How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Another wrong statement, 30 million viewers a Bill O'Reilly is by far the best try again sucka
O'Reilly is one corn dog away from being Morton Downey Jr.. Fodder for Neanderthals unable to think for themselves so they import their thoughts from carnival barkers like O'Reilly.

I believe for shows like Al Sharpton, Sean Hannity, and O'Reilly to be stomached you have to have an IQ below say 100 or so to stomach that crap. An intelligent person is not going to appreciate bulbous condescension and dime store propaganda from some snotty a-hole like all of them are.
You must be thinking of someone else. I don't know WTF you're talking about.
Could be. You're not very memorable. There comes a point where mediocre all runs together like bad Mexican food. It may have been some other bland peripheral shrub poster but then again does it really matter? It could have been you so at least be happy I threw a post your way in the confusion.
I'm a right wing conservative but I too love Morning Joe. It's usually a good mix of conservative and liberal politics...more so liberal. However, if you can't listen to an opposing view from time to time then I believe your beliefs are somewhat weak.

Hell, General Mattis reads books on Russian military actions.....for a reason.
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Yeah, the correct target of an accusation doesn't matter. The important thing is the opportunity to spew bullshit.
It was funny because HE was the one trumpeting the polls for a year. The sane ones here tried to tell him he was wrong, even gave examples that proved it, but just like his Ronda Rousey takes, he was oblivious.
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I'm a right wing conservative but I too love Morning Joe. It's usually a good mix of conservative and liberal politics...more so liberal. However, if you can't listen to an opposing view from time to time then I believe your beliefs are somewhat weak.

Hell, General Mattis reads books on Russian military actions.....for a reason.

Well duh. Putin told him to and he does what our president says. MOTHER RUSSIA! The lack of Russian patriotism in the media is really concerning. They need to commie up and get their narrative back.
Yeah, the correct target of an accusation doesn't matter. The important thing is the opportunity to spew bullshit.
No, the important thing is for you to realize you are a snowflake and your precious feelings are of no concern to me. It could be you or it could be some other whiny snowflake but in the end it doesn't matter. You're going to find something to cry about whether I insult you or not. It's always something with snowflakes like you. GMOs, sugary cereal, second hand smoke... blah blah blah.
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No, the important thing is for you to realize you are a snowflake and your precious feelings are of no concern to me. It could be you or it could be some other whiny snowflake but in the end it doesn't matter. You're going to find something to cry about whether I insult you or not. It's always something with snowflakes like you. GMOs, sugary cereal, second hand smoke... blah blah blah.

You're losing it dude. You need to get it together. Maybe accept Jesus or see a doc and get on some meds. Good luck.
If they were smart they would run Tulsi Gabbard but I doubt they embrace her much because she seems to be much too intelligent/sensible. IMO, that gal doesn't talk like a modern democrat at all.
They can't stand her, especially after she just went to Syria, then onto national TV and told the country what Obama has really been doing over there.
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being for sharia law is fine. But believing that sharia law has more importance than the Constitution and American laws is NEVER acceptable.

My point is the Muslims here can live by that, I'd be fine with them idiot unruly can't handle freedom morons getting body parts chopped off or just getting killed for every rule they break.

In fact I honestly wonder how they have 1.6 billion followers? Sure seems more should be kilt by law!
I mean come

What is hard for you to understand? These are outlets that have enriched African Americans more so than anyone else. I'd say that's pretty awesome for what it does for generations of African American families.

There is nothing that our society hasn't done in order for people to have opportunities so I don't wanna hear people crying about "whitey better give me reparations" while they rile up a mob with speech that includes needing to kill whitey.

I also get a kick out of you thinking self segregation doesn't occur. There's a reason why people flock to others just like them in school and at work. You also apparently lack the knowledge of how many instances have occurred where the black community has sought to have whites excluded from something or even the times where black leaders have suggested blacks be given their own country within the U.S.

But in your small delusional brain, you think it's racist to ever have any critique that isn't of a white person and you can drop the self righteousness considering you are the worst person on this entire site. You told a guy you hoped his wife got raped. How that didn't earn you a permaban is beyond reasoning. You've also posted pics of people's kids as well.

