How will they rule ??!

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SMgdh at anyone quoting catdaddy on race issues. The guy literally celebrates the killing of white "pigs". I guess losers attract losers.

As for the "corporate America" college grads make just a hair less than white grads and post-grad black grads actually make more than their white counterparts.

But basically overprotection creates overreaction.
Why does the "There's already a white club for you" quoted by From-the-stands (#5743) say it was from me? I didn't say that. Or is it just showing up like that on my screen? Please correctly attribute. Thanks.
Re: student loans. Big business (well, lenders) love it because they get guaranteed loans. Free money. Schools love it because they can more easily raise tuition and engage in an arms race to outspend comparable schools. Free money. Meanwhile, students are saddled with crippling loans because they were optimistic, naive, and induced to enter into loans that a healthy market would not give them. Student loans are far too easy to get due to market distortions by the feds. Making college free is dumb. Making loans too easy to get is dumb, but it's hard to go back the other way without screwing over a generation of potential students that would be stuck with the high prices the loans made possible without access to the loans that made the high prices affordable at all.

Really, there is no great solution. Sanders' idea is terrible. Clinton's idea is terrible. Other proposals I've seen are also terrible, but less so.
If you think "free" college is dumb then you must thing "free" K-12 education is dumb. If not for "free" public education then the US would be in the same place as the other 3rd world nations that don't bother to see that their populations are educated. Sorry, but making higher education more obtainable can never be labeled, "dumb".
College has become so expensive because states have reduced their funding for higher education. Up through the late 70's states funded up to 90% of the costs for higher ed meaning that tuition only had to cover 10% or so of those costs. Today it is the exact opposite. States fund about 10% of those costs and students must pick up the other 90%.
Now I'm not claiming that all college should be free. There would have to be standards. Tennessee requires students keep a 2.0 GPA to keep community college free. At 4 year universities they must keep a 3.0 or higher to get money that covers most of tuition, a 3.5 GPA gets you more money. Of course the flip side of that is that the overwhelming majority of those receiving that money come from families who have the means and could have paid full tuition if needed.
There are many instances where student loans shouldn't be given. Student athletes on full scholarship and eligible for Pell Grants for one. A kid can receive a full ride scholarship, receive a $5500 Pell Grant and eligible for a $15,000 student loan. If the kid redshirts he could leave school with $75,000 of debt. Perhaps somewhere there is a case that could be made that the kid needed every penny because he had a child or family to support. Still there comes a time to pay the piper and that kid is going to have an $850+/mo school loan payment for the next 10 years.
It's a two sided coin. The more difficult you make student loans to get, the more people you keep out of school because they have no other way to fund their education. People taking on too much debt isn't limited to college students. There are many older adults that are guilty too. The answer IMHO is better education around financial issues.
This sums up talking to Catdaddy.

^ nothing is free. K-12 is "free" only in the sense that you don't pay directly for services. Making it "free" only redistributes the cost. A college education is not required for a large segment of society, and it is certainly less required to be a productive citizen than a high school level education. Maybe it's an arbitrary boundary, but it's there. Meanwhile, increased access to student loans (seriously, it's so easy to get $200,000+ for a three year law degree at a crappy law school, let alone a 4 or 5 year humanities or whatever scapegoat degree at rando private college) have helped drive the cost of education through the roof. The more money available, the faster prices rise.

The solution, as you acknowledge, isn't just "free" college for all. That's dumb. Maybe the free community college with restrictions, but you still have to pay for that somehow. And neither of those solutions address the elephant in the room - costs have gone up so fast that it's impossible to reign in the main culprit (too much loan money out there makes it too easy to raise costs) without screwing over an entire generation of would-be college attendees that would face the prospect of high prices w/out easy credit. It'd be like if the housing bubble didn't actually burst, just froze in place.
Free college my ass. A 2.0 GPA? Hell my dog could maintain a 2.0 GPA! You pay for that tuition with money out of your own pocket and you better believe your not going to skip class or settle for a 2.0 GPA. When will this country realize that when something is give to you it is not respected? Thats what has this "entitlement generation" so screwed up now, free shit all the time. Let them struggle like I did- working two part time jobs, living off ramen noodles and 99 cent Whoppers, giving plasma for money to go drinking, working all damn Summer...It made me a better man to work for it myself.
For the love of college, free groceries,free phones, free cars, free rent, free utilities, free medical..whats next?
What is the worst thing that would happen if we brought home all US soldiers from overseas, legalized gambling and pot?

