How will they rule ??!

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First of all, most of what is considered poverty here in the states would pass for "middle class" in most parts of the world.
Still, you miss the point. Illegals come here because there is work, because people will pay them for their services. These same jobs are available to US citizens but are undesired by many. I will never blame someone who is poor who is willing to work to improve their lot in life. They are willing to leave their home, take the risk, travel hundreds if not thousands of miles to live in what we consider poverty but is much better than from where they come.
America also has thousands if not millions who are willing to break the law to use these people for profit. Are those who profiting from illegal workers not at a minimum, equally responsible?
If you leave food out on your countertops at home, you will have ants and cockroaches. You can kill ants and roaches all day long but they will continue to come if you don't clean your countertops. It is simple, cause and effect. Sure, you can poison your home with pesticides time and time again to reduce the numbers...but as long as that food is there, they will come. On the other hand, you can clean your countertops, remove the food that attracts the ants and roaches and fairly quickly the ants and roaches will remove themselves because they have nothing to eat.
As long as you are focused only on killing ants (removing illegals) you'll never succeed because you've not dealt with the root cause of the problem.

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i would rather stand outside a cage and let monkeys throw poop at me than to argue with some snowflake libs. it's about the same thing, but at least the monkey is straight up about what he is doing.
If you had competitors that were hiring illegal workers, why didn't you report them?
Funny can't make it but they can? Somebody is making money.

The most ignorant argument that can be made is that it has anything to do with voter blocks. You must be a US citizen to vote. My boss is a Canadian citizen who has lived in the states for 30+ years...he can't vote because he isn't a US citizen.

It is a problem because nobody is talking about bait that brings those workers here.

First of all, your party pushes for amnesty. If republicans backed off liberals would take this country to 400 million citizens over night. don't act stupid and pretend you don't understand the children aspect either.. By 2100 liberals would have massive New voter blocks of their favorite "brown voters" originally from 3rd world counties to pander to. You don't win in the arena of ideas. You win by changing the culture.

And what good does reporting Mexican businesses do when nothing gets done? They are reported all the time. Are you awake?

And yes, I'm glad you find it funny that an American citizen who was paying his way through college couldn't compete in a business with illegal and legal Mexicans hiring their trailer of cousins for 1.50 cents an hour. I'll be sure to let my dead grandfather know they fought, received Purple Hearts, were captured by the Germans and tortured for a Mexican to put me out of business by hiring foreigners for crap wages.

By the way, in case you're too stupid too figure this out yet, this is why you and your party are the laughing stock of the nation and out of business.
Also the immigrants are going after the truck driving industry next, which I am involved in through a Hazmat tanker company. Drivers are complaining like crazy, as immigration has lowered wages considerably over time. This problem is going to get worse, and when truck drivers finally strike, this country doesn't move. I do feel in the next 20 years it will happen.

Oh but did you know, under obamas postal service you need to score in the top 1% of differing test to get a job with the government delivering GD letters to a mailbox. Was Nice way to keep the mud voters from 3rd world nations out of his sectors.
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First of all, your party pushes for amnesty. If republicans backed off liberals would take this country to 400 million citizens over night. don't act stupid and pretend you don't understand the children aspect either.. By 2100 liberals would have massive New voter blocks of their favorite "brown voters" originally from 3rd world counties to pander to. You don't win in the arena of ideas. You win by changing the culture.

And what good does reporting Mexican businesses do when nothing gets done? They are reported all the time. Are you awake?

And yes, I'm glad you find it funny that an American citizen who was paying his way through college couldn't compete in a business with illegal and legal Mexicans hiring their trailer of cousins for 1.50 cents an hour. I'll be sure to let my dead grandfather know they fought, received Purple Hearts, were captured by the Germans and tortured for a Mexican to put me out of business by hiring foreigners for crap wages.

By the way, in case you're too stupid too figure this out yet, this is why you and your party are the laughing stock of the nation and out of business.

Right, and the govts answer - E-verify!!!! A govt ran program to verify illegals!

You can guess how well that works...


Just more bullshit rules and regulations that our govt can't enforce. Just scare the people and hope they don't bend the rules.
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That's the logic the anti p grabbin march defended is the sad part. The women with their head out the vag costumes should had their face mutilated to make it more realistic.

The hypocrisy of the protest just to delegitimize a president is unbelievable. Now you have BHO throwing gas.

I am going to say it again DJT needs to unleash hell with Sessions and a special prosecutor to lock up the swamp. Release the 650K. Shut down the ring. Audit the Feds. Repeal ACA. Cut the taxes. Trump2020
How has there not been a terrorist attack yet? They fn up. You could really get the impeach trump ball rolling if you blew some shit up right now. Hillary? Soros? Hussein? Wtf they doing?
Can anyone tell me why Spicer and Trump are even obligated to talk to the press? What good comes out of it? The answer is nothing.
Seriously? Read our first amendment. We keep the press around to keep an informed republic. We keep the press to keep those in power, in check. That right was so important to our founding fathers, they saw it important enough to put it first.

When you destroy the press, you become a dictator. So yea, they should answer. You should want every politician accountable, no matter who, to the people. In case you forgot, this country is run by the people, for the people. You advocate taking away the press? That's communism.

It's no wonder commies like you support this.
How has there not been a terrorist attack yet? They fn up. You could really get the impeach trump ball rolling if you blew some shit up right now. Hillary? Soros? Hussein? Wtf they doing?

