How will they rule ??!

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TBH, I'm not going to be one of those nicey conservatives who kisses the ass of liberals and claim I'm going to call trump on every single thing he does as to appear "objective". Screw that. Elections have consequences.

He's not a politician and he's not going to be typical. He's not going to do everything correctly. But he's working, and he's trying, and he's already made me really happy in his first week.

The left is going to smear him enough. I sure as hell won't Help them out. That's exactly what they want. To Hold trump to a standard they don't hold the left to.

The media is going to make issues that they never took up with democrats. They're going to look into areas they never investigated inside the obama whitehouse.

How does the old saying go? If you're under 30 & if you're not a liberal you don't have a heart. BUT, if you are over 30 & not a conservative you don't have a brain.

AKA, That's being young and dumb. And then getting older & wiser.

As I always told my professors in college, I guess I've always been heartless.
[laughing] You can save the key strokes, though. You're on ignore, Pedro.
You mean I dont get to respond to such great hits as, "Theyre all closet racists, but I have no proof to back it up?" or "The right has no say in media?"


Grats on calling me pedro, seems apt from your point of view. Just as bad as liberals. When you dont like another view point, ignore!
You mean I dont get to respond to such great hits as, "Theyre all closet racists, but I have no proof to back it up?" or "The right has no say in media?"


Grats on calling me pedro, seems apt from your point of view. Just as bad as liberals. When you dont like another view point, ignore!
I don't have you on ignore; otherwise, I couldn't have read your post. I'll gladly hear anyone out. I've also enjoyed our interactions. Looks like they've gotten under your skin a bit, though.

I thought you were referring to morg with your one black friend line. Was just making you aware he has you on ignore. Looks like it went over your head, and you took it personal from me and got defensive. Pity.
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Don't think I've heard the term Nazi thrown around as much in my life as it has been in the past couple of months. Just a reminder, it was a Podesta email that instructed the lib troops/campaign to use it whenever there was no other defense.
inadmissible, sorry
Saying Hannity isnt a part of the media because he thinks he is not, is beyond stupid. Seriously.
Not really. Is Colbert part of the media? There's a difference between a TV host and a journalist. Not being able to make that distinction is beyond stupid.
I don't have you on ignore; otherwise, I couldn't have read your post. I'll gladly hear anyone out. I've also enjoyed our interactions. Looks like they've gotten under your skin a bit, though.

I thought you were referring to morg with your one black friend line. Was just making you aware he has you on ignore. Looks like it went over your head, and you took it personal from me and got defensive. Pity.
They havent. Our interactions have gotten better.
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First of all, most of what is considered poverty here in the states would pass for "middle class" in most parts of the world.
Still, you miss the point. Illegals come here because there is work, because people will pay them for their services. These same jobs are available to US citizens but are undesired by many. I will never blame someone who is poor who is willing to work to improve their lot in life. They are willing to leave their home, take the risk, travel hundreds if not thousands of miles to live in what we consider poverty but is much better than from where they come.
America also has thousands if not millions who are willing to break the law to use these people for profit. Are those who profiting from illegal workers not at a minimum, equally responsible?
If you leave food out on your countertops at home, you will have ants and cockroaches. You can kill ants and roaches all day long but they will continue to come if you don't clean your countertops. It is simple, cause and effect. Sure, you can poison your home with pesticides time and time again to reduce the numbers...but as long as that food is there, they will come. On the other hand, you can clean your countertops, remove the food that attracts the ants and roaches and fairly quickly the ants and roaches will remove themselves because they have nothing to eat.
As long as you are focused only on killing ants (removing illegals) you'll never succeed because you've not dealt with the root cause of the problem.

Extreme poverty is prevalent within the borders of your own state. I have seen places in Kentucky that have no running water, no electricity and children bathing in streams. There is another America out their that no one talks about.

The "jobs that no American will have" line is a piece of propaganda shit used by employers to get cheap ass labor which in turn puts more money in their pocket. Latinos and other immigrants have become the new slave labor in our country. It's unjust to them and American born workers. Employers should be held responsible for their hiring.
watched a great clip on the feminist protest. They can't even answer simple questions. Conservatives are so much smarter than the left it's insane. I mean I'm watching it, and thinking to myself, damn. I could make a case for abortion Better than those linebacker Fred feminist on the topic. They truly butcher the position. Of course, the media didn't explain the issue for them, so they're not smart enough to understand it.

