Until that changes, it won't get much better.They're brainwashed.
Then when you disagree, it must be because you are uneducated/uninformed. LOOK AT MUH LINKS!
And I don't think that will change. The corporations & chicoms control the uniparty.
Until that changes, it won't get much better.They're brainwashed.
Then when you disagree, it must be because you are uneducated/uninformed. LOOK AT MUH LINKS!
They needed a Dr to tell them this?
Yes, once again, they're exposed for being the hypocrites they are.
If they wanted something more similar, the baker could've initially said yes, then the day of the wedding, decide not to bake it. Maybe he should've done that to begin with.
Good point. The GOP has to evaluate how they handle elections. It should start with replacing old worn out leaders beginning with Mitch McConnell. If he remains in leadership nothing will change. The GOP is still running a 1950 campaign. The rules have changed.In fairness, it is difficult to get out the message when you're outspent 2-1 and that does not include the media coverage. Examples were posted yesterday of time spent on each candidate and which ones were hit pieces or not.
I will give you this, trump does say a lot of dumb shit and some of it is uncalled for. All the shit you just posted above however is media spun to fit their agenda of turning people against trump because he’s not one of them and they don’t want him in office.
He’s actually on video calling for people to go to the capital and peacefully protest and make their voices heard. Nowhere does he ever suggest of attacking the capital.
He never said there were good nazis. There were a group of people in Charleston that day though that were there in support of history and the statues and that is exactly who he was referring to. You honestly want to believe he was referring to the nazi group though so you will.
Asking Russia on national TV to hack Hillary’s emails was in jest—-good grief, do you really think that would be the platform he would use to seek putins help.
Meanwhile you have Biden who is arguably one of the most corrupt politicians to ever hold office much less the one he does and you are perfectly fine with him selling our country out to China. I mean you haven’t said a single thing about that, just trump, white power, mean tweets, orange man bad, blah, blah, blah. People like you is why this country is going to hell because you vote with your feelings instead of your head. When you realize you ****ed up it will be too late.
I don't like MM either, but he's never primaried and the D send a far lefty running against him. You are screwed no matter what you do.Good point. The GOP has to evaluate how they handle elections. It should start with replacing old worn out leaders beginning with Mitch McConnell. If he remains in leadership nothing will change. The GOP is still running a 1950 campaign. The rules have changed.
Only a handful of GOP Senators lifted a finger to help Hershel Walker and one could make the argument Mitch didn't care if he won or lost. This seat was so important every GOP senator should have pitched in 100%.
This is what I've said for 25 years. It's not 'bad messaging' when the media...which basically controls how many people think...don't report what you are saying.In fairness, it is difficult to get out the message when you're outspent 2-1 and that does not include the media coverage. Examples were posted yesterday of time spent on each candidate and which ones were hit pieces or not.
I don't live in your imaginary world of cutsie names, underground internet news and conspiracy theories.Are you really that ignorant? Or was that an attempt at a joke?
Are you familiar with Adrian Smith, Mike Flood, and Don Bacon? I know I'm not.... and you probably aren't either.He was a sitting congressman when he made the comments. He wasn't a nobody.
All liesNo...we have been hearing him loud and clear for 6 years now.
We have seen his Tweets with a dude raising a fist and yelling "White Power".
We have seen his Truth Social post calling for termination of articles of the Constitution.
There are NO good people on the side of Nazis.
Asking a dictator like Putin for ANY help in our US elections is BS.
He is on video inciting a mob to attack the Capitol.
The media bias has zero to do with the way Americans feel about Trump.
He dug his own political grave.
He said he had copies and got the original back but he wasn't going to release it because he doesn't want to pile on Hunter. Lmao! He is such a loser.