Serious question.
Free college my ass. A 2.0 GPA? Hell my dog could maintain a 2.0 GPA! You pay for that tuition with money out of your own pocket and you better believe your not going to skip class or settle for a 2.0 GPA. When will this country realize that when something is give to you it is not respected? Thats what has this "entitlement generation" so screwed up now, free shit all the time. Let them struggle like I did- working two part time jobs, living off ramen noodles and 99 cent Whoppers, giving plasma for money to go drinking, working all damn Summer...It made me a better man to work for it myself.
For the love of college, free groceries,free phones, free cars, free rent, free utilities, free medical..whats next?

Democrats are all about this crap because it's buying votes and it targets the lazy and stupid. It's also interesting that the same Dem politicians and media that pushes the "you're a victim" garbage is the one aways in favor of this stuff.
Democrats are all about this crap because it's buying votes and it targets the lazy and stupid. It's also interesting that the same Dem politicians and media that pushes the "you're a victim" garbage is the one aways in favor of this stuff.
Hmmmm... "free" community college was brought to Tennessee by a Republican governor and Republican controlled House and Senate.
What is the worst thing that would happen if we brought home all US soldiers from overseas, legalized gambling and pot?

Serious question.

worsening civil wars in tribal regions of middle east, Afghanistan. Those people will kill one another in droves . . . if you consider such a thing a "worst thing." Probably a worsening of refugees / migrations. New regimes, political instability, etc.

Worst thing that can happen with legalized pot would be to not tax it on a consumption basis, which I assume would be the only objective to do so. Huge, lucrative, very desirable revenue stream loss if just legalized without a consumption tax. Otherwise a damn good idea.

The worst thing about gambling is that the consumer doesn't always get an even value in exchange. I'm not opposed to it from any moral perspective.
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Poor ole Heisman, still fighting the good fight of the white man. Have you responded to one topic that doesn't involve you pulling the race card out? Poor, poor white people, just gots it sooo bad.

Typical Liberal tactic, call someone a racist that tries to have a discussion on race. Won't work, you and your ilk are going to lose this battle. You can NOT shut everyone up. Who has less rights than anyone in this country, Asians, and middle aged white men. I do not know your race, but there are idiots in all races, and that you qualify for.
Obama invites the 14 year old Muslim that was arrested in Texas for the home made clock, that his teacher thought was a bomb, to the White House. Anybody think that if this kid were white he would get invited to the White House? If so, I got a bridge to sell you.
Obama invites the 14 year old Muslim that was arrested in Texas for the home made clock, that his teacher thought was a bomb, to the White House. Anybody think that if this kid were white he would get invited to the White House? If so, I got a bridge to sell you.
If he was white he wouldn't have been racially profiled.
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If he was white he wouldn't have been racially profiled.
Like the 7-year-old white kid suspended for his pop tart gun?

Obama is a racist. He always comments about crap like Trayvon, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray yet is silent when it's a white person dead by blacks or illegals. He's a joke.
Like the 7-year-old white kid suspended for his pop tart gun?

Obama is a racist. He always comments about crap like Trayvon, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray yet is silent when it's a white person dead by blacks or illegals. He's a joke.
A racist calling someone else a racist haha
Obama invites the 14 year old Muslim that was arrested in Texas for the home made clock, that his teacher thought was a bomb, to the White House. Anybody think that if this kid were white he would get invited to the White House? If so, I got a bridge to sell you.
when said white kid, #1 actually makes something, and is then handcuffed, drug out of school and then arrested...lemme know. It's as if you believe that white kids haven't lived in the White House. Not visited. Lived.
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Racially profiled?

You sure it's not simply a case of a school system overreacting? I mean, there are countless stories out there of schools being incredibly stupid and using wild over reactions to stupid shit like this.

Hell, some kindergartener was suspended for pretending his hand was a gun a few years ago.

Some other 1st or 2nd grader was suspended for kissing a girl on her hand. School stated sexual harassment or some shit.

There are literally hundreds of examples. Most of those include lily-white kids.

Personally, I don't think this kid was a victim because he was brown. I think he was a victim because school systems have lost their GD minds.
"A five-year-old girl attending Mount Carmel Area School District in Pennsylvania got into hot water for telling a friend that she wanted to “shoot” the friend with a pink, plastic Miss Kitty bubble gun that the girl had at her home. In other words, the little girl wanted to blow bubbles on her friend. The little girl was yelled at, searched, accused of causing a “terroristic threat,” and suspended."

"In keeping with the school theme of panicking about pellet guns, a six-year-old brought a broken plastic Airsoft-type gun to her school’s show and tell. Once again, the school didn’t simply confiscate the toy. Instead, it called the police, suspended the little girl, and threatened her with arrest if she dared set foot on campus during the course of the suspension."

"A 10-year-old boy who attends Douglas MacArthur Elementary School in Alexandria, Virginia, while riding the school bus one day, showed a playmate what was manifestly a toy gun, as evidenced by its bright orange tip. When another student reported the incident, however, the police showed up at the school, arrested the child as a juvenile offender, and charged him with brandishing a weapon."

