How will they rule ??!

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I encourage my non-liberal friends on here to order some of these in prep for next year's dealings with sore losers.
If you utter the words "fake news" in a serious, non sarcastic or mocking manner, your opinion is completely worthless on any topic. It's clear you lack the ability to think for yourself and are just parroting what you've heard by the D party.

Saw in the Washington Post this morning via Drudge, Republicans ready to launch wide-ranging probe of Russia, despite Trump’s stance. Of course those "Republicans ready to launch" the probe are John McCain and Lindsey Graham.

Here's an idea you stupid jackasses, if you give a shit who was behind the hacks of Podesta and the DNC, why not investigate that. Well I guess Senate Republicans to Investigate who was behind DNC Hacks isn't going to get you the same praise from the left as blaming it on Russia before investigating.

It's blatantly obvious they're just attempting to create a side show to derail Trump's other priorities, most important to those two pieces of shit, stopping the crackdown on illegal aliens.
Harry Reid will go down as the worst Senate Majority/Minority leader in history and Mitch is not too far behind him. Two peas in a pod, but Reid is just a complete scumbag. Mitch is just corrupt. The day both those clowns are gone along with Pelosi and several others will be a great day in America. Then again, Pelosi needs to stay around just a bit longer to completely help wipe out the Dems in the house in 2018.
Right to the End, Trump Campaign Spent Less Than Clinton's.

.... Over the course of the primary and general elections, the Trump campaign raised about $340 million. That included $66 million that the billionaire businessman contributed from his own pocket. The Clinton campaign, which maintained a longer and more concerted fundraising focus, brought in about $581 million...

Right to the End, Trump Campaign Spent Less Than Clinton's.

.... Over the course of the primary and general elections, the Trump campaign raised about $340 million. That included $66 million that the billionaire businessman contributed from his own pocket. The Clinton campaign, which maintained a longer and more concerted fundraising focus, brought in about $581 million...

Was sort of surprised with those numbers. I thought Trump spent over $100M of his own money and the news would claim Clinton had raised over a billion dollars. Maybe I am missing something.
So far I've liked Trump's cabinet picks but the his choice for Labor Secretary, Andrew Puzder, is extremely disappointing. The guy is basically a globalist who believes in migrant workers & free trade. Goes against Trump's statement's about being for the American worker.
The day that Harry Reid leaves office should be a National Holiday. Right to the end still blaming the Koch Brothers while remaining silent on George Siros. Good riddance Harry. Now just need a few more to get the heck out of DC and there are a lot of Republicans in that bunch.
Was sort of surprised with those numbers. I thought Trump spent over $100M of his own money and the news would claim Clinton had raised over a billion dollars. Maybe I am missing something.
I guess the news of Hillary raising over a billion dollars must have been fake. Why would anyone lie about how much money they raised? Would that give the impression that "hey, all the cool kids are voting Hillary, you want to be cool too, don't you"?
human sexuality professor . . . . worthless, worthless, worthless curriculum with zero, zero, zero use to industry

In California schools, definitely the CSU system, you have to take three capstones that are required. They're nonsense classes to justify paying people like this one.

They're considered mandated diversity classes. Human Sexuality is considered a capstone. There is nothing more worthless than being forced to be indoctrinated with that crap.
So far I've liked Trump's cabinet picks but the his choice for Labor Secretary, Andrew Puzder, is extremely disappointing. The guy is basically a globalist who believes in migrant workers & free trade. Goes against Trump's statement's about being for the American worker.
No reason to be disappointed in a cabinet pick when we haven't even seen them do anything yet. Give it time. Hes against $15 dollar minimum wage which I like about him. Trump wouldn't have picked him if he didn't think he would be a good asset.
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I am interesting in watching this develop...

The emoluments clause of the United States Constitution (Article 1, section 9) reads as follows: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

I read that and I don't see where it says that Trump can't own a business. If only Z were here, he could explain to us how the constitution doesn't mean what the actual words say. He could relay the latest interpretation as read from his Social Justice Warrior League newsletter.
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Obama orders review of cyber attacks on 2016 election

President Barack Obama directed U.S. intelligence agencies to conduct a full review of cyber attacks and foreign intervention into the 2016 election and deliver a report before he leaves office, homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco said on Friday.

:flushed: See, this isn't "fake" news. He really did ask them to do this. The fact that he knows no foreign entity affected our election in any way is beside the point. He is raising doubt about the veracity and legality of the election prior to Trump being elected by the electoral college. He is providing the dissenters with an excuse to vote for Hillary. He took an oath to uphold and preserve the constitution, he should be shot for treason. After a fair trial of course.
Obama orders review of cyber attacks on 2016 election

President Barack Obama directed U.S. intelligence agencies to conduct a full review of cyber attacks and foreign intervention into the 2016 election and deliver a report before he leaves office, homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco said on Friday.

:flushed: See, this isn't "fake" news. He really did ask them to do this. The fact that he knows no foreign entity affected our election in any way is beside the point. He is raising doubt about the veracity and legality of the election prior to Trump being elected by the electoral college. He is providing the dissenters with an excuse to vote for Hillary. He took an oath to uphold and preserve the constitution, he should be shot for treason. After a fair trial of course.

I thought all 17 intelligence agencies concluded Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta. At least that's what the left told me. Why's he ordering another review if one's been done?
I feel like most posters on the left have realized how stupid they were to fall for Clinton's shit. That's why we don't see Fuzz, Moe, Albany, Z, etc. anymore. I'm glad Cardkilla hasn't yet come to the realization that he's a complete tool for the left, just parroting what they say with no critical thought. If he comes to that realization and stops posting, there really won't be anyone to laugh at anymore.

Does TeachableMoe still post at that other off board he posted on?