How will they rule ??!

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Lol. They were talking raising interest rates the day after trump won

But cardkilla says it's gonna be trumps fault. Lol
Population density and police officer per square mile/km/acre/whatever probably has a lot to do with that.

Well then cops not getting shot at would play a role in cops per sq mile/km/acre/whatever, too!

Just pointing out that cops not getting shot at in rural America also allows for less cops to be serving in said areas.

A lot of factors in where/when cops are placed based on need. I get your point on just because lower crime rates doesn't mean crime isn't going on.......but the severity of it differs causing not only increased police but also the higher rate of reported crimes.

The thing is though the inner city problems have boiled into war on cops.......the Trailor communities have boiled over into meth labs killing themselves.

One extinguishes itself the other is out of control.

Only slightly am I being sarcastic.
Close proximity to other criminals creates the gang culture you see in inner cities. Having someone else make meth 10 miles away from you doesn't affect you making meth. Someone cooking crack and selling to your customers right down the block does. This creates tension, which leads to violence.

The reason there are fewer cops in rural areas has nothing to do with a phony war on cops. It has everything to do with population. Counties in Eastern Kentucky couldn't hire a police force even the size of Bowling Green simply due to money and population (only a certain percentage of people are going to be police officers, the fewer people, the fewer cops). Even if they could, the geography would make policing that area, even with a lot of cops, damn near impossible.

More cops getting shot in inner cities is due to there being more cops and more criminals concentrated in one place. You have the causation exactly backwards
I disagree. Not with your whole point but take a look at Bardstown. Until 2 years ago there was no need to have a police force there. Today we need local, state and FBI because crazy ass crimes are calling for it.

Hell David Clark in Texas is saying they can not keep enough police because of the danger of the job!

If you think for a second the only reason people are shooting cops is because there are a lot of cops and criminals in the same place, well then you are the one that does not understand crime. Sure that increases the likely hood of shootings, but the severity of which criminals are not willing to face the punishment is a much larger aspect people like you ignore.

Sure there are wrongful death suits when things go wrong, but do I think for a second just because we have 1000 cops in a small area overcome with crime that shootings are a part of it? Hell no!

For the criminals it's what am I guilty of and will I get free if I give myself up. For the cop it's, WTF is this peasant doing that I don't know.

If you don't understand that is the root of at least 80% of shootings then you need to be amongst more criminals.
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Flag burning should be illegal. We are probably the only country on the planet that lets people burn its flag without any consequences. Try burning a flag in any commie country or 3rd world shit hole, youd be lucky if they didn't shoot you dead or hang you.
Economy grew by 3.2% in 3rd quarter...truly terrible economy right now.

If Trump starts more deficit spending while the economy is right around it's historic norm, which is pretty much guaranteed, we're gonna be looking at some serious inflation and much higher interest rates coming.

Which is what is really fueling Wall Street right now. They know high inflation is coming which in the short run will increase profit margins.

The FED has kept interest rates artificially low for years protecting Obama, and they printed money for way too long, again to protect Obama. Obama has poisoned every agency within the federal government.
As much as I despise burning the American flag, the right to do so is what sets us apart from every commie country and 3rd world shit hole.

What I don't have any sympathy or time for is when a person that burns or desecrates an American flag then turns right around and complains about someone else's comments or opinion that might possibly be construed as racist, sexist, biased, hurtful, etc.
Population density and police officer per square mile/km/acre/whatever probably has a lot to do with that.

Never knew you were so Liberal. Root cause, criminals. Obey the law, no need for so many cops. And yet here you are blaming everything and everyone except the ones breaking the law.
Flag burning should be illegal. We are probably the only country on the planet that lets people burn its flag without any consequences. Try burning a flag in any commie country or 3rd world shit hole, youd be lucky if they didn't shoot you dead or hang you.

Oh so you want to be communist now?!?
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So you WANT to be a commie country or a 3rd world shit hole? That's odd.
If the United States of America offends someone so much that they feel the need to desecrate our flag then they should take their asses right over to the country that they feel is better suited for themselves. I don't want people in America who hate our country. I don't care if they are black, white, brown or yellow....just GTFO if you don't like it. Quit taking every advantage that this country gives you and then act like it is such a horrible place to live.
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If the United States of America offends someone so much that they feel the need to desecrate our flag then they should take their asses right over to the country that they feel is better suited for themselves. I don't want people in America who hate our country. I don't care if they are black, white, brown or yellow....just GTFO if you don't like it. Quit taking every advantage that this country gives you and then act like it is such a horrible place to live.
Quit taking advantage of the rights guaranteed in our founding document!!!
I would like to see how many of those flag burners that hate America so much are also on some form of public assistance, getting gov grants to pay for school, etc versus how many have a job and work for a living. I honestly have no idea, but I bet I can guess which group is the majority.
Funny to see all these horrible Trump voters raging on airlines, in Starbucks and in other stores and acting like the bigoted losers that they are.
Funny to see all these horrible Trump voters raging on airlines, in Starbucks and in other stores and acting like the bigoted losers that they are.

