How will they rule ??!

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That isn't even a requirement anymore.

Carson's problem is that he has no clue about foreign affairs other than to "bomb shit". Guy is utterly clueless on global affairs.

Well, can't be much worse than the asshole we have in office now. A guy who has been horrible with foreign policy, had no real job EVER and has done everything to make our military weaker.

We went from one extreme to the other----WAY extreme. We don't even look like the same country we did 15-20 years ago.

Willy, give me your top 5 right now. I know you like Paul but he has no chance unfortunately.
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Well, can't be much worse than the asshole we have in office now. A guy who has been horrible with foreign policy, had no real job EVER and has done everything to make our military weaker.

We went from one extreme to the other----WAY extreme. We don't even look like the same country we did 15-20 years ago.

Willy, give me your top 5 right now. I know you like Paul but he has no chance unfortunately.

Rand Paul, Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, Justin Amash, Mark Cuban (the anti-Trump)- That's my top 5. I can't get behind the social conservatives at all. Last thing I want is one of those twatniks using gov't to control my personal life. They have no business using gov't having a say-so of how I live my life or how anyone else lives their life. If anyone of them wants to quit with religious pandering, then I may jump aboard. Rand Paul is religious and does not let his belief system interfere with gov't reform. Gov't reform to me is not about turning back roe vs wade, getting rid of gay marriage, keeping weed illegal, etc etc. Reform to me is to limit gov't control and influence. Take out that shitty Obamacare, audit the IRS, cut military spending, cut gov't employees. etc etc. Balance the budget, decrease the deficit.

I understand Obama is no better, Heisman. He's been awful. There's not one thing that I think he has handled well during his time in office. But let's not make the same mistake with Carson just because he's anti-Obama (being black).
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What are some examples of my "cloaked racism?" Pointing out statistics of black on white crime and hypocrisy in the media does not make someone a racist. It makes them a realist who has the ability to see the obvious.

There are racist in every race. There are acts of violent crimes against every race. However, the media, schools and politicians never tell all of the facts and manipulate the public based on what they choose to show. White on black crime is not an epidemic. Stories about race never mention the victim's race if they're white and the suspect as "black" but those same liberal mags make sure to mention it when it's the opposite.

As for Obama, he has proven many times to jump at the opportunity of racism and commenting before he knows all of the facts.

Harvard professor Skip Gates arrest
Trayvon Martin
Michael Brown
Eric Garner
Freddie Gray
Charleston shooting
Not racist but brings up the crusades in regards to ISIS
Tried to claim Benghazi was over an anti-Muslim video where we need tolerance.

Eff this guy.
Who has the power in this country? White men. Who has abused power for centuries? White men. Racism and oppression is alive and well in 2015. I'm sorry you can't see that. Why do you think black men are living in their current conditions? I mean they have had so many opportunities. I can't figure out for the life of me why they choose to live in impoverished ghettos.
Also surprised Sandra Day O'Connor didn't get more attention during the currency discussion.

Susan B Anthony, O'Connor, and Parks. That's about the list unless you're pretty far to the left, in which case you might add FDR's skank or maybe even Ginsburg.

That's a tough question to answer on national television unless you've thought about it ahead of time, though.
Also surprised Sandra Day O'Connor didn't get more attention during the currency discussion.

Susan B Anthony, O'Connor, and Parks. That's about the list unless you're pretty far to the left, in which case you might add FDR's skank or maybe even Ginsburg.

That's a tough question to answer on national television unless you've thought about it ahead of time, though.

Shit, throw Betsy Ross and Martha Washington in there. How about a Mary Todd Lincoln?

I think we need to take Jackson off, he wouldn't want to be on it, as he was opposed to a national bank.
I thought Christie's answer of Abagail Adams was a pretty good one. Eleanor Roosevelt would be good.
Who has the power in this country? White men. Who has abused power for centuries? White men. Racism and oppression is alive and well in 2015. I'm sorry you can't see that. Why do you think black men are living in their current conditions? I mean they have had so many opportunities. I can't figure out for the life of me why they choose to live in impoverished ghettos.

This is a tired argument. We have a black president and first lady.
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Who has the power in this country? White men. Who has abused power for centuries? White men. Racism and oppression is alive and well in 2015. I'm sorry you can't see that. Why do you think black men are living in their current conditions? I mean they have had so many opportunities. I can't figure out for the life of me why they choose to live in impoverished ghettos.

The president who's a black male has no power in this country?

So glad that you blame white men for the problems in the black community. I'm sure the fact that 74% of children in the black community are born out of wedlock with no fathers in the picture have anything to do with that or that they continue to vote Democrat, which hasn't helped one freaking iota.

