How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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What did he say that you disagree with? Only fags whine "no", then stomp their feet and storm off when they disagree. Don't be a fag. How about actually trying to refute what he said?

Everything he said was bullshit. The whole paragraph. Didn't see the need to go into further detail.
Well, since you're so informed about "real" news, why not educate us troglodytes?
He can't. He will parrot the Obama Administration's official stance and policy on Syria, at which point I will post sources refuting what bullshit he spouts, at which point he will conveniently be absent until he can make another drive-by post which he can't back up with any empirical data.
An Electoral College Coup

What should really distress Americans is that the losers are trying to overturn the election results based on little more than anonymous leaks and innuendo. Whatever Russia’s hacking motives, there is no evidence that the emails it turned up were decisive to the election result. Mr. Podesta is citing a CIA judgment that Americans have never seen and whose findings are vaguely public only because one or more unidentified officials chose to relate them to a few reporters last week.
An Electoral College Coup

What should really distress Americans is that the losers are trying to overturn the election results based on little more than anonymous leaks and innuendo. Whatever Russia’s hacking motives, there is no evidence that the emails it turned up were decisive to the election result. Mr. Podesta is citing a CIA judgment that Americans have never seen and whose findings are vaguely public only because one or more unidentified officials chose to relate them to a few reporters last week.
Double dare them to do it and just like the scam that was the recount they will lose that attempt as well. Pathetic losers.
It really is amazing how goddam gullible and stupid the left is.

Not one single shred of credible evidence has been cited in the past 5 months, yet every single one of those stupid dipshits is crying about Russia.

Hell, if Russia was involved, and has the capability to cause Trump's election, the Brexit, the downfall of Merkel, etc. despite all the efforts of the US, Britain and Germany to stop it. then I may just join team Russia.

I mean shit, the left has been working decades trying to shift us towards socialism or communism. I don't want them to be rewarded for their efforts to destroy America. If Clinton or the lefties figured out a way to overturn this election, I'd hope Russia kicked our ass.
He can't. He will parrot the Obama Administration's official stance and policy on Syria, at which point I will post sources refuting what bullshit he spouts, at which point he will conveniently be absent until he can make another drive-by post which he can't back up with any empirical data.

I'm not here to defend Obama, or Hillary or the DNC. They aren't on my side any more than Trump is on yours.

You all at least realize that, right? That Trump doesn't give a shit about you? Neither do the billionaires who he's appointing to his cabinet. You are insignificant to him. If you believe otherwise then your stupidity is almost comical.
I'm not here to defend Obama, or Hillary or the DNC. They aren't on my side any more than Trump is on yours.

You all at least realize that, right? That Trump doesn't give a shit about you? Neither do the billionaires who he's appointing to his cabinet. You are insignificant to him. If you believe otherwise then your stupidity is almost comical.
Okay, post your defense of Assad retaking Syria being a negative.

What I posted was bullshit. You said so. Prove it. I provided a source, and have many others should I need them to refute your position (I won't since you never actually defend your claims). Do you even know anything about the conflict in Syria other than what CNN has told you? I highly doubt it. Quit trying to pivot the conversation when someone calls you out on your garbage.
Mandate? Bullshit. He lost by more than 2 million votes. Maybe you don't know what "mandate" means?
Again, more nonsense about the popular vote. IT DOES NOT MATTER. Do you even understand why? Have you tried to understand why? And yes, the GOP pretty much has a mandate as they control all 3 federal branches and a large majority of governors. Even if the Electoral College was 538-0 for a given candidate, they wouldn't have a clear mandate without having Congress on their side.

By the way, your blatant trolling is getting very old. Bring something to the discussion or STFU.

noun: mandate; plural noun: mandates
  1. 1.
    an official order or commission to do something.
    "a mandate to seek the release of political prisoners"
    synonyms: instruction, directive, decree, command, order, injunction, edict, charge, commission, bidding, ruling, fiat;
    "a mandate from the UN"
    • Law
      a commission by which a party is entrusted to perform a service, especially without payment and with indemnity against loss by that party.
    • Law
      an order from an appellate court to a lower court to take a specific action.
    • a written authority enabling someone to carry out transactions on another's bank account.
    • historical
      a commission from the League of Nations to a member state to administer a territory.
      "the end of the British mandate in Palestine"
  2. 2.
    the authority to carry out a policy or course of action, regarded as given by the electorate to a candidate or party that is victorious in an election.
    "a sick leader living beyond his mandate"
    synonyms: authority, approval, acceptance, ratification, endorsement, sanction, authorization
    "they won a mandate to form the government"
    • Canadian
      a period during which a government is in power.
verb: mandate; 3rd person present: mandates; past tense: mandated; past participle: mandated; gerund or present participle: mandating
  1. 1.
    give (someone) authority to act in a certain way.
    "other colleges have mandated coed fraternities"
    synonyms: instruct, order, direct, command, tell, require, charge, call on
    "they were mandated to strike"
    • require (something) to be done; make mandatory.
      "the government began mandating better car safety"
      synonyms: make mandatory, legislate, authorize, require by law;
      "catalytic converters were mandated in 1975"
I'm not here to defend Obama, or Hillary or the DNC. They aren't on my side any more than Trump is on yours.

