How will they rule ??!

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You people, man. Just let Daddy Government all up in your guts. Relax and breathe deep.
Actually, in Tennessee the "Free" is paid for with the $100 million surplus in the education lottery money. So it is actually a case where the people who generate the revenue are getting the benefit of that money.
Add the fact that an educated population earns more money and thus generates more tax revenue than uneducated people.
I would 100x rather my tax money be spent educating people rather than used to buy bombs and other instruments of war.
Ok I gotta make this quick - The Trump rally last night in Dallas was a huge success. The crowd was UNBELIEVABLE!
Trump had the audience cheering for more than an hour. He vowed to make America great again. He railed against the special interests and the lobbyists, and all the big money people who are trying to buy the election. He called out Karl Rove, and called him a loser "who still thinks Mitt Romney won the election". People boo'd at the names Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, though he kinda took it easy on Jeb - never once referred to him as "low energy". If the election were held now there is no doubt he would win all the delegates in the Texas primary.

The arena was jam filled, waiting for the GOP leader to emerge.

Trump walked up the ramp to the podium to a standing ovation.

The guy in the Cowboy hat was way into it.

Trump signed autographs for a long time after his speech.

The Mavs have one championship banner compared to our eight.

Outside, Trump supporters and protesters mingled amiably.

[/QUOTE] Trump is the face of the GOP.
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This was also at the Trump rally where Latinos protested him.

These people are total morons. Bring nothing to the table in this country, drain the resources, have anchor babies, don't pay taxes, commit tons of crime, refuse to assimilate, try to replicate the third world crap hole you just left and then still complain.

Living near and constantly coming across this issue in California gets tiresome.

Trump looks like a genius for not being PC and saying what almost everyone feels but is too afraid to say. I think the majority are sick of illegals (not the ones who did it the right way).
The Republican party seems to want one of the typical idiots that will be a puppet and do nothing.

Meanwhile in Germany, this banner says, “Your Children will Pray to Allah or will all DIE!”

Wonderful idea bringing in hordes of Muslims. Germany and all of these countries taking in migrants better be prepared. The worst is going to happen and their rape stats are going to skyrocket. Ever since Sweden opened its doors to mass immigration, they became the rape capital of the west.

But hey, don't you feel like you're a good person, libs?
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Actually, in Tennessee the "Free" is paid for with the $100 million surplus in the education lottery money. So it is actually a case where the people who generate the revenue are getting the benefit of that money.
Add the fact that an educated population earns more money and thus generates more tax revenue than uneducated people.
I would 100x rather my tax money be spent educating people rather than used to buy bombs and other instruments of war.

I don't believe that.

Even so, that stack if cash will cover how many years of free tuition? Then what?

How about out that f'n into the woeful education system we have right now? You're just sitting on 100 mill of money marked for public schools? Why?
Deeeeeeeeee just wants a president that will keep the Special Olympics kids off the sidelines at college football games.
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I don't believe that.

Even so, that stack if cash will cover how many years of free tuition? Then what?

How about out that f'n into the woeful education system we have right now? You're just sitting on 100 mill of money marked for public schools? Why?

I totally love a system where Tennessee feeds it's free college from a pool of money which is mostly paid by uneducated poors.

Winning that lottery to get out of poverty.......

I don't believe that.

Even so, that stack if cash will cover how many years of free tuition? Then what?

How about out that f'n into the woeful education system we have right now? You're just sitting on 100 mill of money marked for public schools? Why?

I love that the answer to fix our shitty public schools is to continue to throw money at it. Yep. That will definitely fix the stupid kids and the problematic ones who ruin it for everyone else because there's no control or discipline.

Google Los Angeles' public school issues and how horrendous their scores's always comical.
I asked what that money is for. I have no clue. Just find it hard to believe they are sitting on 100mil just for fun.
I don't believe that.

Even so, that stack if cash will cover how many years of free tuition? Then what?

