How will they rule ??!

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If we pulled military support from Saudi Arabia they would vanish---from both internal and external pressures. (Mass internal revolt and Iran.) And, are we still that dependent on Middle Eastern oil with many of the other options now available?

I'm not so sure they hold the cards they did 30 years ago.
What was that quote from that Sheik...
Something about, my grandfather rode a camel. I drive a Rolls Royce. My son drives a Range Rover... but his grandson will ride the camel.
Liberal Mexican complains about Saudi Arabia not being banned.

Supports Hillary Clinton and the democrats.

I'm not mexican and I voted for Trump you GD idiot. Go back to making up stupid shit about black people in textbooks. I don't care about liberal vs. conservative like a 5 year old. I'm saying if you want to be tough on terror why don't you actually be tough on terror. All he did was place a stupid 90 day ban on a bunch of countries that are responsible for 5% of any extremist attacks combined and hasn't even uttered a word about the country responsible for 90% of it, and we all know why.
In an ideal world, the US would get energy independent and the Saudi sovereign wealth fund would be completely depleted funding the country and lifestyles of the royalty when the price of oil drops. In reality, SA will use that fund to continue buying US politicians and companies, thus diversifying its holdings away from oil.

I don't think anyone here disagrees regarding SA. A step was taken. We don't always need to try and tackle problems with thousands of pages of regulations covering every single contingency people can dream up.
Yep. I've pretty much stopped watching the walking dead because of constant social engineering and progressive feminism. Those last few episodes where Maggie was a super woman who doesn't want to be called "honey" and dominates the "coward" old "white man" in charge. What a bunch of bullshit. If an all out apocalypse happened we'd be hiding our women and female children because they'd be hunted first and foremost. In what world do these pompous idiot leftist live in?

It's also why I stopped watching ESPN. So sick of the white man, mixed Asian woman, black Asian woman, 2 black men, and a Mexican. I mean, the US is nearly 70% white and they just won't stop pretending they can wish it away with social engineering on TV every GD day. Let the makeup of America be what it is. Reflect reality sometimes. It's ok.

It's not a racial thing with me either. It's an annoyance at this point. We get it, liberal white men are beta males and hate their family past and present. They hate themselves and hate everyone else that looks like them. They are ashamed of their own heritage and race, and not even minorities respect that in the end, because they respect the hell out of theirs.


That last one shows a white guy shining the shoes of a successful black businessman. Black families in these commercials are always portrayed as the nuclear family while whites are either portrayed as stupid, squares, dweebs or inferior either physically, intellectually or regarding class. You won't see minorities portrayed that way in commercials very often.
Mark Levin played the Dick Lamm speech how to destroy America. You can listen to his show on itunes: 1/30/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

"First, to destroy America , turn America into a bilingual or multi-lingual and
bicultural country. History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict, and
antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures.

'Second, to destroy America , invent 'multiculturalism' and encourage immigrants to
maintain their culture. Make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal; that
there are no cultural differences. Make it an article of faith that the Black and
Hispanic dropout rates are due solely to prejudice and discrimination by the majority.
Every other explanation is out of bounds.

'Third, we could make the United States an 'Hispanic Quebec ' without much effort. The
key is to celebrate diversity rather than unity....

'Fourth, I would make our fastest growing demographic group the least educated. I would
add a second underclass, unassimilated, undereducated, and antagonistic to our
population. I would have this second underclass have a 50% dropout rate from high

'My fifth point for destroying America would be to get big foundations and business to
give these efforts lots of money. I would invest in ethnic identity, and I would
establish the cult of 'Victimology.' I would get all minorities to think that their lack
of success was the fault of the majority. I would start a grievance industry blaming all
minority failure on the majority plation.'

'My sixth plan for America 's downfall would include dual citizenship, and promote
divided loyalties. I would celebrate diversity over unity. I would stress differences
rather than similarities.

'Next to last, I would place all subjects off limits. Make it taboo to talk about
anything against the cult of 'diversity.' I would find a word similar to 'heretic' in the
16th century - that stopped discussion and paralyzed thinking. Words like 'racist' or
'xenophobe' halt discussion and debate.

'Lastly, I would censor Victor Hanson Davis's book
'Mexifornia.' His book is dangerous. It exposes the plan to destroy America .. If you
feel America deserves to be destroyed, don't read that book."

