How will they rule ??!

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Coloreds and furners are bad. Believe me. Sad.

You're a joke and a pompous ass. Your simplistic description of anyone opposing you shows how mentally weak you are.

I do love your constant hypocrisy on the left.
- "Don't say anything logical or critical of anyone who isn't a straight white male or you're a racist.

- "White people are racist and to blame for everything."
You're a joke and a pompous ass. Your simplistic description of anyone opposing you shows how mentally weak you are.

I do love your constant hypocrisy on the left.
- "Don't say anything logical or critical of anyone who isn't a straight white male or you're a racist.

- "White people are racist and to blame for everything."

Public Enemy is really smart. Sobecat is a dullard. Believe me!
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There's absolutely no legal reason why he can't keep his business. He just decided not too, reportedly, because it gives an appearance of impropriety.

The crazy thing is how novel this all seems since we've had nothing but career politicians for as long as anyone can remeber.
There are people that are saying if a foreigner stays in the Trump Hotel, that is a violation of the emoluments clause. He will still have business interests after he is sworn in. That is not what the clause is about though. Donald says he's good to go because his lawyers have told him he is. Those other bozos know he's good to go too. They are riling up the educated dems that march in the streets.
Listening to a Trump speech has to be about what it felt like to listen to a Reagan speech. Its pretty awesome when your leader constantly talks the American people up, instead of what Obama, and other past Presidents did by down talking us. Feels pretty amazing to have an actual patriot in office again.

This "deep dive" announcement by the White House includes statements to indicate 2008 and 2012 are also to be considered for "malicious cyber activity" by Russians affecting those elections. Isn't that interesting? So . . . this administration has been sitting on 8 years worth of this intelligence, now has a third sample - so they claim - and chooses only now, obviously because the outcome wasn't to their liking, to go after the Russians for cyber malfeasance.

It wasn't long ago the media conditioned the public to understand what a poor President looks like for failing to act on intelligence. This was their effort against George Bush for intelligence and few months available to him in advance of 9-11. So . . . behold.

However, what you have here is not an 8 month timeframe, but 8 years, so the better comparison, indeed, would be to what failed - miserably - to not happen after the Feb. 1993 attack on the WTC, one month after Bill Clinton become President. For 8 full years he did nothing about it and it happened again. So now, we have Obama, who be all appearances knew that the Russians were hacking away at the election that made him president but did nothing, knew they did it again when he was re-elected yet again did nothing, vilified Donald Trump for being the only candidate who continually doubted the integrity of the 2016 election process, and then after a third example of Russian hacking into a presidential election decides enough is enough???

Bullshit . . . these actions were warranted immediately after the very first occurrence, yet did not because the result was favorable. These actions would not be happening now were it not for the fact that Donald Trump has been elected. So, every one of us should - again - be thankful . . . without the election of Donald Trump, the current President of the United States would have continued to allow the Russians to pilfer away at us. He has given us his proof, going back to 2008 - he knew it. Also, and this is important . . . in 2012 he vilified Mitt Romney for suggesting that Russia was not an ally. What was Obama? What is treason?

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No reason to be disappointed in a cabinet pick when we haven't even seen them do anything yet. Give it time. Hes against $15 dollar minimum wage which I like about him. Trump wouldn't have picked him if he didn't think he would be a good asset.

Read enough about the guy to know that it was a bad pick. Elitism is not solely owned by the democratic party. The Republicans have more than their fair share to. This guy reeks of elitism.
Kopi, are you trying to piss me off? I would like to watch that clip with O'bama and then smack him right in his c-sucker. He would shit himself and I would grab him by one of his dumbo ears and rub his nose in it. BAD TRAITOR, BAD TRAITOR!
a possible, and perhaps plausible, explanation for any potential "hacking" into our election by Russians - or by other countries - could be revealed in some of Putin's comments here . . particularly the one he makes at about 3:05 in. Now, could it be possible that an explanation for why no previous action (intelligence investigation) against Russian hacking is because it was known that the hacking was for observation purposes only? If so, that would make a lot of sense. And it would also support the conclusion that today's announcement, the very, very costly investigation, will be wasteful, driven on phony principle, for reasons purely political, and may yield wrong conclusions and ineffective corrective actions (unless the Trump administration modifies the investigation, in which case the media and can't think for themselves liberals will go freaking ape-shit).

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Kopi, I think one of those reports said 5 foreign intelligences hacked her email. Even if Russia was one, who are the other four? They're trying to paint a narrative by specifically mentioning Russia. Knowing good damn and well that Wikileaks has exposed the pipeline deal with Syria is exactly why Clinton/Obama cabal are so against Russia. Because if that pipeline gets put down, it can essentially take Russia out of the game for supplying EU for energy. This is why pro_muslim talk is happening with Obama. Saudi Arabia, Qatar etc all giving them money. All of which are true haters of of freedom of rights and all of them want that pipeline.
Really can't even describe the feeling over the last few weeks waking up in the morning everyday and remembering Hillary Clinton is not our president.

It's the gift that keeps on giving.
I swear to the holiest of holies, if she'd won, I already had a Dr's appointment scheduled to ask for some Xanax b/c I was starting to have anxiety issues over thinking about that very thing. As I have posted here before (I think), it took a week or better for that daily, inevitable ensuing fear of impending doom that washed over me every morning in Sept and October to go away. I knew I was over it when I heard the ABC radio news jingle on the radio and I got excited to hear new Trump news instead of the normal reaction of wanting to just drive into oncoming traffic.

I realize this makes me no better than the protestors in the streets, but I cannot deny the physical reaction I was having to idea of Hillary. "Sacred shitless" is a very accurate phrase.
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There are people that are saying if a foreigner stays in the Trump Hotel, that is a violation of the emoluments clause. He will still have business interests after he is sworn in. That is not what the clause is about though. Donald says he's good to go because his lawyers have told him he is. Those other bozos know he's good to go too. They are riling up the educated dems that march in the streets.

Yes. That clause has no application at all.
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Can one of our liberal friends tell me what they call "black" Trump supporter's? Racist too they must be.
Lmao protesters at Trump victory speech in Michigan. Secret service just dragged these dimbasses out. Hello jail.

The election is over now.

And holy shit the media is finally showing the crowds now he is President
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This whole fake news by the left is straight 1984 censorship.

They're hedging their bet. Telling you now. It will backfire.

The irony of the left calling anyone "fake news" after being exposed by the DNC and Podesta leaks.

They're just banking on their voter base being total morons, not researching and believing everything they say.
The irony of the left calling anyone "fake news" after being exposed by the DNC and Podesta leaks.

They're just banking on their voter base being total morons, not researching and believing everything they say.

Wanna know what irony is?

When I was Kentucky high school in the early 90s. The liberal take was to protect free speech. Now in 2017. Conservatives are trying to protect free speech.

I don't even know if that's irony or hypocrisy