How about out that f'n into the woeful education system we have right now? You're just sitting on 100 mill of money marked for public schools? Why?
Tennessee currently ranks 43rd in the nation in the share of residents who’ve completed college – 32 percent of Tennesseeans hold at least a two-year degree.
The dearth of graduates means a future shortage of educated workers to fill the high-skilled jobs the state is producing. Tennessee officials say that at least 55 percent of the jobs in the state will require a post-secondary credential by 2025.
To bridge this gap, Governor Bill Haslam announced in February 2014 the nation’s first-ever effort to provide free community college to all state residents, regardless of merit or need. The new “Tennessee Promise” scholarships are part of the state’s recently-launched “Drive to 55” initiative, which aims to increase the share of Tennesseans who are college graduates to 55 percent. Reaching this goal by 2025 will require 494,000 additional degrees, officials say.
The Tennessee Promise scholarships will be funded by $110 million from the state’s lottery reserves, along with a $47 million endowment created by the state General Assembly. Students are expected to receive an average scholarship of $971, in addition to existing aid from the state’s Hope Scholarship program. Students will also be required to maintain a 2.0 GPA and give 8 hours of community service per semester.
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I totally love a system where Tennessee feeds it's free college from a pool of money which is mostly paid by uneducated poors.

Winning that lottery to get out of poverty.......

Most every state that has a lottery earmarks that money for education one way or the other.
I agree that lotteries are taxes for people who are poor at math and that the people who play them the most are those who can afford them the least.

It's a voluntary tax people choose to pay.
You mean the same government that tells me to buy something and if I don't they will fine me? Or the same government that tells me I have to cater a gay wedding or I will be fined or jailed? That government?
You have to understand, liberals like Deeee expect you to do what they think is best. It is one sided with them.
BBInsanity, You are 100% correct! Hell, you cant find anybody to do shit anymore! I called 3 plumbers over a month ago and not a damn one has showed up yet! Ended up FINALLY fixing the issue myself. If a young person today had "people skills", had knowledge of a trade and some hustle in their step, they would make a killing! Plumbers, electricians, heating and air, flooring, roofing, painting,...all in demand.

Thats what its like. You cant get anyone. And if you do, they can charge you whatever because theres no competition. All their would-be competition is struggling to pay their student loans, while working in a cubicle for 25k per year

Right now, any halfway decent trades person is making nearly $100k. Its not glamorous. They end up getting dirty. But they are in much better financial shape than the vast majority of americans.
You have to understand, liberals like Deeee expect you to do what they think is best. It is one sided with them.

To libs, the government is our daddy and always knows whats best for us. This is the same group that wants to control eating habits, make you buy their shitty insurance or you'll get fined, thinks their ideology should be adopted by you and the list goes on and on.
Thats what its like. You cant get anyone. And if you do, they can charge you whatever because theres no competition. All their would-be competition is struggling to pay their student loans, while working in a cubicle for 25k per year

Right now, any halfway decent trades person is making nearly $100k. Its not glamorous. They end up getting dirty. But they are in much better financial shape than the vast majority of Americans.

Yep. The majority of us have been programmed to think life is a cubicle and start our lives in a mountain of debt. When my boys are at college age, I will tell them they can do whatever they want and they do not have to go to college but if you go, you better not major in some BS like music, art history, geography, philosophy and other garbage. Go into something that makes sense and will not leave you drowning in debt forever. No shame in learning a trade.
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Most every state that has a lottery earmarks that money for education one way or the other.
I agree that lotteries are taxes for people who are poor at math and that the people who play them the most are those who can afford them the least.

It's a voluntary tax people choose to pay.

So you agree that free education is being placed on the backs of people who can afford it the least.

So we are going to base the illusion of possible wealth from winning a lottery (which I have a better chance of banging a dead Bea Arthur before I'll ever hit the lottery) and coin that illusion a voluntary tax that people choose to pay?

The fact you said "choose to pay" and didn't follow that with mentioning anything about winning the lottery (which is the reward from paying that voluntary tax), pretty much tells me Fuzz that you know these poors are wasting their money.

Cant' believe you called gambling a voluntary tax. hahaha
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Two Toronto universities pulled down posters of a "white students union", which mentioned in their mission statement the group lists three objectives:

1. To genuinely explore ethnic and cultural politics in a forum which does not exclude rightist or conservative perspectives.