Conservative - At what point is it not okay to have an abortion? 9 months okay

Feminist - ummm yea.

Conservative - you totally cool with killing the baby of the attempted abortion that failed?

Feminist - uh.......I mean I don't know. I guess.

And of course in rushes some but job leftist to tell her to stop talking, he's a conservative blogger!!!!!

someday, somewhere, the left is going to be dismantled over their position on this. In what civilized society do you kill 9 month old infants and failed aborted babies? These are sick people.

This is literally a 10% issue. If the media told the truth about abortion on the books, the left and planned parenthood would go up in smoke. I hope trump exposes the evilness of these people on this issue.
Extreme poverty is prevalent within the borders of your own state. I have seen places in Kentucky that have no running water, no electricity and children bathing in streams. There is another America out their that no one talks about.

The "jobs that no American will have" line is a piece of propaganda shit used by employers to get cheap ass labor which in turn puts more money in their pocket. Latinos and other immigrants have become the new slave labor in our country. It's unjust to them and American born workers. Employers should be held responsible for their hiring.

But it's a new voter block for the left.

Man, people have to wake up eventually.
Seriously? An evolution of how news is presented doesnt take away from it. But your saying Hannity is like Colbert, a clown? Ok.
This is just something we'll have to agree to disagree on. A journalist to me is someone who went to journalism school, gotten their degree and has pledged to uphold the journalist's creed.

Not some shock jock radio host and blabber mouth TV host. By those standards Rush Limbaugh is a journalist. Guess we just have different standards in journalism.
This is just something we'll have to agree to disagree on. A journalist to me is someone who went to journalism school, gotten their degree and has pledged to uphold the journalist's creed.

Not some shock jock radio host and blabber mouth TV host. By those standards Rush Limbaugh is a journalist. Guess we just have different standards in journalism.
Carl Berstein dropped out of college. Bob Woodward studied English. By your definition, they arent journalists. They are probably the most revered journalists in American History. Walkter Kronkite dropped out of college, Seymour Hersh had a degree in History. If you dont know these people, I would advise looking them up.

There is broadcast journalism.

Also, Im arguing media, not journalism.
Hannity is too abrasive for me. I like O'Reilly better.

I love Hannity, but I've been a fan of oreilly for years. Don't like all of his positions but he does a good job. Not as entertaining of a show as it used to be, during the early and mid 2'000's but he's getting older. Talking points is the best segment in cable news and he hits it out of the part most nights.

Hannity and Colmes was a better show than just Hannity.

But I love Hannity, don't get me wrong.
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This is just something we'll have to agree to disagree on. A journalist to me is someone who went to journalism school, gotten their degree and has pledged to uphold the journalist's creed.

Not some shock jock radio host and blabber mouth TV host. By those standards Rush Limbaugh is a journalist. Guess we just have different standards in journalism.

Good god man, still?

Hannity is not a journalist. He openly says, at least once a week, that he's not a impartial journalist. I mean shit it's something he won't shut up about.

Again, the difference in Hannity and ABC, NBC, CNN, etc is they SAY they are INDEPENDENT JOURNALIST.

It's not hard to understand. Good grief.
Also, Im arguing media, not journalism.
Well, that makes all the difference then. If I recall correctly, the first post you quoted that stirred up this conversation was talking specifically about journalists, not media TV hosts. A journalists he most definitely is not.
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SA very well maybe added to the ban. Prebius was on a Sunday show and said (I'm paraphrasing) they are likely to expand the ban to other countries at some point. Hes only been in office for two weeks, give it some time jeez lol.
Hannity is too abrasive for me. I like O'Reilly better.

I like O'Reilly as well. I've also seen him be pretty fair and not always against Obama on something. He's less biased than someone like Hannity, which I like as well. I still prefer O'Reilly and Tucker over Hannity.
According to a former Trump aide, the Paris climate accord will be toast within a few days as far as the U.S. is concerned. No matter how you feel about the issue it was a horrible deal for America. The world's largest emitter (China) gets a 15 year pass on doing anything while we take the economic hit now. Team Obama took it up the poop shoot from the Chinese on that one.
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Extreme poverty is prevalent within the borders of your own state. I have seen places in Kentucky that have no running water, no electricity and children bathing in streams. There is another America out their that no one talks about.

