How will they rule ??!

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So basically if people are shooting at you then stay away from the "safe place" so that they can remain safe!
I really don't understand all the hate.

I've lived my entire life without being killed by a Somalian refugee and I'll bet big money none of you have ever been killed by a Somalian refugee. So until you have, stop overreacting. Stop the hate. Feel the love.

Neither had these people, until today.
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10tv in Columbus is saying the suspect is 20-year-old Mohammad Ali. Police are at his house. CBS news saying he's a Somali man.



This stupid twitter news cycle is so stupid, but entertaining...

These things I heard on radio, per breaking news outlets...

- 7 or 9 people shot
- OSU was encouraging ppl to fight back
- they had one suspect in custody
- while that suspect was in custody, ppl were sill being shot, looking for second suspect

Dude used his car as a weapon before he started chopping people with a machete. And he's a terrorist. Obviously. There you have it. Good. Kill him dead right now and get answers from those close to him.

Also, if you've followed local lex news, UK students are begging their school to house illegals; somethjin I assume UK will certainly do after this ordeal up north. If only Ohio State would welcome undocumenteds with open arms, house them, feed them, learn them, etc...maybe they wouldn't commit violence on your campus you insensitive assholes. Smh. Spread love, not fear.
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The minds of the idiots who voted for such an un-American extremist is so telling. Every group that is not white is held accountable for the acts of each single individual. But thousands of white people go off killing at theatres, malls, restaurants, etc. but somehow that's just a single act of a mentally deranged person.

Meanwhile DT is avoiding intelligence briefings and getting his news from fake Twitter feeds. This country is so f'd and most don't even know it. We've elected the equivalent of Baghdad Bob. Will be interesting when Russia invades the West coast and Putin calls DT to tell him that it's a lie and not to believe his military. And he will. Because he's a buffoon. Surrounded by the castoffs and dregs of politics and the military.

And you're crying over recounts that have been done in this country for centuries. Get the F over it. It's not gonna change the outcome but yes, the election can and should be audited just like every close election is in most every county and state.
Russia "hacking" emails or influencing the electing is the single biggest piece of made up bullshit that's come about in years. But it's the left complaining about people falling for "fake news".

Hell, the "fake news" outrage is bunch of "fake news" and you goddam idiots on the left are too stupid to see how you're getting played.

Add "fake news" to the list with "draconian [measures/cuts]", "unprecedented (when describing something completely and totally precedented)", "common sense solutions", "science denier", etc. "Alt" right and left too, I guess.

You idiots just parrot the shit you're fed.
The minds of the idiots who voted for such an un-American extremist is so telling. Every group that is not white is held accountable for the acts of each single individual. But thousands of white people go off killing at theatres, malls, restaurants, etc. but somehow that's just a single act of a mentally deranged person.

Meanwhile DT is avoiding intelligence briefings and getting his news from fake Twitter feeds. This country is so f'd and most don't even know it. We've elected the equivalent of Baghdad Bob. Will be interesting when Russia invades the West coast and Putin calls DT to tell him that it's a lie and not to believe his military. And he will. Because he's a buffoon. Surrounded by the castoffs and dregs of politics and the military.

And you're crying over recounts that have been done in this country for centuries. Get the F over it. It's not gonna change the outcome but yes, the election can and should be audited just like every close election is in most every county and state.
The minds of the idiots who voted for such an un-American extremist is so telling. Every group that is not white is held accountable for the acts of each single individual. But thousands of white people go off killing at theatres, malls, restaurants, etc. but somehow that's just a single act of a mentally deranged person.

Meanwhile DT is avoiding intelligence briefings and getting his news from fake Twitter feeds. This country is so f'd and most don't even know it. We've elected the equivalent of Baghdad Bob. Will be interesting when Russia invades the West coast and Putin calls DT to tell him that it's a lie and not to believe his military. And he will. Because he's a buffoon. Surrounded by the castoffs and dregs of politics and the military.

And you're crying over recounts that have been done in this country for centuries. Get the F over it. It's not gonna change the outcome but yes, the election can and should be audited just like every close election is in most every county and state.
Wait...Breitbart's coroner died of arsenic poisoning right after this? WOW!
I read that too. Bizarre stuff.

Maybe Breitbart had something on Podesta and the Clintons, and they killed him to make sure it never came out.