Honestly, you are pure scum in every way so you running to mods shows a huge lack of self awareness. Back on ignore you go.
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It was funny because HE was the one trumpeting the polls for a year. The sane ones here tried to tell him he was wrong, even gave examples that proved it, but just like his Ronda Rousey takes, he was oblivious.
I think you're referring to Jamo
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For the record, mouthbreathers, (is that offensive? Will that offend any of your all's snowflake sensibility? You cant call a spade a spade, nor use farm animals, yet the slew of insults of others. Only reporting seems to come from the snowflake right) defending one cause is not the same as negating the opposite.

Just because I defend oranges, doesnt mean I bash apples. But some of you make the argument as such. Oh, that liberal, I cant stand his apple bashing. Not the case. Logically, it doesnt hold.

Transposition (contraposition): In a syllogism, taking the antecedent and consequent in the first premise, then “transposing” them in the second premise, and negating each term

So when I say you are arguing from emotion, you are literally arguing with emotions.
Lek calling other people snowflakes?

Looks like she's discovered irony lol
No, the important thing is for you to realize you are a snowflake and your precious feelings are of no concern to me. It could be you or it could be some other whiny snowflake but in the end it doesn't matter. You're going to find something to cry about whether I insult you or not. It's always something with snowflakes like you. GMOs, sugary cereal, second hand smoke... blah blah blah.

Willie or LEK is my bet.
Protesters now at Shumer's house for not blocking enough picks.
That's what he gets for talking tough, running off at the mouth about how Democrats were going to go "scorched earth" and block all of the nominations, knowing full well they couldn't do a damn thing because Reid is a jackass who couldn't play by the rules.

Their idiotic base didn't know any better and truly thought the nominations were going to be blocked. Reality is starting to set in.
So when the Dems eventually take back the POTUS, will conservatives be allowed to damage property, injure people, call everyone a racist, etc... or will the rules change to benefit Dems again?

I'm hoping I don't live that long to find out. And I hope to make it at least another 30 years.
[laughing] Sharia law loving women's march organizer had this to say about fellow Muslim women who oppose Sharia law. The internet slways comes back to cut your clitoris off.

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Still doing their best to re-elect Donald Trump in 2020:

"The speaker, who is wearing a Black Lives Matter sweatshirt, isn’t identified by name but says at one point, “I am a pre-school teacher who is going to f**king radicalize mother-f**king four year olds and five year olds.” This brings a huge cheer from the crowd.

After opening the rant with, “F**k white supremacy. F**k the U.S. empire” the speaker attacks capitalism. “You know what America thrives off of? Capitalism,” the speaker says, adding, “We use our mother=f**king, f**king black and brown bodies to live and survive while white people own f**king properties after that.” But the speaker has a solution for this problem, “So you know what we need to do? We need to start giving f**king money.” The rant continues, “White people, give your f**king money, your f**king house, your f**king property, we need it f**king all. You need to reparate black and indigenous people right now.”
I hope this catches on everywhere.
How is that hate? You could just as easily say it's the truth.

Just because you may not like something, or think the same way doesn't mean it's hate, or even wrong.

Races do self segregate, I didn't believe it until I joined the Navy and saw it first hand.

There isn't a thing we can do about slavery in our past. Anyone that had a part in it or suffered through it is long dead. It happened, can't change it, but continuing to dwell on it won't help matters either, and no amount of money will fix it either.
The biggest issue in the black community right now is fathers, or lack there of.

A father is a daughters first true love, teaches them how a man should treat them, that they don't have to disrespect themselves for a mans attention.
A son needs firm raising, be taught how to be a man, how respect is earned not given.
70% of African American children born today don't have that in their lives, that is a problem that will only rise.
Yeah, I am going to create a new site " moveon.arrrg! If I hear any more of this whining from these people on the left I might just go find out where this white privilege crap is and go get rich.
Nothing to see here, move along. Just make sure you don't call anyone that is blatantly being racist "racist" otherwise the board rules obviously have been flaunted and Autism will break his fingers reporting it.
The point you are both missing is that it is used for almost all opposite views.