How will they rule ??!

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Every single one of the Republican presidential candidates would've caved by now. Trump doesn't give a damn, and its awesome. His IDGAF what you think is an attitude the entire GOP needs.

I've always hated democrats but they would always fight til the bitter end to get what they want. I'm glad we have a President that throws sucker punches anytime the left comes at him. Its about damn time we had a fighter on our side.

You're GD right! Well said.
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I want to go deeper into this because your observation is correct but i can't properly do it without getting banned.

Really think about this though.

Whites can't have anything without it being "racist" or someone demanding to take it over.

Whites get raped, attacked and murdered more than anyone when it comes to interracial encounters despite outnumbering all of them yet it gets no outrage. Basically, anything showcasing whites as victims or anything that is in the best interest of whites is deemed "racist" and must be taken over. No other race encounters this.

-Neighborhood is too white? Must force poor ethnic groups in there.
-School is too white? Demand to be included and lower the bar for other groups
-Country is too white? Force multiculturalism and diversity sensitivity BS on them constantly through media, politics and education.
- Company is too white? Don't worry. We'll enforce mandatory diversity quotas to make sure we hire a POC that's less qualified than a white counterpart.

You'll never see the left do this to any other race or any other country?

You'll never ever see the left demand this with any other race

Well it's the premise of their platform. Pander to groups that are less fortunate. Another reason for mass immigration. They can convince the third world immigrant to vote for their entitlements; that doesn't work with intelligent, responsible, educated, common sense Americans.

On the side of that, is what gets me most about Liberal voters. In large, they don't fully comprehend the party today. And you see this routinely if you'll discuss topics with them.

Notice how most liberal voters you'll encounter rarely are in unison with the left on every issue. They'll always venture over to the "normal side" and agree with conservatives on many positions. They seriously cannot comprehend the fact that to support the Democrats, you must be fairly radical. And when debated, you can't pin them on anything because they'll just tell you they don't agree with half of positions of the party platform. Hello? You're a liberal voter yes?

No limits on abortion, zero. - I've never met a leftist in person who fully supports this. The platform pushes it.

Mass immigration support and amnesty - Again, not something every liberal wants. The platform pushes it.

sexual consent laws and soft pedophilia - In no way supported by any liberal I know, yet the party platform is already moving on it.

Semi-Automatic full gun bans and Ammo restrictions - Not at all the way Dems sell what they want here, but it is. Top democratic leadership has been pushing it for a while now. I've met several lefties that can't admit the left wants semi bans, followed by confiscation.

Selective discrimination - Not a popular position, even in some liberal circles, but the party platform has been engaging in this for 8 years now.

Reparations - Not something most normal left leaning individuals support, but in 10-15 years the left is going to make this a serious topic. They've already started.

Gender disorder issues - If you told fuzz a man dressed as a woman was pissing in his daughters 6th grade bathroom, would he send her in? Hell no, he's FOS. As is most of the left on these topics. Yet the progressive wing that's in charge pushes it more than they do jobs for the American people.

To vote democrat today you have to be a fairly radical person. Whether or not you believe you are is another story. But those are issues you support as a democrat, among countless others that are just pitiful.
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I'm sure idiots said the same thing during Civil Rights protests, marching against Jim Crow laws, people protesting against Governor Wallace, etc. Yep, people standing up for the rights and liberties of others are always in the wrong.

Not even close to the same.
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Yeah, there's going to be a concerted effort to rewrite history on that one in a couple years. Obama the peace loving Nobel winner sounds a lot better than the reality of him bombing the hell out of everyone.

Not to mention section .1021 of the NDAA. Obama pretty much signed off on ridding American Citizens of habeas corpus. I believe it made it through the senate and Carl Levin stripped the provision from the final version. I wonder on who's request? Detained without warrant or charges if found to be "in suspicion" of "terrorism". And we all remember what the definition of "terrorism" is to the left.

