How will they rule ??!

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Yea me too. I do wish some libs could have counter intelligent conversations.

I love different perspective, but to just troll is lame AF.

Been studying up on Macolm X and all that happened with his murder. Crazy that people actually think it was Farrakhan. Actually like both of those dudes.
He has people on ignore too.
Yea Bill, then others continued responding anyway.

Then he accidentally made a post with actual conversation. I'll give anyone a shot that wants to discuss shit but so far he had not made the effort past a 1 post troll effort and never looking back.

I doubt he has it in him to keep it up.
Ok per my advice I'll go first, please follow the leader.

Yea I gave him a chance but he is some kind of stupid.

Really makes me appreciate some of the other liberals in this thread. At least they can come back with something other than back woods racist.
There were 174 heroin overdoses in Cincinnati in a 6 day period back in August. Where is the outrage from the right?

Not to mention, you're comparing apples to oranges. Drug overdoses in Cincinnati, while a very big problem, aren't comparable to the murdering that's going on in Chicago.

Drug use is mainly self inflicted. Murder? Not so much. An innocent woman can push her baby down the street in Cincinnati, regardless of how many people across the city are overdosing. It doesn't affect her or her child's well being. Ask Dwyane Wade if an innocent woman can push her baby down the street in Chicago.
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hope you all are enjoying the wonderful global warming outside today. it was 5 degrees here where I live this morning. its only 16 now.
I thought Cardkilla lived in Chicago. I'm pretty confident Sobecat is not Cardkilla, but a different rehashed radical left wing poster. Plus he claimed Atlanta as his home.
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When Cheezy met Yeezy...

If the stock market crashes even a tiny bit, they'll blame Trump. If it goes up, or is at least mostly unharmed, we will hear the Obama administration should get the credit since its a sign the economy is improving. The left is too predictable.
If the stock market crashes even a tiny bit, they'll blame Trump. If it goes up, or is at least mostly unharmed, we will hear the Obama administration should get the credit since its a sign the economy is improving. The left is too predictable.

Stock market gained 150% under Obama's watch. In order to match that, DJI would have to hit 50,000 in the next 8 years. Not gonna happen. Republicans have been ruining stable economies since the first Bush presidency. It won't be any different now.
Stock market gained 150% under Obama's watch. In order to match that, DJI would have to hit 50,000 in the next 8 years. Not gonna happen. Republicans have been ruining stable economies since the first Bush presidency. It won't be any different now.
I'm not an economist but it amazes me that the stock market continues to climb. The economy is not that strong with huge numbers of people out of work - to the tune of 90m or so? Anyway, Obama took over with the market in the 8000 range after it had hit 14000 in 2007. Can't imagine the market continuing to climb forever but with jobs projecting to come back and what appears to be a confidence in the economy with Trump coming in we will see...
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Stock market gained 150% under Obama's watch. In order to match that, DJI would have to hit 50,000 in the next 8 years. Not gonna happen. Republicans have been ruining stable economies since the first Bush presidency. It won't be any different now.
I see you parroting the Yahoo Finance piece that came out today. Notice they didn't mention the artificial 0% rates put on the market just to keep it afloat. It was all smoke and mirrors, a false economy.
The economy was/is far from stable under Obama. 0% artificial rates kept it afloat. The smallest of rate hikes would have burst the bubble and it would have all come crashing down.

When interest rates are that low, there’s nowhere else for investors to park their cash except the stock market. And there’s no other reason to invest in stocks except the fact that there’s no other place to put it that might earn a reasonable return.

Translation? At this stage, the geriatric bull market is hooked on cheap money from the Fed, not fundamentals. Which means all those records you keep reading about the S&P 500 index and other market bellwethers setting simply aren’t justified. That, in turn, means that Trump has correctly pointed out that the Fed’s policy of flooding the market with cheap money, via ultra-low interest rates, is creating a speculative stock market bubble. You remember how the last one of those – in housing – ended, don’t you? Yes, exactly.

The Fed’s policymakers seem to be terrified of what will happen when they begin normalizing interest rates. Perhaps they’re right to worry, because almost certainly we’ll witness a big hit to our stock and bond portfolios simultaneously.

I see you parroting the Yahoo Finance piece that came out today. Notice they didn't mention the artificial 0% rates put on the market just to keep it afloat. It was all smoke and mirrors, a false economy.

Yes, it was smoke and mirrors. It's been smoke and mirrors for decades, and it will be smoke and mirrors for decades to come. Trump isn't going to change that, and I think deep down inside you know that.

Yellen's term will end in 2018, and then Donald can choose whomever he wishes to do his bidding. He will have no excuses and no one to blame.
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I'm not an economist but it amazes me that the stock market continues to climb. The economy is not that strong with huge numbers of people out of work - to the tune of 90m or so? Anyway, Obama took over with the market in the 8000 range after it had hit 14000 in 2007. Can't imagine the market continuing to climb forever but with jobs projecting to come back and what appears to be a confidence in the economy with Trump coming in we will see...
It was rising because of the money that was being pumped into it.
Man, the treason lobby is setting an awfully low bar for trump. His re-election is going to be a GD landslide.

Woman hater!

Hell, just don't invade other nations and cook Jews, rebuild portions of the inner cities, and have your hot ass daughter cater to a few woman's groups. Gut Obama care and lower premiums.

Lol. He might even win commiefornia.
Hell, just don't invade other nations and cook Jews, rebuild portions of the inner cities, and have your hot ass daughter cater to a few woman's groups. Gut Obama care and lower premiums.

What about his barely speaks English imported third wife? Can we find a role for her to make the world a better place, too?
At least she came here legally. Can't say the same for those criminals in Chicago that your tax dollars are funding to aid, abet and harbor.

Most of the "criminals" you're referring to in Chicago are gangbangers who I'm pretty sure are legal US citizens (you realize this 2016 and not 1816, right?) Regardless, they don't concern me any more than they do you. I live in a nice middle class, diverse suburb, and you live hundreds of miles away, or so I'm assuming.
Most of the "criminals" you're referring to in Chicago are gangbangers who I'm pretty sure are legal US citizens (you realize this 2016 and not 1816, right?) Regardless, they don't concern me any more than they do you. I live in a nice middle class, diverse suburb, and you live hundreds of miles away, or so I'm assuming.

Yes, I realize it's 2016. I also realize that the rule of law still applies. It doesn't bother you that your tax dollars support a sanctuary city? Or that your mayor just took up a 1m$ fund, also paid for by taxpayer's dollars, to support illegals further?