I'm sure it was also, the white man that continues to sneak into the ghettos in the middle of the night shooting people, wrecking families, selling drugs, starting gangs, putting no emphasis on education and instead buying into the "I'm a victim" narrative and slavery is why I have failed in life today. It couldn't be that we all make our own personal choices and life is what you make of it. I'm curious of your thoughts about Ben Carson who shatters this BS "poor me" garbage that plagues the black community?

It is odd that other groups that come over to the U.S. continue to bypass the black community in test scores despite being here a shorter period of time. The NYTimes did a great piece on this a few years ago.

SAT scores in 2012 show a gap in different races
Average SAT Scores, by Race and Ethnicity, 2012

Group Reading Mathematics Writing
American Indian 482 489 462
Asian American 518 595 528
Black 428 428 417
Mexican American 448 465 443
Puerto Rican 452 452 442
Other Latino 447 461 442
White 527 536 515

Here is another table


Blaming others obviously doesn't work. If you want things to change then some communities have to take a look in the mirror and realize this isn't working, blaming others isn't working, being loyal to the Democratic party isn't working and that I am responsible for myself. We are all responsible for ourselves.
Tired if you're white and don't want to hear it.

Just like when you're hit with a dose of truth you stick your fingers in your ears and yell "racist." You think the black community is of no fault whatsoever and that it's the white boogeyman just trying to keep the black man down. However, look at those stats I posted. Everyone that comes over to the U.S. continues to bypass the black community. Why is that?
The president who's a black male has no power in this country?

So glad that you blame white men for the problems in the black community. I'm sure the fact that 74% of children in the black community are born out of wedlock with no fathers in the picture have anything to do with that or that they continue to vote Democrat, which hasn't helped one freaking iota.

I'm sure it was also, the white man that continues to sneak into the ghettos in the middle of the night shooting people, wrecking families, selling drugs, starting gangs, putting no emphasis on education and instead buying into the "I'm a victim" narrative and slavery is why I have failed in life today. It couldn't be that we all make our own personal choices and life is what you make of it. I'm curious of your thoughts about Ben Carson who shatters this BS "poor me" garbage that plagues the black community?

It is odd that other groups that come over to the U.S. continue to bypass the black community in test scores despite being here a shorter period of time. The NYTimes did a great piece on this a few years ago.

SAT scores in 2012 show a gap in different races
Average SAT Scores, by Race and Ethnicity, 2012

Group Reading Mathematics Writing
American Indian 482 489 462
Asian American 518 595 528
Black 428 428 417
Mexican American 448 465 443
Puerto Rican 452 452 442
Other Latino 447 461 442
White 527 536 515

Here is another table


Blaming others obviously doesn't work. If you want things to change then some communities have to take a look in the mirror and realize this isn't working, blaming others isn't working, being loyal to the Democratic party isn't working and that I am responsible for myself. We are all responsible for ourselves.
The president had no power. Big business runs this country and has for a while. As for the rest of your comment, we are the reason the black community is in the shape it is in and we have done little to help them out of their situation other than incarcerate them. The living conditions that gives way to the violence, drugs, crime, etc is our fault. And you expect them to climb out of this hole with little to no help?
Obama white as hell, tbh.

It is interesting that you say that because he tries to portray himself as "one" with the black community yet this guy grew up in a life of privilege, went to Ivy League schools and never worked a real job in his life.
Just like when you're hit with a dose of truth you stick your fingers in your ears and yell "racist." You think the black community is of no fault whatsoever and that it's the white boogeyman just trying to keep the black man down. However, look at those stats I posted. Everyone that comes over to the U.S. continues to bypass the black community. Why is that?
Because they haven't been living in a war zone.
The president had no power. Big business runs this country and has for a while. As for the rest of your comment, we are the reason the black community is in the shape it is in and we have done little to help them out of their situation other than incarcerate them. The living conditions that gives way to the violence, drugs, crime, etc is our fault. And you expect them to climb out of this hole with little to no help?

We have done little to help? Is that for real? We've poured tons of money into programs to help schools and families. Nothing ever changes. How do you suppose we get black men to stick around and have a stable home? How do you suppose we babysit the communities to make sure no one gets in a gang, sells drugs or kills someone? How much more can we do to stress the importance of education?

Are we not able to improve ourselves? Are we all helpless with nothing in our own control? No one makes people do drugs, kill others or choose to ignore their education or abandon their responsibilities. That's a personal choice and this mentality that "you're owed something" has been a massive failure for decades.
Because they haven't been living in a war zone.