Obama is a wart on the history of America.
Great Britain has two petitions circulating. One to prevent his scheduled visit and the other to welcome him. The negative one has a million signatures and the positive has about 52,000. I think it's the Brexiters who support him and they probably have the same dynamic we had where a lot of people are hesitant to voice their true opinions. It seems like much of the world thinks we are crazy for electing this so called "mad man" but when their countries get overrun by radical Islam they will want us to bail them out of their self made hell.
Not even close to the same.

liberal intellects at the university / scholarly level have sort of an imagined indignation as part of their reason for being involved. When the issues become, well, kind of settled, they must create new ones. Example A is the poster you responded to.

That's why it's a constant "apples and oranges" game with their logic. Immigrants aren't black, they're not slaves. They are not entitled to the same advantages. The Homosexual lobby was not born black, their positions and grievances are nowhere near the same. At all.

Apples, oranges, constantly.
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I can't WAIT to see the libs go in a full meltdown mode after 8pm tonight, right after Trump announces his SCOTUS nominee. This pick will be a liberal agenda killer for 20+ years.
Seriously? Read our first amendment. We keep the press around to keep an informed republic. We keep the press to keep those in power, in check. That right was so important to our founding fathers, they saw it important enough to put it first.

When you destroy the press, you become a dictator. So yea, they should answer. You should want every politician accountable, no matter who, to the people. In case you forgot, this country is run by the people, for the people. You advocate taking away the press? That's communism.

It's no wonder commies like you support this.

The founding fathers wrote that ammendment under the impression that the press would be free press. That's no longer the case out of the ones with the access. They're state run and have a strangle hold on the industry.

The MSM, the press with the most access to the president/WH, are no longer free press. As wikileaks has shown us all, they're nothing more than liberal propagandists and political activists.

We're in a bit of a dilemma regarding this issue. The free press isn't getting a seat at the table. The press who is still truly free, independent journalists, have the least access to the president/WH.

Trump is trying to give them a seat. He announced press briefings would be moved to a different, bigger location on WH grounds to accommodate for more journalists being invited; independent, radio, bloggers, etc... and the MSM and liberals lost their shit, and are fighting the move, desperately trying to keep their stranglehold.
The founding fathers wrote that ammendment under the impression that the press would be free press. That's no longer the case out of the ones with the access. They're state run and have a strangle hold on the industry.

The MSM, the press with the most access to the president/WH, are no longer free press. As wikileaks has shown us all, they're nothing more than liberal propagandists and political activists.

We're in a bit of a dilemma regarding this issue. The free press isn't getting a seat at the table. The press who is still truly free, independent journalists, have the least access to the president/WH.

Trump is trying to give them a seat. He announced press briefings would be moved to a different, bigger location on WH grounds to accommodate for more journalists being invited; independent, radio, bloggers, etc... and the MSM and liberals lost their shit, and are fighting the move, desperately trying to keep their stranglehold.

The American main stream press is nothing more than a branch off of the university of which they were taught. In most cases more education leads to more think tank. It's not a free flow of ideas at these places. They are a product of liberal indoctrination, and really aren't "free press" at all. The narrative is driven through a group of people at the top, the monopoly controls them, and they all work in unison to achieve their goal. They use propaganda and start the conversation in a location where common people assume it's just a "moderate" way to begin. It's completely a form of brainwash and indoctrination to the masses.

Once the media was ousted as colluding with a political party, that should have been it. CNN should not be participating in this white house. A you said, they don't fall under "free press".
The President/the executive branch has absolutely no obligation to speak with the press ever. It would behoove them to do so, however, to get out their message and to not appear to be running the nation in secret. Unlike past presidents, Trump doesn't have to depend on the press to get his message out, he has Twitter.

I don't advocate the executive branch not engaging the press, Trump's administration like any administration should be questioned and scrutinized. And obviously, I wouldn't advocate state censorship of the press, they should be able to say what they want. The problem is, the filter of the press is doing everything to cast the Trump administration in the worst light possible. So....why should he talk to the press any more than he has to when he has Twitter?

Neither you nor I protested when Obama temporarily suspended migration from certain countries for the security of our nation. For the same reasons, and as long as it is temporary and results in greater security for us, neither you nor I should protest Trump's temporary suspension of those privileges.
I dont care about the ban. But you cant say in one sentence you dont advocate talking to the press and then in the next say he shouldnt. Its that type of hypocrisy that you should be better than.
The founding fathers wrote that ammendment under the impression that the press would be free press. That's no longer the case out of the ones with the access. They're state run and have a strangle hold on the industry.