I've said similar for years. The liberal moderates are being played for fools. The alt left has been planning on ripping America down for generations. And they know it can't be done in a foreign manner, it must come from domestic politics and policies.

If there's any moderate leftist left, they need to wake up and quick. They're going to have an unrecognizable country if they don't.
The same reason for everything: $$$$$$$$

Its pretty much the one answer almost every question comes back to unfortunately.

Why have we, as citizens of the US, accepted unlimited terms for congress and senate? Doesn't that turn people into not wanting to represent their community but just be re-elected so they can maintain their position and title? What do they need to do that? $$$? Didn't we remove campaign contribution limits 5 years ago? If we limit terms for congress and senate like we do the president I bet we would eliminate a good bit of corruption, but it will never happen.
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If we pulled military support from Saudi Arabia they would vanish---from both internal and external pressures. (Mass internal revolt and Iran.) And, are we still that dependent on Middle Eastern oil with many of the other options now available?

I'm not so sure they hold the cards they did 30 years ago.

Perhaps. But they can buy alot of protection with the money and oil. Meanwhile, how do we replace the oil?

A lot of risks. Any of which going wrong means the potential end of our nation.
I'm not mexican and I voted for Trump you GD idiot. Go back to making up stupid shit about black people in textbooks. I don't care about liberal vs. conservative like a 5 year old. I'm saying if you want to be tough on terror why don't you actually be tough on terror. All he did was place a stupid 90 day ban on a bunch of countries that are responsible for 5% of any extremist attacks combined and hasn't even uttered a word about the country responsible for 90% of it, and we all know why.

I've just been letting you dig a hole on the textbook question. I've actually got the damn book at my house courtesy of my "black" friend who's a "male" nurse. Just letting you make a fool of yourself more before I drop the bomb on your ass. Keep going.

And yea sure. You voted trump. Just like you're a doctor. Just like, well, whatever lies you're going to next.
Mexican slams conservatives literally every time he talks politics on this forum.

Claims he's not a liberal.
I've just been letting you dig a hole on the textbook question. I've actually got the damn book at my house courtesy of my "black" friend who's a "male" nurse. Just letting you make a fool of yourself more before I drop the bomb on your ass. Keep going.

Why would I make a fool of myself, I would just love to see it. Would be glad to be wrong and would find it amusing, just wanting to see it since you brought it up. Also don't believe you work as a teacher helping underprivileged black children, but don't want or need proof of that.
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So here's some funny stuff.

There was a thread on rafters discussing blacks and the social norms they feel they deal with. I've a got friend who's a nurse (also black) who was telling me most of the incidences with blacks feeling like they're "profiled" in stores, on the street etc has a lot to do with cultural differences.

He goes on to explain that nurses go through some sort of cultural training as to know how to deal with different cultures. He explained that in black culture, eye contact can be viewed as a sign of disrespect. So naturally it might make some African Americans feel awkward. In white culture, eye contact IS a sign of respect. He goes on to explain some of the differences of other cultures and such. Which, honestly, all makes perfect sense if you've ever left your grandmothers basement. So I just suggested that it could be part of a misunderstanding. White guy walks into a mall, they look, he doesn't think anything of it. Black guy walks in, same response from the cashier, but he feels they're only staring at him. I don't know, could be?

So in pops Ron Mexican, charging that its not in any textbook, and I'm scared to "look black men in the eyes". Just a complete jack ass. So I've actually got the textbook as I got sick of hearing it.

NCLEX nursing textbook. Courtesy of marco, my boy who's a nurse (also played football at morehead. Hella athlete.

I've actually enjoyed the constant remarks by Ron Mexican. I'm not going to show him the proof yet. Dig. Dig. Dig. I might show him today in this thread. Maybe.
Why would I make a fool of myself, I would just love to see it. Would be glad to be wrong and would find it amusing, just wanting to see it since you brought it up. Also don't believe you work as a teacher helping underprivileged black children, but don't want or need proof of that.

Well you don't have a clue who I am and that's best. I worked with underage black kids for nearly 8 years. I mean, there's two other posters here who know me and know who I worked with. Maybe we'll laugh at you later. But frankly I couldn't give a shit less.

And you'd make a fool of yourself because you are constantly insinuating it's false, and calling me a liar. You did it in another thread that had nothing to do with it. When I finally decide to show you, you're just gonna make up some lame ass BS, not admit you've been a complete ass about it, and go on.

