How will they rule ??!

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No graduating from Florida Universities with a degree in "Zombie Studies" Your degree must mean something. All graduates will have a CORE centered on Western Civilization. Tax payers pay for these institutions and they deserve the best for their money. Meaningless degrees are a waste of taxpayers money. So no more.

"For all DEI and CRT bureaucracies in the state of Florida - no funding, and that will wither on the vine."

Lauding Santos for his "integrity and honesty" is something else, even for this thread. Also, I don't think for a second that he voluntarily gave up his committee seats. McCarthy basically forced him to do so in order to be able to pursue removing Omar from the foreign affairs committee. My prediction is that Santos will end up getting indicted soon for these campaign finance issues. Sure, there are many other liars and frauds in Congress, but this guy is a breed of his own.

lol Christ you libs have your heads so far up your own asses.

No way he could find Brazil or France.
Lauding Santos for his "integrity and honesty" is something else, even for this thread. Also, I don't think for a second that he voluntarily gave up his committee seats. McCarthy basically forced him to do so in order to be able to pursue removing Omar from the foreign affairs committee. My prediction is that Santos will end up getting indicted soon for these campaign finance issues. Sure, there are many other liars and frauds in Congress, but this guy is a breed of his own.
Neither Santos or Omar should be on any congressional committee. One is a liar and the other is full of hate. But the Liar In Chief in Washington DC is non other than the President of The United States. He can write the book. Correction he has dementia so somebody would have to write it for him.
No graduating from Florida Universities with a degree in "Zombie Studies" Your degree must mean something. All graduates will have a CORE centered on Western Civilization. Tax payers pay for these institutions and they deserve the best for their money. Meaningless degrees are a waste of taxpayers money. So no more.

"For all DEI and CRT bureaucracies in the state of Florida - no funding, and that will wither on the vine."

This is fantastic. I’ve maintained for 2-3 years now that red states need to go hard at the public universities. All they are now are Marxist indoctrination factories.

Every red state with a GOP trifecta needs to do this yesterday. Bravo to DeSantis for doing so.
America, are you ready for today's lesson from your brilliant Vice President

How To Prepare To Blast Off Into Space

Please don't ever leave us Professor Kamala
Who was she speaking to in that video? We didn't see the audience. Surely it was a group of elementary school kids on a field trip, right?

Neither Santos or Omar should be on any congressional committee. One is a liar and the other is full of hate. But the Liar In Chief in Washington DC is non other than the President of The United States. He can write the book. Correction he has dementia so somebody would have to write it for him.

Perhaps he has dementia because of all of the lying?
Republican primary will be another circus that will be Trump against everyone else. We need low energy Jeb to enter the race to make it even more entertaining. What's funny is yet again Republicans will offer a more diverse field than any the Dems will put up if/when they push Joe and Camel Toe to the curb.

Being honest, I am terrified Michelle Obama decides to run.
Yeah, only a "lib" would have a problem with Santos. There is no comparison between Santos' lying and the lies of anybody else in Congress.
But he can not hold a candle to your Biden. I won't even mention the California representatives. Russia, Russia, Russia.

But the big difference in a Republican and Democrat is the GOP will call out one of their own and discipline them. Democrats cover it up and let it ride. Santos was called out as much by his fellow GOP as by any Democrat.

And he was removed from the committees. Who was the last Democrat removed by a Democrat House?
Lauding Santos for his "integrity and honesty" is something else, even for this thread. Also, I don't think for a second that he voluntarily gave up his committee seats. McCarthy basically forced him to do so in order to be able to pursue removing Omar from the foreign affairs committee. My prediction is that Santos will end up getting indicted soon for these campaign finance issues. Sure, there are many other liars and frauds in Congress, but this guy is a breed of his own.

Yeah, only a "lib" would have a problem with Santos. There is no comparison between Santos' lying and the lies of anybody else in Congress.
This is why we can't have nice things. People actually think like this. Show me the Santos lies that tried to prove our duly elected President was in fact a Russian agent. Show me where Santos has made insider stock trades for 30 years and counting. There are so many known examples of Dems doing dirty deeds that far exceed any prevarication Santos has uttered.

