How will they rule ??!

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I hate new age Atheists. Goddamn.

Don't worry Christians. We old age Atheists have to deal with dumb asses like Windy. Keeping hipsters like him out of the loop is just as energy consuming hating you Christians.

No sense in hating us. We only want what's best for you. And remember willie, agnosticism shows signs of intelligence, atheism shows signs of anger.

Tip from your friendly Christian conservative counter part!

Interesting. Tucker was on CNN's Crossfire as the conservative rep. John Stewert. 2004

Here's 14 minute clip. It's amazing. Liberal John Stewert calling CNN a joke. hahhahaha

Interesting. Tucker was on CNN's Crossfire as the conservative rep. John Stewert. 2004

Here's 14 minute clip. It's amazing. Liberal John Stewert calling CNN a joke. hahhahaha

Stewart is one of those liberals who believes the party is too conservative. It will be guys like him that completely destroy the democrats in the end. They truly believe more progressivism is the answer, not the problem.
I'm not even going to give you the dignity of a quote but just a big LOL. What's it like to think like that? Such a tiny, warped mind.

Feels great. Of course, the amusing part is being 100% correct and seeing all the sheeple follow the line of group think.
Stewart is one of those liberals who believes the party is too conservative. It will be guys like him that completely destroy the democrats in the end. They truly believe more progressivism is the answer, not the problem.

Yeah. What's interesting is that the clip is a CNN clip. He literally says "CNN" is a bad source. 2004.

Why isn't John Stwert coming out and saying CNN is wrong with the MSM about Trump?

I'll tell you. The FBI is pissed. CIA has aided child trafficking for years. Major countries. That's the FBI ANON said that there is enough evidence to "topple countries". Look running guns is bad Meddling in countries is bad. But child trafficking is the worst. The absolute worst.

The FBI is in dispute with the CIA. Fact. Erick Braveman, CEO Hillary Clinton Foundation is missing.Fact. Eithe Hillary has him dead or the FBI has him and knows the false claims from the CIA is bullshit.

By the way, can we get a live feed for Julian Assange?
Yeah. What's interesting is that the clip is a CNN clip. He literally says "CNN" is a bad source. 2004.

Why isn't John Stwert coming out and saying CNN is wrong with the MSM about Trump?

I'll tell you. The FBI is pissed. CIA has aided child trafficking for years. Major countries. That's the FBI ANON said that there is enough evidence to "topple countries". Look running guns is bad Meddling in countries is bad. But child trafficking is the worst. The absolute worst.

The FBI is in dispute with the CIA. Fact. Erick Braveman, CEO Hillary Clinton Foundation is missing.Fact. Eithe Hillary has him dead or the FBI has him and knows the false claims from the CIA is bullshit.

By the way, can we get a live feed for Julian Assange?

Shit hitting the fan is a hope and prayer of mine every night.
Shit hitting the fan is a hope and prayer of mine every night.

Yeah. the last thing the Obama admin needs is a Trump FBI.

FBI ANON has been spot on with everything. The dates of that post aligns with the Wikileaks releases.

Donald Trump. Whew. America's answer.
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So what do you guys do when there's no liberals around to offer contrasting views? Just sit around and circle jerk each other?

What exactly is your contrasting view? Please enlighten us of your view/ opinion of political authority. What is the source of political authority (according to you) and how does it relate to the foundational ideals of the constitution?
First off how is it that Trump hates everyone, yet everyday I turn on the TV and it's the news, all of them too BTW, that are totally bashing his every move!

I mean at some point I expect a story headline of Trump wears briefs instead of boxers what a loser........only to find out he doesn't even wear underwear.

In that Jon Stewart video it seems as if Jon thought of Comedy Central as a joke....... amazingly Tucker was even then comparing CNN to Comedy Central and I swear to you if you treat it that way when you watch it that CNN is gold!
First off how is it that Trump hates everyone, yet everyday I turn on the TV and it's the news, all of them too BTW, that are totally bashing his every move!/QUOTE] It's the Chihuahua Effect, Smallest group barks the loudest.

Trump will get 8 years. Pence won't. Not going to worry about that now.
First off how is it that Trump hates everyone, yet everyday I turn on the TV and it's the news, all of them too BTW, that are totally bashing his every move!

I mean at some point I expect a story headline of Trump wears briefs instead of boxers what a loser........only to find out he doesn't even wear underwear.

In that Jon Stewart video it seems as if Jon thought of Comedy Central as a joke....... amazingly Tucker was even then comparing CNN to Comedy Central and I swear to you if you treat it that way when you watch it that CNN is gold!

First dems and media say Russia isn't a threat, even mock Romney when he said they were. Now they spend more time on Russia than they ever did on the Middle East allowing isis to form.

During the campaign the dems and media went on and on about how trump has no message, just calls everything and everyone stupid.

After the campaign all the dems and media say is how everything trump does is stupid.

If anyone still accepts this party as anything other than satire, you're a chump.
First dems and media say Russia isn't a threat, even mock Romney when he said they were. Now they spend more time on Russia than they ever did on the Middle East allowing isis to form.

During the campaign the dems and media went on and on about how trump has no message, just calls everything and everyone stupid.

After the campaign all the dems and media say is how everything trump does is stupid.

If anyone still accepts this party as anything other than satire, you're a chump.

The left has nothing to run on other than identity politics. That's it. They have NOTHING. If they can't call someone racist or a bigot or tell someone they're oppressed, they have no platform. That's their entire game plan.

Think about that.