Who created the warzone? Blacks living among themselves seems to create the most crime. Interesting that the majority of the top 10 cities worst for crime- Detroit, Memphis, St. Louis, Cleveland, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Newark and Oakland are all cities that vote Democrat and where the majority are black. The only city on that list where the black population isn't the majority is Kansas City.

Now do you not see any correlation here? How exactly does anyone else fix this issue but the black community?
Who created the warzone? Blacks living among themselves seems to create the most crime. Interesting that the majority of the top 10 cities worst for crime- Detroit, Memphis, St. Louis, Cleveland, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Newark and Oakland are all cities that vote Democrat and where the majority are black. The only city on that list where the black population isn't the majority is Kansas City.

Now do you not see any correlation here? How exactly does anyone else fix this issue but the black community?
You need a history lesson man. And then maybe you will realize why the black community is in the shape it is in. Continue on with your cloaked racism though.
You need a history lesson man. And then maybe you will realize why the black community is in the shape it is in. Continue on with your cloaked racism though.

How long are we going to use this as a crutch? In 2015 if you're still blaming the white man then you're the problem. Please, explain to me how Latinos, Native Americans, Asians etc have come over here and performed better? Are they racist? Why isn't the white man keeping them down?

Thank you for not being able to argue against any of my points.
How long are we going to use this as a crutch? In 2015 if you're still blaming the white man then you're the problem. Please, explain to me how Latinos, Native Americans, Asians etc have come over here and performed better? Are they racist? Why isn't the white man keeping them down?

Thank you for not being able to argue against any of my points.
You're welcome.
How long are we going to use this as a crutch? In 2015 if you're still blaming the white man then you're the problem. Please, explain to me how Latinos, Native Americans, Asians etc have come over here and performed better? Are they racist? Why isn't the white man keeping them down?

Thank you for not being able to argue against any of my points.

Uhhhh you might have a few more history classes to take, but your point is valid. So is the other side. Problem is neither will admit wrongdoing. I guess that's human nature. There is no compromise. There is not even an open discussion.
Uhhhh you might have a few more history classes to take, but your point is valid. So is the other side. Problem is neither will admit wrongdoing. I guess that's human nature. There is no compromise. There is not even an open discussion.

What history classes would that be? Explain to me how it has any relevance to blacks of today. No one should apologize for a 150+ years ago and if you're under 50, you don't even remember Jim Crow laws. There are opportunities for everyone in 2015 to do anything you want.

Personal responsibility seems like a lost art these days.
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What history classes would that be? Explain to me how it has any relevance to blacks of today. No one should apologize for a 150+ years ago and if you're under 50, you don't even remember Jim Crow laws. There are opportunities for everyone in 2015 to do anything you want.

Personal responsibility seems like a lost art these days.

No one is going to forget the last 150 years until blacks start to get a piece of the top 1%. That's who controls the money in the world.

"The billionaires that make up the “Forbes 400” list have as much wealth as the entire African-American population of the U.S., over 41 million people, according to a new analysis by Bob Lord of the Institute for Policy Studies. Lord calls it “Dr. King’s Nightmare.” In the aftermath of the 2008 economic meltdown, wealth owned by households of color declined dramatically, as home values collapsed. The wealth of the richest 1 percent also declined in 2009, but rebounded quickly in subsequent years. As Bob Lord writes in Other Words, “The net worth of just 400 billionaires, a group that could fit into a high school gym, is on par with the collective wealth of more than 14 million African- American households. Both groups possess some $2 trillion, about three percent of our national net worth of $77 trillion.” The only U.S. African-American on the Forbes 400 list is Oprah Winfrey, who has a net worth of $2.9 billion, placing her 184th on the list. She is one of 7 Black billionaires in the whole world."

And those blacks that are in the 1% also have the most debt.

It's a tough issue and the current president made it worse in the black community.
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He sure as hell didn't grow up starving or had anything in common with those that adore him.

Makes you wonder with the way his administration depleated school menus. Sometimes school meals are the only hot meals these kids get. That includes black and white kids. Guess they dont know about parents that use up all the food money on dope and booze.
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The kid suffered an embarrassment he shouldve never had to. That said, its hilarious watching everyone in the new PC/PR world trying to one up themselves with him.

Hey stop by twitter! Stop by facebook! Stop by MIT! Come to the whitehouse! Hey heres a scholarship! Next people will just start throwing money at him. Its ridiculous.

So true: a great debater does not a POTUS make.

I still think Kasich is the most electable, even thought I dont agree with him on a few issues.

Kasich with Rubio as VP would win. Kasich with Fiorina would be stout, but not as much. She sounds really good in debates. Then you realize shes basically lying about everything shes saying. And she really has no viable defense for her time at HP.

