How will they rule ??!

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Time to dust this subject matter off……

The dumb "pedo" attacks are wasted bandwidth as no sane voter is going to believe that Qanon crap. What is the point of investing so much work in such a lousy unbelievable loony story? That's why you guys keep losing as you only play the tune your nutcase wing already knows the words to.

Also, that pic has one of my greatest icons in it of my life. I looked up to Anthony Bourdain as an example of a man that knew how to live and I am patterning my entire retirement plans around his life. Wonderful underrated writer and his outlook on the world in general was beautiful beyond words. Absolutely destroyed me when he killed himself. I have still not fully recovered, still. Every June 8th I find a quiet bar and tip a few glasses back for Tony.

The left wanted the heart of academia, our cities (culture), and our government. They were successful. The problem they now face is that they have a history in those positions of power and they have failed. @Dionysus444 ignored the question, but inner city experience has gotten worse, not better. Socioeconomic demographics have not changed much since the 1960s, but violence in poor city areas has. Liberals have controlled the narrative in most big cities during that time. The family unit has eroded, as has the church community and respect for individual life, and the outcome of that erosion with liberal political government control has not resulted in a static, but rather a degradation. The civil rights movement created landmark necessities for freedom, but liberal government has not created an environment for the maximizing of those freedoms. If the liberal perspective was healthy, things SHOULD BE better. Are they? We all know the definition of insanity, doing the same things while expecting different outcomes, yet that is what progressives preach. To endure in power absent success, they created boogeymen in the system that cannot be statistically defined or demonstrated, but must be accepted on faith. Turns out THEY are the boogeymen.
The left wanted the heart of academia, our cities (culture), and our government. They were successful. The problem they now face is that they have a history in those positions of power and they have failed. @Dionysus444 ignored the question, but inner city experience has gotten worse, not better. Socioeconomic demographics have not changed much since the 1960s, but violence in poor city areas has. Liberals have controlled the narrative in most big cities during that time. The family unit has eroded, as has the church community and respect for individual life, and the outcome of that erosion with liberal political government control has not resulted in a static, but rather a degradation. The civil rights movement created landmark necessities for freedom, but liberal government has not created an environment for the maximizing of those freedoms. If the liberal perspective was healthy, things SHOULD BE better. Are they? We all know the definition of insanity, doing the same things while expecting different outcomes, yet that is what progressives preach. To endure in power absent success, they created boogeymen in the system that cannot be statistically defined or demonstrated, but must be accepted on faith. Turns out THEY are the boogeymen.
Liberals != progressives. There are barely a handful of places in this country where progressives are in charge.
The dumb "pedo" attacks are wasted bandwidth as no sane voter is going to believe that Qanon crap. What is the point of investing so much work in such a lousy unbelievable loony story? That's why you guys keep losing as you only play the tune your nutcase wing already knows the words to.

Also, that pic has one of my greatest icons in it of my life. I looked up to Anthony Bourdain as an example of a man that knew how to live and I am patterning my entire retirement plans around his life. Wonderful underrated writer and his outlook on the world in general was beautiful beyond words. Absolutely destroyed me when he killed himself. I have still not fully recovered, still. Every June 8th I find a quiet bar and tip a few glasses back for Tony.


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Breitbart reporting Trump invited Kayne West to Mar a Lago for dinner on Tuesday ...1) this is insanity by The Donald on this one -- WTH is he thinking ? The guy is a fruit loop / nut case / and evidently an antisemite .... So evidently Kenya brings with him a white nationalist dipshit and makes the story even more bizarre .. Trump isnt exhibiting a maturity about politics he should . Beyond terrible optics . FWIW Trump claims he didnt know the guy kanya brought with him ... 2) why is West running around with a guy that hates blacks ??
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You sick folks are a gross bunch, that's for sure. To take an issue like pedophilia and try to run with it as a political cause and throw it around so loosely, well you just have to be twisted and warped inside.

Chicken Little lesson is learned in what, 1st grade? You don't throw something like that around as it desensitizes people to the accusation and do you know who that helps, the actual pedos that's who.

So you blatant fools are obsessing on a sick twisted issue that helps you zero politically but actual helps real pedophiles. Way to go, morons. Lose a few more elections because you're dumb as rocks.
Right. There is a giant global pedophile ring ran by Democrats and only a few brave masculine bearded Republicans full of testosterone can save us.

That's your fantasy. Why it is your fantasy says exactly nothing about Democrats but it sure says a lot about you weird Republicans and those long nights on the farm watching your nieces play.
You sick folks are a gross bunch, that's for sure. To take an issue like pedophilia and try to run with it as a political cause and throw it around so loosely, well you just have to be twisted and warped inside.

Chicken Little lesson is learned in what, 1st grade? You don't throw something like that around as it desensitizes people to the accusation and do you know who that helps, the actual pedos that's who.

So you blatant fools are obsessing on a sick twisted issue that helps you zero politically but actual helps real pedophiles. Way to go, morons. Lose a few more elections because you're dumb as rocks.

Nothing I posted about that was political. The fact that you think it was is what is wrong with this country. Really, if you ask me, the fact you were so offended by it tells me everything I need to know. Most people in their right mind wouldn't agree to anything that harms a kid. But no, just shows you how brainwashed people have become by their identity politics, that common people can't come together on a topic like pedophilia, REGARDLESS OF YOUR POLITICS. Folks, if you are reading this, this just goes to show you that evil is winning, which that is what the puppet masters want. They want us to kill each other over a topic like pedophilia.
Nothing I posted about that was political. The fact that you think it was is what is wrong with this country. Really, if you ask me, the fact you were so offended by it tells me everything I need to know. Most people in their right mind wouldn't agree to anything that harms a kid. But no, just shows you how brainwashed people have become by their identity politics, that common people can't come together on a topic like pedophilia, REGARDLESS OF YOUR POLITICS. Folks, if you are reading this, this just goes to show you that evil is winning, which that is what the puppet masters want. They want us to kill each other over a topic like pedophilia.
So agree with a bunch of nuts that the entire Democratic Party is a global front for a massive pedophilia ring or I am supporting pedos?

"Hey everyone, agree all Democrats are all pedophiles or you support pedophilia!"


Tactics like that work when you live in some backwater dump where the only thing to do is nervously agree with every other simpleton or you're the town outcast but normal folks have better things to do than listen to the most asinine lies a bunch of lunatics can think of in their little simple world of hay and reading coloring books by lantern light.

For once I agree with you. Although, I wouldn't say capitalists, I would say corporate facists. Not all capitalists are evil.

Precious. Well, at least we can admit that the Capitalists and/or corporate fascists posing as Dems in leadership of academia and our large cities have effed it up. We must then agree that a change is justified, if not demanded. We probably won’t agree on that change, because you both have chosen to describe people with such ambiguity you probably can point your descriptive fingers at anyone and declare them your enemy, but let’s just agree that you put up your version of Marxist leadership and those of us with common sense can vote conservative.
Birth rates. As mortality rates decrease so do birth rates. When your labor force isn’t constantly dying they don’t need to be constantly replaced. We’ve seen this in every developed country. Raising the standard of living globally is the best way to tame overpopulation.
Asia (7.7 billion) and Africa (1.3 billion) are the most populated continents on earth. There is no way that you can raise all those impoverished third world nations close to US/European standards. There just aren't enough resources. You can promote birth control. Otherwise famine, war and disease are nature's effective ways of controlling population.
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