How will they rule ??!

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The left never fails to amaze me. You crack on Christians but you have stacked your side with nothing but lunatics who conflict with each other. You got the feminists and you're Muslim sympathizers and when mixed, it's awesome.

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I also, love the fact that being obese/fat is the latest thing being pushed as "okay." I think you are not allowed to say anything to anyone unless that person is a heterosexual white Christian male..or Republican. Everyone else is off limits.
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Ya know, it's tough to be split down the middle on this issue. One hand there's freedom of choice, and on the other there is murder. I think Roe Vs Wade tried to do the best it could with allowing for both sides. Although I know one of the arguments other than a total outright ban is that Pro-Lifers think the 27 or 28 weeks (I think) is too long.

Thing is, it's difficult at this point in time with a lack of technology to truly know when life actually begins. I don't know. But to me until Science can set the limits, then Roe Vs Wade won't be reformed. If there is a better scientific way that comes out, then I could see the time limits reformed. That's all I got man. hahahahaha

Right. As technology advances, maybe we can discovery EXACTLY when this moment occurs.

It isn't quite that simple.
Women who do drugs or engage in other behaviors detrimental to the fetus while pregnant can also be charged with crimes of endangerment.
No, you logic is not the same because the male doesn't have the burden of carrying the pregnancy. Until you can jump that hurdle the logic will never be the same.
I am pro-choice but would have no problem with a viable limit of when they could be performed with the exception of fetuses with known birth defects. 92% of abortions occur in the first 13 weeks, a time when the fetus is not viable.

The male doesnt have the burden of carrying the child, but he has the legal burden of paying for it. If he has the legal burden, he should also have the legal benefit of choosing whether the child lives or dies.

Your previous post was taking the "father's consent" angle (which is an utterly ludicrous idea, if you don't mind me saying so), but now you're talking about the admittedly contradictory way in which the law views fetal homicide or whatever the technical term is. I'm not a lawyer and I don't have a great explanation for why one action is legal and one action is criminal, but I would guess the justification for the apparent double standard is similar to the one that allows a family to turn off a patient's ventilator when other random visitors aren't allowed to do so.

One difference is one person is at the end of their life, while the other is being cheated our of theirs.

The father's health isn't affected by a pregnancy.

Roe v. Wade explains this.

It isn't. Again, that's Roe v. Wade.

In any pregnancy, there are 3 parties: mom, dad, child. Currently the law only recognizes the rights of mom; and ignores the rights of dad and child.
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They didn't really lose on "issues". BOs best exit polling area was around which candidate "cared most about me". It is why he spent the final days of the campaign on Entertainment Tonight and other idiot platforms. The big advantage the Dems have is that they can cater to idiots more blatantly without alienating the middle....versus the GOP and the religious hardliners.

Perry could not get the stench of 2012 off him plus he was caught in the Trump attention vortex. Should have been a top 5.

The Brit Labour Party elected a socialist as their leader that would make Bernie blush.
This is true, it worked on Deeee.
In the eyes of the law, if that baby dies by the hand of another - its murder. If by the mother - totally legal. So, the same right should transfer to the man, whos child is half is. If the child is killed, should he not be able to prosecute someone for murder?

I understand this is not the law, btw. But its the same logic. It shouldnt change just because one is male and the other is female.
This epitomizes the hypocrisy of the left. You can't kill the baby, only the mother can.
Right. As technology advances, maybe we can discovery EXACTLY when this moment occurs.

The male doesnt have the burden of carrying the child, but he has the legal burden of paying for it. If he has the legal burden, he should also have the legal benefit of choosing whether the child lives or dies.

One difference is one person is at the end of their life, while the other is being cheated our of theirs.

In any pregnancy, there are 3 parties: mom, dad, child. Currently the law only recognizes the rights of mom; and ignores the rights of dad and child.
Agreed, if the woman can kill the child by her own decision, why can't a man decide he does not want to take care of it? Yes, I understand many don't but, if taken to court, they can go to jail.
The baby's life should be the issue.
Why does that mean the father should have veto power over what the mother wants to do?

If it's all about the zygote/embryo/fetus/whatever, then it doesn't even matter what the father thinks in the first place.
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What's the paternal mortality rate?
Hopefully it's not like our maternal mortality rate, which is double Bulgaria's and nearly triple Bosnia's.

But hey, at least we're tied with a fellow theocracy named "Iran"!
Hey, men do have a younger mortality rate. Not childbirth, more of a slow bleedout.

Theocracy like Iran? Goodness.
Agreed, if the woman can kill the child by her own decision, why can't a man decide he does not want to take care of it? Yes, I understand many don't but, if taken to court, they can go to jail.
75% of abortions are to unwed mothers. If the baby daddy wanted a say then perhaps he should have put a ring on it before making the baby.
Why does that mean the father should have veto power over what the mother wants to do?

If it's all about the zygote/embryo/fetus/whatever, then it doesn't even matter what the father thinks in the first place.

They shouldnt. Just as the mother shouldnt have veto power over the father. Abortion should require consent of both biological parents. Determining the father could admittedly be a problem or lead to fraud.

