How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Read 2 posts above :joy::joy::joy:

How is that hate? You could just as easily say it's the truth.

Just because you may not like something, or think the same way doesn't mean it's hate, or even wrong.

Races do self segregate, I didn't believe it until I joined the Navy and saw it first hand.

There isn't a thing we can do about slavery in our past. Anyone that had a part in it or suffered through it is long dead. It happened, can't change it, but continuing to dwell on it won't help matters either, and no amount of money will fix it either.
The biggest issue in the black community right now is fathers, or lack there of.

A father is a daughters first true love, teaches them how a man should treat them, that they don't have to disrespect themselves for a mans attention.
A son needs firm raising, be taught how to be a man, how respect is earned not given.
70% of African American children born today don't have that in their lives, that is a problem that will only rise.
I'm totally for segregation if that's what they want. Self segregation already occurs as it is.

I think white people have already paid more than enough in reparations through welfare, Affirmative Action, race based admissions, creating professional leagues and the music industry.

Have blacks ever thought and wondered, "You know, if those African slaves were not sold to the 4.8 percent of southern slave owners, I would be in a jungle right now and trying to not starve to death." But no, constant "I'm a victim" garbage while having everything you could ever want.

Whites owe no one a single thing.

Scary how the dumbest people are the most passionate about their convictions. Someone really needs to kick the shit out of you.
Lol what % of whites don't have that either?

You get yourself in trouble when you play that game.
What if people say racist things? Being serious. Are we not allowed to respond?
Ignore the actual racism because it is fine unless you name it so, apparently. It's like walking into the waiting room ER and screaming "NONE OF YOU ARE SICK" and therefore, magically, nobody is sick because you said so.
Wow! Say it aint so. Some self reflection from certain members of the MSM. It's rather humorous to hear them discussing the media using the word "They". Are they not talking about themselves? Is it normal for Morning Joe to talk like this? I don't watch MSNBC much but I assumed they were much the same as CNN.

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Scary how the dumbest people are the most passionate about their convictions. Someone really needs to kick the shit out of you.

Good to see that's what you took away from a comment regarding a pre school teacher that teaches they need to start killing white people and to hate whites and that they're owed by whites.

I love that you don't bat an eye when a huge portion of the black community hates whites, wants segregation from whites and teaches nothing but hostility toward whites.

And not surprised that you want someone to assault me for dare calling it like it is. It's what you all do. You're mentally and emotionally fragile and you're uncomfortable if anyone takes a break from the onslaught of bashing whites.

and I stand by my statement that white tax payers have already done more than enough for that segment of the population that weren't even slaves.

If you want to stay a puss and pander with your white guilt and self loathing, go ahead but don't expect the rest of us to be on board.
Ignore the actual racism because it is fine unless you name it so, apparently. It's like walking into the waiting room ER and screaming "NONE OF YOU ARE SICK" and therefore, magically, nobody is sick because you said so.
But if you walk into the ER and shout "ALL OF YOU HAVE BROKEN ARMS", does everyone automatically have a broken arm?
Good to see that's what you took away from a comment regarding a pre school teacher that teaches they need to start killing white people and to hate whites and that they're owed by whites.

I love that you don't bat an eye when a huge portion of the black community hates whites, wants segregation from whites and teaches nothing but hostility toward whites.

And not surprised that you want someone to assault me for dare calling it like it is. It's what you all do. You're mentally and emotionally fragile and you're uncomfortable if anyone takes a break from the onslaught of bashing whites.

and I stand by my statement that white tax payers have already done more than enough for that segment of the population that weren't even slaves.

If you want to stay a puss and pander with your white guilt and self loathing, go ahead but don't expect the rest of us to be on board.
I mean, again, come :joy::joy::joy:

I would bet, a lot of posters on here, support you. :joy::joy::joy:
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How is that hate? You could just as easily say it's the truth.

Just because you may not like something, or think the same way doesn't mean it's hate, or even wrong.

Races do self segregate, I didn't believe it until I joined the Navy and saw it first hand.

There isn't a thing we can do about slavery in our past. Anyone that had a part in it or suffered through it is long dead. It happened, can't change it, but continuing to dwell on it won't help matters either, and no amount of money will fix it either.
The biggest issue in the black community right now is fathers, or lack there of.

A father is a daughters first true love, teaches them how a man should treat them, that they don't have to disrespect themselves for a mans attention.
A son needs firm raising, be taught how to be a man, how respect is earned not given.
70% of African American children born today don't have that in their lives, that is a problem that will only rise.
His post was the very definition of hate.
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For the record, mouthbreathers, (is that offensive? Will that offend any of your all's snowflake sensibility? You cant call a spade a spade, nor use farm animals, yet the slew of insults of others. Only reporting seems to come from the snowflake right) defending one cause is not the same as negating the opposite.

Just because I defend oranges, doesnt mean I bash apples. But some of you make the argument as such. Oh, that liberal, I cant stand his apple bashing. Not the case. Logically, it doesnt hold.

Transposition (contraposition): In a syllogism, taking the antecedent and consequent in the first premise, then “transposing” them in the second premise, and negating each term

So when I say you are arguing from emotion, you are literally arguing with emotions.
I like Tillerson... matter of fact I like Trump's whole cabinet with only Sessions as the guy that I wouldn't vote for.

Problem is that outstanding cabinet is going to be undercut by Flynn and Bannon. They already are doing it, as a matter of fact.

Sessions was voted out of committee today and is assured confirmation. The only nominee that the dems might take down is Betsy DeVos (Education) as two GOP senators came out as NO votes today (Collins & Murkowski). The teachers union is pulling out all stops to defeat her nomination because she is majorly for alternative schools.
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An insult, used to mean that a person is too easily insulted or is too sensitive to the opinions. Mainly used by Alt-Right Trumpet blowers, who ironically, don't realize they are the very definition of the insult they love to throw around. Snowflake is used by people who are incapable of using their intellect and their words to make their point in an intelligent manner.

Just sayin...
Remember how it was for two months after the election and there wasn't a lib to be found? Ah the good ole days.
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For the record, mouthbreathers, (is that offensive? Will that offend any of your all's snowflake sensibility? You cant call a spade a spade, nor use farm animals, yet the slew of insults of others. Only reporting seems to come from the snowflake right) defending one cause is not the same as negating the opposite.

Just because I defend oranges, doesnt mean I bash apples. But some of you make the argument as such. Oh, that liberal, I cant stand his apple bashing. Not the case. Logically, it doesnt hold.

Transposition (contraposition): In a syllogism, taking the antecedent and consequent in the first premise, then “transposing” them in the second premise, and negating each term

So when I say you are arguing from emotion, you are literally arguing with emotions.
Just let it go man. You and the other guy are just cluttering the board with this crap. If he says something offensive you have the right to report him. But if you don't want to do that then shut up about it. You've said your piece and if it helps you any I will condemn his action of calling you boy. For the record, I personally feel like you take some abuse on here. Some of it is unwarranted but when you get on this woe is me tangent it only puts a bigger target on your back. This is a political thread that is a "Republican cum rag" as you so eloquently put it. It's also very loosely moderated but you already know that so you swim at your own risk if you are not a right winger.
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