How will they rule ??!

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Probably, but voters sure won't have another candidate from either party that will speak out on issues like Trump and that it what has him on top now.

One thing of interest to watch is all the air time Bush has already purchased. Hes struggling now, but with all that air time and all that money, he'll start climbing once others start to pull out. It sucks, but thats todays politics.
I wondered if he says what he does, not because that is what he really thinks , but that is what keeps him at the top in the polls and in the headlines. Once again, I just don't trust him.
I don't really think Trump will implode all at once, but rather people will slowly move away from him. Once some of these guys/gals start dropping out after Iowa/New Hampshire, voters wills start to consolidate around somebody other than Trump IMO.

Hopefully Kasich.
Ok Mohammed, Cosby was not the only one to see your profit post. I saw it too.

That record has been played on here ad nauseam, and anyone that thinks I ever claimed to be a prophet is a friggin idiot and that includes you. None of which has anything to do with Rick Perry being delusional and people like you looking past it becasue he got a new pair of smart-glasses.

But that's about what I would expect from someone who gets their news from :D
Eff every candidate that doesn't have a strong stance against immigration, which should be our biggest concern right now. So sick of the PC pandering politicians do. This is the only reason Trump has resonated with the public and that is a sad reflection of our society. He's the only guy that didn't say the typical BS and people have latched on to it.

Also, please for all that is holy, do not let Bush get anywhere close to the ticket. That would be an utter disaster.
^ better tell Republican backers, although I think I read that the Bush gravy train was slowing down. But his early money lead is astounding.
^ better tell Republican backers, although I think I read that the Bush gravy train was slowing down. But his early money lead is astounding.

I like Trump better than any other GOP candidate

The Koch brothers were early on putting their muscle behind Scott Walker and he's at 2%. Maybe money isn't everything in political races in 2016?
Doesn't that logic apply to the female? If you don't want to get pregnant and have a baby then don't have sex.
If you want a say in the future of any pregnancy you may cause, don't have sex with people to whom you're not married.

It takes two to have sex.
It's not everything, but it's a lot. I'd say it's a necessary but not sufficient condition to winning a federal political race. And the money raised by Bush's backers dwarfs what Walker's people put in.
That record has been played on here ad nauseam, and anyone that thinks I ever claimed to be a prophet is a friggin idiot and that includes you. None of which has anything to do with Rick Perry being delusional and people like you looking past it becasue he got a new pair of smart-glasses.

But that's about what I would expect from someone who gets their news from :D
Include yourself in there because just about everyone knows you posted it.
Jeb raised so much money so quickly that it scared off Mitt touching Romney.

Kasich is trying to pick off his donors, but that's like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic
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I like a lot of what he says, but I just don't fully trust him. His ego is massive.

Same. Like his ideas much more than I like the idea of him being president.

If you want a say in the future of any pregnancy you may cause, don't have sex with people to whom you're not married.

It takes two to have sex.

Takes two to have sex. Two to conceive the child. Yet the mother is the only one with input about whether or not the child is aborted.

Dr. Carson pulling the "turn the other cheek" move with Trump.

Best way he could have played that whole situation imo.

Agreed. Trump feeds off these squabbles. It gets him free facetime via the press. Dont feed it, and his free ad time goes away.
Takes two to have sex. Two to conceive the child. Yet the mother is the only one with input about whether or not the child is aborted.

Agreed. It takes two to conceive and two umbilical cords to nurture a developing fetus. Honestly, I don't see how it's so hard for liberals to acknowledge those simple facts.
That record has been played on here ad nauseam, and anyone that thinks I ever claimed to be a prophet is a friggin idiot and that includes you. None of which has anything to do with Rick Perry being delusional and people like you looking past it becasue he got a new pair of smart-glasses.

But that's about what I would expect from someone who gets their news from :D

So says the "self proclaimed prophet".
Agreed. It takes two to conceive and two umbilical cords to nurture a developing fetus. Honestly, I don't see how it's so hard for liberals to acknowledge those simple facts.
Never knew anyone to dispute those facts.
You're complaining that the male doesn't have a say if a female wants to abort a pregnancy. You knew or should have known the rules ahead of time. If you were having sex to create a child then you should have better planned and done so with a woman who also wanted a child. If you were just having sex for recreation then you do so with the understanding that if a pregnancy results that the decision to carry the pregnancy to term is not in your hands.
I don't see how conservatives find those facts so hard to understand.
Never knew anyone to dispute those facts.
You're complaining that the male doesn't have a say if a female wants to abort a pregnancy. You knew or should have known the rules ahead of time. If you were having sex to create a child then you should have better planned and done so with a woman who also wanted a child. If you were just having sex for recreation then you do so with the understanding that if a pregnancy results that the decision to carry the pregnancy to term is not in your hands.
I don't see how conservatives find those facts so hard to understand.