My point is, in this 3 party scenario only one party currently has any power. Doesnt make sense.

75% of abortions are to unwed mothers. If the baby daddy wanted a say then perhaps he should have put a ring on it before making the baby.

This is rich, coming from you. Suddenly someone on the far left wants to use the traditional notion of marriage as an excuse to kill a child? Im guessing you werent promoting this traditional notion of marriage during any of the gay marriage debates were you?
I find this quote from the State Dept regarding Cuba's human rights record as ironic

The State Department’s most recent human rights report calls Cuba an “authoritarian state” that practices a litany of abuses against its citizens, including “short-term, arbitrary unlawful detentions and arrests, harsh prison conditions, selective prosecution, denial of fair trial and travel restrictions.”
This is rich, coming from you. Suddenly someone on the far left wants to use the traditional notion of marriage as an excuse to kill a child? Im guessing you werent promoting this traditional notion of marriage during any of the gay marriage debates were you?
Unless you know something I don't, gay couples would never face this question.
Unless you know something I don't, gay couples would never face this question.

Nice strawman attempt. You argued the man should have no say in abortion unless he wants to marry the woman first. Thats a very traditional view of marriage. All of which is fine, except coming from you because youre consistently one of the more liberal posters.

Thats why I pointed out its curious youd use a traditional marriage argument in favor of abortion, but refute the same when supporting same sex marriage.
I find this quote from the State Dept regarding Cuba's human rights record as ironic

The State Department’s most recent human rights report calls Cuba an “authoritarian state” that practices a litany of abuses against its citizens, including “short-term, arbitrary unlawful detentions and arrests, harsh prison conditions, selective prosecution, denial of fair trial and travel restrictions.”
Cheer up bub, a Ky State Trooper was murdered last night.
I'll never understand why being pro-life makes people afraid you want a theocracy. It's not a religious issue.
I'll never understand why being pro-life makes people afraid you want a theocracy. It's not a religious issue.
Arguing that a zygote is entitled to full constitutional protection doesn't make you a theocrat, so I agree with you there.

When we have to argue about things like embryonic stem cells, contraceptives within public health initiatives, and euthanasia for the willing, then yes, it becomes theocratic in nature.

Edit: and to be clear, most of my vitriol is aimed at the Vatican. Evangelicals tend to be more sensible on *most* of these issues.
Bernie Sanders speaks at Liberty Univ without controversy or hate directed at him.
As Condi Rice and many others have experienced, the same rules of conduct and open-mindedness does not apply to the other side.
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I don't trust Trump. Now that Perry is out, there are others that need to pack it in also. Do people really know or care what Sander's policies are?
75% of abortions are to unwed mothers. If the baby daddy wanted a say then perhaps he should have put a ring on it before making the baby.

Doesn't that logic apply to the female? If you don't want to get pregnant and have a baby then don't have sex.
So now Germany and Hungary are putting up fences due to refugee/border crises.

The irony is delicious.

It's comical because ideologues are just so committed to their ideology that they refuse to have any common sense. The irony is that they bash Christians for this very thing.

By the way, honest discussion, why is it that western civilizations where the majority of the population is white ARE ALWAYS the ones having multiculturalism pushed on them? Meanwhile no one says shit to India, China and Saudi Arabia.
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I don't trust Trump. Now that Perry is out, there are others that need to pack it in also. Do people really know or care what Sander's policies are?
I dont think they know... or care.

I do like the top 6 % in the Repub field:
Trump, Carson, Kasich, Fiorina, Bush, Cruz.

Remove Cruz (because he cant win the General election) and you have a real solid 5 way debate.

I still think Trump implodes somehow and its between Kasich and Bush (unfortunately).
I dont think they know... or care.

I do like the top 6 % in the Repub field:
Trump, Carson, Kasich, Fiorina, Bush, Cruz.

Remove Cruz (because he cant win the General election) and you have a real solid 5 way debate.

I still think Trump implodes somehow and its between Kasich and Bush (unfortunately).

I agree that Cruz cant win. Even worse, he'll go way to the right in an attempt to bolster evangelical vote. That causes any of the viable GOP candidates to get down in the muck with him, which hurts in the general.

I also think Fiorina is interesting, but not a viable candidate. No way she can overcome the HP disaster.

Carson is great on social issues. Just weak at everything else imo.

Bush can raise money like no other, but he sucks.

Kasich is really probably the best candidate overall; from either party.

I assumed Trump would implode too. But he hasnt yet. Plus his appeal keeps growing. Id say he'll get a healthy bump from his late night appearance where he did extremely well.
I don't really think Trump will implode all at once, but rather people will slowly move away from him. Once some of these guys/gals start dropping out after Iowa/New Hampshire, voters wills start to consolidate around somebody other than Trump IMO.
I don't really think Trump will implode all at once, but rather people will slowly move away from him. Once some of these guys/gals start dropping out after Iowa/New Hampshire, voters wills start to consolidate around somebody other than Trump IMO.
Probably, but voters sure won't have another candidate from either party that will speak out on issues like Trump and that it what has him on top now.