How will they rule ??!

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My town can't afford road salt or police. Everything is alright.

Heard this today: in 20+ years our president will be someone who has to ask google before they make any decision/opinion/etc. I woks strongly argue that's exactly what we had with Obama, but point is, we are F'd bc after after these old folks are gone, there will be no conservatives, no free thinkers, etc.

The American main stream press is nothing more than a branch off of the university of which they were taught. In most cases more education leads to more think tank. It's not a free flow of ideas at these places. They are a product of liberal indoctrination, and really aren't "free press" at all. The narrative is driven through a group of people at the top, the monopoly controls them, and they all work in unison to achieve their goal. They use propaganda and start the conversation in a location where common people assume it's just a "moderate" way to begin. It's completely a form of brainwash and indoctrination to the masses.

Once the media was ousted as colluding with a political party, that should have been it. CNN should not be participating in this white house. A you said, they don't fall under "free press".

See what happened to the UK student newspaper when they reported facts about the "rape culture" and got sued, basically called fake news by the president of the university.
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but point is, we are F'd bc after after these old folks are gone, there will be no conservatives, no free thinkers

Gen Z isn't buying into this Left wing sissy SJW Millennial generation bullshit. Millennials are weak and are nothing more than ankle biting chihuahuas.

A lot of these "fashionable" Millennials will become conservative over time. Most people do, if they get a family and have careers. Because eventually the shit thinking left wing Millennial may find something he/she cares more for other than themselves. Shocking, with them being the face of narcissism. But if over time and the wear and tear of life doesn't changes these left wing Millennials, we always will have Genration Z to kick their sorry pansy asses.
So proud of Al Sharpton, dedicating his entire life to the fight for refugees. Great man.
How about dedicating his entire life to being a "reverend", yet has zero clue about the Bible? I'm not even religious, but can easily see right through that tweet.
Trial Balloon for Coup? You decide:

Most interesting (and most easily to verify)
CNN has a detailed story (heavily sourced) about the process by which this ban was created and announced. Notable in this is that the DHS’ lawyers objected to the order, specifically its exclusion of green card holders, as illegal, and also pressed for there to be a grace period so that people currently out of the country wouldn’t be stranded — and they were personally overruled by Bannon and Stephen Miller. Also notable is that career DHS staff, up to and including the head of Customs & Border Patrol, were kept entirely out of the loop until the order was signed.

The Guardian is reporting (heavily sourced) that the “mass resignations”of nearly all senior staff at the State Department on Thursday were not, in fact, resignations, but a purge ordered by the White House. As the diagram below (by Emily Roslin v Praze) shows, this leaves almost nobody in the entire senior staff of the State Department at this point.

As the Guardian points out, this has an important and likely not accidental effect: it leaves the State Department entirely unstaffed during these critical first weeks, when orders like the Muslim ban (which they would normally resist) are coming down.

The article points out another point worth highlighting: “In the past, the state department has been asked to set up early foreign contacts for an incoming administration. This time however it has been bypassed, and Trump’s immediate circle of Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, son-in-law Jared Kushner and Reince Priebus are making their own calls.”

On Inauguration Day, Trump apparently filed his candidacy for 2020. Beyond being unusual, this opens up the ability for him to start accepting “campaign contributions” right away. Given that a sizable fraction of the campaign funds from the previous cycle were paid directly to the Trump organization in exchange for building leases, etc., at inflated rates, you can assume that those campaign coffers are a mechanism by which US nationals can easily give cash bribes directly to Trump. Non-US nationals can, of course, continue to use Trump’s hotels and other businesses as a way to funnel money to him.

Finally, I want to highlight a story that many people haven’t noticed. On Wednesday, Reuters reported (in great detail) how 19.5% of Rosneft, Russia’s state oil company, has been sold to parties unknown. This was done through a dizzying array of shell companies, so that the most that can be said with certainty now is that the money “paying” for it was originally loaned out to the shell layers by VTB (the government’s official bank), even though it’s highly unclear who, if anyone, would be paying that loan back; and the recipients have been traced as far as some Cayman Islands shell companies.

Why is this interesting? Because the much-maligned Steele Dossier (the one with the golden showers in it) included the statement that Putin had offered Trump 19% of Rosneft if he became president and removed sanctions. The reason this is so interesting is that the dossier said this in July, and the sale didn’t happen until early December. And 19.5% sounds an awful lot like “19% plus a brokerage commission.”