Fatguy was being sarcastic.
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(unshocked face), via Bloomberg, no doubt stuff like this does not faze liberals that want a completely govt run system. 7-8 years to do 16 days of training may be asking too much though.

But government employees made multiple missteps in doling out and managing those contracts. In January 2012, for example, new federal rules required employees overseeing contracts worth more than $10 million to undergo 96 hours of training meant to prepare them to manage complex projects. CMS disregarded this requirement and allowed less qualified employees to oversee contracts worth as much as $50 million, according to the audit. One employee, who isn’t named in the report, oversaw a $130 million contract for at least 15 months without even the lower-level certification that the government requires for managing contracts worth more than $25,000.

The agency’s contracting staff, which continues to monitor work on, still hasn’t completed the required levels of training, according to the audit. It won’t meet the federal standards until October 2016.

The workers in charge of day-to-day contract management—monitoring spending and making sure companies deliver monthly status reports, among other responsibilities—changed frequently prior to the launch. One contract had five successive people monitoring it from March 2010 to March 2014. Employees sometimes failed to document who was in charge at any given time.

Over several months in 2012, unauthorized CMS staff added work to a contract with CGI Federal that contributed to a $28 million cost overrun. The employee monitoring the job had limited experience with IT contracts and didn’t realize the company’s monthly reports were missing total cost projections. In September 2012 another CMS office more familiar with IT work took over management of the contract, and the cost overrun was identified the following month.

On top of all that, CMS couldn’t provide auditors with dozens of “routine” documents they’d r disclosing the relationship, since no record of a disclosure was found.

The leaders of both agencies overseeing have moved on. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius stepped down in 2014, and former CMS chief Marilyn Tavenner left in February 2015.

What’s not clear is whether anyone else has been held accountable—or if other contracts are being handled better today.equested. The auditors also found that one federal employee who’d previously worked for a subcontractor may have breached ethical standards by not
disclosing the relationship, since no record of a disclosure was found.

The leaders of both agencies overseeing have moved on. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius stepped down in 2014, and former CMS chief Marilyn Tavenner left in February 2015.

What’s not clear is whether anyone else has been held accountable—or if other contracts are being handled better today.
So a movie with Robert Redford as Dan Rather, exonerating him on the whole Bush report, is a real thing.

Reminds the ScarJo as HRC movie still happening?
That MF'er is insane. Ya know, before we keep increasing the spending. Why not reform and cut?

Free college? How about cutting these for-profit scams. How about reforming how loan money is given. how about working out a system utilizing community colleges.

Health care? Not sure about this one.

Roads and bridges update? legalize weed and tax it.

There ya go. I've solved a few issues that Bernie hasn't thought of yet and actually didn't involve $1 of of new spending.
That MF'er is insane. Ya know, before we keep increasing the spending. Why not reform and cut?

Free college? How about cutting these for-profit scams. How about reforming how loan money is given. how about working out a system utilizing community colleges.

Health care? Not sure about this one.

Roads and bridges update? legalize weed and tax it.

There ya go. I've solved a few issues that Bernie hasn't thought of yet and actually didn't involve $1 of of new spending.

Youve just engaged in a mental exercise thats beyond most democrats, and a large number of republican politicians: The thought of cutting spending. A concept so beyond their grasp, its inconceivable. Instead we'll just give everything away to anyone with their hands out; and continue to borrow money from China. Because what could possibly go wrong?
That MF'er is insane. Ya know, before we keep increasing the spending. Why not reform and cut?

Free college? How about cutting these for-profit scams. How about reforming how loan money is given. how about working out a system utilizing community colleges.

Health care? Not sure about this one.

Roads and bridges update? legalize weed and tax it.

There ya go. I've solved a few issues that Bernie hasn't thought of yet and actually didn't involve $1 of of new spending.
Willy, you know that the "for-profit" schools are private...right?
What is wrong with the college loan system other than too many people end up with too much debt. You can't bankrupt your way out of college loans and they can they can withhold your tax refund to collect. They are pretty safe loans from the government's POVs.

Oregon and Tennessee now provide free community college...provided you can maintain a 2.0 GPA.
Willy, you know that the "for-profit" schools are private...right?
What is wrong with the college loan system other than too many people end up with too much debt. You can't bankrupt your way out of college loans and they can they can withhold your tax refund to collect. They are pretty safe loans from the government's POVs.

Oregon and Tennessee now provide free community college...provided you can maintain a 2.0 GPA.

There are a lot of private schools Fuzz. Not all of them are scams like the ones putting kids in debt with a degree from a shopping mall store. yet they are the ones whose students are least likely to pay back their school loans. Hmmmm. There was just an article on this very thing a few weeks ago.

