How will they rule ??!

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Sure you do. Next person makes a 100k back serving coffee will be the first. It's okay. You can admit you are full of shit. Defending your own stupidity is much worse. I'm laughing at you either way.

Why are we debating this? It's a fact that an education is great investment. It's a fact Delbert.
However, I disagree if this newly educated/ enlightened individual spends the day on the couch watching TV. During this individuals TV time, they don't have any good ideas, produces nothing, their only function is to consume oxygen and increase the entropy of the universe.
No, that's still educated according to him. Merely going to college makes one "educated" in his opinion.
Why are we debating this? It's a fact that an education is great investment. It's a fact Delbert.
You are speaking in absolute terms and it's not a black and white issue.

Going to college for some pussy-ass liberal arts degree and graduating 100K in debt for a "career" that MAY pay you 60K a year some day is retarded.

A trade school would be a better route. At least plumbers and electricians are in demand.
You are speaking in absolute terms and it's not a black and white issue.

Going to college for some pussy-ass liberal arts degree and graduating 100K in debt for a "career" that MAY pay you 60K a year some day is retarded.

A trade school would be a better route. At least plumbers and electricians are in demand.

No I'm not. The statistics will tell you that it pays off over a lifetime. That of course doesn't mean it will for every person. And again, that's even if we are only speaking in terms of dollars.
Exactly! Which is considered non-value added or as commonly referenced in the "waste wheel" non-utilized talent.

Sure, and I could win the lottery and there would still be people with a lot more money than me that didn't win the lottery. I still have more money than I would have otherwise had. The facts are that a college education, on average, will more than pay for itself.
I believe trump wanted to run in 2012 but knew he couldn't beat Obama.
No 100% white person could have beat him. Another 50%er might have taken him down though. A mulatto transgendered male would have beat him. Then we could refer to him as a black female and kill two birds with one stone. Hard to find a republican that meets that criteria though.
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Not to mention, if you're going to preach about being educated, then, please, learn to write the English language. Did they not teach you punctuation in college?

Don't even try to use the excuse that this is a message board. You are not afforded that generosity when being an uppity pick, thinking you're more educated than people you don't even know.

I guarantee it would surprise you how many people in this thread graduated from college, but because they supported Trump you automatically assume they didn't.

Punctuation lol. Do you have any examples other than typos? Anyway, I never made any assumptions about education on this board. Not sure where you got that idea.
bwahaha...yeah because you'd actually care...GTFO. You guys will believe anything and everything about Hillary or Obama but can't believe Russia tried to influence the election, despite the fact the Russia is one of the biggest cyberattack purveyors, along with China and North Korea. Ignorance is bliss as they say.

DT's continued attacks on Twitter towards American citizens just shows what an infantile retard we will soon have in the oval. He doesn't realize he has a bunch of crazy followers who will attack anyone who dares say something bad about him. Or maybe he does. We're exchanging an adult for a Twitter troll.

And I'm glad you found a safe space to project ckwils

Trump is your President. I am loving this.
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Sure, and I could win the lottery and there would still be people with a lot more money than me that didn't win the lottery. I still have more money than I would have otherwise had. The facts are that a college education, on average, will more than pay for itself.

I believe you're mixing our conversation with someone else. You stated not everyone uses their education to its fullest. I simply agreed and referred to it as non-utilized talent. Is there an increase in non-utilized talent in society? That is debatable depending on which case study/ publication you read. Diving into the impact of over/ under-utilization of education on productivity is an interesting topic.
Punctuation lol. Do you have any examples other than typos? Anyway, I never made any assumptions about education on this board. Not sure where you got that idea.
The simple fact that you are asking me to point them out to you further proves to me all I need to know.
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I believe you're mixing our conversation with someone else. You stated not everyone uses their education to its fullest. I simply agreed and referred to it as non-utilized talent. Is there an increase in non-utilized talent in society? That is debatable depending on which case study/ publication you read. Diving into the impact of over/ under-utilization of education on productivity is an interesting topic.

Fair enough. I am simply refuting, to whomever, that an education is a bad investiment.
If Russia or China hacked the election, then that's on Obama too (and in effect, Clinton), so change needed to happen anyway.