2. To organize for and advance the interests of Western peoples.

3. To promote and celebrate Western Civilization.

Ryerson spokesman Michael Forbes said the university was calling on faculty and students to report sightings of the posters, so security can remove them.
“I can confirm they’re not a sanctioned club. We don’t condone this sort of thing,” Forbes said. “It’s offensive.”

"A poster like that is obviously a cause for concern and if there are concerns that the subject matter is offensive, they will be taken down," said University of Toronto spokeswoman Althea Blackburn-Evans, adding that only one was found on a university bulletin board, but several more were found on public streets near campus.


Apparently these two universities have student unions for every race but whites because anything about whites is "offensive."
So you agree that free education is being placed on the backs of people who can afford it the least.

So we are going to base the illusion of possible wealth from winning a lottery (which I have a better chance of banging a dead Bea Arthur before I'll ever hit the lottery) and coin that illusion a voluntary tax that people choose to pay?

The fact you said "choose to pay" and didn't follow that with mentioning anything about winning the lottery (which is the reward from paying that voluntary tax), pretty much tells me Fuzz that you know these poors are wasting their money.

Cant' believe you called gambling a voluntary tax. hahaha
Willy, what would you like then to do with the lottery money? Or are you in favor of outlawing the lottery all together?

No, I don't think I would say that free education is being placed on the back of the poor. Nobody holds a gun to their head to buy lottery tickets. The idea to allow for free community college came about because the money was there to do it. Perhaps if the children of the lottery ticket buyers get themselves educated they will buy fewer tickets and the program will have to cease.

BTW, TN has a Republican governor, Republican House and Senate that proposed and passed this program.
Willy, what would you like then to do with the lottery money? Or are you in favor of outlawing the lottery all together?

No, I don't think I would say that free education is being placed on the back of the poor. Nobody holds a gun to their head to buy lottery tickets. The idea to allow for free community college came about because the money was there to do it. Perhaps if the children of the lottery ticket buyers get themselves educated they will buy fewer tickets and the program will have to cease.

BTW, TN has a Republican governor, Republican House and Senate that proposed and passed this program.

No way to outlawing gambling!! I'm all for it. I just don't think it's fair to call it a voluntary tax when the premise to choose to pay that tax is because there is a chance they may get rich. One thing. Why not give it back to the hardworking folks who live in Tennessee. Alaska gov't does for oil. Colorado may end up doing it for weed.

Free college isn't being paid by those who can afford it. Poor people love lotteries man.
Cant' believe you called gambling a voluntary tax. hahaha

what else would you call a "tax" that you don't have to pay unless you want to? if in fact you want to call it a tax at all. Fools will buy lottery tickets regardless of what happens to the money why not put it to good use? anyway to add a little philosophy, there are people that just buy one or two lottery tickets a week for a buck and it uplifts them to know that at any time, their number could be called and their life changed for ever. The psychological impact of that "warm fuzzy feeling" is probably worth more than a buck or two to them.

Lottery is dumb luck unlike horse racing or sports wagering, but only 20% of the outlay is a "tax" the rest is coopted back to the masses that buy the ticket. Statistically over time it's a losing proposition, but some folks beat the odds. Hey if it makes them happy who cares? I go to the race track and lose $100 but I have $110 worth of fun losing it.
So you agree that free education is being placed on the backs of people who can afford it the least.

So we are going to base the illusion of possible wealth from winning a lottery (which I have a better chance of banging a dead Bea Arthur before I'll ever hit the lottery) and coin that illusion a voluntary tax that people choose to pay?

The fact you said "choose to pay" and didn't follow that with mentioning anything about winning the lottery (which is the reward from paying that voluntary tax), pretty much tells me Fuzz that you know these poors are wasting their money.

Cant' believe you called gambling a voluntary tax. hahaha

Its pretty hilarious to think the stupid people buying lottery tickets are paying for education.

Two Toronto universities pulled down posters of a "white students union", which mentioned in their mission statement the group lists three objectives:

1. To genuinely explore ethnic and cultural politics in a forum which does not exclude rightist or conservative perspectives.

