How will they rule ??!

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Russia has so much as stake with supplying nat. gas to Europe. But sorry - I can't claim much more than a very sketchy understanding for the Syrian - Qatar pipeline (assume that's what you're talking about). I do have an average understanding of the Russian networks, including for the massive "Turkish Stream" pipeline, which has experienced recent set-backs, running across the bottom of the Black Sea and eventually through Eruo-Turkey to Greece. This, IIRC, a replacement project to what was designated as the "South Stream" project - would have gone into Romania, branched north to tie in with existing Russian NG lines and south though Greece, across the bottom of the southern Adriatic and into the heel of the boot (you may have noted the "chumminess" with the Italian leader in the earlier video).

I mean, yeah, I hear what you're saying - Russia has an established operation to protect with efforts to expand, most definitely in the game like you say. Russia's own OPEC if you will. Wish I knew more about this other deal (any links you could share would be appreciated) because if we've got political leadership trying to f'k with that - motivated by their own financial gain - we're asking for trouble.

Most of it's following a timeline from the Wkikileaks. I'll try and dig it up if I can find it.
Forgot about this Reagan moment.

If that does not make your heart swell with pride then just sit there with your liberal thoughts and thank people who make it possible for you to be able to express your liberal garbage without fear of reprisals. Your socialistic mindset would not allow you to in the end because it would eventually turn to communism.
Rudy drops out of all consideration for Cabinet post in Trump Administration. Vetting process come up with some red flags?
I feel like the political thread is the only place I can vent about this stupid "Russia Hacked our election" story, so I will continue to do so every time it enters my consciousness.

Hey Washington Post, the only way this story can be believed is if you aren't the publication breaking it. These accusations are so serious that if true, Obama himself needs to be having fireside chats from the oval office. I might even accept some "senior CIA official" standing in front of a blue screen telling me about it . . . but he said she said senator said a CIA briefing said is just not going to cut it.

If you are to believe this ridiculousness, you have to believe that hacking and posting some emails from a campaign manager can change an election while having the actual Secretary of State's emails on an unaccounted for private server that does not meet the government's security standards is not a big deal. By the way the Secretary of State's emails were also allegedly on the personal computer of one dickpick sending former Senator who happens to be married to your candidate's top aid . . . and that can't matter either. Washington Post, you just can't make these claims when the FBI Director is literally holding press conferences about Clinton's breach of security during the campaign. Please stop making newspapers.
Rudy drops out of all consideration for Cabinet post in Trump Administration. Vetting process come up with some red flags?

Not according to him. This morning he did an interview and said he went through the process and passed with flying colors.

This is just a rumor, so take it for what it is, but it did come from someone who might know (Bolling). Supposedly he was offered Department of Homeland Security, turned it down and said he'd only take Secretary of State.

Trump said he'd think about it and to give him some time, then the very next day Rudy was doing the rounds on TV, openly pitching for SoS, trying to force Trump’s hand.

Evidently Trump felt disrespected and got pissed off. Trump then told him it's DHS or nothing, take it or leave it. Rudy chose to leave it.
Sooo, do we have to redo the election, and do we bomb Russia? Or we just accept Russia f'ng us and live with our fake president Donald?

What's our govt's solution? Barry Just gonna bend over and let Donald ruin our country with the help of russia? At the very least, we must redo the election.
Sooo, do we have to redo the election, and do we bomb Russia? Or we just accept Russia f'ng us and live with our fake president Donald?

What's our govt's solution? Barry Just gonna bend over and let Donald ruin our country with the help of russia? At the very least, we must redo the election.

This shows what absolute garbage all of this is.

And the left is making this their lesson from this election. Trump is an illegitimate President. Some lefties here have already stated this.
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Not according to him. This morning he did an interview and said he went through the process and passed with flying colors.

This is just a rumor, so take it for what it is, but it did come from someone who might know (Bolling). Supposedly he was offered Department of Homeland Security, turned it down and said he'd only take Secretary of State.

Trump said he'd think about it and to give him some time, then the very next day Rudy was doing the rounds on TV, openly pitching for SoS, trying to force Trump’s hand.

Evidently Trump felt disrespected and got pissed off. Trump then told him it's DHS or nothing, take it or leave it. Rudy chose to leave it.
So Rudy rolled the dice and got burned. Proof you don't try to mess with the Presidrnt elect. Hoping McConnell and Ryan were paying attention.
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Sooo, do we have to redo the election, and do we bomb Russia? Or we just accept Russia f'ng us and live with our fake president Donald?

What's our govt's solution? Barry Just gonna bend over and let Donald ruin our country with the help of russia? At the very least, we must redo the election.

That's why this pisses me off so much. If the "Russia hacked our election" shit is real, these are actually the conversations we need to be having. Throw the evidence out on the table and discuss wtf to do (and give me time to move to South America).
So Rudy rolled the dice and got burned. Proof you don't try to mess with the Presidrnt elect. Hoping McConnell and Ryan were paying attention.
That's what it's sounding like. It's just one man's rumor, but from what we know of Trump, it doesn't seem that far fetched.
The hacking stuff is beyond stupid. First, no way it was Russia. Second, the only thing hackers did was exposed what a true pos the dems were running. It was all true. It's not as if it was some manufactured nonsense (like the phony rape claims).