"All the schools in Beaver County, Pennsylvania were recently put on lockdown, and a 19-year-old high school student was arrested. What horrible thing did the young man do? On his cell phone voicemail, he rapped out the lyrics from the Will Smith sitcom, “The Fresh Prince of Bel Aire.” The lyrics talk about shooting basketballs. Panicky authorities thought it was about shooting guns."

That's just a quick google search of schools losing their collective minds. Included are younger, older, boys, girls, and....GASP..... Even white students. It's widespread and has little to do with race more to do with lack of common sense.

I can't say for sure this didn't happen because of his race (every situation is different). But, with countless examples of all races included in this insanity it's not exactly fair to jump to that conclusion so quickly. Unless that's just something you do out of habit......
If he was white he wouldn't have been racially profiled.

The profiling is based on the outcome. Had the device been an actual bomb no "profiling" would have occurred. You are simply being an race opportunist based on the outcome that the device was actually a clock. At the 1:30 mark in this video the young muslim clockmaker concedes that actions on his part were necessary to aid in reducing what he knew was a potentially suspicious looking item before he took the item to school. He concedes that he did not "want it to feel like a threat" and he did want them to "look at me suspicious." Then we are to believe he was completely surprised by the faculty's response. These are interesting contradictions, even if from an innocent 14 year old.

Yes, I'm sure you're soo enlightened with your vast knowledge of racial issues. I guess that's why you need to constantly bring up how the white man is being beaten down in You're a bigot and it's obvious. Talk about playing the victim card. Obama's got nothing on you. You can talk about race but no one else can. Which you always do so of course someone is gonna say something about your ignorant comments.

There's already a white club for you. It's called corporate America. If you need one that's a little more open in their immigrant hate, try the KKK. Only over-privileged white people think they need their own club. You are the club. I mean how ignorant of history are you?

Donald Trump is a racist and a bigot spreading his hate and Republicans are eating it up. Just proves the countless times we've called you guys out for being a party full of bigots and haters. That's why Trump is the perfect candidate for you guys. He will win the nomination and if he doesn't it will tear the party apart.

The only person Trump cares about is Trump. He is the evolution of capitalism to the greed horders they've become. There's not an ounce of empathy in his bones because he doesn't care about you or anyone for that matter. I have no doubt the guy probably kicks and curses homeless people if no one is looking. He is a caricature of what America has become. Loud, obnoxious and greedy. Not to mention he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He's been pampered his whole life.
The problem is more you than him. You and a couple of others run in and cry racist if anyone opposes an idea that might ruffle your feathers or go against your progressive agenda. There is no open debate about anything that would challenge your stance. BTW, pulling the race/bigot card when losing a debate position epitomizes your debate strategy.
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Watched the debate off and on. In that particular kind of thing, Rubio and Fiorina stand out. Thought they did the best. Doesn't mean they're the best candidates or most qualified - which reminds me of when a law school professor explained that a law school exam was a really irrelevant way of determining legal abilities - never in your career, he said, will someone come to see you with an obviously contrived and lengthy set of circumstances, tell you that you have no resources to figure out the answers, and give you an hour to finish. Yet exams are the sum total of law school assessment. Kinda like the debate. Scott Walker may be a very qualified candidate, but on a stage, especially with 10 others, he just disappears. Carson in person may seem serious and resolute; in that setting it comes across as meek.

All that said, based on what I've seen to date, a Rubio+Fiorina ticket is one I'd like. Take away many of the talking points the Dems have had for generations......
That kid was white as hell. He was drake colored and geeky as hell. Think he was wearing a nasa shirt. Doesn't get anymore white. You racist assholes are something else.
Watched the debate off and on. In that particular kind of thing, Rubio and Fiorina stand out. Thought they did the best. Doesn't mean they're the best candidates or most qualified - which reminds me of when a law school professor explained that a law school exam was a really irrelevant way of determining legal abilities - never in your career, he said, will someone come to see you with an obviously contrived and lengthy set of circumstances, tell you that you have no resources to figure out the answers, and give you an hour to finish. Yet exams are the sum total of law school assessment. Kinda like the debate. Scott Walker may be a very qualified candidate, but on a stage, especially with 10 others, he just disappears. Carson in person may seem serious and resolute; in that setting it comes across as meek.

All that said, based on what I've seen to date, a Rubio+Fiorina ticket is one I'd like. Take away many of the talking points the Dems have had for generations......

Rubio had the best answer on immigration
Carson had the correct answer on minimum wage
Fiorini had the best smack-down of trump

CNN getting blasted this morning for turning the debate into a Trump-centric freeforall.