Rand Paul, Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, Justin Amash, Mark Cuban (the anti-Trump)- That's my top 5. I can't get behind the social conservatives at all. Last thing I want is one of those twatniks using gov't to control my personal life. They have no business using gov't having a say-so of how I live my life or how anyone else lives their life. If anyone of them wants to quit with religious pandering, then I may jump aboard. Rand Paul is religious and does not let his belief system interfere with gov't reform. Gov't reform to me is not about turning back roe vs wade, getting rid of gay marriage, keeping weed illegal, etc etc. Reform to me is to limit gov't control and influence. Take out that shitty Obamacare, audit the IRS, cut military spending, cut gov't employees. etc etc. Balance the budget, decrease the deficit.

I understand Obama is no better, Heisman. He's been awful. There's not one thing that I think he has handled well during his time in office. But let's not make the same mistake with Carson just because he's anti-Obama (being black).

Id love Cuban to run. Hes all the good of Trump, with none of the bad (unless hes at a ballgame)
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Men who achieve power by pandering to the poor and the oppressed do not desire a reduction in that group which will keep them in power.

This is the great secret the Democrats have and want to be kept secret. Pandering to the poor is what keeps them in power, which in turn the Democrats want to keep them poor and dependent on them for government handouts.
You need a history lesson man. And then maybe you will realize why the black community is in the shape it is in. Continue on with your cloaked racism though.

Id be interested in this history lesson.

No one is going to forget the last 150 years until blacks start to get a piece of the top 1%. That's who controls the money in the world.

"The billionaires that make up the “Forbes 400” list have as much wealth as the entire African-American population of the U.S., over 41 million people, according to a new analysis by Bob Lord of the Institute for Policy Studies. Lord calls it “Dr. King’s Nightmare.” In the aftermath of the 2008 economic meltdown, wealth owned by households of color declined dramatically, as home values collapsed. The wealth of the richest 1 percent also declined in 2009, but rebounded quickly in subsequent years. As Bob Lord writes in Other Words, “The net worth of just 400 billionaires, a group that could fit into a high school gym, is on par with the collective wealth of more than 14 million African- American households. Both groups possess some $2 trillion, about three percent of our national net worth of $77 trillion.” The only U.S. African-American on the Forbes 400 list is Oprah Winfrey, who has a net worth of $2.9 billion, placing her 184th on the list. She is one of 7 Black billionaires in the whole world."

And those blacks that are in the 1% also have the most debt.

It's a tough issue and the current president made it worse in the black community.

While, true it leaves out the way most people get rich: inheriting a fortune. That really has nothing to do with racism today, and everything to do with the racism of yesterday. The past cant be changed, but all races have equal opportunity today.

Makes you wonder with the way his administration depleated school menus. Sometimes school meals are the only hot meals these kids get. That includes black and white kids. Guess they dont know about parents that use up all the food money on dope and booze.

Completely agree.

Men who achieve power by pandering to the poor and the oppressed do not desire a reduction in that group which will keep them in power.

This is the great secret the Democrats have and want to be kept secret. Pandering to the poor is what keeps them in power, which in turn the Democrats want to keep them poor and dependent on them for government handouts.

Exactly. Dems create the narrative of oppression, promise handouts knowing those handouts are nothing more than a short term fix, then repeat the same every election cycle. Meanwhile this ensures the poor never rise above their situation, and therefore feel the need to vote Dem everytime otherwise based on the false promise of better days.
Both sides pander to their bases. And then neither side does anything when they get in office. To say that one side is worse than the other is dumb. I'll say it again. Democrats and republicans are in bed together with big business. America is a one part system. The 1% rule this land.
While, true it leaves out the way most people get rich: inheriting a fortune. That really has nothing to do with racism today, and everything to do with the racism of yesterday. The past cant be changed, but all races have equal opportunity today

Actually it kinda does, because of the fortune that has been acquired through old money has traces rooted all the way back to the country's founding which has been has 100% white. Oprah is the only US billionaire and there is only 7 in the world. I am trying to give an explanation as to why 150 years later won't be forgotten. Not until more blacks break into 1% and gain a footing. The current set-up won't allow for them to advance because we have a gov't that is pushing to keep them dependent on gov't.

The second part is true. Every race has an equal opportunity, but only one has a true chance to make to the upper 1%. That's stats prove that.
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Both sides pander to their bases. And then neither side does anything when they get in office. To say that one side is worse than the other is dumb. I'll say it again. Democrats and republicans are in bed together with big business. America is a one part system. The 1% rule this land.
Which is why multi-millionaires and billionaire business people are now running for President. At least they aren't trying to hide the fact that corporate America now writes the majority of our laws and elects the politicians. There is no 'by the people' in big corporate politics now.
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