How will they rule ??!

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I just did.
I told a war story once that gassy really liked. In his honor, I will repeat it. On the waterfront in Izmir Turkey, they had these night clubs called pavions. They had ladies who worked in them whose job was to hustle expensive drinks from customers, especially homesick gi's. A friend and I was visiting one on this particular night. A pretty lady came and sit next to me and a homely looking one set next to him. He wanted a pretty one, so he tried to run her off by releasing gas. Being ugly, she probably didn't make much money, so she pretended she thought it was cute. She would smile and giggle and wouldn't leave.
How about blind black black man asking for it? But he has a big old swastika tattooed on his forehead? Can he claim racial discrimination?

See how stupid the left is?

And why comedians like Dave Chappelle make millions off it?
If you think Clayton Bigsby is a critique of the left there's something wrong with your brain.
It doesn’t matter what their sex is, you can’t discriminate based on it. Whether you think they’re a man or a woman or a kumquat doesn’t matter. You can’t discriminate on that.

But they aren't discriminating on that.

They are discriminating on type of cake.
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False. When it comes to their business their right to refuse on religious beliefs trumps yours. They can go to another and do not have the right to impose their beliefs on you.
I understand that's your opinion, but it isn't the law. Businesses cannot refuse service based on sex or race or a handful of other identity attributes.

We did this last time and the thread went nuts because it was theoretical and not the specifics of this case but the easy correlation being race. If a person's religion preached it was a sin to mix races, including in economic activity, and they refused to sell to black people because of that, is that legal or not? Opinion of the thread?
Biden won't negotiate with terrorists. The GoP already voted to spend the money. They can either do their job and pay their debts or suffer the consuequences. If they want any of that shit they can do this thing called passing laws. I thought conservatives wanted single issue voting in congress? Sure seems like they only want whatever best suits their needs at the time.
Biden doesn't negotiate with anyone because he is not capable of negotiating. He has dementia and wouldn't remember the subject when the meeting adjourned.

And he doesn't know the difference between a terrorist and a Catholic priest. He is near brain dead.
It's a critique of everyone of that mindset on both sides. Have you.ever watched Chappelle? He recognizes your ilk, as well.
I have. I've followed his career as he went from speaker of truth to power more concerned about the message than the profits to an out-of-touch rich and famous NIMBY not wanting housing projects near him. Money changes you, usually for the worse. Look at the Elon debacle. He didn't bring him up on stage for a good gag he had prepared. He just brought him up to say hi. As one of his friends. His kin. His ilk. To show class solidarity against the commoners. As he himself said, "All these people that are booing, I’m just pointing out the obvious — they have terrible seats in the stadium.” The cheap seats.
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I understand that's your opinion, but it isn't the law. Businesses cannot refuse service based on sex or race or a handful of other identity attributes.

We did this last time and the thread went nuts because it was theoretical and not the specifics of this case but the easy correlation being race. If a person's religion preached it was a sin to mix races, including in economic activity, and they refused to sell to black people because of that, is that legal or not? Opinion of the thread?
False. You guys were on the opposite of this point when the same thing was said about Facebook, Twitter, and other businesses banning or refusing to allow people to use their businesses. Save the those are different circumstances because the spin is old and usless.
Take 39 seconds out of your day and watch this, you will learn more about going to space than you would if you watched a whole documentary on it. Let Kamala teach ends how you would expect it to.

