How will they rule ??!

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I'm with LEK in that I hate hypocrites and if you complain about one side doing it, you shouldn't be excited when your side does it.

Problem is I see one side held accountable or called out for the BS, and the other not so much.

Not sure how long you survive in this "game" taking the high road these days. And that does suck.
President Obama courageously speaking out against Trump's racist policies.

I think we can all set aside our differences in here to pause for a moment and acknowledge what a great man the former president is. Let's all spend the next few pages in this thread thanking him for his wonderful service to our country and our freedom. Tell us personally how he has made each of your lives better and made you proud of us as a nation.

I'm cool with people putting a check on the media. And I agree, it's why independent news sources have risen. One guy claimed President should not talk to press at all. Any. That's a commie response. You're giving a throw the baby out with bath water argument.
I agree with you. What you said is exactly right. I'm just saying the media aren't holding up their end of the bargain.
President Obama courageously speaking out against Trump's racist policies.

I think we can all set aside our differences in here to pause for a moment and acknowledge what a great man the former president is. Let's all spend the next few pages in this thread thanking him for his wonderful service to our country and our freedom. Tell us personally how he has made each of your lives better and made you proud of us as a nation.


Best troll this board has. Swear to God.
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On behalf of the entire Paddock, we speak in one voice, Thank you sir. Thank you, President Obama:

Is it possible to get back to a place where the left and right live in the same reality or are we doomed to argue like Skip Bayless and Stephen A Smith forever?
People have to stop this , "well, he did it first!" Mentality.

When they failed with Obama, it was wrong too. 2 wrongs don't make a right. The defense now is, well, they are bad or they did this...

No, it's wrong. Other guy was advocating President didn't have to answer the press and that is commie bullsh*t.

I thought the right were protectors of the Constitution? Why is it suddenly not defendable because of vague claims like Obama got away with it or the media is corrupt.
The President/the executive branch has absolutely no obligation to speak with the press ever. It would behoove them to do so, however, to get out their message and to not appear to be running the nation in secret. Unlike past presidents, Trump doesn't have to depend on the press to get his message out, he has Twitter.

I don't advocate the executive branch not engaging the press, Trump's administration like any administration should be questioned and scrutinized. And obviously, I wouldn't advocate state censorship of the press, they should be able to say what they want. The problem is, the filter of the press is doing everything to cast the Trump administration in the worst light possible. So....why should he talk to the press any more than he has to when he has Twitter?

Neither you nor I protested when Obama temporarily suspended migration from certain countries for the security of our nation. For the same reasons, and as long as it is temporary and results in greater security for us, neither you nor I should protest Trump's temporary suspension of those privileges.
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The refugees are racist. They only are rapin' white women. I haven't seen one refugee rape a black woman.


I want to go deeper into this because your observation is correct but i can't properly do it without getting banned.

Really think about this though.

Whites can't have anything without it being "racist" or someone demanding to take it over.

Whites get raped, attacked and murdered more than anyone when it comes to interracial encounters despite outnumbering all of them yet it gets no outrage. Basically, anything showcasing whites as victims or anything that is in the best interest of whites is deemed "racist" and must be taken over. No other race encounters this.

-Neighborhood is too white? Must force poor ethnic groups in there.
-School is too white? Demand to be included and lower the bar for other groups
-Country is too white? Force multiculturalism and diversity sensitivity BS on them constantly through media, politics and education.
- Company is too white? Don't worry. We'll enforce mandatory diversity quotas to make sure we hire a POC that's less qualified than a white counterpart.

You'll never see the left do this to any other race or any other country?

You'll never ever see the left demand this with any other race
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I want to go deeper into this because your observation is correct but i can't properly do it without getting banned.

Really think about this though.

Whites can't have anything without it being "racist" or someone demanding to take it over.

Whites get raped, attacked and murdered more than anyone when it comes to interracial encounters despite outnumbering all of them yet it gets no outrage. Basically, anything showcasing whites as victims or anything that is in the best interest of whites is deemed "racist" and must be taken over. No other race encounters this.

-Neighborhood is too white? Must force poor ethnic groups in there.
-School is too white? Demand to be included and lower the bar for other groups
-Country is too white? Force multiculturalism and diversity sensitivity BS on them constantly through media, politics and education.
- Company is too white? Don't worry. We'll enforce mandatory diversity quotas to make sure we hire a POC that's less qualified than a white counterpart.

You'll never see the left do this to any other race or any other country?