I see a few key patterns here. First, the decision to first block, and then allow, green card holders was meant to create chaos and pull out opposition; they never intended to hold it for too long. It wouldn’t surprise me if the goal is to create “resistance fatigue,” to get Americans to the point where they’re more likely to say “Oh, another protest? Don’t you guys ever stop?” relatively quickly.

However, the conspicuous absence of provisions preventing them from executing any of the “next steps” I outlined yesterday, such as bulk revocation of visas (including green cards) from nationals of various countries, and then pursuing them using mechanisms being set up for Latinos, highlights that this does not mean any sort of backing down on the part of the regime.

Note also the most frightening escalation last night was that the DHS made it fairly clear that they did not feel bound to obey any court orders. CBP continued to deny all access to counsel, detain people, and deport them in direct contravention to the court’s order, citing “upper management,” and the DHS made a formal (but confusing) statement that they would continue to follow the President’s orders. (See my updates from yesterday, and the various links there, for details) Significant in today’s updates is any lack of suggestion that the courts’ authority played a role in the decision.

That is to say, the administration is testing the extent to which the DHS (and other executive agencies) can act and ignore orders from the other branches of government. This is as serious as it can possibly get: all of the arguments about whether order X or Y is unconstitutional mean nothing if elements of the government are executing them and the courts are being ignored.
Cool. What is your current longitude and latitude?
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You better think twice about crossing Big Al...

Gen Z isn't buying into this Left wing sissy SJW Millennial generation bullshit. Millennials are weak and are nothing more than ankle biting chihuahuas.

A lot of these "fashionable" Millennials will become conservative over time. Most people do, if they get a family and have careers. Because eventually the shit thinking left wing Millennial may find something he/she cares more for other than themselves. Shocking, with them being the face of narcissism. But if over time and the wear and tear of life doesn't changes these left wing Millennials, we always will have Genration Z to kick their sorry pansy asses.
We're all liberals until we reach the age of reason. Problem is, some never reach that age.
I don't think that's a real Starbucks ad.

Also in other news, LGTBQ community will be irate today after Trump is upholding the protections for their rights in the workplace.

Leftists heads will spin

Unions last week, LGTBQ this week. F'ing brilliant. Absolutely trolling the left.
Absolutely nothing is more hypocritical, ridiculous, fake political grandstanding than Trump banning muslims from 7 countries and not Saudia Arabia, the actual country that sponsors 90% of islamic terrorists and the country most likely behind 9/11. Nothing shows how crooked our stupid government is than not even mentioning Saudia Arabia in all these terrorist strikes, because Saudia Arabia gives all our politicians money. Just ridiculous bullshit for the stupid American public to gobble up.
Absolutely nothing is more hypocritical, ridiculous, fake political grandstanding than Trump banning muslims from 7 countries and not Saudia Arabia, the actual country that sponsors 90% of islamic terrorists and the country most likely behind 9/11. Nothing shows how crooked our stupid government is than not even mentioning Saudia Arabia in all these terrorist strikes, because Saudia Arabia gives all our politicians money. Just ridiculous bullshit for the stupid American public to gobble up.

Absolutely agree Ron.
Absolutely nothing is more hypocritical, ridiculous, fake political grandstanding than Trump banning muslims from 7 countries and not Saudia Arabia, the actual country that sponsors 90% of islamic terrorists and the country most likely behind 9/11. Nothing shows how crooked our stupid government is than not even mentioning Saudia Arabia in all these terrorist strikes, because Saudia Arabia gives all our politicians money. Just ridiculous bullshit for the stupid American public to gobble up.
You're right. SA should have been included, Pakistan as well, but in order for that to happen he would have had to have a new law written and introduced. He didn't pick or choose the seven countries. The law including those seven countries was already on the books.

All Trump did was sign an EO to enforce that existing law. Again, I'm not saying SA shouldn't have been included, but for them to be included, the ban couldn't have went into effect immediately.
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Absolutely nothing is more hypocritical, ridiculous, fake political grandstanding than Trump banning muslims from 7 countries and not Saudia Arabia, the actual country that sponsors 90% of islamic terrorists and the country most likely behind 9/11. Nothing shows how crooked our stupid government is than not even mentioning Saudia Arabia in all these terrorist strikes, because Saudia Arabia gives all our politicians money. Just ridiculous bullshit for the stupid American public to gobble up.
Is part of the reason due the lack of a central government in the 7 countries where more vetting will be required? I don't know how the record keeping is in the Sudan.

However, SA not being listed as a state sponsor of terror is idiotic.
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You're right. SA should have been included, Pakistan as well, but in order for that to happen he would have had to have a new law written and introduced. He didn't pick or choose the seven countries. The law including those seven countries was already on the books.