He could have gotten away with ALL of it if he would have just chosen to put a D in front of his name.
Lauding Santos for his "integrity and honesty" is something else, even for this thread. Also, I don't think for a second that he voluntarily gave up his committee seats. McCarthy basically forced him to do so in order to be able to pursue removing Omar from the foreign affairs committee. My prediction is that Santos will end up getting indicted soon for these campaign finance issues. Sure, there are many other liars and frauds in Congress, but this guy is a breed of his own.
A breed of his own? How is his backstory lies any more egregious than Biden's?

Imagine if you all ever got upset about Democrats and devoted your attention to their corruption. Didn't hear from any of you regarding Swallwell dating a Chinese spy, your senator being engulfed in underage hooker scandals, insider trading, just straight fabricating backstories, etc. Biden STILL fabricates utter BS that everyone already knows are lies and yet, he still does it and media doesn't even push back.

Your bias gets so damn old.
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Lol so Biden gets a "planned search" of his home vs the all out raid for trump?

Yeah, Matt Jones obviously doesn't read much. Flat out LIED when he said Trump wouldn't let anyone see what he had at MarLago. They came their once and he showed them that the documents were secure. The NATIONAL ARCHIVE was welcome to come there. Said that to them directly.

Instead of the NA coming there, the FBI raided the property and found nothing of any real concern. He did let them in. They didn't break down the doors. They walked in. It was a publicity stunt that, like all the others, worked on the low IQ and instant outrage people, but never did fly with the rest of us.

The FBI is a Democrat/globalist run institution and needs to be disbanded and/or the hierarchy prosecuted for that reason.
Will Trump attack her for "being disloyal"
No. He wants her in the race to dilute the non-him vote, primarily thinking of a non-announced candidate from the same state as he lives now. The more the merrier for him as his 40-45% will be the plurality in each primary.
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No graduating from Florida Universities with a degree in "Zombie Studies" Your degree must mean something. All graduates will have a CORE centered on Western Civilization. Tax payers pay for these institutions and they deserve the best for their money. Meaningless degrees are a waste of taxpayers money. So no more.

"For all DEI and CRT bureaucracies in the state of Florida - no funding, and that will wither on the vine."

I can't recall any former Prez doing this much for education.
I believe we are very close to seeing massive terrorist attacks in the USA. God only knows how many have crossed the border the last 2 years.

I'd be willing to bet that George Sores and Kalus Swab know a pretty accurate number or at least a ballpark. Necropsi and Chuck Slumper probably know, too, in spite of Oblama purging the watch lists at the agencies when he was dictator
But this happens all the time in all kinds of different contexts. Take the pro-life movement. Roe v. Wade was overturned because the right law was passed in the right place at the right time, thus setting up the perfect challenge.

And it is nothing new for plaintiff's attorneys to see themselves as fighting for civil rights through their cases (look at the ADA Title III lawyers for example). I don't agree with them, but it is not "evil".
Not sure how you see this as an attorney exaggerating the value or impact of their case. Phillips was literally targeted by a trans person because they knew he would not bake them a cake so they could thrust Phillips into litigation. It’s staged litigation to ruin a person. That is evil.
Neither Santos or Omar should be on any congressional committee. One is a liar and the other is full of hate. But the Liar In Chief in Washington DC is non other than the President of The United States.

Santos gets all that press for lying...he is an amateur compared to the President, Biden is probably his hero (this is nowhere near a complete list of Biden's lies):

America, are you ready for today's lesson from your brilliant Vice President

How To Prepare To Blast Off Into Space

Please don't ever leave us Professor Kamala
She is a complete and utter embarrassment to the US. Talks to her audience like they're 5-year olds. Cackles for no apparent reason whatsoever. Has only rarely uttered a coherent thought while firmly in the limelight. If this imbecile somehow gets elected as President, there has to be an immediate investigation because there can't be that many brain dead individuals who would vote for such an incompetent boob. China and Russia are praying that Kamala gets elected. She might just turn out to the be the LAST President of the US. Just listening to this clip has cost me at least 2 or 3 IQ points. She's like a black hole of intelligence - just absorbs intelligence from others until there is none left.
I believe we are very close to seeing massive terrorist attacks in the USA. God only knows how many have crossed the border the last 2 years.
Please define very close. This month (very close in my thinking)? This year? Before 2025? 2030?