How will they rule ??!

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My way has never been tried. You keep associating me with liberals like @LOL_Man. As you can see from all our back-and-forth today, that ain’t me.

Sure. The social media that just popped up over the last couple decades is responsible for the murder rate in the black community. Think Elon buying Twitter will fix it?
Your way had never been tried until it was and failed. Then people like you came forward and said that that was not the right way, my way has not been tried yet. Wash, rinse and repeat.
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Serious question, Dion. Where do you live? You don't have to be super specific, here, but seems like you've indicated eastern Kentucky before?
Serious question Z, how old are you?
I believe it is a mistake to reveal any personal information on here and I say that from personal experience. Probably I am how old you think I am. Closer to the end than the beginning by a good bit. I'm solidly Bill Maher generation, let's say.
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I believe it is a mistake to reveal any personal information on here and I say that from personal experience. Probably I am how old you think I am. Closer to the end than the beginning by a good bit. I'm solidly Bill Maher generation, let's say.
Yeah sorry not trying to get you doxxed, was just making sure my assumptions were correct. I really used to enjoy Bill Maher. It’s funny ‘cause I view his inane preaching much the same way you view “wokeism”.
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Just wondering how you became an expert on inner city urban life. And the thought processes of the people who live in said areas and conditions.
I’ve been lucky enough to live in many places and diverse environments. I went on a Wyoming tangent a few months ago when people were discussing Liz Cheney. Most of my eastern Kentucky contemporaries aren’t so fortunate.
I’ve been lucky enough to live in many places and diverse environments. I went on a Wyoming tangent a few months ago when people were discussing Liz Cheney. Most of my eastern Kentucky contemporaries aren’t so fortunate.

You ever live in a rough neighborhood in a large city like Chicago, New Orleans, cleveland, Birmingham?
I’ve been lucky enough to live in many places and diverse environments. I went on a Wyoming tangent a few months ago when people were discussing Liz Cheney. Most of my eastern Kentucky contemporaries aren’t so fortunate.
Sounds like me. I've lived everywhere around the country and in neighborhoods where I was the only white guy around. I've always been comfortable around everyone. Helps that I am a big dude probably, but I have spent way more time around minorities than I have my own folks.

The reason was I started out broke so I had to live amongst the broke. LOL. No complaints as I cannot imagine anyone living a better life than I have been fortunate enough to. Those early hard times teach you to appreciate what comes next, and when you look back on them, well, they weren't really hard at all.

In one of the neighborhoods I lived in the local liquor store owner got kidnapped it was so rough and another night while I was watching my favorite show on television the police were chasing a guy and shot him in the alley by my apartment so I went out on the stairs and hollered at them to pipe down a bit so I could watch my show. I really knew I had became a city boy when I did that.

What I would be interested in knowing is that the folks that didn't get out and live amongst the people, does that prevent them from being empathetic to some degree? Would most of our conservative friends on here have stayed in their bunkers their whole lives or most of it? Would be interesting to know.
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Dion is the guy who wears yoga pants and make-up and yelling at people for being “racist” and “bigot”
I’ve said it before but you’d think my friends and I were Proud Boys way before Antifa. I identify with my Blair Mountain ancestors more than any coastal liberal. True leftism is about dialectic materialism, not Starbucks lattes.
Dion, make your case and lets discuss it instead of the continued word games asking people to do it for you.


I just saw a segment on NBC Nightly News about a Native American restaurant that serves only "pre colonialization" food. They interviewed a lady and she said sometimes people were "crying in their food"...

I don't understand why the media is so intensely invested in wokeism? It is relentless. Seriously, people are climbing up the wall sick of it. Comedians have been taking the stage for years now warning us that this crap has to stop. Bill Burr said he would rather perform in front of a bunch of Trumpers in Oklahoma than in these coastal woke college towns now... and Bill is married to a black woman and is very liberal. Everyone knows Bill Maher has been going off on woke for years now and I am probably closer to him politically and ideologically than anyone I can think of. It baffles me why the media just keeps beating that drum unless their goal is to tear the country apart?