You'll never ever see the left demand any other race

Left are hypocrites. You'll never see BLM protest against muslims due to their racist raping ways.
I saw they fired that Obama lackey AG for refusing to follow the law. I bet the same libs who are outraged about this were the same who lost their minds over Kim Davis.
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Because CNN, FOX, MSN are paid cronies doesn't mean journalism is dead. You've let to many anecdotal stories cloud your judgement.
Oh, its dead. The best journalist this country had in this previous election didn't even live in America.
I wish they were protesting to stop the dronings. At least then I wouldn't think they were completely insane, and would consider joining them.
Better reasons for marching:

Murder rates rising in certain cities - mine for sure (Louisville)

Homelessness - they probably avoid eye contact w/the homeless downtown in their current organized events

Flint water/WV flood victims (as posted earlier)

Violent Crimes against citizens by illegal aliens...

We miss so much right under our nose. I'd love to take care of our own damn problems first.

We are a dysfunctional family and many want us to adopt w/no questions asked...
Better reasons for marching:

Murder rates rising in certain cities - mine for sure (Louisville)

Homelessness - they probably avoid eye contact w/the homeless downtown in their current organized events

Flint water/WV flood victims (as posted earlier)

Violent Crimes against citizens by illegal aliens...

We miss so much right under our nose. I'd love to take care of our own damn problems first.

We are a dysfunctional family looking to adopt...

I believe you just said "America First" in a completely reasonable way . . . effing racist.
As long as these stupid f****** idiots are crying and protesting you know Trump is doing the right thing.

I'm sure idiots said the same thing during Civil Rights protests, marching against Jim Crow laws, people protesting against Governor Wallace, etc. Yep, people standing up for the rights and liberties of others are always in the wrong.
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I would have no problems with Trump talking to the press if the press was fair. Would you talk to someone in real life that was going to twist every single thing you said? Of course you wouldn't, you would tell that person to eat shit. Trump should do the same to the press until they became fair.

That's why I wouldn't bother with the media nor should you be required to. It does nothing for him. The reason why the interview was created was because it was basically a pseudo event and created news and helped that person get their story out there. However, what's happening is that the media, who Obama used as his propaganda machine, are now just there to bash Trump 24/7 every single day.

Do nothing for them. Put out a press release, use a Twitter video or use something via social media. Don't answer their questions. Don't bother with these enemies at all. These are the same people who did not hold Obama or Hillary accountable yet have made no secret that they're out to get Trump so why would we use these people as legitimate news sources?
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I'm sure idiots said the same thing during Civil Rights protests, marching against Jim Crow laws, people protesting against Governor Wallace, etc. Yep, people standing up for the rights and liberties of others are always in the wrong.
You're not standing up for rights. You're a brainwashed fool following the orders of soros and the corrupt media.
In a year or 2, only the most far left wackos will be left screaming and crying. By then, the reasonable left leaning people will realize they were duped and they will be pissed. It's great witnessing the demise of the progressives. I f****** love it!
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In a year or 2, only the most far left wackos will be left screaming and crying. By then, the reasonable left leaning people will realize they were duped and they will be pissed. It's great witnessing the demise of the progressives. I f****** love it!

"Reasonable left leaning people"

No longer exists.
I'm sure idiots said the same thing during Civil Rights protests, marching against Jim Crow laws, people protesting against Governor Wallace, etc. Yep, people standing up for the rights and liberties of others are always in the wrong.

What rights would those be? Which rights have been threatened of our CITIZENS?

This is all funded anarchy from George Soros using these idiots as pawns to paint a narrative for votes. They have managed to create a divisive narrative by acting like white males are evil and that everyone should be against them.
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I'm sure idiots said the same thing during Civil Rights protests, marching against Jim Crow laws, people protesting against Governor Wallace, etc. Yep, people standing up for the rights and liberties of others are always in the wrong.

Rights and liberties of American citizens >>>>>>>>>> rights and liberties of citizens of other countries

Not close
I'm sure idiots said the same thing during Civil Rights protests, marching against Jim Crow laws, people protesting against Governor Wallace, etc. Yep, people standing up for the rights and liberties of others are always in the wrong.

Just an unbelievable, painful, sad reminder of how fu--ed we are. You are comparing Americans to FOREIGNERS. ( Foreigners that share a religion that is wholly incompatible with your own liberty).

You need to decide which group comes first. You and your pussy-hat friends would be human barbecues 10 minutes after Muslims become the majority and there is no way you don't know that.
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Yeah, probably mostly true, but it doesn't matter really. This train is rolling and it ain't gonna stop.
Every single one of the Republican presidential candidates would've caved by now. Trump doesn't give a damn, and its awesome. His IDGAF what you think is an attitude the entire GOP needs.

I've always hated democrats but they would always fight til the bitter end to get what they want. I'm glad we have a President that throws sucker punches anytime the left comes at him. Its about damn time we had a fighter on our side.