I wish so bad that she could have some job forever just doing speeches or press conferences that we could watch everyday. She is a true treasure behind the mic 🍺
It doesn’t matter what their sex is, you can’t discriminate based on it. Whether you think they’re a man or a woman or a kumquat doesn’t matter. You can’t discriminate on that.
You still don't have to bake a cake based on their want when it goes against your religious beliefs, sensibilities, or a preconceived notions or morality. It is a business choice period.
False. You guys were on the opposite of this point when the same thing was said about Facebook, Twitter, and other businesses banning or refusing to allow people to use their businesses. Save the those are different circumstances because the spin is old and usless.
False. I'm against social media deplatforming as well. Morally. Philosophically. But legally they're allowed to do it. I and the left want to join y'all in changing that and offering more robust protections for our citizens. But the uniparty makes sure it never gets done. Those Zuckerbucks are awfully tasty.
You still don't have to bake a cake based on their want when it goes against your religious beliefs, sensibilities, or a preconceived notions or morality. It is a business choice period.
If you offer it to everyone else yes you do. Or you can close your business if those religious beliefs are more important to you. You're free to choose.
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I told a war story once that gassy really liked. In his honor, I will repeat it. On the waterfront in Izmir Turkey, they had these night clubs called pavions. They had ladies who worked in them whose job was to hustle expensive drinks from customers, especially homesick gi's. A friend and I was visiting one on this particular night. A pretty lady came and sit next to me and a homely looking one set next to him. He wanted a pretty one, so he tried to run her off by releasing gas. Being ugly, she probably didn't make much money, so she pretended she thought it was cute. She would smile and giggle and wouldn't leave.
Man... if only we could "fart away" liberals... White Castle, Taco Bell, and Skyline would have to stay open 24/7
This is why the issue is so important and must be litigated. If one can claim religious exception to any law we have anarchy. If my religion says I must kill all infidels clearly that’s incompatible with all of our other freedoms and the rule of law. Religious freedom is not a get-out-of-jail-free card.
Neither is being a tranny.
Big difference between losers whose life and identity are tied to an internet forum posting prolly 50 plus times a day and someone who’s posted a few hundred times in ten plus years. I wouldn’t give a $hit myself if my account vanished and sure as hell wouldn’t take a second of my day to open another account. Y’all are all up-in-arms about a missing keyboard warrior who has to switch accounts to be fulfilled.
Obviously you do give a shit, else you wouldn’t have made this post. If you don’t give a shit if your account vanishes, prove it and make your account vanish.
If you offer it to everyone else yes you do. Or you can close your business if those religious beliefs are more important to you. You're free to choose.
That is yet to be conclusively decided but it will be settled eventually.

My philosophy is, if you don't approve of me, and refuse to bake a cake, go to Hell! I'll pay someone else- your loss. I can't envision a scenario in which I file a lawsuit, anyway. In fact, I am baffled by these lawsuits.
That is yet to be conclusively decided but it will be settled eventually.

My philosophy is, if you don't approve of me, and refuse to bake a cake, go to Hell! I'll pay someone else- your loss. I can't envision a scenario in which I file a lawsuit, anyway. In fact, I am baffled by these lawsuits.
Someone has to stand up for our rights and freedoms. If this was race instead of sexuality even the majority here would agree(which of course means much more support in the population at large as this place is far-right). They are the same legally, even if y'all think it's ok to discriminate against one and not the other.
That is yet to be conclusively decided but it will be settled eventually.

My philosophy is, if you don't approve of me, and refuse to bake a cake, go to Hell! I'll pay someone else- your loss. I can't envision a scenario in which I file a lawsuit, anyway. In fact, I am baffled by these lawsuits.
I understand that position and that's great for you personally. The issue is the broader society at large. Where does religious freedom end? Can I say my religion instructs me to kill Trumpers? According to my religion they're evil and must be purged. It's my religious freedom to stab them in the neck and watch them bleed out.
I do. And we will never be free until we are free from religion. As the Constitution states. You are free to practice in your personal sphere. But in the public realm if you choose to participate in activities with others and society, i.e. owning a cake shop, their freedoms must be taken into account as well. Where do my rights end and yours begin?
This is one of the most egregious misunderstandings of the law that I’ve ever seen.
Here you are giving your opinion on how the ruling should've been made. You were wrong. Hang your hopes on SCOTUS if you want, guess we'll just have to wait and see.
This post makes it clear Dion, you just make crap up and then try to find anything you think can support your lies. You cannot find a comment from me about any state appellate court, because I never commented. The only person eating crow is you.
You just restated my question with no new information.

In America currently you cannot be refused service over a list of issues. Sex being the operative one here. So yes, every business owner is compelled to provide service. If they do not want to for whatever reason they cannot continue to operate. You are just incorrect in your assertion.

Everyone here repeats this like it’s some sort of gotcha. It isn’t. Yes, it’s a good thing that most aren’t bigoted in today’s day and age. How do you think we got there? You think it was the same in 1960s Alabama? You don’t think there would be towns in the South today that wouldn’t sell to gay people? Naive.

The real answer is that these legal issues need to be resolved for the good of all society.
You are a bigot.