How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Tell me? Did you fail to pay your bills and he cut you off?
Perhaps he was no longer in your provider's network but you were free to see would just cost you more.
Coverage became too expensive for my company as a direct result of Barrycare, they were forced to change, entire network of coverage changed.

As for the kids, their doc chose early retirement as opposed to losing his practice due to being forced to administer medicaid service and not being 100% compensated for those services, you useless twit.
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Had to google sharia law. After seeing Muslims act out in a free society like Germany I can see why they need those rules on their people.

In fact I'm fine having laws Muslims have to live by here in America as well, but Americans won't accept two rule books.

I think your video is a little scared of Muslims TBH. Just because you are for Sharia law doesn't make you a terrorist. I'm for the death penalty and I obey the law except for driving fast.
Sharia Law isn't the same thing as terrorism, but it is still radical Islam. That's what Shapiro was talking about. Radicalization is more than just about people willing to kill themselves/civilians. It's people that support it and also adhere to strict rules that demean certain groups of people.
Would like to see Thomas, Kennedy, and Alito go ahead and retire now and let Trump bring in a calvary of younger conservative judges. Add in Ginsburg and whoever else the Dems have who will either die or retire soon conservatives would have a strangle hold on the court. Dems heads would spin off their heads if that happened.
Would like to see Thomas, Kennedy, and Alito go ahead and retire now and let Trump bring in a calvary of younger conservative judges. Add in Ginsburg and whoever else the Dems have who will either die or retire soon conservatives would have a strangle hold on the court. Dems heads would spin off their heads if that happened.

Alito (66) and Thomas (68) are good for another decade or more and are very solid conservatives. Kennedy (80) is another matter as he is much more of a moderate. I would love to see him retire. Ruthie (83 and 10 months) and Breyer (78) are only going out feet first while Trump is President.
Ginsburg 83 years old
Kennedy 80
Breyer 78
Thomas 68
Alito 66
Roberts 62
Sotomeyer 62
Kagan 56

The three at the top are obviously the one's to watch...even adding 4 years to the rest wouldn't appear to be an issue.

There's always exceptions, but I've seen a lot of people start really sliding once they hit their 80's, both mentally and physically. And 85 plus would seem to be incredibly difficult to carry on the workload required, (Ginsburg.) But just don't see her stepping aside based on her previous Trump comments, she'll go down fighting.

Whether it was the right thing to do legally, I absolutely am grateful that they didn't allow Obama to fill Scalia's slot.
I have this picture in my head of these protesters, en masse, blindly following around a bright shiny object from side to side. Something different everyday, from protest to protest, location to location. Not really doing anything of substance, just shouting and complaining about something new every time the shiny object moves.
COPS!! RUN!!!!

No one is listening to fuzz77, you can keep your Dr. He said this 9 times, do you not hear him??
My plan took my Dr off my network, out of pocket is too expensive now, so the only way to see him is walk over next door. We still have our bourbon and coke on occasion, so as fuzz77 says, you can still see your Dr.
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The entire Paddock is becoming like Autism. Insufferably boring with their finger on the report button. I can't believe Willy hangs out with that narc.
Still doing their best to re-elect Donald Trump in 2020:

"The speaker, who is wearing a Black Lives Matter sweatshirt, isn’t identified by name but says at one point, “I am a pre-school teacher who is going to f**king radicalize mother-f**king four year olds and five year olds.” This brings a huge cheer from the crowd.

After opening the rant with, “F**k white supremacy. F**k the U.S. empire” the speaker attacks capitalism. “You know what America thrives off of? Capitalism,” the speaker says, adding, “We use our mother=f**king, f**king black and brown bodies to live and survive while white people own f**king properties after that.” But the speaker has a solution for this problem, “So you know what we need to do? We need to start giving f**king money.” The rant continues, “White people, give your f**king money, your f**king house, your f**king property, we need it f**king all. You need to reparate black and indigenous people right now.”
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You're funny...solid, indisputable facts are "mental gymnastics".

Specify where ANYTHING is said there was incorrect.
Why do I think you will ignore that challenge???

There is nothing in the ACA that required doctors to change insurance networks. True, but ignorant of the argument.
If a doc leaves your insurer's network you still have the option to see that doc out of network..True, you can choose to go out of network and foot the entire bill yourself. You can change your insurer to one who offers a network where the doctor you want practices. False. If your employer provides insurance, they do not give you the option of going with another carrier. "If you like your doctor, you can keep him..." is not a lie. False. When viewed in the light of O'bama saying we would actually "save" money. It might cost you more to keep him but there is nothing stopping you from doing so. True.

Dude, I work for a health care plan that serves about 6 million members in all 50 states! We have doctors joining and leaving our network all the time! They did so before the ACA and they will continue to do so as long as we use private insurers to pay for healthcare. Liar.

Congratulations, you made one statement that was true without qualification. It's a start I guess.
How many times had Islamic terrorists attacked the US at the time the Constitution was written? When the Constitution was designed, how many religions openly called for the death of non-believers? How many religions justified honor killings?

Suppose I get me one of those preacher certifications off the internet and open a church for the worship of drugs. We'll all gather round and get stoned and sing songs together on Sunday until football comes on. Is that OK? Would the drugs I worship be protected by the Constitution?

Why are idiots trying to use the Constitution to protect people who want to kill them?
Still doing their best to re-elect Donald Trump in 2020:

"The speaker, who is wearing a Black Lives Matter sweatshirt, isn’t identified by name but says at one point, “I am a pre-school teacher who is going to f**king radicalize mother-f**king four year olds and five year olds.” This brings a huge cheer from the crowd.

After opening the rant with, “F**k white supremacy. F**k the U.S. empire” the speaker attacks capitalism. “You know what America thrives off of? Capitalism,” the speaker says, adding, “We use our mother=f**king, f**king black and brown bodies to live and survive while white people own f**king properties after that.” But the speaker has a solution for this problem, “So you know what we need to do? We need to start giving f**king money.” The rant continues, “White people, give your f**king money, your f**king house, your f**king property, we need it f**king all. You need to reparate black and indigenous people right now.”

I'm totally for segregation if that's what they want. Self segregation already occurs as it is.

I think white people have already paid more than enough in reparations through welfare, Affirmative Action, race based admissions, housing, creating professional sports leagues and the music industry.

Have blacks ever thought and wondered, "You know, if those African slaves were not sold to the 4.8 percent of southern slave owners, I would be in a jungle right now and trying to not starve to death." But no, constant "I'm a victim" garbage while having everything you could ever want.

Whites owe no one a single thing.
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I'm totally for segregation if that's what they want. Self segregation already occurs as it is.

I think white people have already paid more than enough in reparations through welfare, Affirmative Action, race based admissions, creating professional leagues and the music industry.

Have blacks ever thought and wondered, "You know, if those African slaves were not sold to the 4.8 percent of southern slave owners, I would be in a jungle right now and trying to not starve to death. But no, constant "I'm a victim" garbage while having everything you could ever want.

Whites owe no one a single thing.
I'm totally for segregation if that's what they want. Self segregation already occurs as it is.

I think white people have already paid more than enough in reparations through welfare, Affirmative Action, race based admissions, creating professional leagues and the music industry.

Have blacks ever thought and wondered, "You know, if those African slaves were not sold to the 4.8 percent of southern slave owners, I would be in a jungle right now and trying to not starve to death. But no, constant "I'm a victim" garbage while having everything you could ever want.

Whites owe no one a single thing.

I mean come