He had a very deep hatred for Podesta and the Clintons, even more than most did/do.
The minds of the idiots who voted for such an un-American extremist is so telling. Every group that is not white is held accountable for the acts of each single individual. But thousands of white people go off killing at theatres, malls, restaurants, etc. but somehow that's just a single act of a mentally deranged person.

Meanwhile DT is avoiding intelligence briefings and getting his news from fake Twitter feeds. This country is so f'd and most don't even know it. We've elected the equivalent of Baghdad Bob. Will be interesting when Russia invades the West coast and Putin calls DT to tell him that it's a lie and not to believe his military. And he will. Because he's a buffoon. Surrounded by the castoffs and dregs of politics and the military.

And you're crying over recounts that have been done in this country for centuries. Get the F over it. It's not gonna change the outcome but yes, the election can and should be audited just like every close election is in most every county and state.

Why aren't you clowns calling for a recount in NH where the result was the second closest? Could also flip a razor close Senate race result into the GOP favor.
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Is this the worst month for liberals ever?

Liberalism rejected nationwide on November 8th, Hillary loses.

Their hero Fidel Castro finally dies.

This recount is already falling apart before it even starts.

And a terror attack that was done by a non white guy.

Holy crap, Trump may need to propose a bill to build more cry rooms in America.
The minds of the idiots who voted for such an un-American extremist is so telling. Every group that is not white is held accountable for the acts of each single individual. But thousands of white people go off killing at theatres, malls, restaurants, etc. but somehow that's just a single act of a mentally deranged person.

Meanwhile DT is avoiding intelligence briefings and getting his news from fake Twitter feeds. This country is so f'd and most don't even know it. We've elected the equivalent of Baghdad Bob. Will be interesting when Russia invades the West coast and Putin calls DT to tell him that it's a lie and not to believe his military. And he will. Because he's a buffoon. Surrounded by the castoffs and dregs of politics and the military.

And you're crying over recounts that have been done in this country for centuries. Get the F over it. It's not gonna change the outcome but yes, the election can and should be audited just like every close election is in most every county and state.
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Jill Stein missed the recount deadline in PA. Now her only route is to sue and prove in court that she has evidence of fraud. She has no proof, just a study saying that there could have be irregularities. Game Over.

""According to Wanda Murren, spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania Department of State," the Philadelphia Inquirer reported Monday, "the deadline for a voter-initiated recount was Monday, Nov. 21.""

That's what I was saying previously. I didn't know the deadlines for each state, but knew a recount is something that must be requested really fast. Figured no way she hadn't missed at least one deadline.

Even more obvious now this is a money grab and that she was a dem mouthpiece.

Also, congrats on being suckered libs.

Also, fake news...
That's what I was saying previously. I didn't know the deadlines for each state, but knew a recount is something that must be requested really fast. Figured no way she hadn't missed at least one deadline.

Even more obvious now this is a money grab and that she was a dem mouthpiece.

Also, congrats on being suckered libs.

Also, fake news...
And hildawg loses again!
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The minds of the idiots who voted for such an un-American extremist is so telling. Every group that is not white is held accountable for the acts of each single individual. But thousands of white people go off killing at theatres, malls, restaurants, etc. but somehow that's just a single act of a mentally deranged person.

Meanwhile DT is avoiding intelligence briefings and getting his news from fake Twitter feeds. This country is so f'd and most don't even know it. We've elected the equivalent of Baghdad Bob. Will be interesting when Russia invades the West coast and Putin calls DT to tell him that it's a lie and not to believe his military. And he will. Because he's a buffoon. Surrounded by the castoffs and dregs of politics and the military.

And you're crying over recounts that have been done in this country for centuries. Get the F over it. It's not gonna change the outcome but yes, the election can and should be audited just like every close election is in most every county and state.
You should stick to the football board.
Jill Stein missed the recount deadline in PA. Now her only route is to sue and prove in court that she has evidence of fraud. She has no proof, just a study saying that there could have be irregularities. Game Over.

""According to Wanda Murren, spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania Department of State," the Philadelphia Inquirer reported Monday, "the deadline for a voter-initiated recount was Monday, Nov. 21.""
Stein literally stole millions of dollars, in other words.
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Clinton campaign participating in the Wisconsin recount is the biggest slap in the face to that state. Dumb bitch took those folks for granted & didn't even campaign in that state one single time, & now all the sudden she's interested. Democrats actively working on alienating the rust belt forever; take them for granted, then when they don't turn out for you call the states' elections rigged.

