How will they rule ??!

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I hope its true that Laura Ingram is being considered for Press Secretary. That would be awesome, but I'm not sure Laura would want that job as she'd have to deal with the lying press almost daily. But I'd be very happy with that if it happens. Seeing her smackdown smug reports almost daily would be a must watch.

That could only be topped by Ann Coulter.

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voting should only be limited to citizens, nonsense to think anything else would be considered

Nonsense? We aren't even a week away from a president urging illegals to vote.

I think voting by SSN is a great idea but we also need some form of photo ID IMO.

ID is a must imo. No reasonable argument against it.
SNL was pretty pathetic last night, but Chappelle is funny as hell. Only reason I watched that crappy show.

I really did not want to gloat about Trump's victory, but the tears of the libs has made it pretty sweet.
SNL was pretty pathetic last night, but Chappelle is funny as hell. Only reason I watched that crappy show.

I really did not want to gloat about Trump's victory, but the tears of the libs has made it pretty sweet.

Last night was first night i watched snl live

Thought chappelle was great. didnt roast him too hard and said he will give him a chance. even took some shots at obama

The first segment wasnt too bad as far as hating had a little bit of hate but not terrible . but it was on point but kind of cheap?

I then fell asleep
SNL was pretty pathetic last night, but Chappelle is funny as hell. Only reason I watched that crappy show.

I really did not want to gloat about Trump's victory, but the tears of the libs has made it pretty sweet.
He and Chris Rock are both funny but both are as racist as the white people they mock.

SNL was terrible last night!
Of course Mexico isn't going to hand over a big bag full of money to pay for it. Trump is more than likely going to get the money out of them when he renegotiates trade deals.

Bolling had a good suggestion the other day. He (Trump) could cut a deal with Mexico to pay them one - two dollars less per barrel of oil & with the US buying millions of barrels per day, money would add up quickly.
Also, I find it funny as hell after all of what we have seen from the media over the last year & found out through wikileaks, they think people are all of the sudden going to take them seriously again now the election is over & start believing all their rumors, anonymous sources & lies again. Doesn't work that way. As some like to say, "the jig is up".
Bernie, Schumer & Warren throwing their bid behind Ellison for DNC chair. Several prominent Democrats saying if the party goes that far left they are done.
Conservatives went left on so many issues such as infrastructure spending, VA spending, minimum wage increases and keeping companies from shipping jobs overseas, and it doesn't seem inevitable? Too far left doesn't seem to exist right now. Bernie and The Donald seemed to prove that conclusively.
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Conservatives went left on so many issues such as infrastructure spending, VA spending, minimum wage increases and keeping companies from shipping jobs overseas, and it doesn't seem inevitable? Too far left doesn't seem to exist right now. Bernie and The Donald seemed to prove that conclusively.
Take that up with the Democrats threatening to leave the party because of it. Besides, too far left is what won Trump the presidency. This election was ideology & culture more than anything.

Also, not sure you realize how far left Ellison actually is. He's the guy who demanded to be sworn into office with a Quran. Now, I'm not saying anything is wrong with that, his religion, his choice, but if he's the one chosen to lead the party with his vision, as far left as it is, good luck winning back the rust belt.
If I could find some perfect mixture of Bernie and Trump I would finally arrive at my true center.

I have been posting on how the United States is becoming Mexico in here for at least 10 years. I used to fight Dennis Reynolds on that all the time.

Let's assume Trump's election causes a real flair-up in the relationship between the United States and Mexico, well they have MILLIONS of their own people already illegally inside our borders. We could have a half-dozen or more major cities burn to the ground overnight without any real hope of containing the violence. Look at Iraq and Afghanistan. When you have entire populations that you are trying to control even an overwhelming military presence struggles to contain it.

On top of the obvious extremely dangerous security issues (and I have long claimed Mexico is the greatest security threat to the US) is our headlong rush into becoming an oligarchy. Mexico is actually a very rich country with vast natural resources but the rich have a strangle hold in its politics. A vast ruling rich (Mexico has more billionaires than the rest of central and south america combined) elite, no middle class to speak of, then a vast suffering poverty class.

