How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Then his picks shouldn't surprise you. I'm just saying, Trump, so far, as of right now, has done everything he said he was going to do; appoint businessmen instead of politicians to run the country like a business.

Unlike Hillary, Trump never took money from Wall Street. He is not indebted to them. They work for him, not the other way around.

If you read my entire original post I stated that I would give him time to do what he said he as going to do before passing judgement but at the same time I'm not naive enough to take someone like Donald Trump at their word. If he flip flops then it's setting the stage for a socialist like Bernie Sanders to be president in the next election cycle.
If he flip flops then it's setting the stage for a socialist like Bernie Sanders to be president in the next election cycle.
Will never happen, imo. Bernie would have crashed and burned in the generals when most of his policies were made more well known to the people who don't follow politics that closely.

His "movement" was mostly those wanting everything for free. Hard working, middle Americans who foot the bill would have rejected what he was selling.
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This is waaaay more important than people understand.
Agree. Also, not everyone on Wall Street is a crook. I know it's probably hard to believe, but some big businessmen are hard working and honest.

Regardless, like I said, Trump owes them nothing. They will not be making deals on their own behalf. They will be making deals on behalf of President Trump and the U.S.

And, if all of it is a con, and Trump fails to come through, Republicans will suffer for it in the mid terms and Trump will be booted in four years.
Will never happen, imo. Bernie would have crashed and burned in the generals when most of his policies were made more well known to the people who don't follow politics that closely.

His "movement" was mostly those wanting everything for free. Hard working, middle Americans who foot the bill would have rejected what he was selling.
Agreed. European Socialism won't catch on in America for a variety of reasons, the most important being that American values and goals are fundamentally different from our Euro brethren. That vast majority of working (and voting) Americans simply don't identify with those Marxist policies.
Will never happen, imo. Bernie would have crashed and burned in the generals when most of his policies were made more well known to the people who don't follow politics that closely.

His "movement" was mostly those wanting everything for free. Hard working, middle Americans who foot the bill would have rejected what he was selling.

You do realize the same things were said about Trumps chances of winning the election. How did that work out for him? People are desperate for change in this country. I hope Trump gives it to us in a good way lol.
You do realize the same things were said about Trumps chances of winning the election. How did that work out for him? People are desperate for change in this country. I hope Trump gives it to us in a good way lol.
I don't know. Maybe I'm naive, but I just don't see a hardcore socialist ever being elected.
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Just curious - where are you originally from? I mean it sounds like you were so fortunate to escape the redneck/backwoods and made it to the Murder Capitol of North America - man you are so fortunate...

I was born and raised in Kentucky. I'm not a liberal elitist shouting down from my ivory tower making unfounded accusations. I brushed elbows with you racist buffoons for much of my life. I see through your bullshit and I know exactly who you are and what you stand for.
Then his picks shouldn't surprise you. I'm just saying, Trump, so far, as of right now, has done everything he said he was going to do; appoint businessmen instead of politicians to run the country like a business.

Unlike Hillary, Trump never took money from Wall Street. He is not indebted to them. They work for him, not the other way around.
Spot on.
It would really mean a lot to me if those in this thread would totally stop acknowledging windycity.

Put him on ignore or don't just please stop responding to him. He makes one post, has no follow up, has no real basis, and just changes subject after we start to head in a new direction leaving him behind.

How about the story of Trump using Kanye to make the media look like fools because they can't resist the easy news targets for clicks and ratings vs the actual news?

Sounds about right.
It would really mean a lot to me if those in this thread would totally stop acknowledging windycity.

Put him on ignore or don't just please stop responding to him. He makes one post, has no follow up, has no real basis, and just changes subject after we start to head in a new direction leaving him behind.

How about the story of Trump using Kanye to make the media look like fools because they can't resist the easy news targets for clicks and ratings vs the actual news?

Sounds about right.

The fact that you're using Kanye ****in West, who just checked out of the looney bin, as proof of anything shows who the fool is.
I don't see why anyone is worked up over Trumps cabinet. I think his cabinet so far is awesome. And besides, to re do the system, you need some folks who know the system. And as Moe said, Trump is doing with his cabinet exactly what he said he would do.
I just realized that Donald isn't even leading in the popular vote on the poll at the top of this thread. Sad and surprising. Probably all those illegal immigrants who voted.
Agreed. European Socialism won't catch on in America for a variety of reasons, the most important being that American values and goals are fundamentally different from our Euro brethren. That vast majority of working (and voting) Americans simply don't identify with those Marxist policies.
This is something many do not see nor can they understand. Just like about half of this nation, it will not work here.
I just realized that Donald isn't even leading in the popular vote on the poll at the top of this thread. Sad and surprising. Probably all those illegal immigrants who voted.
Thought you Libs were smart? Don't you realize that poll was put up before the Republican primaries even started.
I was born and raised in Kentucky. I'm not a liberal elitist shouting down from my ivory tower making unfounded accusations. I brushed elbows with you racist buffoons for much of my life. I see through your bullshit and I know exactly who you are and what you stand for.
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I was born and raised in Kentucky. I'm not a liberal elitist shouting down from my ivory tower making unfounded accusations. I brushed elbows with you racist buffoons for much of my life. I see through your bullshit and I know exactly who you are and what you stand for.
No, I'm afraid you don't. The fact that MILLIONS of hard working Americans are tired of the direction of our country and wanted a change does not make them racist.
Like lemmings off a cliff. I thought you alt right types were tougher than that. Acting like the snowflakes you seem to hate so much. Sad.