Keep calling me on it. I enjoy it. It's going to make it that much better to hear your response when you see it.

Of course, there's google. But that might be too tough for ya.
Okay buddy, think we might be taking this message board a bit too seriously. Take a breather and have a great day. If you can find my posts hopefully you can see that they were filled with laughing emojis. Either way, I'm going to go back to my burrito and nachos and watch some telemundo.

And I still stand beside my point before someone said I was mexican and liberal because I said all this terrorist crap is bullshit until we address Saudia Arabia - who is actually responsible and funds 90% of islamic terror.
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Okay buddy, think we might be taking this message board a bit too seriously. Take a breather and have a great day. If you can find my posts hopefully you can see that they were filled with laughing emojis. Either way, I'm going to go back to my burrito and nachos and watch some telemundo.

Oh yea,

"Naw man it was all in fun. I was just Kiddin. Why so serious?"

That's the type you are. All while you've been accusing me of being a racist toward African Americans and lying about my life, and won't shut up about the cultural statement I made.

You're an idiot. But maybe after I blow your theory out of the water we can start over, I'll buy the nachos. Working for 1.50 per hour is tough, don't put yourself out.
So since all of these liberals are now claiming "moderate" and "I hated Hillary", are we back to being too ashamed to just call yourself what you are? L. I. B. E. R. A. L.

Back to apologetic liberals again? Anyone else notice this?
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And I still stand beside my point
It's a moot point, really. The president cannot create new law via EO, only instruct the government how it is to work within the laws that are already set by Congress.

Since SA was not included in the law already on the books, the only way for a ban to be put on SA is to write a new law and introduce it into Congress.

The Democrats, even some Republicans, in the Congress that we have today would have never have allowed a new immigration ban law to be passed, and considering, again, that's the only way SA could have been added, well, you get the point.
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Democrats vowing a fight on Trump's Supreme Court pick without knowing who the individual is.

They've always been obstructionist. They can't fight the Supreme Court for 4 years.

And 25 liberals are up for re-election in trump held districts. He can get the 7 votes needed from the other side.
It's a moot point, really. The president cannot create new law via EO, only instruct the government how it is to work within the laws that are already set by Congress and the Constitution.

Since SA was not included in the law already on the books, the only way for a ban to be put on SA is to write a new law and introduce it into Congress.

The Democrats in the Congress that we have today would have never passed a new immigration ban law, and considering, again, that's the only way SA could have been added, well, you get the point.

It's not about policy with people like that. He doesn't even understand what you're saying. You're a racist.
So since all of these liberals are now claiming "moderate" and "I hated Hillary", are we back to being too ashamed to just call yourself what you are? L. I. B. E. R. A. L.

Back to apologetic liberals again? Anyone else notice this?

Biggest liars ever on here. They were total cowards who want the ability to stand on the soapbox but don't want to be chastized for voting for Hillary even though they did so they claim to be independents or "moderate." Not many people on the left consider themselves far left but far left is just left now.
Just curious, will my current passport suffice when I travel to California or do I need some sort of additional visa, green card, etc.

Thanks in advance.
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OMG! Just say no to Saudi Arabia oil!
OMG! Just say no to Dakota Pipeline!

Wind baby, wind.

Which, if calculations are correct, would kill more birds than not only any energy source, but maybe all causes.

I'll be sure and let the sierra club know that the left is now ok with mass bird murder.

Obama had to actually exempt these wind suppliers from prosecution because the amount of birds killed by wind is enough to put them in prison. Imagine if we expanded wind turbines to the wet dream of beta liberals, and they were "localized". That's billions of bird deaths.

Damnit. Liberals get to work. That utopia isn't working out.
Just curious, will my current passport suffice when I travel to California or do I need some sort of additional visa, green card, etc.

Thanks in advance.

Hopefully you won't need anything. I'm awaiting the day that entire state goes underwater.

Isn't there a giant volcano due to erupt under commiefornia at some point?
Biggest liars ever on here. They were total cowards who want the ability to stand on the soapbox but don't want to be chastized for voting for Hillary even though they did so they claim to be independents or "moderate." Not many people on the left consider themselves far left but far left is just left now.

It's everywhere too.