The MSM, the press with the most access to the president/WH, are no longer free press. As wikileaks has shown us all, they're nothing more than liberal propagandists and political activists.

We're in a bit of a dilemma regarding this issue. The free press isn't getting a seat at the table. The press who is still truly free, independent journalists, have the least access to the president/WH.

Trump is trying to give them a seat. He announced press briefings would be moved to a different, bigger location on WH grounds to accommodate for more journalists being invited; independent, radio, bloggers, etc... and the MSM and liberals lost their shit, and are fighting the move, desperately trying to keep their stranglehold.
Not all the press is damaged. Fox is one way, CNN the other. As far as state run, are you talking about PBS?

Still sounds like you are advocating not talking to the press, but I could be wrong.
My uncle today, retired, conservative, alcoholic, rich.

"I was raised to be nice to people, ya know. Taught to be cordial and respectful, to go out of my way to be polite. Then I was told I "had" to be that way, ya know, that politically correct bullshit. I'll just be an asshole then."


great, simple guy. Just so happens to be named Richard.
President Obama courageously speaking out against Trump's racist policies.

I think we can all set aside our differences in here to pause for a moment and acknowledge what a great man the former president is. Let's all spend the next few pages in this thread thanking him for his wonderful service to our country and our freedom. Tell us personally how he has made each of your lives better and made you proud of us as a nation.

Bobby Stoan, is that you?
Not all the press is damaged. Fox is one way, CNN the other. As far as state run, are you talking about PBS?

Still sounds like you are advocating not talking to the press, but I could be wrong.
No, I'm advocating talking to the right (not on the political spectrum) press. The press who isn't partisan and is still interested in ethically doing their jobs, keeping power in check on a bipartisan manner.

Trump is trying to give such a seat at the table. It comes as no surprise that the MSM slanted to the left and liberals are fighting him every step of the way. It only serves to hurt their cause.
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Would LOVE to see left leaning individuals react to a conservative press who is colluding with republicans on issues like the Iraq war, privatized retirement, and gun rights.

They'd be screaming for the head of every news outlet doing it they can find. It's only hypocritical when the right fights back.
Would LOVE to see left leaning individuals react to a conservative press who is colluding with republicans on issues like the Iraq war, privatized retirement, and gun rights.

They'd be screaming for the head of every news outlet doing it they can find. It's only hypocritical when the right fights back.
Like Trump and Hannity?
Oh. Ok. :rolleyes:

I mean, it's also doubtful that any of the right controls the media.

Willful ignorance is a crazy thing.
I'm just saying Hannity - your example given, not mine - isn't a member of the press. He's no different than you or I except that he has a TV show to spout his partisan nonsense instead of a message board. He's the equivalent to Stephen Colbert, but without the comedy.

Besides, I thought you just said we were supposed to be better than the "But they do it, too." argument?
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Just an unbelievable, painful, sad reminder of how fu--ed we are. You are comparing Americans to FOREIGNERS. ( Foreigners that share a religion that is wholly incompatible with your own liberty).

You need to decide which group comes first. You and your pussy-hat friends would be human barbecues 10 minutes after Muslims become the majority and there is no way you don't know that.

Liberals are a perfect example of the woman who cared for the sick snake only to be bitten. These people are totally brainwashed and the third world savages laugh at them as they are simply tools to achieve their goal.

To see feminists and trans and gays taking up for Islam is the most insane hypocrisy and ignorance i have ever seen. The same nuts who protest Chick-Fil-A are backing Islam and wearing hijab and marching in a march organized by a Muslim that advocates for Sharia Law.
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To those discussing journalism, think about this. The WikiLeaks scandal should have been a real journalist's wet dream. You had a treasure chest of corruption and collusion that gave a softball to destroy the DNC and their media. The rabbit hole went even further yet because our media is such puppets, the content was buried. Libs don't even know what the hell was in it because they didn't bother to read and are so brainwashed that they don't even believe it. It's like the guy who is being cheated on and you have video proof of it but he doesn't want to see it and then claims it's fake without watching it.