You all at least realize that, right? That Trump doesn't give a shit about you? Neither do the billionaires who he's appointing to his cabinet. You are insignificant to him. If you believe otherwise then your stupidity is almost comical.
No, you are here to do that very thing. You simply think we are just dumb hicks who cannot see your deception. News flash! We know you are in Hillary and the lefts corner and let me educate you on the real goings on here. It is this kind of deception that got Trump elected. You are just too dumb to realize this and I for one am glad. As long as you morons continue with this stance, we will continue to win.
We need better trolls. One of these days when I'm really bored and have time on my hands, I'll open up another account and play the role. At least try to make things interesting.

Nobody trolls like Wettcat trolls. (That's a compliment.)

I don't understand how people take the bait on the weak attempts in this thread.

Makes me long for the days of flag burning discussions.
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Awww. He will have as much effect on my life as Hillary would have, which is practically none at all. None of this shit matters. Trump isn't going to make your life better, get that through your idiot head. He doesn't care about you and your hillbilly problems. You ****in idIots have been brainwashed by FN to think the way you do and the idiots on the left have been brainwashed to think the way they do by CNN and unfortunately that's the way it has to be or else the whole house of cards will fall apart.
Just curious - where are you originally from? I mean it sounds like you were so fortunate to escape the redneck/backwoods and made it to the Murder Capitol of North America - man you are so fortunate...
Trump trying add ND and WV Democrat senators to his team, opening up their seats in those two states, states that another Democrat has no chance of winning.
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Jill Stein Demands Recount Of Army/Navy Score

"There’s no way Army could have beat Navy on their own. Army may have won the electoral score, but they are way, way behind in the popular score. I’m hoping that if we can get some of the game electors to change their votes, we can still give Navy the victory the nation needs right now. And that’s why I’m officially demanding a recount.”
Windy City calls everyone that disagrees with him a racist - he promotes a city with more African American blood on its streets than anywhere...maybe its him that wants to keep those in his community down...

If Russia were to have really messed with us, why no questions and criticism of Obama and his administration after 8 years in office to keep us secure from those attacks? If they hacked voting machines, did they also screw with the senate and house elections lmao...if they helped release emails, those emails were false? Nope? WTF
Question for everyone. Do you think Donald Trump will keep his campaign promises of building a wall, stopping foreigners from entering the country illegally and ending or amending free trade agreements?

In my honest opinion I'll say NO. He's surrounding himself with elites who champion foreign workers over American workers. I'll give the guy time to do what he says he was going to do but it's very concerning when he surrounds himself with corporate elites.

Half the country already hates Trump. If he turns his back on the other half that supports him then he could go down as the most hated man ever in America.
Remember, the only documented proven occurrence or hacking we have at this point from the election, is the US Government attempting to hack the state of Georgia.

Everything else is just speculation pulled completely out of thin air.
Remember, the only documented proven occurrence or hacking we have at this point from the election, is the US Government attempting to hack the state of Georgia.

Everything else is just speculation pulled completely out of thin air.
"According to unnamed sources"
Yeah, because if there's one thing that Wikileaks and the 2016 slaughtering of media propaganda has taught me, it's to trust everything the MSM reports without questioning it.
I'll give the guy time to do what he says he was going to do but it's very concerning when he surrounds himself with corporate elites.
Why is it concerning? He's doing exactly what he said he was going to do. Did you pay attention during his campaign?

He specifically said he was going to appoint businessmen to make deals on behalf of America, instead of appointing politicians who have never created a job in their life and who also get taken advantage of during negotiations with Russia, China, Mexico etc...
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He's appointing businessmen who want to make money off of business and not career politicians who want to make money off of bribes, or "donations".
Call me crazy, but I say we don't go around supporting any group of murdering rapists in the Middle East

So, essentially you are saying we shouldn't support any group based in the Middle East? (Other than maybe the Kurds and I'm sure if one gives anything more than a passing glance they'll find evidence of atrocities by them too.)

F'cked Up place the Middle East.
So, essentially you are saying we shouldn't support any group based in the Middle East? (Other than maybe the Kurds and I'm sure if one gives anything more than a passing glance they'll find evidence of atrocities by them too.)

F'cked Up place the Middle East.
Pretty much. I think you could make a case for Jordan, Israel, a potential Kurdistan, and uhh...yeah, that's pretty much it.
Why is it concerning? He's doing exactly what he said he was going to do. Did you pay attention during his campaign?

He specifically said he was going to appoint businessmen to make deals on behalf of America, instead of appointing politicians who have never created a job in their life and who also get taken advantage of during negotiations with Russia, China, Mexico etc...

Oh I paid very close attention to him during his campaign and I'm also paying very close attention to his picks. The article below is very informative.
Question for everyone. Do you think Donald Trump will keep his campaign promises of building a wall, stopping foreigners from entering the country illegally and ending or amending free trade agreements?

In my honest opinion I'll say NO. He's surrounding himself with elites who champion foreign workers over American workers. I'll give the guy time to do what he says he was going to do but it's very concerning when he surrounds himself with corporate elites.

Half the country already hates Trump. If he turns his back on the other half that supports him then he could go down as the most hated man ever in America.

LOL half this country doesn't vote, tbh.

That's the biggest glaring problem with our "democracy".

Again, govt makes you get health insurance. They don't make you vote. That's hilarious.
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Oh I paid very close attention to him during his campaign and I'm also paying very close attention to his picks
Then his picks shouldn't surprise you. I'm just saying, Trump, so far, as of right now, has done everything he said he was going to do; appoint businessmen instead of politicians to run the country like a business.

Unlike Hillary, Trump never took money from Wall Street. He is not indebted to them. They work for him, not the other way around.