Third, the exit polls all matched up with the results. So the hacking story just doesn't fit. Trump just performed way better than anyone dreamed

Rudy drops out of all consideration for Cabinet post in Trump Administration. Vetting process come up with some red flags?

Probably that he became a raving lunatic at some point the past few years. Don't blame Trump for not making him sos. Dhs would've been the right fit - somewhere his crazy ass can't cause too much harm.

Ultimately, it's probably for the best that he not get a cabinet position.
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I was happy to see that Georgia's increased educated population resulted in a higher democratic showing at the polls. Probably the last time it goes republican statewide. Apparently even the decrease in high school attrition helped.
I was happy to see that Georgia's increased educated population resulted in a higher democratic showing at the polls. Probably the last time it goes republican statewide. Apparently even the decrease in high school attrition helped.

Define educated. Considering the US lacks in science, engineering, etc. degrees in comparison to the rest of world; I'm curious as to what is deemed as an "educated population". Does this education have a profound impact on society as it relates to wealth creation or is it simply education that is non-value added?
That's why this pisses me off so much. If the "Russia hacked our election" shit is real, these are actually the conversations we need to be having. Throw the evidence out on the table and discuss wtf to do (and give me time to move to South America).
bwahaha...yeah because you'd actually care...GTFO. You guys will believe anything and everything about Hillary or Obama but can't believe Russia tried to influence the election, despite the fact the Russia is one of the biggest cyberattack purveyors, along with China and North Korea. Ignorance is bliss as they say.

DT's continued attacks on Twitter towards American citizens just shows what an infantile retard we will soon have in the oval. He doesn't realize he has a bunch of crazy followers who will attack anyone who dares say something bad about him. Or maybe he does. We're exchanging an adult for a Twitter troll.

And I'm glad you found a safe space to project ckwils
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Define educated. Considering the US lacks in science, engineering, etc. degrees in comparison to the rest of world; I'm curious as to what is deemed as an "educated population". Does this education have a profound impact on society as it relates to wealth creation or is it simply education that is non-value added?

All education adds value.
bwahaha...yeah because you'd actually care...GTFO. You guys will believe anything and everything about Hillary or Obama but can't believe Russia tried to influence the election, despite the fact the Russia is one of the biggest cyberattack purveyors, along with China and North Korea. Ignorance is bliss as they say.

DT's continued attacks on Twitter towards American citizens just shows what an infantile retard we will soon have in the oval. He doesn't realize he has a bunch of crazy followers who will attack anyone who dares say something bad about him. Or maybe he does. We're exchanging an adult for a Twitter troll.

Can you imagine how easily Obama would have won this election. Trump got the slow and the Hillary haters. With only the slow vote he loses by double digits.
Define educated. Considering the US lacks in science, engineering, etc. degrees in comparison to the rest of world; I'm curious as to what is deemed as an "educated population". Does this education have a profound impact on society as it relates to wealth creation or is it simply education that is non-value added?

According to @sobecat, your local barista with a degree in LGBT studies is educated.
Can you imagine how easily Obama would have won this election. Trump got the slow and the Hillary haters. With only the slow vote he loses by double digits.
I believe trump wanted to run in 2012 but knew he couldn't beat Obama.
I see what you did there. It's those damn gays again.
Weak deflection. Figured a scholar such as yourself could think up a better retort.

How about Liberal Arts, then? Bottom line, they're all a bunch of imbeciles. There's a reason they paid 100k to make a cup of coffee, and it's not because they're educated.
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Weak deflection. Figured a scholar such as yourself could think up a better retort.

How about Liberal Arts, then? Bottom line, they're all a bunch of imbeciles. There's a reason they paid 100k to make a cup of coffee, and it's not because they're educated.

You easily make you money back over a lifetime. Sometime by multiples of 100s. In any event, earning potential is only a small percentage of the value of an education.
Cardkilla, you've been around longer than me. Please tell me this hoedown thread doesn't represent this board as a whole. I'm guessing the Cletus and company just made it a waste of time for most of the posters????????
You easily make you money back over a lifetime. Sometime by multiples of 100s. In any event, earning potential is only a small percentage of the value of an education.
Sure you do. Next person makes a 100k back serving coffee will be the first. It's okay. You can admit you are full of shit. Defending your own stupidity is much worse. I'm laughing at you either way.
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Increased cognitive abilities and/or exposure to new ideas that expands on previous knowledge.

I agree if indeed what is perceived as "education" increases one's cognitive abilities to better their life. However, I disagree if this newly educated/ enlightened individual spends the day on the couch watching TV. During this individuals TV time, they don't have any good ideas, produces nothing, their only function is to consume oxygen and increase the entropy of the universe.
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