I think DeSantis would be a fantastic president but there is one factor that would probably keep him from winning. Unless that person offers his support DeSantis has no chance in hell of winning. That person is Donald Trump. If Trump would support the ticket a Republican could win but there is no evidence he will. He wants a coronation.
If Trump lost the nomination to DeSantis in all probability he would start a third party and take his loyal base with him. We have posters on this forum who say they will vote for Biden before they vote for DeSantis. Multiply that by millions nationwide.
It is funny that Trump is jumping on the bandwagon and speaking out on things that Florida, under DeSantis has already addressed. Like the one in the twitter below. Also Trump attacking DeSantis on the Covid jab and wearing masks is another loser for Trump. Anybody with a brain knows DeSantis changed course a month or so after Trump, Fauci and the scarf lady held press conferences every day urging people to wash their hands for 30 seconds and wear their mask at all times. In schools and in restaurants. Then Trump went into Warp Speed Mode and had a "vaccine" ready before it had been adequately tested. Then he really screwed up when he allowed Big Pharma out of any liability under tort law. They were Scot Free and were able to make billions of dollars for a worthless shot.
Trump is not a team player and it is either him or burn down the barn. So DeSantis may as well stay put down here.