Think about that.
On an unrelated note, am I one of the few on here who can see the total brainwashing and liberal propaganda in so many of these TV shows and movies? They are pretty lazy about disguising liberal BS as entertainment or drama. My wife is watching The Good Wife on Amazon Prime and it's soooo left. There's not a leftist view that is not portrayed as the virtuous side. Abortion, right to kill yourself, racially profiled, pro LGBT and normalizing, Muslim sympathy, etc.

Next time you watch a commercial that features whites with a black person, mixed person or whatever, look at how they're portrayed. The white person is always really stupid and goofy and put in some humiliating role while the black person is always smart and the problem solver or the "sane" or strong one.

You see a ton of race mixing as well despite that being a very small percentage of reality.

No desire for movies anymore.
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Hannity isn't a member of the press and has never claimed to be. He's a right wing, shock jock TV host.
On an unrelated note, am I one of the few on here who can see the total brainwashing and liberal propaganda in so many of these TV shows and movies? They are pretty lazy about disguising liberal BS as entertainment or drama. My wife is watching The Good Wife on Amazon Prime and it's soooo left. There's not a leftist view that is not portrayed as the virtuous side. Abortion, right to kill yourself, racially profiled, Muslim sympathy, etc.

Next time you watch a commercial that features whites with a black person, mixed person or whatever, look at how they're portrayed. The white person is always really stupid and goofy and put in some humiliating role while the black person is always smart and the problem solver or the "sane" one.

No desire for movies anymore.

Yep. I've pretty much stopped watching the walking dead because of constant social engineering and progressive feminism. Those last few episodes where Maggie was a super woman who doesn't want to be called "honey" and dominates the "coward" old "white man" in charge. What a bunch of bullshit. If an all out apocalypse happened we'd be hiding our women and female children because they'd be hunted first and foremost. In what world do these pompous idiot leftist live in?

It's also why I stopped watching ESPN. So sick of the white man, mixed Asian woman, black Asian woman, 2 black men, and a Mexican. I mean, the US is nearly 70% white and they just won't stop pretending they can wish it away with social engineering on TV every GD day. Let the makeup of America be what it is. Reflect reality sometimes. It's ok.

It's not a racial thing with me either. It's an annoyance at this point. We get it, liberal white men are beta males and hate their family past and present. They hate themselves and hate everyone else that looks like them. They are ashamed of their own heritage and race, and not even minorities respect that in the end, because they respect the hell out of theirs.

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I'm just saying Hannity - your example given, not mine - isn't a member of the press. He's no different than you or I except that he has a TV show to spout his partisan nonsense instead of a message board. He's the equivalent to Stephen Colbert, but without the comedy.

Besides, I thought you just said we were supposed to be better than the "But they do it, too." argument?

If you're having to explain that Hannity is a TV personality, an opinion guy, and not a journalist you're waisting your time. I can't see who you're conversing with and probably don't want to know, but Hannity himself doesn't claim to be impartial. That's the whole GD point. CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, etc all CLAIM to be MODERATE JOURNALIST. And then they collude during debates with liberals, offer them the questions in advance, suppress information form the public on their behalf, and relay information....

Give me a f***** break.
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No but journalism is dead. Straight propaganda. We need a better system that will hold these liars accountable. I expect some bias but today's press is bought and paid with bias. Some creds should be stripped by an independent committee of equal peers with reps from all parties. Stop the lies and disinfo. Make sure it is called down the middle with facts.
Yes, right now that would be words right from the horses mouth like Trump is doing on social media. There is a reason the left was telling the masses that Trump should stop using social media, they could not control his message on, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NPR, etc....
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That's the logic the anti p grabbin march defended is the sad part. The women with their head out the vag costumes should had their face mutilated to make it more realistic.

The hypocrisy of the protest just to delegitimize a president is unbelievable. Now you have BHO throwing gas.