All Trump did was sign an EO to enforce that existing law. Again, I'm not saying SA shouldn't have been included, but for them to be included, the ban couldn't have went into effect immediately.

Not a single word will be uttered about Saudia Arabia by Trump in the next 4 years. Just watch. Not a single damn word, and its complete bullshit. Want to actually take a hard stance on Muslim terror? How about mentioning something about the country that has 99% of the money and 90% of the influence in that area. Its ridiculous. You guys think he's taking a hard stance, but he's not doing shit other than political grandstanding, its all crap, and people are falling for it. But its all good, one of their 1,000 princes can buy an entire plane for his GD bird collection, so they're safe. Luckily we're safe from some 3rd world african countries now though. [eyeroll]

The US government is like the NCAA. They are so mad at UNC that they are going to punish Cleveland State. Same thing with our government. The US so mad at Saudia Arabia that they are sanctioning the Sudan.
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Absolutely nothing is more hypocritical, ridiculous, fake political grandstanding than Trump banning muslims from 7 countries and not Saudia Arabia, the actual country that sponsors 90% of islamic terrorists and the country most likely behind 9/11. Nothing shows how crooked our stupid government is than not even mentioning Saudia Arabia in all these terrorist strikes, because Saudia Arabia gives all our politicians money. Just ridiculous bullshit for the stupid American public to gobble up.

Not a single word will be uttered about Saudia Arabia by Trump in the next 4 years. Just watch. Not a single damn word, and its complete bullshit. Want to actually take a hard stance on Muslim terror? How about mentioning something about the country that has 99% of the money and 90% of the influence in that area. Its ridiculous. You guys think he's taking a hard stance, but he's not doing shit other than political grandstanding, its all crap, and people are falling for it. But its all good, one of their 1,000 princes can buy an entire plane for his GD bird collection, so they're safe. Luckily we're safe from some 3rd world african countries now though. [eyeroll]

Yes sa should absolutely be included. But as others noted, that requires additional steps.

Also, dont expect any hard stances on sa until we get energy independent.

For decades presidents have been forced to eat shit sandwiches from sa. This one will likely be no different unfortunately. I just see no way around it.
You guys think he's taking a hard stance, but he's not doing shit other than political grandstanding, its all crap, and people are falling for it.[eyeroll]
Maybe, maybe not. Look around at what's happening with the protest, though. Look at the all Democrats and some Republicans protesting this ban.

Do you really think a new ban law that included SA would have ever passed? I'm not so sure. So it seems it was either this ban (since the law was already on the books) or nothing at all. Better to have some than none, wouldn't you agree?
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You're right. SA should have been included, Pakistan as well, but in order for that to happen he would have had to have a new law written and introduced. He didn't pick or choose the seven countries. The law including those seven countries was already on the books.

All Trump did was sign an EO to enforce that existing law. Again, I'm not saying SA shouldn't have been included, but for them to be included, the ban couldn't have went into effect immediately.
Yep. I don't understand why this concept is so hard to grasp. Step 1, push law through by piggybacking existing law. Step 2, revise/expand/contract law as needed. Hell of a lot faster than the traditional method. In a few weeks, if this is still an issue, we can all meet up here and cry about it. Right now, just looks like more manufactured reasons to bitch in the hopes of being right.
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Why not? Why isn't Saudi Arabia held responsible? (Yes, I realize they have money/oil/reegional power/etc. But they also exist in part based on our support.)

Why can't they be pressured?

For the very reason you mentioned. We need them way more than they need us. They can get opec to price oil through the roof if they want. Or just sell to us at all. Either would bring us to ruin. They know. We know it.

It's why energy independence is so important. Until then, we're basically helpless
Every single one of the Republican presidential candidates would've caved by now. Trump doesn't give a damn, and its awesome. His IDGAF what you think is an attitude the entire GOP needs.

I've always hated democrats but they would always fight til the bitter end to get what they want. I'm glad we have a President that throws sucker punches anytime the left comes at him. Its about damn time we had a fighter on our side.
That post in a nutshell is exactly why I supported him from Day 1.
Mexicans complaining about the US government in this very thread.

If the irony weren't so thick, I'd be stunned.
Liberal Mexican complains about Saudi Arabia not being banned.

Supports Hillary Clinton and the democrats.
For the very reason you mentioned. We need them way more than they need us.

If we pulled military support from Saudi Arabia they would vanish---from both internal and external pressures. (Mass internal revolt and Iran.) And, are we still that dependent on Middle Eastern oil with many of the other options now available?

I'm not so sure they hold the cards they did 30 years ago.