All of this is true. However, the bottom line needs to be said. Whether there is ballot stuffing, cheating, or whatever or not, the point is that many people in American are stupid. That is what is being said here. Let's grant all of this - Trump is a piece of crap. People hate him. He is Hitler incarnate. Walker is a disaster and a hypocrite, etc, etc, terrible candidate. But look at the alternative. Our country is falling apart. In every single way. Walker would have been a step in the right direction of stopping some of it, even if he has no business being a senator and simply would have been a rubber stamp to stop some of the insanity. Wornock is going to continue the destruction we all see. He is a hypocritical idiot. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer. He has no business being a senator. Yet, however the votes come, 90% of the black community in GA come out and vote for him - it will cost all of them dearly (crime, drugs, inflation, jobs, education....). I keep hearing people say "I trust the American people. The American people will do what is right." I wish I had that confidence. I know we aren't supposed to say it, but that is not true. They are a lot of dumb people in America. In some very critical areas, it appears they are over 50% of the population.Several reasons. Minority Ds straight party vote D come hell or high water. Conservatives and religion aren’t “cool” and Rs turn off young people because of this. Trump is a disgusting, fat, hothead that can’t control himself. Those are a few. Rs have to unite with an appealing candidate to more of the general public.
Agree that Walker was not exactly a stellar candidate, but I thought Trump endorsed David Perdue in the GA GOP Senate primary (?). Trump's endorsement is great to have if you want to win a GOP primary; not so great in a state-wide race unless you're running in a solid red district / state.Walker was hand picked by Trump. He was a terrible candidate and the American people HATE Trump with a passion I've never seen before.
As long as Trump is the leader... Republicans are dead on a national level.
There’s nothing normal about this. If this is the new norm, it’s time for me to live off the grid.Be happy for our fellow democrats and their beloved democratic educators
A reputedly very smart man thought up that name for his father.I don't live in your imaginary world of cutsie names, underground internet news and conspiracy theories.
No I don't know Pedo Pete and probably wouldn't admit it if I did.
All of this is true. However, the bottom line needs to be said. Whether there is ballot stuffing, cheating, or whatever or not, the point is that many people in American are stupid. That is what is being said here. Let's grant all of this - Trump is a piece of crap. People hate him. He is Hitler incarnate. Walker is a disaster and a hypocrite, etc, etc, terrible candidate. But look at the alternative. Our country is falling apart. In every single way. Walker would have been a step in the right direction of stopping some of it, even if he has no business being a senator and simply would have been a rubber stamp to stop some of the insanity. Wornock is going to continue the destruction we all see. He is a hypocritical idiot. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer. He has no business being a senator. Yet, however the votes come, 90% of the black community in GA come out and vote for him - it will cost all of them dearly (crime, drugs, inflation, jobs, education....). I keep hearing people say "I trust the American people. The American people will do what is right." I wish I had that confidence. I know we aren't supposed to say it, but that is not true. They are a lot of dumb people in America. In some very critical areas, it appears they are over 50% of the population.
Where she's wrong is that is WASN'T for nothing. The WEF, The Governments of the UN, China, Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab and the like all got what they wanted with their little experiment. A whole faction of compliant sheep who would follow them over a cliff. They don't care that it was all for naught. They now know what they're capable of accomplishing when the next real calamity is unleashed to cull the population and usher in the Great Reset.The Covid cult will never admit wrong...and then there will be some shameless types who wore the masks, and stood 6 feet apart and got the shot/boosters who will lie and say they never did those things...
Good to see you're OK. Hope all goes well with the MIL.All is OK. Thanks and I appreciate you asking. Have been busy around the turkey holiday...MIL in a nursing home...doing a lot of repairs on her house (thinking of buying it to relieve her of responsibilities, etc)...and just taking a little break from the political wars. With a lot of the results and shenanigans in '22...just gets disheartening.
Was actually going to post this morning about Herschel. I posted many times that he would win with no problem. That he was a 'god' in the state. Man, was I wrong. Hard to believe how much that state has changed since I moved in the mid-90s. Truly where a couple of large population inner city counties control an entire state now.
Agree that Walker was not exactly a stellar candidate, but I thought Trump endorsed David Perdue in the GA GOP Senate primary (?). Trump's endorsement is great to have if you want to win a GOP primary; not so great in a state-wide race unless you're running in a solid red district / state.
