How will they rule ??!

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This new review by the Obama administration is going to try to pin Hillary losing on election hacking. So predictable, was saying 2 or 3 months before the election that they would do this.
What are they gonna do? Hold a new election? Lol hopefully they do so Hillary can lose twice, and probably even worse a second time.
Hey Obama, maybe your sorry ass should have been going all in on protecting the government and businesses from hacks to begin with rather than this Monday Morning QB crap.
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Guessing Obama does his own thank you trip across America right before Trump assumes office. One more step in trying to undermine Trump.
Hey you sorry ass POTUS. If you do find evidence that Russia did hack and release those emails, when you find out they got access to them through an illegal private email server, will you throw the bitch responsible for it in jail?

I truly hate Obama with the wrath of a thousand suns.
So far I've liked Trump's cabinet picks but the his choice for Labor Secretary, Andrew Puzder, is extremely disappointing. The guy is basically a globalist who believes in migrant workers & free trade. Goes against Trump's statement's about being for the American worker.

Well you ain't rebuilding industrial/working America without migrant or illegal workers. Plus trump backtracked on that stuff already, about deporting everybody and bla bl bla.

I think he just reestablishes the immigration system, or whatever. We have to have rules and we have to like who's here and stuff. We can't deport a mf'er 8 times. Idk what's really going on, but I know it's way too easy to game the system, we don't have a clue who comes and goes, and our "workforce" ain't surviving without migrants. If we really add crazy jobs, we will need to add more migrant workers.
I am interesting in watching this develop...

The emoluments clause of the United States Constitution (Article 1, section 9) reads as follows: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

I read that and I don't see where it says that Trump can't own a business. If only Z were here, he could explain to us how the constitution doesn't mean what the actual words say. He could relay the latest interpretation as read from his Social Justice Warrior League newsletter.

There's absolutely no legal reason why he can't keep his business. He just decided not too, reportedly, because it gives an appearance of impropriety.

The crazy thing is how novel this all seems since we've had nothing but career politicians for as long as anyone can remeber.
Exactly. No one is even mentioning it. If Hillary was PE the Georgia attorney general wouldn't have even wrote the letter.

It was on Fox and Drudge. American Thinker and Gateway Pundit. Fake news according to the left.

Had Hill won, there would have been no need for the hack. Someone trying to do this to show doubts about results. Bet it goes to the White House.

You just got Donald Trump elected President. Please take some time off from your job and getting death threats, and do something about those bags under your eyes.

Bill Cosby
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The righteous/stupid indignation of people like Maddow is really a symptom of their own insecurities. They project themselves as the light bringers, the sole rational minds trying to steer the common ignoramus towards Nirvana. But deep down, they know they aren't very smart. They don't actually enjoy/understand the academic works they cite and to prove THEY FCKING LOOOOVE SCIENCE. And all of this fake news really scares them, because they know they will have to do stories on it and use it as a cudgel against their opponents, but they also know they are stupid enough to be had by it, just like your dipshit uncle on disability who posts incessant facebook memes about Obama's daughter being a spy for Pakistan or some such.

Exhibit A

The righteous/stupid indignation of people like Maddow is really a symptom of their own insecurities. They project themselves as the light bringers, the sole rational minds trying to steer the common ignoramus towards Nirvana. But deep down, they know they aren't very smart. They don't actually enjoy/understand the academic works they cite and to prove THEY FCKING LOOOOVE SCIENCE. And all of this fake news really scares them, because they know they will have to do stories on it and use it as a cudgel against their opponents, but they also know they are stupid enough to be had by it, just like your dipshit uncle on disability who posts incessant facebook memes about Obama's daughter being a spy for Pakistan or some such.

Exhibit A

I tried to watch but I couldn't get past the part when she opened her mouth.