibly bland they are.

Wyvern: The Hard Left (Marxists and those that they have under their Spell) -- have become THE MAN.....they don't get it yet......nice point about how the "moment" is fading
What you're describing is a ultimately a type of historical 'momentum' that the Marxists wrote about .... time is running out for them on this cycle of conflict / resolution (Hegelian dialectic.....)......that's why I'm pretty sure they are about to go (even more) violent wherever possible

What's way more difficult, is to hold other minority groups accountable.

Wyvern: they're being used as the bomb throwers and street anarchists were used by the Bolsheviks in the early 20th century -- and would be disposed of similarly as the Communists disposed of the Mensheviks, many Socialists and Anarchists once they assumed control

I think the liberals ...

Wyvern: Words have consequences and also influence and inform our thinking. Read George Orwell's essay on "politics and the english language" (found in his collection called "all art is propaganda".............we should stop using the term "liberal"

It no longer means what we need it to mean
We're dealing with Marxists -- that's quantifiable and can be explained more clearly if one takes the time

Also -- they have the responsibility to own up for an ideology that ran more concentration camps and exterminated millions more that the Nazi' is it they're allowed to see the light of day again in polite political discourse (let alone run for office)

Would we allow Neo Nazi's to take the streets like this?
Would we vote for Neo Nazi's if they promised that they'd be .... better....this time??

The Communists were never more than 7% of the population of the USSR and yet they ran a system of concentration camps that were in place 10-15 years before Hitler was ever in power......they exterminated many millions more than the Nazi's .... and those camps continued for DECADES after the whermact was long gone

Marxism teaches that Socialism is a temporary state --- that's designed to give way to Communism

Basically where I get my positions. From reading the exact information posted here. It's imaging how accurate the work is when related to the facts as we see them.
Can we confirm that catching yourself on fire will not get you in a medical ward?

Also can anyone please confirm that doing this will not be too painful?

- Stop with the country splitting up. It will not happen. Civil war though now that would be epic.

If they ever try and take my 2nd amendment and weapons, there will be another war between the people and the government in some form. And they eventually will try.

Millions and millions hold this opinion. I was at a Cleveland NRA summit and I was amazed at how many people were discussing this.
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You believe anything. Seriously...anything, as long as it's your side. Anything. Is that what Fox News told you? Newsmax? Infowars? Get some real news sources. Or maybe, just maybe...multiple news sources. I'm sure the story about the call with Australia is wrong too. Please don't talk bad about my man. But you'll believe anything about Obama or Hilary...pathetic.

Just curious.

Are MSNBC and CNN "legitimate" news sources.
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Going to spend some time on here late this evening and into tomorrow morning catching up with what's being said -

FWIW - I'm posting updates on the following topics on my blog in case you'd like to stop by --- I"ll leave the light on for you

I've also resigned my position within the aerospace industry -- need a whole new direction in life and have been burning the candle on 3 different ends for decades now (sadly my best prospects right now are a) supporting weapons development in the AZ desert or b) Supporting weapons development - albeit less deadly and less sensitive - in FL.......I'm hoping for a university position though.....damnit
(a wordpress site)

Updates include articles on the following topics (going back to about 1/22) if you're interested - will be back soon:

  • The Pope and His Feedback on the President - "Collision Imminent"
  • Dissolve NATO?
  • Unions Supporting Trump? (Uh Oh ... Did That Just Happen?)
  • Thoughts on Immigration Controls and the fallacy of a "ban" on Muslims
  • Something of an ongoing "epic" piece where I'm trying to examine two possible futures of the Trump Presidency --- one where he is what he says he is and another where it goes south....what would it look like? What would be the historical comparisons?
  • Many references for the need to have ideological honesty at this point in our history - looking back at a lot of G. Orwell statements about how language impacts thinking and how political language in particular is used to obfuscate and "make murder seem respectable"
  • A recent article on the latest BLM debacle where death threats are issued

A Lot more out there as well - will run back through again tonight to see what the prevalent thoughts / trends are on here.....I've a lot of extra time on my hands right now [winking]

Excellent. My style. Will visit.
Probably for the same reason people were calling Obama "Obummer" or "Nobama", or one of a hundred stupid nicknames meant to belittle the president. Childish, and immediately diminishes anything else you have to say, regardless of whether you are left or right.


In my defense Obama in the white house was diminishing in and of itself.
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Yeah, I am going to create a new site " moveon.arrrg! If I hear any more of this whining from these people on the left I might just go find out where this white privilege crap is and go get rich.
What does "white privilege" even mean? Are they talking about all white people or just the ones that go to school, work, have two parent homes, stay out of jail kind of white people? Are the whites that inhabit inner city slums privileged as well?

I've been so busy being responsible for myself and the decisions I've made that I'm afraid I didn't know I was supposed to be responsible for other peoples decisions as well. Or is it solely the color of my skin?
Trump should have the national guard called in to deal with these rioters. They are surrounding cars and beating people up, hitting Trump supporters with poles.

And take their GD funding away.
Trump should have the national guard called in to deal with these rioters. They are surrounding cars and beating people up, hitting Trump supporters with poles.