The "jobs that no American will have" line is a piece of propaganda shit used by employers to get cheap ass labor which in turn puts more money in their pocket. Latinos and other immigrants have become the new slave labor in our country. It's unjust to them and American born workers. Employers should be held responsible for their hiring.

I'll add that our border controls, or lack there of, have promoted human trafficking through Mexico.
I love Hannity, but I've been a fan of oreilly for years. Don't like all of his positions but he does a good job. Not as entertaining of a show as it used to be, during the early and mid 2'000's but he's getting older. Talking points is the best segment in cable news and he hits it out of the part most nights.

Hannity and Colmes was a better show than just Hannity.

But I love Hannity, don't get me wrong.
I like his radio show more than his TV show.
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Think the word you are looking for is editorializing. There's too much editorializing in the media today. For example, I now have to say both sides of the media. How ridiculous is that.

The right really doesn't have adequate representation like the left. I call it all liberal propaganda.

Nearly every major newspaper outlet

All in the tank alt left.

Fox is the only network that you can get an array of viewpoints without the anchors going off the rails liberal. Just yesterday fox had.
Charles krauthhammer drilling trump.

Oreilly took shots at him.

The five took shots at him.

Bernard Goldberg took many shots at him and conservative voters. You don't get that kind of moderation from any other news source on TV.

I don't think fox leans right as much as I think they give the right a voice they don't get anywhere else. Since they aren't extreme alt left fanatics like CNN, they appear to be far right. Not so.
OReilly can be ok in bits and pieces. He tried to kiss Obamas ass a little too much for me sometimes though.
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OReilly can be ok in bits and pieces. He tried to kiss Obamas ass a little too much for me sometimes though.

I've religiously watched him for years. He was just trying his best to be independent in a world of fanatical journalists. His talking point segment is where he really hits it better than anyone.

And the way he handled Megyn smelly's ass was beautiful.

His books are off the charts good. Even liberals give him that. The guy knows his history.
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Nobody ever said Draining the Swamp was going to be easy. Washington is a cesspool full or corruption, greed, political hacks, etc. on both sides of the aisle. The Dems are just more ruthless in their actions than the GOP is. Trump is in for a fight of his life to try and clean up this mess. Enemy #1 is George Soros. He needs to be dealt with.
It's so crazy how gung-ho Democrats are about immigration. It should be obvious to everyone why. It's not that they're humanitarians. They don't give a crap about homeless people in the states or homeless vets. These are the same people who march to kill babies. So ask yourself why is it such a huge issue for Dems to bring in the third world and total savagery? That should tell you they have a lot to gain.

BTW, watch this from Tucker last night.

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I've religiously watched him for years. He was just trying his best to be independent in a world of fanatical journalists. His talking point segment is where he really hits it better than anyone.

And the way he handled Megyn smelly's ass was beautiful.

His books are off the charts good. Even liberals give him that. The guy knows his history.
I agree, but one night he would be railing Obama, than the next night hes defending him. I couldn't make heads or tails of how he feels about Obama.
The Canadian mosque thing? What were the facts?

Abc news didn't give a name but said the shooter is charged with 6 counts of murder and was a "nationalist who opposed immigration"...

I thought there were 2 and both had Muslim names.
Nobody ever said Draining the Swamp was going to be easy. Washington is a cesspool full or corruption, greed, political hacks, etc. on both sides of the aisle. The Dems are just more ruthless in their actions than the GOP is. Trump is in for a fight of his life to try and clean up this mess. Enemy #1 is George Soros. He needs to be dealt with.

@death get moving.
I agree, but one night he would be railing Obama, than the next night hes defending him. I couldn't make heads or tails of how he feels about Obama.

Hmm. Haven't heard much of him slerping obama. If you can find some examples I'd definitely watch. I know there were times when he would offer the side of obamas views, but you can always see that look on his face when he does it.

"To be fair" - whenever he says this, and throws his hands up, you know he's playing to the journalistic side.
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