2. To organize for and advance the interests of Western peoples.

3. To promote and celebrate Western Civilization.

Ryerson spokesman Michael Forbes said the university was calling on faculty and students to report sightings of the posters, so security can remove them.
“I can confirm they’re not a sanctioned club. We don’t condone this sort of thing,” Forbes said. “It’s offensive.”

"A poster like that is obviously a cause for concern and if there are concerns that the subject matter is offensive, they will be taken down," said University of Toronto spokeswoman Althea Blackburn-Evans, adding that only one was found on a university bulletin board, but several more were found on public streets near campus.


Apparently these two universities have student unions for every race but whites because anything about whites is "offensive."

At this point in time, being white and/or male is offensive. Remember the politician who recently had to apologize for saying "all lives matter"?
Poor ole Heisman, still fighting the good fight of the white man. Have you responded to one topic that doesn't involve you pulling the race card out? Poor, poor white people, just gots it sooo bad. You finally found yourself a candidate that can spew as much hate as you do.

I hope we get stuck with Trump so that Revelations can finally be fulfilled. He'll have us all working in his casinos and hotels after he abolishes the minimum wage; because after all, working for free is our patriotic duty! That's how you make America great again, you need free labor! After 115 pages, it's become quite obvious that the Republicans have no more ideas. Just call people ugly and losers, yeah that will increase my poll numbers. Trump is a walking dictionary of buzzwords to feed the masses of hate filled Republicans ready to raise the flag of White America back up again. I truly hope we get the America we deserve, a Trump presidency with Sarah Palin sitting in the VP chair F YEAH!!!
Poor ole Heisman, still fighting the good fight of the white man. Have you responded to one topic that doesn't involve you pulling the race card out? Poor, poor white people, just gots it sooo bad. You finally found yourself a candidate that can spew as much hate as you do.

I hope we get stuck with Trump so that Revelations can finally be fulfilled. He'll have us all working in his casinos and hotels after he abolishes the minimum wage; because after all, working for free is our patriotic duty! That's how you make America great again, you need free labor! After 115 pages, it's become quite obvious that the Republicans have no more ideas. Just call people ugly and losers, yeah that will increase my poll numbers. Trump is a walking dictionary of buzzwords to feed the masses of hate filled Republicans ready to raise the flag of White America back up again. I truly hope we get the America we deserve, a Trump presidency with Sarah Palin sitting in the VP chair F YEAH!!!

People like you can't handle an honest commentary on racial issues and the hypocrisy of racial coverage/issues.

Nothing I said had any hate in it but you're so brainwashed and backwards that you can't process facts or legitimate points about race so you stick your fingers in your ears like a toddler and scream "racist."

And if Trump is considered a racist then what is Obama considering he always likes to play the race card and promote the victim mentaity.

And if you're going to run your mouth about my statements then show me where I'm wrong in any of my points. You think it's right to have clubs for every race and then say it's offensive for whites to have one? You're part of the problem.
what else would you call a "tax" that you don't have to pay unless you want to? if in fact you want to call it a tax at all. Fools will buy lottery tickets regardless of what happens to the money why not put it to good use? anyway to add a little philosophy, there are people that just buy one or two lottery tickets a week for a buck and it uplifts them to know that at any time, their number could be called and their life changed for ever. The psychological impact of that "warm fuzzy feeling" is probably worth more than a buck or two to them.

Lottery is dumb luck unlike horse racing or sports wagering, but only 20% of the outlay is a "tax" the rest is coopted back to the masses that buy the ticket. Statistically over time it's a losing proposition, but some folks beat the odds. Hey if it makes them happy who cares? I go to the race track and lose $100 but I have $110 worth of fun losing it.

I get it Deeee. It's gotta be called something. And people can do whatever they want with their time and money. No problem there. But let's not blow smoke up my ass and call it the Santa Ana winds. There's something inherently wrong with allowing kids to take advantage of a system that allows them to go to college for free off the backs who can't afford. It's messed up.