Nobody outside a small sad group way over on the left supports this crap so why does it endure to the degree it does in the media? What supports that? Plus wokeism is the ammo that keeps the Trumpers going. If we can get rid of one, we can get rid of both, hopefully.
Which is why you should he fully on board with twitter changing. I don't care if it goes under...either way, that's been the problem is democrats think it's real life and try to govern by whatever is trending on twitter. Lol remember when Liz Warren had a stump speech about tax payer funded sex changes for inmates? Who's the audience there?...thats a small % and the ones wanting it can't vote anyway.

That's one reason this current admin has been a disaster. Ppl put a guy with dementia and a career f#ck up in office soley to not be the last guy...not to do stuff. And hes let these maniacs take over. Now this admin is always caught on their feet being as dishonest and divisive as any other. The actual worst thing that ever happened was Hillary Clinton running...bc that also let these socialists think they have a lot of support bc of bernie. It was actually just protest against her.
I’ve said it before but you’d think my friends and I were Proud Boys way before Antifa. I identify with my Blair Mountain ancestors more than any coastal liberal. True leftism is about dialectic materialism, not Starbucks lattes.

Why do you remind me of the guy Matt Damon made look the fool in good will hunting?

How do them apples?
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I support Bernie and Warren definitely. First time we've had truly progressive politics in the conversation in decades. And Yang for that matter. I was pimping UBI as the progressive voice in this thread long before he championed the issue on the national stage.
Be honest. How many of your liberal friends have stayed in their so-called bunkers while claiming to be "for the people". It works both ways. Hypocrisy on both sides.
Sounds like me. I've lived everywhere around the country and in neighborhoods where I was the only white guy around. I've always been comfortable around everyone. Helps that I am a big dude probably, but I have spent way more time around minorities than I have my own folks.

The reason was I started out broke so I had to live amongst the broke. LOL. No complaints as I cannot imagine anyone living a better life than I have been fortunate enough to. Those early hard times teach you to appreciate what comes next, and when you look back on them, well, they weren't really hard at all.

In one of the neighborhoods I lived in the local liquor store owner got kidnapped it was so rough and another night while I was watching my favorite show on television the police were chasing a guy and shot him in the alley by my apartment so I went out on the stairs and hollered at them to pipe down a bit so I could watch my show. I really knew I had became a city boy when I did that.

What I would be interested in knowing is that the folks that didn't get out and live amongst the people, does that prevent them from being empathetic to some degree? Would most of our conservative friends on here have stayed in their bunkers their whole lives or most of it? Would be interesting to know.
My way has never been tried. You keep associating me with liberals like @LOL_Man. As you can see from all our back-and-forth today, that ain’t me.

Sure. The social media that just popped up over the last couple decades is responsible for the murder rate in the black community. Think Elon buying Twitter will fix it?
You are the stereotype you claim you are not. Virtue signaling progressive who thinks posting on a message board is his heroic act.
You are the stereotype you claim you are not. Virtue signaling progressive who thinks posting on a message board is his heroic act.
I’ve never claimed that but keep on doing you. I thought the point of signaling one’s virtue was for kudos and acceptance from the likeminded. So why would I be doing it here to all the Trumpers who don’t see it as virtuous? I get nothing but vitriol for my positions, not manufactured acceptance for reciting shibboleths.
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I’ve said it before but you’d think my friends and I were Proud Boys way before Antifa. I identify with my Blair Mountain ancestors more than any coastal liberal. True leftism is about dialectic materialism, not Starbucks lattes.

I would hope so. Because when I see Antifa. I see cheap little pussies who are bailed out by Democrat’s Anti-Republican policies.
I would hope so. Because when I see Antifa. I see cheap little pussies who are bailed out by Democrat’s Anti-Republican policies.
When I see Antifa, I see some of the ugliest people on the planet, and I honestly believe that this has a lot to do with the bitterness that makes them join in the first place. Not that I'm a male model myself, but, my God, that Antifa is the flotsam and jetsam of the planet.
James and his gulag friends at it again

How in the hell are communists not met with the same disdain as Nazis? That’s rhetorical because I know the answer is that those types are in leadership positions in tons of industries especially in academia.

But to proclaim to be a part of and support a group who murdered millions and it not be considered a pariah in this country really shows you how far this country has fallen.