I am going to say it again if DJT needs to unleash hell with Sessions and a special prosecutor to lock up the swamp. Release the 650K. Shut down the ring. Audit the Feds. Repeal ACA. Cut the taxes. Trump2020
Bwahaha...his cabinet represent the Swamp...bunch of billionaires that could care less about anyone else. Price is golden with his insider trades.

He's delegitimizing himself! You don't run the country through Twitter. At the very least he's going to be such a divisive total failure of a President, we'll either go Civil War or decide to enact laws to never allow such a disqualified person to be President.

He doesn't seem to understand secondary effects. And his b.s. about 'keeping the country safe' when #1 there's nothing we've heard that we are in imminent danger, #2 he leaves off countries that actually have had terrorists kill Americans, and #3 he seems to be more of a danger to the country than any terrorist.

Total disaster that only the fluffers on here will defend. Nixon + Kim Jong Un
Bwahaha...his cabinet represent the Swamp...bunch of billionaires that could care less about anyone else. Price is golden with his insider trades.

He's delegitimizing himself! You don't run the country through Twitter. At the very least he's going to be such a divisive total failure of a President, we'll either go Civil War or decide to enact laws to never allow such a disqualified person to be President.

He doesn't seem to understand secondary effects. And his b.s. about 'keeping the country safe' when #1 there's nothing we've heard that we are in imminent danger, #2 he leaves off countries that actually have had terrorists kill Americans, and #3 he seems to be more of a danger to the country than any terrorist.

Total disaster that only the fluffers on here will defend. Nixon + Kim Jong Un
Much more of the stupid in this post^^^^^^^^^^^^^ per normal from you.
Mark Levin played the Dick Lamm speech how to destroy America. You can listen to his show on itunes: 1/30/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

"First, to destroy America , turn America into a bilingual or multi-lingual and
bicultural country. History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict, and
antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures.

'Second, to destroy America , invent 'multiculturalism' and encourage immigrants to
maintain their culture. Make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal; that
there are no cultural differences. Make it an article of faith that the Black and
Hispanic dropout rates are due solely to prejudice and discrimination by the majority.
Every other explanation is out of bounds.

'Third, we could make the United States an 'Hispanic Quebec ' without much effort. The
key is to celebrate diversity rather than unity....

'Fourth, I would make our fastest growing demographic group the least educated. I would
add a second underclass, unassimilated, undereducated, and antagonistic to our
population. I would have this second underclass have a 50% dropout rate from high

'My fifth point for destroying America would be to get big foundations and business to
give these efforts lots of money. I would invest in ethnic identity, and I would
establish the cult of 'Victimology.' I would get all minorities to think that their lack
of success was the fault of the majority. I would start a grievance industry blaming all
minority failure on the majority plation.'

'My sixth plan for America 's downfall would include dual citizenship, and promote
divided loyalties. I would celebrate diversity over unity. I would stress differences
rather than similarities.

'Next to last, I would place all subjects off limits. Make it taboo to talk about
anything against the cult of 'diversity.' I would find a word similar to 'heretic' in the
16th century - that stopped discussion and paralyzed thinking. Words like 'racist' or
'xenophobe' halt discussion and debate.

'Lastly, I would censor Victor Hanson Davis's book
'Mexifornia.' His book is dangerous. It exposes the plan to destroy America .. If you
feel America deserves to be destroyed, don't read that book."
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Trial Balloon for Coup? You decide:

Most interesting (and most easily to verify)
CNN has a detailed story (heavily sourced) about the process by which this ban was created and announced. Notable in this is that the DHS’ lawyers objected to the order, specifically its exclusion of green card holders, as illegal, and also pressed for there to be a grace period so that people currently out of the country wouldn’t be stranded — and they were personally overruled by Bannon and Stephen Miller. Also notable is that career DHS staff, up to and including the head of Customs & Border Patrol, were kept entirely out of the loop until the order was signed.

The Guardian is reporting (heavily sourced) that the “mass resignations”of nearly all senior staff at the State Department on Thursday were not, in fact, resignations, but a purge ordered by the White House. As the diagram below (by Emily Roslin v Praze) shows, this leaves almost nobody in the entire senior staff of the State Department at this point.