This jackass is going to die within the next four years due to the massive assravaging the 2016 election caused him.

Is there anything Trump can't do?
I mean, shouldn't burning anything in public be against the law? Or is it cool to just start fires anywhere you choose to?

That's prolly the same thought Hillary had when she introduced the Flag Protection Act of 2005 that calls for 1 yr jail punishment and up to $100,000 fine. But it's only bad when Trump says it....
I mean, how can you miss the point that badly?

I know and I responded sarcastically knowing the same post would be there eventually.

Personally I think the idea of freedom of speech from slave owners is a bit misunderstood today in how we want it to have been presented.

But please do not tell me that our constitution was meant for these people to be here and hate us but still enjoy the privileges of those that fought for and died for our country.

I do not believe we all deserve the same freedoms because we do not all earn them.

Would you treat your lyin ass slut of a daughter with the same decency as your church going straight A student daughter that doesn't want to be out past 10 pm anyway?

No. and yes it's that damn simple.
Quit taking advantage of the rights guaranteed in our founding document!!!
Do you honestly think the founders could have imagined the pieces of shat that are brining our flag today? Curious...what would have happened to a common person if they burnt the flag of their newly founded country? I'm sure they would have ruled they had the right to do such.

Your right to free speech stops when it invites violence and/or hate.
Rights aren't privileges or favors, Krazy. That's the difference. You don't earn rights, you are born with them. That's what inalienable refers to.

Read up on the Sedition Act of 1798 and who opposed it (hint, the person most responsible for the Constitution) and how quickly it was repealed.
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Do you honestly think the founders could have imagined the pieces of shat that are brining our flag today? Curious...what would have happened to a common person if they burnt the flag of their newly founded country? I'm sure they would have ruled they had the right to do such.

Your right to free speech stops when it invites violence and/or hate.
I mean, that's simply not true. The citizens of the newly founded country would have probably responded poorly to someone burning the flag, but that has no bearing on the legality of it. People respond poorly to Nazis marching down the street, but that is protected speech.

Also, in order for speech to not be protected it has to directly incite "imminent lawless action" which is not the same thing as "doing something that pisses people off." There is no "hate speech" exception to the first amendment either. Please read the summary of Brandenburg v Ohio.

Guys, this stuff is not hard. We're not even arguing preferences or opinions. These things are written and codified law/precedents and, I assumed, common knowledge
I fully understand the legal reasons why flag burning is legal, and agree with the legal conclusion.

What I dont understand is why anyone who hates this nation so badly would ever want to stay here. Why fight tooth and nail to make this country like the netherlands, canada, germany, etc? Why not just go live there instead? I dont get it.
Funny to see all these horrible Trump voters raging on airlines, in Starbucks and in other stores and acting like the bigoted losers that they are.

Trump nor any of his supporters have mentioned "mental midgets", so why is your panties in a wad?
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For our local Trump neanderthals in this thread:

Justice William J. Brennan's majority opinion was joined by Justices Thurgood Marshall, Harry A. Blackmun, Antonin Scalia and Anthony M. Kennedy.

"We are aware that desecration of the flag is deeply offensive to many. But the same might be said, for example, of virulent ethnic and religious epithets, see Terminiello V. Chicago, (1949), vulgar repudiations of the draft, see Cohen v. California, (1971), and scurrilous caricatures, see Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell, (1988). ''If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the Government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.'' Johnson. Punishing desecration of the flag dilutes the very freedom that makes this emblem so revered, and worth revering. The judgments are affirmed."
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I fully understand the legal reasons why flag burning is legal, and agree with the legal conclusion.

What I dont understand is why anyone who hates this nation so badly would ever want to stay here. Why fight tooth and nail to make this country like the netherlands, canada, germany, etc? Why not just go live there instead? I dont get it.

We also have a country where certain groups are pissed off 24/7 and claim oppression yet never leave. Other people around the world can migrate for better lives but not this group. Put your money where your mouth is.
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Dear Trump people, please try not to do too much stupid too soon. Try to moderate your stupid. A little at a time. Spread it out. No need for all of your stupid before he even takes the oath of office. Thanks.
Dear Trump people, please try not to do too much stupid too soon. Try to moderate your stupid. A little at a time. Spread it out. No need for all of your stupid before he even takes the oath of office. Thanks.
Dear Z, speaking from experience only helps those who have experienced it. You should be a better person now given the amount of stupid you have posted here. You're welcome.
Dear Trump people, please try not to do too much stupid too soon. Try to moderate your stupid. A little at a time. Spread it out. No need for all of your stupid before he even takes the oath of office. Thanks.

Burning things is not speech. May I burn boxes on the street? That is my concern, the fire itself. You lefties can say whatever but don't endanger me.