What pisses me off is the cycle of liberal policy. We will be attacked, soon, and all we will see is headlines "America attacked on Trumps watch"

And rememeber

"America attacked on Bush's watch"

Who the hell was the president for 8 GD years allowing terrorist to operate and train in our own county before Bush ever stepped into office?

It's the one area I really disagree with Trump on. He never really attacked Bill Clinton for 9/11 and it's almost entirely on his shoulders. He was too busy getting his D*ck sucked and firing faux rockets into a no mans land trying to appear tough. Too Busy trying to win a re-election because he had to make up ground for impeachment and being a habitual liar.

Clinton sucked, figuratively and literally. He's mainly the reason for the recession and most of the reason for 9/11. Housing and internet bubble didn't turn out so good for him, but I digress.

We could lose 500 children in a Syrian refugee attack tomorrow and obama wouldn't shoulder one ounce of blame. "On trumps watch" is all you'd see.
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People have to stop this , "well, he did it first!" Mentality.

When they failed with Obama, it was wrong too. 2 wrongs don't make a right. The defense now is, well, they are bad or they did this...

No, it's wrong. Other guy was advocating President didn't have to answer the press and that is commie bullsh*t.

I thought the right were protectors of the Constitution? Why is it suddenly not defendable because of vague claims like Obama got away with it or the media is corrupt.
Right, and the govts answer - E-verify!!!! A govt ran program to verify illegals!

You can guess how well that works...


Just more bullshit rules and regulations that our govt can't enforce. Just scare the people and hope they don't bend the rules.
No they make all these bs laws so when Republicans or people they don't like break them they prosecute them

This is a fantastic book regarding the history of the left using immigration to set up voter blocs including great stats, stories, media narrative, policy, etc. The left went far left and knew it couldn't get actual Americans to vote for their BS so they import foreigners that will and they're only American by name.

These rats have no emotional connection or give a crap about the U.S. They come here and feast off of us and ruin our nation and rob us and it's allowed so Dems can gain more power.
Seriously? Read our first amendment. We keep the press around to keep an informed republic. We keep the press to keep those in power, in check. That right was so important to our founding fathers, they saw it important enough to put it first.

When you destroy the press, you become a dictator. So yea, they should answer. You should want every politician accountable, no matter who, to the people. In case you forgot, this country is run by the people, for the people. You advocate taking away the press? That's communism.

It's no wonder commies like you support this.
That's true, except the media don't operate that way. Do you really believe the media are worried about keeping us informed? Hell no they aren't. They're worried about their pocket books. It's the only thing they care about. They could not possibly care less about keeping us informed.
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Hiring someone who does not have legal status IS illegal...there is no IF to it.

I'm still trying to understand why people want to concentrate on the poor who come looking for opportunity, who are willing to take menial jobs at substandard wages and not the wealthy (in relative terms) who offer them the incentive to come(jobs), who profit from their labor and who by criminal statute are committing much worse crimes?

What is true is that what the overwhelming majority of illegals are doing is EXACTLY what you would do if you were in their shoes.

I'm for dealing with any entity that's breaking the law. Being poor does not exempt one from abiding by laws. I'm with you: Prosecute employers that employ illegals. At the same time, send anyone already here that does not have legal status back to their homelands. Again, not all come here for jobs....benefits and an improved life, yes....but not always to work.
My argument was someone saying President didn't owe press any rights and that's crazy.

Can you guys seriously come up with something better than, "ha, Obama!" Or the left did it too!

Just because someone did it wrong, doesn't mean you should. Accountability isn't using the response of, "well, the other guy did it to."
That's true, except the media don't operate that way. Do you really believe the media are worried about keeping us informed? Hell no they aren't. They're worried about their pocket books. It's the only thing they care about. They could not possibly care less about keeping us informed.
Since Watergate, it seems an increasing number of media types are simply looking for their big story in stead of simply reporting the facts. They want to draw attention to themselves.
So 2 wrongs make a right? Got it...

No but journalism is dead. Straight propaganda. We need a better system that will hold these liars accountable. I expect some bias but today's press is bought and paid with bias. Some creds should be stripped by an independent committee of equal peers with reps from all parties. Stop the lies and disinfo. Make sure it is called down the middle with facts.
That's true, except the media don't operate that way. Do you really believe the media are worried about keeping us informed? Hell no they aren't. They're worried about their pocket books. It's the only thing they care about. They could not possibly care less about keeping us informed.
I'm cool with people putting a check on the media. And I agree, it's why independent news sources have risen. One guy claimed President should not talk to press at all. Any. That's a commie response. You're giving a throw the baby out with bath water argument.
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No but journalism is dead. Straight propaganda. We need a better system that will hold these liars accountable. I expect some bias but today's press is bought and paid with bias. Some creds should be stripped by an independent committee of equal peers with reps from all parties. Stop the lies and disinfo. Make sure it is called down the middle with facts.
Because CNN, FOX, MSN are paid cronies doesn't mean journalism is dead. You've let to many anecdotal stories cloud your judgement.
Wikileaks was amazing journalism.

i agree completely. problem is too many citizens look at that organization as conspiracy rather than legitimate. many of the same citizens see CNN or other major news outlets next to the story being reported and expect or trust that to be journalism. they see one of these and think of them as being honest. which has been proven to not be the case anymore. Fox, NBC, CNN and so on are more propaganda spreaders for their cause, for their team than they are real news organizations anymore. the average citizen it seems doesn't know the difference. i don't believe real journalism to be dead, but it doesn't have the same pulpit like these large outlets do. a democracy like our own needs real journalist to hold our government accountable. they should work for the people. instead too many of them have become the mouthpiece for one party or the other.