Rubio was very good last night. Loved his answers on climate change POLICIES and gun violence/control.

Fiorina's take down of planned parenthood was also impressive.
I guess I'm a political nerd or something, but I am enjoying these debates and listening to these different point of views. Lots of good ideas and principles being discussed IMO. I think some of these guys/gals aren't cut out for the debate format however, and do better on the stump, but would make a good leaders, which is mainly about character and decision making IMO.
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I guess I'm a political nerd or something, but I am enjoying these debates and listening to these different point of views. Lots of good ideas and principles being discussed IMO. I think some of these guys/gals aren't cut out for the debate format however, and do better on the stump, but would make a good leaders, which is mainly about character and decision making IMO.
So true: a great debater does not a POTUS make.

I still think Kasich is the most electable, even thought I dont agree with him on a few issues.
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A racist calling someone else a racist haha

Obama isn't half the man Ben Carson is and of course, accurately pointing out Obama's racist ways and prejudice choices always makes someone a "racist."

Rubio was very good last night. Loved his answers on climate change POLICIES and gun violence/control.

Fiorina's take down of planned parenthood was also impressive.

Completely agree. Rubio was my top choice going into the debates and was shocked that he was like 5th or 6th in the polls. In my opinion, a ticket with him and Fiorina would win and they'd destroy the Democrats in a debate...especially Fiorina.

True story for those who want to hear some of the insane lack of logic and brainwashing that goes on at universities. Last night, in one of my journalism classes (Investigative Reporting) we watched about 10 minutes of the debates. A lot of them made fantastic points about the Planned Parenthood videos especially Carly, which got the "Who is that? I've never heard of her" expression from one student.

The professor turns it off and says, "Now ladies, hearing the Republicans talk about defunding Planned Parenthood, how does that make you feel? Does it get your vote?" They all said "no" and the professor followed it up with "It sounds like Republicans hate women."

That's how these idiots are brainwashed.
Carson is so impressive to me, and the country could really use somebody with his points of view on several things right now. He just has no experience in public office.

I also think Huckabee, Christie, Rubio, and Paul (despite what Trump says) did well last night. Paul sticks to his guns, and doesn't come across as fake, but I'm not as libertarian as he is. Trump has too much ego and rudeness for me.
Obama isn't half the man Ben Carson is and of course, accurately pointing out Obama's racist ways and prejudice choices always makes someone a "racist."

Completely agree. Rubio was my top choice going into the debates and was shocked that he was like 5th or 6th in the polls. In my opinion, a ticket with him and Fiorina would win and they'd destroy the Democrats in a debate...especially Fiorina.

True story for those who want to hear some of the insane lack of logic and brainwashing that goes on at universities. Last night, in one of my journalism classes (Investigative Reporting) we watched about 10 minutes of the debates. A lot of them made fantastic points about the Planned Parenthood videos especially Carly, which got the "Who is that? I've never heard of her" expression from one student.

The professor turns it off and says, "Now ladies, hearing the Republicans talk about defunding Planned Parenthood, how does that make you feel? Does it get your vote?" They all said "no" and the professor followed it up with "It sounds like Republicans hate women."

That's how these idiots are brainwashed.
Not calling you a racist because you think Obama is racist. Calling you a racist based on your history of cloaked racism on this board.
Not calling you a racist because you think Obama is racist. Calling you a racist based on your history of cloaked racism on this board.

What are some examples of my "cloaked racism?" Pointing out statistics of black on white crime and hypocrisy in the media does not make someone a racist. It makes them a realist who has the ability to see the obvious.

There are racist in every race. There are acts of violent crimes against every race. However, the media, schools and politicians never tell all of the facts and manipulate the public based on what they choose to show. White on black crime is not an epidemic. Stories about race never mention the victim's race if they're white and the suspect as "black" but those same liberal mags make sure to mention it when it's the opposite.

As for Obama, he has proven many times to jump at the opportunity of racism and commenting before he knows all of the facts.

Harvard professor Skip Gates arrest
Trayvon Martin
Michael Brown
Eric Garner
Freddie Gray
Charleston shooting
Not racist but brings up the crusades in regards to ISIS
Tried to claim Benghazi was over an anti-Muslim video where we need tolerance.

Eff this guy.
Carson is so impressive to me, and the country could really use somebody with his points of view on several things right now. He just has no experience in public office.

I also think Huckabee, Christie, Rubio, and Paul (despite what Trump says) did well last night. Paul sticks to his guns, and doesn't come across as fake, but I'm not as libertarian as he is. Trump has too much ego and rudeness for me.

That isn't even a requirement anymore.

Carson's problem is that he has no clue about foreign affairs other than to "bomb shit". Guy is utterly clueless on global affairs.