As the Guardian points out, this has an important and likely not accidental effect: it leaves the State Department entirely unstaffed during these critical first weeks, when orders like the Muslim ban (which they would normally resist) are coming down.

The article points out another point worth highlighting: “In the past, the state department has been asked to set up early foreign contacts for an incoming administration. This time however it has been bypassed, and Trump’s immediate circle of Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, son-in-law Jared Kushner and Reince Priebus are making their own calls.”

On Inauguration Day, Trump apparently filed his candidacy for 2020. Beyond being unusual, this opens up the ability for him to start accepting “campaign contributions” right away. Given that a sizable fraction of the campaign funds from the previous cycle were paid directly to the Trump organization in exchange for building leases, etc., at inflated rates, you can assume that those campaign coffers are a mechanism by which US nationals can easily give cash bribes directly to Trump. Non-US nationals can, of course, continue to use Trump’s hotels and other businesses as a way to funnel money to him.

Finally, I want to highlight a story that many people haven’t noticed. On Wednesday, Reuters reported (in great detail) how 19.5% of Rosneft, Russia’s state oil company, has been sold to parties unknown. This was done through a dizzying array of shell companies, so that the most that can be said with certainty now is that the money “paying” for it was originally loaned out to the shell layers by VTB (the government’s official bank), even though it’s highly unclear who, if anyone, would be paying that loan back; and the recipients have been traced as far as some Cayman Islands shell companies.

Why is this interesting? Because the much-maligned Steele Dossier (the one with the golden showers in it) included the statement that Putin had offered Trump 19% of Rosneft if he became president and removed sanctions. The reason this is so interesting is that the dossier said this in July, and the sale didn’t happen until early December. And 19.5% sounds an awful lot like “19% plus a brokerage commission.”

I see a few key patterns here. First, the decision to first block, and then allow, green card holders was meant to create chaos and pull out opposition; they never intended to hold it for too long. It wouldn’t surprise me if the goal is to create “resistance fatigue,” to get Americans to the point where they’re more likely to say “Oh, another protest? Don’t you guys ever stop?” relatively quickly.

However, the conspicuous absence of provisions preventing them from executing any of the “next steps” I outlined yesterday, such as bulk revocation of visas (including green cards) from nationals of various countries, and then pursuing them using mechanisms being set up for Latinos, highlights that this does not mean any sort of backing down on the part of the regime.

Note also the most frightening escalation last night was that the DHS made it fairly clear that they did not feel bound to obey any court orders. CBP continued to deny all access to counsel, detain people, and deport them in direct contravention to the court’s order, citing “upper management,” and the DHS made a formal (but confusing) statement that they would continue to follow the President’s orders. (See my updates from yesterday, and the various links there, for details) Significant in today’s updates is any lack of suggestion that the courts’ authority played a role in the decision.

That is to say, the administration is testing the extent to which the DHS (and other executive agencies) can act and ignore orders from the other branches of government. This is as serious as it can possibly get: all of the arguments about whether order X or Y is unconstitutional mean nothing if elements of the government are executing them and the courts are being ignored.
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Bwahaha...his cabinet represent the Swamp...bunch of billionaires that could care less about anyone else. Price is golden with his insider trades.

He's delegitimizing himself! You don't run the country through Twitter. At the very least he's going to be such a divisive total failure of a President, we'll either go Civil War or decide to enact laws to never allow such a disqualified person to be President.

He doesn't seem to understand secondary effects. And his b.s. about 'keeping the country safe' when #1 there's nothing we've heard that we are in imminent danger, #2 he leaves off countries that actually have had terrorists kill Americans, and #3 he seems to be more of a danger to the country than any terrorist.

Total disaster that only the fluffers on here will defend. Nixon + Kim Jong Un
Indulging in the latest designer hallucinogen of choice again, are we?
Bwahaha...his cabinet represent the Swamp..
You're confused and redefining "the swamp" to push your agenda. The swamp is all talk, career politicians, who have been lining their pockets off the backs of hardworking Americans.

Oh and protests in *gasp* red states
You mean 100% of the electorate in red states didn't vote for Trump? No shit? *Gasp* indeed.