Ok I'll give you chance to offer something to this thread beside piss poor troll efforts.

What exactly is your goal in this thread?
And? It's still open to vote and he is still losing.
People haven't bothered to change their vote. There was a Trump/Clinton/Other poll that he garnered 80%+ of the vote. But I was watching that one before the election and 'Yes' gained all the votes. I'm not sure if 'No' got a single in the months leading up to the election.
Millions more voted for someone besides him. "the people spoke" argument holds no water.
?? Every election boils down to a million or two votes out of 120-130million. DJT just did a better job at getting the WIN which is how our system works. Meanwhile, confidence is high from the business sector since the election and more companies are announcing they will invest $ and create jobs.
Yea me too. I do wish some libs could have counter intelligent conversations.

I love different perspective, but to just troll is lame AF.

Been studying up on Macolm X and all that happened with his murder. Crazy that people actually think it was Farrakhan. Actually like both of those dudes.
Ok I'll give you chance to offer something to this thread beside piss poor troll efforts.

What exactly is your goal in this thread?

This isn't your thread krazy, you don't have to "give me the chance" to do anything. You and others like you can ignore me if you choose, and go back to talking about Russia and whatever other shit you all deem is important.

Don't talk about the fact that eastern Kentucky and the rest of Appalachia is basically ground zero for the heroin and fentanyl epidemic. You all blab on and on about Chicago, murder capital and blah blah blah. More people died from overdoses in KY last year than were killed in Chicago. In fact, I bet most of you here know someone who has a drug addiction if you live in that area. See, that's an issue that should matter to you, but since there no minorities to blame it on, you don't talk about it.

You keep worrying about those Mexicans and Muslims, though. I'm sure once we get rid of all of them your lives will improve.
This isn't your thread krazy, you don't have to "give me the chance" to do anything. You and others like you can ignore me if you choose, and go back to talking about Russia and whatever other shit you all deem is important.

Don't talk about the fact that eastern Kentucky and the rest of Appalachia is basically ground zero for the heroin and fentanyl epidemic. You all blab on and on about Chicago, murder capital and blah blah blah. More people died from overdoses in KY last year than were killed in Chicago. In fact, I bet most of you here know someone who has a drug addiction if you live in that area. See, that's an issue that should matter to you, but since there no minorities to blame it on, you don't talk about it.

You keep worrying about those Mexicans and Muslims, though. I'm sure once we get rid of all of them your lives will improve.

Perfect and insightful. This is the type of post we need.

I agree with you that heroin is an epidemic and need to be tackled. However the problem is deeper than you realize. Getting a good amount of folks addicted to prescription pain mess and then actually enforcing laws is what started that. Awful situation.

What is sad is we as America were in Afghanistan and many pretended it was to get control of the poppy plants for heroin to control China.......when it fact it seems now that we knew the prescriptions restrictions were coming and then flooded America with cheap heroin and made it more accessible.

I work with Mexicans everyday so I have no issue with them at all. Hell I'd send you to Mexico before the 100 or so I work with.

Illegal Mexicans can go now though, and that's the real focus not just Mexicans.

Muslims are a brand I'm not familiar with but I'm studying their history and why we can't make this work. Seems easy really if we wanted to, but years of leadership profiting off war does not seem interested.

A lot of govt interaction there for you to be calling every day folk racist though.

Thanks for providing a conversational non troll post, it's your 1st! Cherry popped ATKOT.
Ok per my advice I'll go first, please follow the leader.

Perfect and insightful. This is the type of post we need.

I agree with you that heroin is an epidemic and need to be tackled. However the problem is deeper than you realize. Getting a good amount of folks addicted to prescription pain mess and then actually enforcing laws is what started that. Awful situation.

What is sad is we as America were in Afghanistan and many pretended it was to get control of the poppy plants for heroin to control China.......when it fact it seems now that we knew the prescriptions restrictions were coming and then flooded America with cheap heroin and made it more accessible.

I work with Mexicans everyday so I have no issue with them at all. Hell I'd send you to Mexico before the 100 or so I work with.

Illegal Mexicans can go now though, and that's the real focus not just Mexicans.

Muslims are a brand I'm not familiar with but I'm studying their history and why we can't make this work. Seems easy really if we wanted to, but years of leadership profiting off war does not seem interested.

A lot of govt interaction there for you to be calling every day folk racist though.

Thanks for providing a conversational non troll post, it's your 1st! Cherry popped ATKOT.