How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
But what about Reagan, Reagan, Bush? Heck, they elected Reagan to two back to back terms as governor.

California had a Mexican population of 2.5M and presently it's somewhere between 17-18M. California has lost about 2M of the white population since the 1990 census. California past the tipping point along time ago.

New Mexico is like this also on a smaller scale and is automatic (D).

How far away is Texas? Once those electoral votes are automatic, watch out.

two year old stats, but backs up what you say:, i don't know how far back the latino population was 2.5M
Why do you think your party is against voter ID laws?

we should just do voting by ssn, if estonia can pull that kind of credibility off, we need to as well.

since we are talking politics anyway, i might as well state another gripe i have with the democratic party platform. affirmative action is one of the most racist policies this nation has adopted. ever.
Depends on immigration. If there's some path to citizenship that confers voting rights, versus straight deportation. I'd imagine it'll be something in between.
I mean, if that happens, it's only because Trump lied his way thru the entire campaign. Republicans control all four components of the federal government and will almost certainly continue to do so thru 2020.

What is the census expected to do towards elecroral college @jamo0001
I don't think it will have any major impact unless the GOP takes a novel strategy and decides to export the Nebraska/Maine model to blue/purple states where a large metropolitan area swings the POTUS election in the state. Imagine if you still squeeze a couple electoral votes out of Michigan, Minnesota, Washington, etc. by only letting those major cities get an electoral vote or two...
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we should just do voting by ssn, if estonia can pull that kind of credibility off, we need to as well.

since we are talking politics anyway, i might as well state another gripe i have with the democratic party platform. affirmative action is one of the most racist policies this nation has adopted. ever.
I think voting by SSN is a great idea but we also need some form of photo ID IMO.
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we should just do voting by ssn, if estonia can pull that kind of credibility off, we need to as well.

since we are talking politics anyway, i might as well state another gripe i have with the democratic party platform. affirmative action is one of the most racist policies this nation has adopted. ever.
The problem with this is fake Social Security numbers. A customer of mine in Somerset had the same Mexican work for him three different times under three different names with three different Social Security numbers. They claim a dozen dependents so no taxes are withheld.
I think I will throw in with whoever is supporting our sovereignty the strongest from now on.

Serious question, shouldn't that also include a determined effort to avoid those who are threatening our sovereignty the most? Have these connections to Soros and known domestic terrorists not been reasonable? What is sovereignty's protection when persons who are not our citizens are made our equals, are given more protection, within these lands?

Then I look at the idiots on my side and think "WTF, I'M WHITE?" like these losers hate me. You see Mexicans waving Mexican flags. Shit all over the place that I absolutely cannot support.

I'm guessing your age at late 20s early 30s. btw, good for you. These are healthy realizations and you should not be expected to apologize for the sensitive approach you have applied in previous years. Naturally, it isn't lost on this reader/poster your previous tactic of bait and switch, but to pretend that may not be in play at the moment . . . correct you are, these people you have voted with hold you accountable with a degree of anger and hate directed at you, your family, without any give a shit about who or what you vote for or how you "feel." Indeed, there is a certain self-nullification to go all-in on the basis of their ethnicity, their place of origin, their needs, and the failure of their cultures to provide quality opportunity for them in those lands that, crazy as it is, they still wave those flags for . . . in your face.

And also they are in our streets. Screaming that Donald Trump cares nothing about them, because when he talks about jobs . . . he mentions it being to the benefit of nobody in particular. Meaning, he aims for it to be to the benefit of everyone, including them, and that isn't good enough for them. The only question left. Is that good enough for you?
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The problem with this is fake Social Security numbers. A customer of mine in Somerset had the same Mexican work for him three different times under three different names with three different Social Security numbers. They claim a dozen dependents so no taxes are withheld.
Yep. Years ago at another company I worked, we experienced similar issues with various "contractors" from south of the border. One got hurt on the job. What a mess.
unless the GOP takes a novel strategy and decides to export the Nebraska/Maine model to blue/purple states where a large metropolitan area swings the POTUS election in the state. Imagine if you still squeeze a couple electoral votes out of Michigan, Minnesota, Washington, etc. by only letting those major cities get an electoral vote or two...

man, if only I knew how to import that Daffy Duck gif that pops up on Rafters from time to time . . .
Absolutely disgusting.

Some of you guys and gals may be too young to remember, but once upon a time back in the 60s and 70s, we enjoyed some real leaders who were well-versed in the art of dealing with creeps, thugs and other sundry miscreants. Rocky, good sir, you are sorely missed.

One thing Trump's election did was show me how far the Democratic Party had moved towards actual white hating lunatics that I share absolutely nothing in common with. I have been focused on destroying Republicans for so long now that I failed to watch my flank.