I'd be sticking that lottery money into Tennessee Medicaid, telling Obama he can go f*** himself and his federal block grants. Medicaid expansion. Eff him, when states have all resources like "lottery money" to dispose back into the medical needy for older adults and for impoverished kids and would rather give out free college. Eff him.

Something is wrong with that.
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Matter of fact Deee, I'd love to see a pooled money called something like The Needy Rebate program or some shit. Includes weed tax money, your "lotto tax", prostitution tax, and that would fund every single dime of Medicaid and welfare in the US. That's a start to lowering taxes for working people and keeping a healthy economy going.
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Matter of fact Deee, I'd love to see a pooled money called something like The Needy Rebate program or some shit. Includes weed tax money, your "lotto tax", prostitution tax, and that would fund every single dime of Medicaid and welfare in the US. That's a start to lowering taxes for working people and keeping a healthy economy going.

Willie for President [banana]

You make more sense then all those empty suits and light weights that will beat on their chest tonight and claim to be the next Ronald Reagan.
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Re: student loans. Big business (well, lenders) love it because they get guaranteed loans. Free money. Schools love it because they can more easily raise tuition and engage in an arms race to outspend comparable schools. Free money. Meanwhile, students are saddled with crippling loans because they were optimistic, naive, and induced to enter into loans that a healthy market would not give them. Student loans are far too easy to get due to market distortions by the feds. Making college free is dumb. Making loans too easy to get is dumb, but it's hard to go back the other way without screwing over a generation of potential students that would be stuck with the high prices the loans made possible without access to the loans that made the high prices affordable at all.

Really, there is no great solution. Sanders' idea is terrible. Clinton's idea is terrible. Other proposals I've seen are also terrible, but less so.
To libs, the government is our daddy and always knows whats best for us. This is the same group that wants to control eating habits, make you buy their shitty insurance or you'll get fined, thinks their ideology should be adopted by you and the list goes on and on.
We all know some idiot neighbor or family member who works for the government - the government is made up of people, why are those people better able to make your decisions?
People like you can't handle an honest commentary on racial issues and the hypocrisy of racial coverage/issues.

Nothing I said had any hate in it but you're so brainwashed and backwards that you can't process facts or legitimate points about race so you stick your fingers in your ears like a toddler and scream "racist."

And if Trump is considered a racist then what is Obama considering he always likes to play the race card and promote the victim mentaity.

And if you're going to run your mouth about my statements then show me where I'm wrong in any of my points. You think it's right to have clubs for every race and then say it's offensive for whites to have one? You're part of the problem.
Yes, I'm sure you're soo enlightened with your vast knowledge of racial issues. I guess that's why you need to constantly bring up how the white man is being beaten down in You're a bigot and it's obvious. Talk about playing the victim card. Obama's got nothing on you. You can talk about race but no one else can. Which you always do so of course someone is gonna say something about your ignorant comments.

There's already a white club for you. It's called corporate America. If you need one that's a little more open in their immigrant hate, try the KKK. Only over-privileged white people think they need their own club. You are the club. I mean how ignorant of history are you?

Donald Trump is a racist and a bigot spreading his hate and Republicans are eating it up. Just proves the countless times we've called you guys out for being a party full of bigots and haters. That's why Trump is the perfect candidate for you guys. He will win the nomination and if he doesn't it will tear the party apart.

The only person Trump cares about is Trump. He is the evolution of capitalism to the greed horders they've become. There's not an ounce of empathy in his bones because he doesn't care about you or anyone for that matter. I have no doubt the guy probably kicks and curses homeless people if no one is looking. He is a caricature of what America has become. Loud, obnoxious and greedy. Not to mention he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He's been pampered his whole life.
Why aren't there exclusive clubs for white males? Who is going to advocate for the rights of the white man?

No wonder some are disparaging the study of sociology and history.
There's already a white club for you. It's called corporate America. If you need one that's a little more open in their immigrant hate, try the KKK. Only over-privileged white people think they need their own club. You are the club. I mean how ignorant of history are you?

Apparently some people feel like being white is a burden, not an advantage. But if you acknowledge the advantages of being white then you suffer from "white guilt". :(