I have been to some scary places in the world and one place that was scary was a trip to Stockton California during the heavy deployments of the Iraq, and Afghanistan wars. I was working with the Unit Movement Section of Ft. Sill and was with a team inspecting a national guard unit in Stockton set to deploy through Sill in 6 months.
First day I went to a local restaurant whose parking lot was gated (should have been my first clue). None of the unit or other guys came with. When I walked into the restaurant, I quickly noticed I was the only white person there. As I sat down (all eyes on me) a very large African American woman (thick and tall) came over to take my order. Her first words to me were: "Honey, you are not from around here are you". When I told her what I was there for she nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will make sure no one bothers you". The food was very good and service too. When I finished, I tipped her well and she walked me to my rental car. She told me to take care and it would be better for me if I did not come back. When I told the people in the unit where I went to lunch, they asked me if I was crazy.