And take their GD funding away.
They're still going at it? Even though Milo was cancelled and has left?
What does "white privilege" even mean? Are they talking about all white people or just the ones that go to school, work, have two parent homes, stay out of jail kind of white people? Are the whites that inhabit inner city slums privileged as well?

I've been so busy being responsible for myself and the decisions I've made that I'm afraid I didn't know I was supposed to be responsible for other peoples decisions as well. Or is it solely the color of my skin?

White privilege is so 2014. You've got to keep up with the propaganda of the left if you want to remain credible in the sewer with the rats.

In 2017 we call it national "inherent" and "implicit" bias and racism, coupled with unjust law both consciously and subconsciously, or as the "moderate" left now calls it "modern white supremacy".

Lol. It's just the left following rules for radicals word for word, and the sheep that vote left remain completely clueless to the fact that most of their leaders cite Saul Alinsky as one of their inspirations, including Hillary and Obama. Hillary has a book basically dedicated to his memory.

Its so blatantly obvious at this Point it's sad. Too bad only the right who follow political discourse are able to understand it. Independents and the left have no idea what's really at play.

Or someone explain to me why asians out perform whites and blacks and why AA populations / AND race relations have actually gotten worse since 1965. Would love to hear it.
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Unbelievable that the police aren't doing ANYTHING. Something tells me there was a stand down order given
These far left nuts are just doing what they do and a good number of the people are just there to be there because it's a scene.

I think you're getting close to a far right group, like bikers, saying enough is enough and lashing back. Then when the hypocrisy of the coverage it receives (when these nuts have literally been nonstop destruction and nuisance for over 3 months) otherwise reasonable minded right wingers get pissed and join the cause.

Who knows.
These far left nuts are just doing what they do and a good number of the people are just there to be there because it's a scene.

I think you're getting close to a far right group, like bikers, saying enough is enough and lashing back. Then when the hypocrisy of the coverage it receives (when these nuts have literally been nonstop destruction and nuisance for over 3 months) otherwise reasonable minded right wingers get pissed and join the cause.

Who knows.

I know several "far right" biker types that would love nothing more than to shut the shit down, and I think it'll happen sooner than later. These animals need a mass entrance of men protecting property. If the government isn't going to do it, people eventually will.
And those are supposed to be the "higher educated" among society's youth. Colleges no longer teach. Them fools have been radicalized.

At first it was a somewhat innocent for a college student to be a radical asshole, with zero experience and little brains. Young, dumb, and full of c*m.

At this point, these are turning into violent animals. They come to destroy what's mine and I got somethin for'em. I'm very fortunate to have gone to college locally at a CC, then to a southern bible university, then to Memphis. I never fully had to deal with it, except for some ridiculously retarded professors.
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I know several "far right" biker types that would love nothing more than to shut the shit down, and I think it'll happen sooner than later. These animals need a mass entrance of men protecting property. If the government isn't going to do it, people eventually will.
I'm a business unit manager for maintenance and engineering at a manufacturing plant. The engineers are what you'd expect. Some of my industrial mechanics are very intelligent (schooled) and redneck.

We had a get together at a guys farm. He was mechanic and it was for goodwill due to some things the department did for him in time of need. They had a gun shoot too. I was blown away at the arsenal and the talk. There are more people ready to assemble than the government and liberals should be comfortable with.

I'm not joking when I say my 3 engineers and 30 mechanics could make a malitia that would require serious intervention. I honestly hope the bear doesn't get poked to hard and wakes up myself.
I'm a business unit manager for maintenance and engineering at a manufacturing plant. The engineers are what you'd expect. Some of my industrial mechanics are very intelligent (schooled) and redneck.

We had a get together at a guys farm. He was mechanic and it was for goodwill due to some things the department did for him in time of need. They had a gun shoot too. I was blown away at the arsenal and the talk. There are more people ready to assemble than the government and liberals should be comfortable with.

I'm not joking when I say my 3 engineers and 30 mechanics could make a malitia that would require serious intervention. I honestly hope the bear doesn't get poked to hard and wakes up myself.

this is reason numero uno that the left want to ban guns. not because of "gun violence", but because they could never fully gain the control they desire so long as this still exist. and that is the reason the second amendment exist and should never go away. it keeps the government in check.
this is reason numero uno that the left want to ban guns. not because of "gun violence", but because they could never fully gain the control they desire so long as this still exist. and that is the reason the second amendment exist and should never go away. it keeps the government in check.
I agree with this. I've always marveled at video from overseas with something like a Jeep with a few guys and machine guns holding a town hostage. You wouldn't be able to take a gas station in most towns in America with that set up. It's what separates us from some of the lunacy and oppression you see in other parts of the world and I hope that dynamic never changes.
I'm a business unit manager for maintenance and engineering at a manufacturing plant. The engineers are what you'd expect. Some of my industrial mechanics are very intelligent (schooled) and redneck.

We had a get together at a guys farm. He was mechanic and it was for goodwill due to some things the department did for him in time of need. They had a gun shoot too. I was blown away at the arsenal and the talk. There are more people ready to assemble than the government and liberals should be comfortable with.

