This is an interesting issue actually. (Not forcing people to bale cakes, but the freedom of religion issue)
There has been a push over the last 50 years to only protect freedom of religion as a "right" for those whose religion is recognized by the government. The constitution doesn't mention the gov as ultimate arbiter of what is and isn't a religion, however. I have a friend that I did bible study with years ago whose religion is not officially recognized by the gov. Over 100k people that espouse it, but still not a religion according to the US GOV.
I would understand not recognizing Islam because of its political nature that is firmly "anti" to any other religion and against any secular government at its core. That is not compatible with the laws and organization of our republic. It never has been and can't be. Allowing it, outside of government, sure, but allowing its adherents to hold office is counter to the nation itself.
There are religions that are not opposed to secular govt, that don't espouse anarchy or deception, and that can co exist within and without undermining a republic. Yet, the gov does not recognize them, while recognizing those that directly oppose this nation's structural foundation exactly as described at the beginning of this paragraph.
What this "new normal" is going to require is everyone standing up against it AND for all religions that support the freedoms/rights that the country was founded upon, even if it means supporting a religion that you don't agree with on every point. Is that still possible to defend when the govt as it exists now is OPPOSED to its own foundation?