One more thing, if there was a such thing as mandatory voter Id nationwide, maybe, just maybe they'd have a leg to stand on & have some sort of shred of evidence to back up their voter fraud claims. As it is now, with no mandatory voter Id, there will never be credible evidence of widespread voter fraud.
The minds of the idiots who voted for such an un-American extremist is so telling. Every group that is not white is held accountable for the acts of each single individual. But thousands of white people go off killing at theatres, malls, restaurants, etc. but somehow that's just a single act of a mentally deranged person.

Meanwhile DT is avoiding intelligence briefings and getting his news from fake Twitter feeds. This country is so f'd and most don't even know it. We've elected the equivalent of Baghdad Bob. Will be interesting when Russia invades the West coast and Putin calls DT to tell him that it's a lie and not to believe his military. And he will. Because he's a buffoon. Surrounded by the castoffs and dregs of politics and the military.

And you're crying over recounts that have been done in this country for centuries. Get the F over it. It's not gonna change the outcome but yes, the election can and should be audited just like every close election is in most every county and state.

The minds of the idiots who voted for such an un-American extremist is so telling. Every group that is not white is held accountable for the acts of each single individual. But thousands of white people go off killing at theatres, malls, restaurants, etc. but somehow that's just a single act of a mentally deranged person.

Meanwhile DT is avoiding intelligence briefings and getting his news from fake Twitter feeds. This country is so f'd and most don't even know it. We've elected the equivalent of Baghdad Bob. Will be interesting when Russia invades the West coast and Putin calls DT to tell him that it's a lie and not to believe his military. And he will. Because he's a buffoon. Surrounded by the castoffs and dregs of politics and the military.

And you're crying over recounts that have been done in this country for centuries. Get the F over it. It's not gonna change the outcome but yes, the election can and should be audited just like every close election is in most every county and state.

Just want to make sure of two things here.......

1- You realize that throughout history, despite red scares, that we have in fact benefitted most from Russia as an ally, right?

2- What west do you speak of that Russia will invade? Poland? So not America?
What do you mean she stole money? I have no idea how recounts work.

Just saw some great fake news...CBS report by that cracker ass Lester Holt verified KKK member, tbh...

Some drunk ass stone cold looking guy on a flight to Pixburg was standing up, cheering for trump, mocking Hillary voters, and it was real damn funny. He was removed from his flight.

No clue wtf our government is doing. We probably signed eleventy billion laws this week. WTFK. But I know what not to get my dog for Xmas, how to deter amazon prime thiefs (buy an amazon locker!!!! LMAO) and a new feel good story about an ex NFL player.

We don't do news in this country. We do entertainment. We can't handle the truth, and it's not in the best interest of our elected leaders if we know the truth. Just stfu and spend your money, idiots.
Also, second flu season is here. Get your flu shot - again. Also, experts predict year round flu season before long. Shocker. I personally think govt should mandate quarterly flu shots.
Also, second flu season is here. Get your flu shot - again. Also, experts predict year round flu season before long. Shocker. I personally think govt should mandate quarterly flu shots.
Yeah. The government should mandate a flu injection. What do you think the government should mandate next?
I'll tell you exactly what they should mandate next my man. Butt wiping. You ever ate a dirty butt? It's more than just unpleasant, it's a real health concern. As more and more children are eating butt, our govt needs to ensure that each and every asshole in America is cleansed at least 3x a day, and that's not counting after dumps. Extra asshole care for the sake of the children, and for humanity.
Honest question: Would you have more faith or less faith in the electoral process if the recount yielded another result?

I am to the point where the only thing that would give me any faith in the system is if they got exactly the same numbers. Literally any other result means that someone's vote didn't get counted. I don't know how you can trust this shit until both hardware and software are open source, you are required to provide ID, and you can get proof after your vote was counted how it was counted. Basically until the election is on a blockchain, it's an easy target for chicanery.
Exactly my point 2 days ago. It's lose/lose for the Dems right now.

They either prove he whipped her ass or that he was right and the system is rigged.

The only thing better is if rumors floated he considered her for a position in his cabinet. Only so Kelly Anne Conway could destroy her publicly again!