I'm not joking when I say my 3 engineers and 30 mechanics could make a malitia that would require serious intervention. I honestly hope the bear doesn't get poked to hard and wakes up myself.

It's the truth. People don't realize the arsenals that some people and towns have. My family runs one of the largest gun shows of the south, and my family as well as friends are huge 2nd amendment people. Between my father, my uncle (engineer lol), and my myself we own around 100 firearms are rifles ourselves. Knowing many people through these gun shows, they don't play. They get involved, there's going to be some problems. And they aren't scared to get involved if they feel the country needs them.

The government needs to control the riots and let off the law abiding citizen. Over the last 15 years this country has grown restless, and tired of the BS.

This discussion is also why I always laugh at liberals when I hear them talk "war on whites" in the streets or at rally's. The white clown from the University of Colorado back in the mid 2000's used to talk about taking America and kicking out whites with a slavery background.

All I can tell them is just try it. That kind of talk actually happens and you'll see unification like a liberal never though possible. We're talking 75 million people showing up, armed, politely saying "no".
I'm not near a TV so I cannot check, but are any news stations covering this for what it is or are they pretending it's a peaceful protest and ignoring it?
I'm a business unit manager for maintenance and engineering at a manufacturing plant. The engineers are what you'd expect. Some of my industrial mechanics are very intelligent (schooled) and redneck.

We had a get together at a guys farm. He was mechanic and it was for goodwill due to some things the department did for him in time of need. They had a gun shoot too. I was blown away at the arsenal and the talk. There are more people ready to assemble than the government and liberals should be comfortable with.

I'm not joking when I say my 3 engineers and 30 mechanics could make a malitia that would require serious intervention. I honestly hope the bear doesn't get poked to hard and wakes up myself.

I'm starting to think that the INTENT is to poke that bear
The useful idiots crying in the streets now are a means to an end

Marx taught that there's nothing but ENDLESS conflict
A given zeitgeist is understood to be consumed in the following era by another....

Of course that asshole "taught" a lot more than that -- but I'm trying to say that in THIS case.....I can't help but wonder if the young leftists aren't being dangled out as bait

The Soros-Isn approach would be to have a 'win / win' right?

He either gets mayhem with immigrants and angry leftists seizing control
He gets a counter revolution where those folks are smashed in the face.....

And marital law unfolds

........and the world recoils in horror........and the dollar slides..........((Iran is already talking about dumping it entirely etc etc)))

I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer but.....we have to consider all angles
And we have to let history inform our thinking

ultimately I'm betting that history WILL repeat --- or, at least rhyme a little (tip o' the hat to M Twain on that last bit).......

I don't know that the average American fully understands the nature of the chasm that's opening before us all........
hug your families -- seriously start to consider arming yourselves and putting away a bit of food
I know how that sounds

But you've got a LOT of people on two neatly opposing sides (Thesis and Antithesis.....) about to collide.....(and create a new SYNTHESIS........a New Order........Herr Hegel strikes again?)
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I'm starting to think that the INTENT is to poke that bear
The useful idiots crying in the streets now are a means to an end

Marx taught that there's nothing but ENDLESS conflict
A given zeitgeist is understood to be consumed in the following era by another....

Of course that asshole "taught" a lot more than that -- but I'm trying to say that in THIS case.....I can't help but wonder if the young leftists aren't being dangled out as bait

The Soros-Isn approach would be to have a 'win / win' right?

He either gets mayhem with immigrants and angry leftists seizing control
He gets a counter revolution where those folks are smashed in the face.....

And marital law unfolds

........and the world recoils in horror........and the dollar slides..........((Iran is already talking about dumping it entirely etc etc)))

I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer but.....we have to consider all angles
And we have to let history inform our thinking

ultimately I'm betting that history WILL repeat --- or, at least rhyme a little (tip o' the hat to M Twain on that last bit).......

I don't know that the average American fully understands the nature of the chasm that's opening before us all........

If we had free and impartial media, I don't think the radical leftist could see it through. But when the media intentionally withholds information about Soros and some of these radical western european ideologues, and filter the news in benefit of democrats, it's tough to see how one of two said examples doesn't eventually happen. I've always maintained America died the day Kennedy's 65 immigration act was signed in. Eventually America will be a third world face, willing to be a prostitute for the government in return for entitlements. That's the real end, and it'll happen I'm afraid. I would love for someone to explain from a position of positivity regarding the issue. I just see death.

Isn't the saying no superpower can last longer than 500 years? America might make it to that mark, maybe. In the end, history books written by the next superpower will cite Americas fall as out of control immigration. Much like we study the reasons Rome fell.
hug your families -- seriously start to consider arming yourselves and putting away a bit of food
I know how that sounds

But you've got a LOT of people on two neatly opposing sides (Thesis and Antithesis.....) about to collide.....(and create a new SYNTHESIS........a New Order........Herr Hegel strikes again?)

lol, I've got an arsenal and I prep every month. I'll take being called a nut over being called naive.