Ronna needs to go to as well. No clue how she can be RNC chair when shes failing miserably.Good point. The GOP has to evaluate how they handle elections. It should start with replacing old worn out leaders beginning with Mitch McConnell. If he remains in leadership nothing will change. The GOP is still running a 1950 campaign. The rules have changed.
Only a handful of GOP Senators lifted a finger to help Hershel Walker and one could make the argument Mitch didn't care if he won or lost. This seat was so important every GOP senator should have pitched in 100%.
Oh, now it's not the vote stealing/dumping/harvesting that was never proven but instead the media won't allow it.No they don’t, what you’ve never seen is the BS directed toward one person before from the media. The establishment hates Trump.
It wouldn’t have mattered who the candidate was, they wouldn’t win.
The GOP has no monopoly on poor messaging. What they are truly guilty of is never holding their own accountable, willing to sell their souls to win. They follow the patterns of despots, attacking the press, blaming immigrants, embracing conspiracy and demonizing those who don’t follow. The fact remains that most people are neither blue nor red, they are independent. They may lean slightly one way or the other but they aren’t radical. The GOP has allowed itself to be controlled by radicals who won’t distance themselves from other radicals because they need the coalition to survive. Their best move would be to divorce itself from MAGA/Trump and seek a middle-right platform that reaches out to moderate Dems, Independents and Republicans. It would be addition through subtraction.Because they are stupid and stupid political parties lose elections. The GOP has a horrible record of getting out their message. They do not define it, they let the opposition define it and then try to defend it.
Abortion is just one issue where the GOP fumbles the ball but they are many.
Unfortunately that message doesn't work in places like Atlanta, Philly, Detroit, Phoenix even. The places in those battleground states that can flip the state.This is why you have to run Trump. He can directly contrast the very demonstrable results between his administration and the current one.
40% or whatever are going to vote D no matter what. It;s that remaining 20% of Americans who are still reachable you have to get in the battlegournds, and you'll have an easier time reaching them with demonstrated results than a "good looking/sounding" candidate. The Ds with their allies in the media will always MANUFACTURE DRAMA/CONTROVERSY no matter who your candidate is, and Trump is an easy target for that particularly no doubt, but the Truth (demonstrable resulsts) is the most powerful ally.
You very easily overcome lack of understanding and competence of the general low information voter by simply saying, "Look, are you better off now or then?"
Oz & Walker associated with Trump = toxic.And yet Walker is light years better than Fetterman, and Oz is not a bad candidate.
She has a challenger for the seat now, but I get the feeling the RINO's will manage to keep her in charge.Ronna needs to go to as well. No clue how she can be RNC chair when shes failing miserably.
LOL, a WHOOOLE lot of projection in that post.The GOP has no monopoly on poor messaging. What they are truly guilty of is never holding their own accountable, willing to sell their souls to win. They follow the patterns of despots, attacking the press, blaming immigrants, embracing conspiracy and demonizing those who don’t follow. The fact remains that most people are neither blue nor red, they are independent. They may lean slightly one way or the other but they aren’t radical. The GOP has allowed itself to be controlled by radicals who won’t distance themselves from other radicals because they need the coalition to survive. Their best move would be to divorce itself from MAGA/Trump and seek a middle-right platform that reaches out to moderate Dems, Independents and Republicans. It would be addition through subtraction.
Just outright straight up third world propoganda that North Korea would be proud of.
LOL. This guy is such a POS. But this magazine has no credibility.
How is that done? Trump is going to do what Trump is going to do. Dumping him would create a monumental shit show as he goes scorched earth destroying any legitimate challenge to his throne. I agree that I wish he would step aside for the greater good, but that's not Trump. We have to ride it out to it's logical conclusion, and sadly Trump has managed to turn the left into a bunch of screaming, hypocritical tyrants hellbent on keeping power and destroying their political enemies, and vilifying average American citizens who aren't down for their tyranny, as Domestic terrorists in the process.Drop trump.
I don't live in your imaginary world of cutsie names, underground internet news and conspiracy theories.
No I don't know Pedo Pete and probably wouldn't admit it if I did.
Time Magazine really knows how to pick them. In 1938 they had Hitler, and now Zelensky. Maybe next year they can award it to China's President Xi.