I do not support these race baiters. I have railed on that point for 2-3 years now that we can't base a political party on that shit because that's the kind of stuff you can't govern after even if you win. That's why the middle east is a shithole.

I like Rand Paul right now. More libertarian than republican. I think I will throw in with whoever is supporting our sovereignty the strongest from now on. There are so many nuts on both sides that you find yourself scratching your head at who you find yourself aligned with and you think "hey, I don't support what these jackasses are doing" and right now all this race mongering and pointless stupid whining after losing an election and "rioting" instead of respecting the will of the American people is not the kind of thing I can support.

Things are so muddled right now I don't even know who to support and who to attack. There are actually many things Trump supports that I like, but then again there are many things I cannot stand. Then I look at the idiots on my side and think "WTF, I'M WHITE?" like these losers hate me. You see Mexicans waving Mexican flags. Shit all over the place that I absolutely cannot support.

I need a new party. Something purely based on nothing more complicated that American sovereignty. That's it.
American sovereignty? Patriotism? Nationalism? Exceptionalism?

Careful friend, a few more pro-US terms and you're in danger of being called a fascist.
On a semi-related subject - automation. I think people are looking at it wrong. It's not going to destroy jobs, it's going to redefine work. You and your robot army will not be desk jockeys, you will be power plants, farmers, manufacturers, drivers, police, and effing everything. Everyone will have a job and it will be to maintain your own world.

It's not that sci-fi either.
Power - Elon's solar + battery stuff
Food - All of these hipsters are gardening now, aquaponics, things like
Manufacturers - 3d Printing
Drivers - self driving cars
Police - armed drones following you around

What else do you actually need?
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I hope its true that Laura Ingram is being considered for Press Secretary. That would be awesome, but I'm not sure Laura would want that job as she'd have to deal with the lying press almost daily. But I'd be very happy with that if it happens. Seeing her smackdown smug reports almost daily would be a must watch.
If all subsidies were as effective as the ones granted to that guy, I would have to re-evaluate everything I believe in.

NASA alone has recieved ~15B / year for the past 15 years

You should see some his companies futuristic batteries. Big, shiny futuristic packages, but once opened it's literally thousands of D cell batteries soldered together. It's a joke
Here's that cool Satriani sounding guitar song played at the beginning of the Trump rallies. Great young musician.

American sovereignty? Patriotism? Nationalism? Exceptionalism?

Careful friend, a few more pro-US terms and you're in danger of being called a fascist.

Yes, but the application - or maybe better the granting of - "sovereignty" is not something that just occurs on the basis of decision or action. It isn't similar to an individual embracing the honor codes of country (patriot being patriotic = patriotism). It isn't similar to a large body of individuals within a country putting the codes of that country well before it's most important, permeated cultures (nationalism).

Sovereignty comes form the outside in. And you can believe that. When other countries, other nations, other cultures witness a country, a nation, dying on it's own . . . through any number of processes, say (1) economic collapse, (2) infiltration by other cultures with no supporting interest other than to that from where they came, (3) loss of support among it's own citizens for it's general ruling principles, (4) a no longer effective process to pay for public services, (5) deteriorating infrastructure, (6) a large portion of the population in a state of sustained and/or growing poverty, and (6) a population that simply does not understand it's own priorities then, believe it, sovereignty is threatened and quite possibly on the line. When a nation's leaders support policies, make decisions which create such conditions they are a major threat to their own sovereignty and, indeed, should be questioned for their sense of "patriotism", questioned for the sense of "national" awareness, as they are assisting in the deterioration of a collective culture.

To make it easy, I like to use the "banana republic" model . . . like some fictitious island county where the good doctor Hoenniker's children carried his "weapon" . . . "San Lorenza", I think it was (been ages since I read CC), had it's own language version of creole, it's own dictator, it's own whacked-out religion, it's own currency, laws, it's own flag, a sugar industry, even had an ambassador from the US . . . but one thing you could assume from Kurt Vonnegut that San Lorenza never had . . . it's own sovereignty. . . . ice 9 !!
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Cornell students protest with a cry-in? Guess it's better than marching through the streets and vandalizing.

well, at least those young women were able to express their ideas and concerns intelligently, without making idiots of themselves, Cornell, etc. Sort of admire them for that. Looked like they handled themselves with some dignity.
Card racists, where you at? Hope you are not the one shot at a BLM, sorry anti Trump??

I'm so confused since us Trump fans are...
Anyone else's Facebook feed been littered with cherrypicked stories about racial violence supposedly incited by Trump's victory? It's maddening.

I'd venture to say at least 75-80% of the stories people are posting are made up, and I'm not even a Trump supporter or Republican.