"I might lean left but I hated Hillary and voted trump"


"I'm an independent. I bash republicans daily but I'm not Party affiliated"

They're just cowards. They think claiming independent somehow makes them the intellect of the room who doesn't have to accountable for a position. But if you read their crap, it's clear.

Yep. Back to apologetic liberals. It happens every time they lose Party power.
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And to address a few things from the past few pages...

A POTUS should answer to the press. But the "press" I'm talking about is objective journalists set on reporting facts, not a biased firing squad. If the name of your "news" organization showed up in any of the DNC or Podesta emails, you've forfeited your right to be called "news" or "journalism".

I said it many times throughout the election, I was far more comfortable with Trump being in office because I knew the press would be there to question him. A glaring oversight on my part was the fact that these former "news" organizations are just as biased as the people on the street protesting. My comfort level laid in a reliance on an objective press. Having biased organization's report made up stories and rely on completely unverified accounts is ensuring the people who voted for Trump will be constantly on defense as opposed to objectively analyzing his actions.

"Obama did it too" or "Obama did it first" or "Obama laid the groundwork" is in no way a valid defense of Trump's policies. A lot of people were more comfortable with Trump in office because we thought Clinton was going to be the extension of Obama's policies. If you agree with Trump's policies, they should be defended with logic and reason, not "Obama did it first."

HOWEVER, that assumes those on the other side of the argument are open to logic and reason. Most are not. There's no reason to explain logic or reason to Cardkilla, or any of these airport protestors, because they don't deal in logic or reason. If you're discussing policy with a reasonable, objective person, you better come up with something better than "Obama did it first" - yeah, we all hated Obama when he did it. If you're talking to Cardkilla, "Obama did it first and you weren't protesting" is about the only thing that may get through to his little pea brain. It's not a matter of trying to convince them to be open minded - they never will be - it's about trying to make everyone else aware of how goddam stupid and hypocritical they are.
And to address a few things from the past few pages...

A POTUS should answer to the press. But the "press" I'm talking about is objective journalists set on reporting facts, not a biased firing squad. If the name of your "news" organization showed up in any of the DNC or Podesta emails, you've forfeited your right to be called "news" or "journalism".

I said it many times throughout the election, I was far more comfortable with Trump being in office because I knew the press would be there to question him. A glaring oversight on my part was the fact that these former "news" organizations are just as biased as the people on the street protesting. My comfort level laid in a reliance on an objective press. Having biased organization's report made up stories and rely on completely unverified accounts is ensuring the people who voted for Trump will be constantly on defense as opposed to objectively analyzing his actions.

"Obama did it too" or "Obama did it first" or "Obama laid the groundwork" is in no way a valid defense of Trump's policies. A lot of people were more comfortable with Trump in office because we thought Clinton was going to be the extension of Obama's policies. If you agree with Trump's policies, they should be defended with logic and reason, not "Obama did it first."

HOWEVER, that assumes those on the other side of the argument are open to logic and reason. Most are not. There's no reason to explain logic or reason to Cardkilla, or any of these airport protestors, because they don't deal in logic or reason. If you're discussing policy with a reasonable, objective person, you better come up with something better than "Obama did it first" - yeah, we all hated Obama when he did it. If you're talking to Cardkilla, "Obama did it first and you weren't protesting" is about the only thing that may get through to his little pea brain. It's not a matter of trying to convince them to be open minded - they never will be - it's about trying to make everyone else aware of how goddam stupid and hypocritical they are.
that's what he should do.Get a print out of the list of people who were in ca hoots with the DNC and say "well I see that your name is on this list so you may not ask any questions."
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Okay buddy, think we might be taking this message board a bit too seriously. Take a breather and have a great day. If you can find my posts hopefully you can see that they were filled with laughing emojis. Either way, I'm going to go back to my burrito and nachos and watch some telemundo.

And I still stand beside my point before someone said I was mexican and liberal because I said all this terrorist crap is bullshit until we address Saudia Arabia - who is actually responsible and funds 90% of islamic terror.

You are right about SA - but they couldn't have been added w/out more legislation.

SA - 9/11 hijackers, San Bernardino shooters, Orlando club shooter...

Totally with your thought that if we are going to take this serious, they need to be dealt with. Totally disagree w/being frustrated by them not being in Trumps EO, because I don't think that was even possible. Also disagree w/you calling it a "muslimban"...that's falling right into that trap and will turn extreme righters off immediately, even if you follow w/valid argument.