How will they rule ??!

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This is why every leftist can GFT regarding their constant defense of Islam. You will not convince me that these people are not evil and violent and do not belong in western civilization.


And this was before that. Just a little ole Muslim who wants to pray and is terrified of the "stereotype" of Muslims.

Watching CNN a little bit ago...some dude was on there talking about Trump Hotels spending $60k in Cuba 20 years ago to try and spread their chain down there illegally.

"We should really be investigating into whether or not the President-Elect is a crook."

...that is an actual quote. A living, breathing person who supports Hillary Clinton said that. And meant it. I laughed out loud.
We should be like Japan with our immigration stance. Protect their people, culture ans traditions and tell multiculturalism to go eff off.

Also, here is more craziness of Tariq Nasheed.

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The minds of the idiots who voted for such an un-American extremist is so telling. Every group that is not white is held accountable for the acts of each single individual. But thousands of white people go off killing at theatres, malls, restaurants, etc. but somehow that's just a single act of a mentally deranged person.

Meanwhile DT is avoiding intelligence briefings and getting his news from fake Twitter feeds. This country is so f'd and most don't even know it. We've elected the equivalent of Baghdad Bob. Will be interesting when Russia invades the West coast and Putin calls DT to tell him that it's a lie and not to believe his military. And he will. Because he's a buffoon. Surrounded by the castoffs and dregs of politics and the military.

And you're crying over recounts that have been done in this country for centuries. Get the F over it. It's not gonna change the outcome but yes, the election can and should be audited just like every close election is in most every county and state.
Donald Trump: Lose your citizenship or go to jail for burning the flag.

Free speech is back, BABY! Tell those PC cucks to eat it! We can say whatever we want, now.
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Donald Trump: Lose your citizenship or go to jail for burning the flag.

Free speech is back, BABY! Tell those PC cucks to eat it! We can say whatever we want, now.

Hell yea.

That's also not free speech, obviously. That is fire hazard, very detrimental to the health of people, cancer causing....the list goes on and on.

You want to burn shit do it inside the confines of your shanty. Simple.
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Donald Trump: Lose your citizenship or go to jail for burning the flag.

Free speech is back, BABY! Tell those PC cucks to eat it! We can say whatever we want, now.

I get it, but really why be here if you want to burn the flag of the country you don't want to leave?

No one is forcing people to stay here. So why stay if you hate us?

Serious question and please don't give me typical freedom of speech rhetoric........a real from your opinion answer will suffice.
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Is Trump just trolling with the Petraeus pick? I'm sure federal laws regarding classified info are now going to be of the utmost concern to the left.

Pretty dumb appointment in my opinion. Unless he's just trolling the Ds. But you're POTUS elect, so you should probably focusing on putting a cabinet together instead of trolling the other political party.

Not sure why he wouldn't be disqualified from any position in federal government, let alone one that requires a high level security clearance.
The President of the United States has the final say-so on security clearances. He can pick Patraeus and make all that go away. The only thing he can't do is get him confirmed but once he is then the rest of the stuff is at the behest of POTUS.
I get it, but really why be here if you want to burn the flag of the country you don't want to leave?

No one is forcing people to stay here. So why stay if you hate us?

Serious question and please don't give me typical freedom of speech rhetoric........a real from your opinion answer will suffice.
This question cuts to the central heart of why the United States came into being. The fundamental right to protest your own government. The fact that Trump does not understand what is essentially the touchstone of our founding is troubling.

I'd love to punch somebody in the face for burning a flag. Nothing pisses me off more... yet I understand the need to protect their right to do so.
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Ok that sounds fair. Just sick of the country being under fire and seeing non whites/blacks trying to tear it down instead of leaving.

Patreaus is an excellent SOS candidate. If you do not agree then what made you so happy to vote Clinton as your President?
I get it, but really why be here if you want to burn the flag of the country you don't want to leave?

No one is forcing people to stay here. So why stay if you hate us?

Serious question and please don't give me typical freedom of speech rhetoric........a real from your opinion answer will suffice.
It's not "freedom of speech rhetoric", it's literally the first enumerated right in the Constitution. You act like it's an esoteric legal doctrine from Medieval Hungary or something. It's not; it's plainly written in the founding document of American governance.

That said, my real opinion answer is that I don't care if someone burns the flag. And even if I did care, that doesn't mean we should make it illegal. Burning the flag can be a protest against a particular policy or government official. Just because someone burns the flag, doesn't mean they hate "America." Granted, most people who burn the flag are idiots, but that doesn't heighten how much I care, nor lessen their legal protection.
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Patreaus is an excellent SOS candidate. If you do not agree then what made you so happy to vote Clinton as your President?
My personal opinion is that Patreaus is a lousy general but a great politician so I think he'd make a great SOS. I hated the "enemies to friends" program he enacted in Iraq more than anything since Reagan turned tail and ran in Lebanon and it takes a politician and not a general to do that. I believe Patton would have slapped him out of the building if he had even whispered anything remotely like that enemies to friends program. It pisses me off just to type this thinking about it.
Right, I'm cool with that.......just don't want the it's their right to do so. It annoys me but like you I don't give a shit about those losers enough to sweat it.

That said I watched a stand up comedian over the weekend put it best:

If your number 1 right is to say what you want when you want where ever you want then it makes sense that your number 2 right is to carry a gun.

Colonel is about as high as someone can go in the military without being a political POS imo. 99% of generals, at least in today's military, are no different than elected officials and should be treated the same way
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Regarding flag:

Can any company just make a US flag or do they need licenses?

If only certain companies can, make it to where the government pays .00001 cent for every flag made. Then make the law like defacing US currency. Boom.
Colonel is about as high as someone can go in the military without being a political POS imo. 99% of generals, at least in today's military, are no different than elected officials and should be treated the same way

No question to get to General or Admiral typically requires a significant amount of political manuevering, but 99% is way too high for the POS label and there is quite a bit of difference between most military leaders and our elected officials. IMO, your brush is a little bigger than it should be on this one.

With regards to Petraeus, I know a very non-political retired special forces General who knows and worked very closely with Petraeus for many years, he is excellent. And a very good person that made one very stupid mistake--which really surprised those around him that knew him. McRaven is another that I would like to see get into our national affairs.

Are these guys political players--yes. You have to be to manage a massive military that is funded and beholden to a civilian government that has frequent changes in power. But political POS is going a little too far in my opinion.
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Economy grew by 3.2% in 3rd quarter...truly terrible economy right now.

If Trump starts more deficit spending while the economy is right around it's historic norm, which is pretty much guaranteed, we're gonna be looking at some serious inflation and much higher interest rates coming.

Which is what is really fueling Wall Street right now. They know high inflation is coming which in the short run will increase profit margins.
Economy grew by 3.2% in 3rd quarter...truly terrible economy right now.

If Trump starts more deficit spending while the economy is right around it's historic norm, which is pretty much guaranteed, we're gonna be looking at some serious inflation and much higher interest rates coming.

Which is what is really fueling Wall Street right now. They know high inflation is coming which in the short run will increase profit margins.


Glad you're now worried about deficits.
Actually part of why white people are getting out numbered is because we do not try to reproduce at the same rate as democrats.
Not to mention that even in the poorest areas of White Appalachia (where you would expect crime to rise for all the reasons liberals insist it does in minority areas), crime rates are completely dwarfed by comparable areas in the south/inner cities.
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Not to mention that even in the poorest areas of White Appalachia (where you would expect crime to rise for all the reasons liberals insist it does in minority areas), crime rates are completely dwarfed by comparable areas in the south/inner cities.
Population density and police officer per square mile/km/acre/whatever probably has a lot to do with that.