We are eviscerating our middle class. That is a recipe for destroying our country and our sovereignty. From without and within we are beset on all sides. God's speed to Trump. He's the last gasp of a dying country at this point. We are hell bent on being consumed into the global stew. Transparent to the rich but absolutely devastating to our middle class.
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If Hillary had of won Z would be on here posting about the death of the Republican Party. Guessing his last post would never have seen the light of day.
If Ellison gets the job then the Democrats are just doubling down on stupid. Of course the irony of a Muslim being sworn in to lead the party that is up in arms over the treatment of women and gays will be completely lost on them.

Democrats need to represent the blue collar middle class worker at its core. Its fundamental mission. Blinded by fools gold they're chasing a demographic minority dominance that is going to destroy the party. This election proved it as we should have put the Republicans away forever, but now that we've handed them the midwest we are on the chopping block and we deserve to be because we forgot what it is as a party we are supposed to represent. Being led around by the noses by a small African American 12% minority is, was, and will always be idiotic. The politics of race and division are the most thoroughly discredited means of governing short of only religion, and our blind pursuit of it has led to our ultimate humiliating defeat.
Z - the democrats now HATE white working class white people. Hell, they're burning New Balances because they said the former administration made policy making it even less attractive to build shoes in the US.
Chuck (Schmuck) Todd had Booker on today. He refused to admit that Hilary had issues and did not represent the middle of America, instead he focused on race (yet again). They just refuse to understand that middle America is tired of the political correctness, the constant pandering to minorities, refusing to acknowledge the threat of Islam. They are tired of being labeled as racist, homophobe,xenophobe and stupid. So, far I have not seen any evidence that the media has taken a look at itself and apologize for the total bias against Trump and for Hilary. Thankfully Trump will throw the media a giant middle finger.
Chuck (Schmuck) Todd had Booker on today. He refused to admit that Hilary had issues and did not represent the middle of America, instead he focused on race (yet again). They just refuse to understand that middle America is tired of the political correctness, the constant pandering to minorities, refusing to acknowledge the threat of Islam. They are tired of being labeled as racist, homophobe,xenophobe and stupid. So, far I have not seen any evidence that the media has taken a look at itself and apologize for the total bias against Trump and for Hilary. Thankfully Trump will throw the media a giant middle finger.
Well the New Yotk Times has said they will be more fair In the future.
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So, far I have not seen any evidence that the media has taken a look at itself and apologize for the total bias against Trump and for Hilary. Thankfully Trump will throw the media a giant middle finger.
Already starting to happen. It's desperate & insulting, if you ask me. Trump isn't having any of it.


Since there has been very little actual policy discussion this election cycle I have a genuine question. Trump's tax policy has been modeled to show a $-4.8 trillion decline in government revenue over 10 years. The current deficit is ~$500 billion, so if the tax cut goes through and I suspect it will what gets cut? S/S & Medicare?... Should the blue collar working class have known that was the intention up front?
Enough you goofy politards......

What happened is simple Trump used angry whites the same way democrats use minorities........he catered a message that he has no intention for following through with.

I'm for him and hope he does well, but doing well isn't going to coincide with half the crap he spewed. If you can not realize this or come to grips with it please check yourself as you are asking the race baiting left to do.

Since there has been very little actual policy discussion this election cycle I have a genuine question. Trump's tax policy has been modeled to show a $-4.8 trillion decline in government revenue over 10 years. The current deficit is ~$500 billion, so if the tax cut goes through and I suspect it will what gets cut? S/S & Medicare?... Should the blue collar working class have known that was the intention up front?

Do you know how many people aren't working? Do you realize how beneficial it would be to America if 25% of those people went to work and paid taxes? It would increase the tax revenue by more than the projected loss based on today's working taxable income.

Some of you really need Econ 101
Since there has been very little actual policy discussion this election cycle I have a genuine question. Trump's tax policy has been modeled to show a $-4.8 trillion decline in government revenue over 10 years. The current deficit is ~$500 billion, so if the tax cut goes through and I suspect it will what gets cut? S/S & Medicare?... Should the blue collar working class have known that was the intention up front?

Well, for starters.. climate control spending

And im sureeeee theres a lot of bullshit spending like:

That will be taken a look at. no one gavd a damn about all the waste before trump, now you wanna question it?
Its quite comical that @Supreme Lord Z acts like he had Americas best interest at hear, while at the same time saying that hes pissed because (in his mind) the dems could have forced the Rs to be obliterated forever.

Everyone who cares, knows that America is best if both parties are strong. i personally dont care to have Rs running away with everything for eternity..i do think we need 12-16 years of R control to bring us back to the center and to bring the Ds back to reality.
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