- Call the opponent racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobe, Islamophobic, transphobic
- Get your sheep to parrot those same talking points and protest for you
- Promise entitlements
- Run on electing you simply because of your skin or gender "Wouldn't it be great to have a black president?" "Wouldn't it be great to have the first woman president?" "Wouldn't it be great to have the first gay president?" "Wouldn't it be great to have the first Latino president?" "Wouldn't it be great to have a Muslim president?"

If it's not promising something for free or calling someone racist or sexist, they'd have nothing. Now, their go-to is simply to try something to see if they can further disrupt everything. They never stop with their fake outrage garbage for their sheep.

- "Trump says Mexicans are rapists wants to build a wall" moves on to
- "Trump wants to register Muslims" moves on to
- "Trump's wife said the same speech as Michelle" moves on to
- "Trump grabs pussies" moves on to
- "Trump is best friends with Putin" moves on to
- "Trump sexually assaulted 100 women."Moves
- "Trump claims the election is rigged and won't concede defeat and it's a threat to democracy"

None of this works sooo... "Hillary lost the election cause of fake news and Russia rigged the election."

They will say anything and do anything.
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I still think this is what got him killed.

Can we get off the beating the liberal dead horse and back to real issues?

Allepo - I don't know what to believe. The MSM is faking like crazy. I read reports from other countries and comment sections to get a totally different view. Another reason why they keep spouting Fake News. They are losing the narrative. The NWO is on the run.
I know man, I can't wait. Get those filthy Mexicans out first then we can deal with the Muslims. Or should we do it the other way around?
Ray Lewis after meeting with Donald Trump: ‘Black or white is irrelevant.’ “Urban development and job creation are everything, . . . What we believe with the Trump administration is if we can combine these two powers of coming together — forget black or white. Black or white is irrelevant. The bottom line is job creation and economic development in these urban areas to change the whole scheme of what our kids see.”

“I fell in love with him because he really talks about helping African American, black people and that’s why I’m here.”

Windy, you are dismissed.
More stupid liberals who cannot articulate specific Russian hacking that cost Hillary the election

Good clip.

Tucker: What is the evidence?
Professor: Russia bad
Tucker: Fine, let's pretend you can claim Wikileaks. Tell me something from that publication that would have swayed the American vote
Professor: Russia bad

What is that guy a professor of?
Can we get off the beating the liberal dead horse and back to real issues?

Allepo - I don't know what to believe. The MSM is faking like crazy. I read reports from other countries and comment sections to get a totally different view. Another reason why they keep spouting Fake News. They are losing the narrative. The NWO is on the run.

You can't back to real issues because the left wing won't allow it. Aleppo is happening because of a Qatar/Saudi pipeline funded by the interests of the Obama/Clinton regime.

Source: Wikileaks.
Ray Lewis after meeting with Donald Trump: ‘Black or white is irrelevant.’ “Urban development and job creation are everything, . . . What we believe with the Trump administration is if we can combine these two powers of coming together — forget black or white. Black or white is irrelevant. The bottom line is job creation and economic development in these urban areas to change the whole scheme of what our kids see.”

“I fell in love with him because he really talks about helping African American, black people and that’s why I’m here.”

Windy, you are dismissed.

In case Windy and the like don't believe it happened.
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I think the essence of stupidity is the belief that geography has an affect on IQ.

I would be lying if I did not admit that I used that to my advantage numerous times. How can this bucolic bumpkin from KY know anything?
Admittedly I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I am not quite the sledgehammer either.

I have worked with many people over my varied and diverse career. Many people who think they are really smart would become dismissive as soon as they heard my accent.

It used to piss me off until I learned to embrace it and have fun. It is so easy to eff with those idiots.
Can we get off the beating the liberal dead horse and back to real issues?

Allepo - I don't know what to believe. The MSM is faking like crazy. I read reports from other countries and comment sections to get a totally different view. Another reason why they keep spouting Fake News. They are losing the narrative. The NWO is on the run.
If you do some cursory reading into the Syrian Civil War you'll come to realize that supporting Assad's presidency and Syrian sovereignty is the correct course of action, from a humanitarian perspective and from a security perspective of America, Syria, and the Middle East.

"Moderate Rebels" in Syria consist of nothing more than goat****ing terrorists that only differ from ISIS in the amount of weapons we provide them. Syria retaking Aleppo is fantastic news.
Ray Lewis after meeting with Donald Trump: ‘Black or white is irrelevant.’ “Urban development and job creation are everything, . . . What we believe with the Trump administration is if we can combine these two powers of coming together — forget black or white. Black or white is irrelevant. The bottom line is job creation and economic development in these urban areas to change the whole scheme of what our kids see.”

“I fell in love with him because he really talks about helping African American, black people and that’s why I’m here.”

Windy, you are dismissed.

Thank you Austin, I was waiting to hear how Ray Lewis was going to weigh in on all this.
"Moderate Rebels" in Syria consist of nothing more than goat****ing terrorists that only differ from ISIS in the amount of weapons we provide them.
Yep. The Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria, Al Nursa, changed their name to Al Sham, claim to have rebranded themselves and no longer associate with any terrorist organization(s). Evidently, that was enough to convince the U.S. to start arming them.
If you do some cursory reading into the Syrian Civil War you'll come to realize that supporting Assad's presidency and Syrian sovereignty is the correct course of action, from a humanitarian perspective and from a security perspective of America, Syria, and the Middle East.

"Moderate Rebels" in Syria consist of nothing more than goat****ing terrorists that only differ from ISIS in the amount of weapons we provide them. Syria retaking Aleppo is fantastic news.

Brietbart news doesn't count as cursory reading Pope. Maybe try a history book or legitimate news source?