How will they rule ??!

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Burning things is not speech. May I burn boxes on the street? That is my concern, the fire itself. You lefties can say whatever but don't endanger me.
Please, one word at a time, try to understand the Supreme Court decision I posted above. Particularly where they call flag burning an "expression" and that we celebrate our unique ability as a country to allow this freedom of expression while all others, particularly the communist ones screwduke admires, prohibit it. Because once Governments start prohibiting people from protesting them then their arrogance and affluence expands.

Funny how you idiots rail against Government then whine like little wussies over the slightest expression of protesting its power.
Please tell that to the Supreme Court

Please, one word at a time, try to understand the Supreme Court decision I posted above. Particularly where they call flag burning an "expression" and that we celebrate our unique ability as a country to allow this freedom of expression while all others, particularly the communist ones screwduke admires, prohibit it. Because once Governments start prohibiting people from protesting them then their arrogance and affluence expands.

Funny how you idiots rail against Government then whine like little wussies over the slightest expression of protesting its power.

So, if I burn garbage in the street, I am speaking?

Supreme Court says yes.

I am coming at this from a totally different angle than both of you are assuming. I don't care about the symbolism. I do care that people are endangering others then claiming it is speech.
So you're OK with burning flags on private property or in controlled environments, even those in public?
It was a 5-4 ruling. Both sides can make some good arguments...not so absurd to think you should/shouldn't be able to do it.
I won't even bother to explain the context where I saw this, but it stuck in my mind as truth....

"Appalachia is about the last place I'd go picking a holy war if I were them."
What's the argument that you shouldn't be able to do whatever you wish with a piece of cloth that you own?
Meh, people burning the flag are aborting the little bastards anyway.

So, if a demonstrations does not get a permit and a flag is burned, that is an illegal act? Serious question. I'm was a finance law do I don't know the actual law in regards to public fires.
Rights aren't privileges or favors, Krazy. That's the difference. You don't earn rights, you are born with them. That's what inalienable refers to.

Read up on the Sedition Act of 1798 and who opposed it (hint, the person most responsible for the Constitution) and how quickly it was repealed.
I get what you're saying, I do. Sedition Act of 1798 was a joke and was rightfully repealed. But Madison had switched his political views after drafting the Constitution and helping write the Federalist papers. Him and Jefferson were fighting more for states' rights when it comes to SAo1798, rather than individual rights.
You'd have to ask the 4 justices what their arguments were. Could probably google it
Just did. They argued that the flag is magical (" Millions and millions of Americans regard it with an almost mystical reverence regardless of what sort of social, political, or philosophical beliefs they may have"). Can't argue with that sound logic and reasoning. The dissent can be summed up as "the flag is important to people and it hurts their feelings when people burn it."

Truly, a great legal opinion with a firm foundation in the text of the Constitution
The problem is Bernie that they aren't aborting enough, and they need your taxes to pay for it.

Transy is a slick little bastard with his baby steps for that gotcha moment. Nice work.

Now understand this, I don't give two shits about the act or the dangers. I'm stereotyping that they are losers and plain and simple I'd prefer they go somewhere they don't feel the need to burn the nations flag.

The issue is other countries have actual immigration laws that are abided by but not us. And yes I know I'm stereotyping again but I feel like if your illegal, taking advantage of our system and burning our flag because we elected Donald Trump then F you!

That's my freedom to do so. Their flag burning breeds hate just like they say Trumps words do......F them!

I know that doesn't sound like an opened minded way to be but it's beyond stupid at this point.

As far as are rights go, again we can disagree. You earn your right to keep your rights every day. The more out of line you get and cross the law the more rights and freedoms you lose.

I'm very calculated and I do not see to it that it's our country's best interest to allow such stupid asinine nonsense just because you need to throw a temper tantrum.

You do though so [thumb2]
May I yell fire in a crowded theater? That is actual speech. If not, may I burn a flag in a crowded theater?
Well you would be damaging private property in that case, which is already a crime. You seem awfully concerned about criminalizing something, when every example you give is already a crime.
Just did. They argued that the flag is magical (" Millions and millions of Americans regard it with an almost mystical reverence regardless of what sort of social, political, or philosophical beliefs they may have"). Can't argue with that sound logic and reasoning. The dissent can be summed up as "the flag is important to people and it hurts their feelings when people burn it."

Truly, a great legal opinion with a firm foundation in the text of the Constitution

What is the argument for? It's mine so I can light it on fire in the street - because "free speech".
What is the argument for? It's mine so I can light it on fire in the street - because "free speech".
Basically, you have the right do with your property as you see fit, so long as it does not endanger others or prevent them from exercising a similar right. That's the property argument.

The free speech argument is that the government can not make a law abridging free speech except in very narrow circumstances (falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater, inciting imminent violence, etc). Burning a flag is a form of speech, therefore they cannot ban it.

Pretty straight forward
Free speech is actually saying whatever you want, without government interference, unless it directly harms someone else. Keep up, bub
Basically, you have the right do with your property as you see fit, so long as it does not endanger others or prevent them from exercising a similar right. That's the property argument.

The free speech argument is that the government can not make a law abridging free speech except in very narrow circumstances (falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater, inciting imminent violence, etc). Burning a flag is a form of speech, therefore they cannot ban it.

Pretty straight forward

Property argument is fine. Cool with it.

Saying burning stuff = form a speech isn't straight forward at all. Could be debated over and over again.
You said flag burning is free speech. You denied me my Constitutional rights in a theater. You are complex.
A theater is private property. I also don't have the right to walk into your home and yell in your face. Not complex at all. Maybe to some, but not those with synapses that fire more than once a day