Fuzz, you just stated the obvious that every one knows. "What is wrong with the college loan system other than too many people end up with too much debt."? No shit man. The clue is how to fix it without gauging the borrower and the tax payer. making it"free" is bullshit. Make reforms how to lend and shut down scam schools.
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That MF'er is insane. Ya know, before we keep increasing the spending. Why not reform and cut?

Free college? How about cutting these for-profit scams. How about reforming how loan money is given. how about working out a system utilizing community colleges.

Health care? Not sure about this one.

Roads and bridges update? legalize weed and tax it.

There ya go. I've solved a few issues that Bernie hasn't thought of yet and actually didn't involve $1 of of new spending.

I would add legalizing on-line sports wagering and poker. Why should the government stick it's nose into what I do with my own money on my computer in my home? The laws now that prohibit these are hypocritical since its legal to bet on horses/dogs, and fantasy football leagues on line.
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There are a lot of private schools Fuzz. Not all of them are scams like the ones putting kids in debt with a degree from a shopping mall store. yet they are the ones whose students are least likely to pay back their school loans. Hmmmm. There was just an article on this very thing a few weeks ago.

Fuzz, you just stated the obvious that every one knows. "What is wrong with the college loan system other than too many people end up with too much debt."? No shit man. The clue is how to fix it without gauging the borrower and the tax payer. making it"free" is bullshit. Make reforms how to lend and shut down scam schools.

Student loans should be risk evaluated just like a car loan, a mortgage or a business loan. Students more likely to repay loans should get the lowest rates, others higher rates. Consideration of the field of study should be paramount. Degrees in engineering, business and tech are low risk becasue the probability of job security and repayment are high. Sociology and history not so much. The schools credentials, and accreditation should also be a factor. Bottom line is the program should be run from a business standpoint not what's politically popular.

Having said that I think there is at least some merit to free tuition for 2 year degrees much like we have free K1-12 so long as it's in a field that will lead to a job, not some BS degree. I would rather spend money on education than building more prisons to house more inmates at $30K/year.
Student loans should be risk evaluated just like a car loan, a mortgage or a business loan. Students more likely to repay loans should get the lowest rates, others higher rates. Consideration of the field of study should be paramount. Degrees in engineering, business and tech are low risk becasue the probability of job security and repayment are high. Sociology and history not so much. The schools credentials, and accreditation should also be a factor. Bottom line is the program should be run from a business standpoint not what's politically popular.

Having said that I think there is at least some merit to free tuition for 2 year degrees much like we have free K1-12 so long as it's in a field that will lead to a job, not some BS degree. I would rather spend money on education than building more prisons to house more inmates at $30K/year.

I totally agree.

1) Cut out scam schools/make them ineligible for student loans and/or attack their accreditation. Who on earth is in charge of allowing every tom dick and harry start a college nowadays anyway?

2) Treat student loans like any other underwritten loans. Not just hand out cash to everyone, no matter the degree.

3) I could get on board with 2 year free community college, with minimum GPA requirements, etc. This could also be an evaluating factor in the student loan underwriting process when that student tries to advance their education.

4) Stop pushing everyone towards college. It isnt for everyone. Realistic student loan standards/underwriting will help. Trade schools are very important. Even low level, unskilled trade (ie janitors, etc) is very important for society to function.

Right now, the majority of the work force have college degrees from who knows where, are sitting in a cramped cubicle, working 60 hours a week, earning $30k a year, and up to their eyebrows in student loans.

Meanwhile, there are plumbers, electricians, HVAC people working the same amount, making well over $100k a year, and have no student loans.
BBInsanity, You are 100% correct! Hell, you cant find anybody to do shit anymore! I called 3 plumbers over a month ago and not a damn one has showed up yet! Ended up FINALLY fixing the issue myself. If a young person today had "people skills", had knowledge of a trade and some hustle in their step, they would make a killing! Plumbers, electricians, heating and air, flooring, roofing, painting,...all in demand.
I like Trump better than any other GOP candidate

The Koch brothers were early on putting their muscle behind Scott Walker and he's at 2%. Maybe money isn't everything in political races in 2016?[/QUOTE]

The left knows all about the "evil" Koch brothers but surprisingly says nothing about George Soros.
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I just can't get behind free college.

All free college will do is cause an increase in taxes and keeps middle class in shitty careers.
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I just can't get behind free college.

All free college will do is cause an increase in taxes and keeps middle class in shitty careers.

Yep and a college degree is already losing value. Letting everyone in and just tossing out degrees will drive it down even further.

God forbid you have to work and earn something. Gotta let everyone have everything cause if not, their feelings will be hurt.

The mentality of many youth is they want six figure jobs and to go straight to the top but don't want to pay their dues or actually do the work. People get lazier and lazier.

VT/UK, the company i work for periodically calls out contractors for big jobs and you know how many either don't bother showing up or even calling? A lot. Must be nice to just piss away jobs that couldn be thousands of dollars.