Seriously, I attended a speaking engagement for my company where the speaker was the head of a Cyber Security firm. His firm not only identified that the Chinese government was hacking US firms, he gave the exact location in China where the hacking was taking place. His firm went as far as posting a press release stating that building XYZ on Chin Street was an unmarked Chinese Army location where hacking of US business occurs, and there are pictures of a fury of Army activity at that location the moment the press release went out. I believe he was on 60 Minutes discussing this a few years ago.

By the way, he said our government has to be very diplomatic about this rather than really doing anything. So yeah, if this is what happened, Obama and Co. need to be kicked out.
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If only I hadn't slept through that GD 19th Century French Impressionism class... I, too, could be a political, social and economic buoy for the hoi polloi.

Alas, there I was, worried about learning actual, useful skills that could serve to pay back the student loan debt I was incurring. WTF was I thinking? Pomp was on the line!
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If only I hadn't slept through that GD 19th Century French Impressionism class... I, too, could be a political, social and economic buoy for the hoi polloi.

Alas, there I was, worried about learning actual, useful skills that could serve to pay back the student loan debt I was incurring. WTF was I thinking? Pomp was on the line!

Why did you take French Impressionism if it does not interest you?
Just wait, some idiot will come on here and state that Russia leads the world in cyber attacks along with China and N. Korea. He'll be totally unaware and unconcerned with the cyber attacks that originate within our borders. He will be blissfully unaware that America leads the world in espionage and it isn't even close.

Hacking a citizens private server that is contained in their basement does not require the resources of a Russia or China.

What if the hacked info hadn't been damaging? Would the sheep be stampeding?
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It does interest me. Sleeping thru it b/c I was tired from studying for useful-to-my-career classes interested me more. That's what I'm saying, Hoss. If I'd known I'd need that class for 2016 election clout from you, I'd surely have adjusted my priorities.

Don't be too hard on yourself. If I'd known then what I know now......
bwahaha...yeah because you'd actually care...GTFO. You guys will believe anything and everything about Hillary or Obama but can't believe Russia tried to influence the election, despite the fact the Russia is one of the biggest cyberattack purveyors, along with China and North Korea. Ignorance is bliss as they say.

DT's continued attacks on Twitter towards American citizens just shows what an infantile retard we will soon have in the oval. He doesn't realize he has a bunch of crazy followers who will attack anyone who dares say something bad about him. Or maybe he does. We're exchanging an adult for a Twitter troll.

And I'm glad you found a safe space to project ckwils

You're right, I would believe anything, because I believe Obama and not the Washington Post would be the one responding to an act of foreign espionage that resulted in a retard assuming the highest office of the most powerful country in the world for the next 4 years . . .
Re: Guliani... the man is 72 years old. Many companies require their employees to retire at 65 or younger. One of my chief concerns regarding almost all our government leaders is that they're way past their prime.
Are you asking me to imagine or did you leave out the "I"? Listen, I have to go. Why don't you get your thoughts together and we can continue this later?
No, I didn't leave out the I, and I wasn't asking, I was telling. It's whatever, though. I deleted the post. I'm not going to be a dick and insult your intelligence without even knowing you.
The MSM is already saying Tillerson has ties to Russia.

Well yeah, hes a businessman. Businessmen tend to have ties with countries they do business with, duh lol. Hes been to over 50 different countries.
Fair enough. I am simply refuting, to whomever, that an education is a bad investiment.

Of course its not. I believe some are arguing whether it is good investment based on the utilization of the education. As the ocean and its motion is nothing more than a vast collection of individual molecules and their individual movements, so "society" is nothing more than the decisions, thoughts, and actions of billions of individuals. The government gets its political authority from "the people", which is a collection of individuals. The source of political authority rests in the person and flows up to the group. So, is the investment in education beneficial to the group or the individual? It can be both (this is usually the case) but it can also be the individual. If it is the individual; is it a good investment?

Curious, of the 95 million not participating in the labor force; what percentage of those millions are considered "educated"? Are they utilizing their education? Have they fulfilled their self enlightenment and expanded their knowledge for the greater good of the GROUP positively impacting the health of the society?
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