How will they rule ??!

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what is amazing at this point is why does it matter who hacked her emails? saying the russians did this to try and influence the election is deflection. the story is that if she wasn't using her own private and obvious unsecure servers in the first place to transmit top secret US information, then she wouldn't have been hacked. thus, this wouldn't be a story. if the russians had hacked actual state department servers that she used and was using properly, there would be a story. but she was committing a crime. she put our nations security at risk and the liberals and the MSM want to make it about the hacking costing her the election. no morons, if she wasn't guilty of committing these breaches of security then none of this would have happened. it is truly amazing. forgiving the criminal because another criminal exposed them is where we are at?
what is amazing at this point is why does it matter who hacked her emails? saying the russians did this to try and influence the election is deflection. the story is that if she wasn't using her own private and obvious unsecure servers in the first place to transmit top secret US information, then she wouldn't have been hacked. thus, this wouldn't be a story. if the russians had hacked actual state department servers that she used and was using properly, there would be a story. but she was committing a crime. she put our nations security at risk and the liberals and the MSM want to make it about the hacking costing her the election. no morons, if she wasn't guilty of committing these breaches of security then none of this would have happened. it is truly amazing. forgiving the criminal because another criminal exposed them is where we are at?
Based on my understanding, Hillary's server was an InfoSec incident waiting to happen. For example, she had a trusted IT nerd who spouted off on a message board regarding security procedures which he knew little about. Her trusted handlers (Podesta et al) acted "stupidly" in terms of using basic internal security protocols when stakes were high, and clicked on a damn phishing attempt. It all starts with the basics in this day and age.

President-elect Trump needs to tighten up on this sort of crap within his own administration. It's all about discipline. Folks have commented for years how disciplined the "Elephants" (Republicans) are about the basics, such as organizing getting out the vote (GOTV). IMO, Hillary ran a loose ship. The Donald is now our President. Think information security, because Ivan and his Cyrllic-indoctrinated bunch over in the really cold North Lands (Russia) may not be so forgiving next time. Those folks have nothing better to do than hack shit because there ain't shit going on elsewhere.
Funny, I was thinking the same thing. They have the same smugness about them.
You guys never gave teachablemoe the credit he deserves. He is very smart. Mimeismoney is very smart. Sobecat is very average. Z has sobe by at least 30 IQ points. Just because they are misguided doesn't mean they aren't intelligent. They just apply their intelligence in the manner of the average dumbass.
35% tax on the Ford Focus!! Who buys Fords? Serious question.

Of course they are... There is not going to be a 35% tariff. Ford's plans were made a while ago and they are replacing American production of small cars with the Ranger and a reboot of the Bronco. Plenty of people still buy Ford and the brand is strong overseas especially. I encourage everyone to buy Ford F150s and every truck with the new 10 speed transmission especially.
Tucker Carlson asked one of the best questions tonight.

How did Russia specifically help Trump in the election?

The emails were true. Why is the public not allowed to see sinister plans that hurt the American interests?
That's the question that needs to be hammered at every opportunity. We brought it up here long ago. IF Russia hacked, WHY did it help Trump and NOT Hillary? Could it be because TRUTH was revealed and TRUTH hurt Hillary and NOT Donald? Ha Ha, if you are dumb enough to be a democrat in todays climate, you're dumb enough not to understand the question. Don't respond Sobe.
I thought you knew we were coming. We had it planned for a couple of months. Can't wait til next time man. Always a pleasure.
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I thought you knew we were coming. We had it planned for a couple of months. Can't wait til next time man. Always a pleasure.

I had absolutely no idea. My laptop broke right before I flew out of Austin. When you and Bev appeared there at Bert''s, I was totally beside myself. Thanks so much for such an amazing experience.

I was going to join yall, but my invitation was hacked by the Russians.
Thanks, I was going to sell it but I just can't right now. It's fun to drive and all, but the stereo is better than any I've ever had. Today I sat in the driveway for about a half hour with the car turned off listening to Supertramp - Take the Long Way Home.
Breakfast in America. Alcohol induced brain fart. That song along with others.
And you have a BAD-ASS BMW. Wow! What a car.

3 days until the electors vote, and a fake news story from the Washington ShitPost comes out saying the CIA said Russia helped Trump win. I'm sure the timing is just a mere coincidence.
As I remember, and perhaps I am wrong, Obama made no victory tour to rub it in. Donald is the Real Deal. Let us enjoy it. My gosh, a shit-talker we can relate with.

By shit, I still can't believe he won this thing. Seriously.
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Kopi, I think one of those reports said 5 foreign intelligences hacked her email. Even if Russia was one, who are the other four? They're trying to paint a narrative by specifically mentioning Russia. Knowing good damn and well that Wikileaks has exposed the pipeline deal with Syria is exactly why Clinton/Obama cabal are so against Russia. Because if that pipeline gets put down, it can essentially take Russia out of the game for supplying EU for energy. This is why pro_muslim talk is happening with Obama. Saudi Arabia, Qatar etc all giving them money. All of which are true haters of of freedom of rights and all of them want that pipeline.

Russia has so much as stake with supplying nat. gas to Europe. But sorry - I can't claim much more than a very sketchy understanding for the Syrian - Qatar pipeline (assume that's what you're talking about). I do have an average understanding of the Russian networks, including for the massive "Turkish Stream" pipeline, which has experienced recent set-backs, running across the bottom of the Black Sea and eventually through Eruo-Turkey to Greece. This, IIRC, a replacement project to what was designated as the "South Stream" project - would have gone into Romania, branched north to tie in with existing Russian NG lines and south though Greece, across the bottom of the southern Adriatic and into the heel of the boot (you may have noted the "chumminess" with the Italian leader in the earlier video).

I mean, yeah, I hear what you're saying - Russia has an established operation to protect with efforts to expand, most definitely in the game like you say. Russia's own OPEC if you will. Wish I knew more about this other deal (any links you could share would be appreciated) because if we've got political leadership trying to f'k with that - motivated by their own financial gain - we're asking for trouble.