How will they rule ??!

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shake your head all you want. electing a person into office who has abused americans for decades is equally foolhardy. meet someone who has been completely screwed over by trump, and you might change your mind on him as well. the point is that we, the american people--not the politicians, were screwed at the primaries.
I'm sympathetic to your basic premise - they're both awful. But what evidence do you have that he "has abused Americans for decades"? He has said some boneheaded, culturally tone deaf mean things. Meanwhile, her corruption is documented - while a candidate for President, she was and is the subject of at least two criminal investigations by the FBI.

It looks to me like it's a choice of his words vs her conduct when trying to figure out which is worse. I think for all of history, "actions speak louder than words." We seem to be in a really odd, weird and frankly stupid place in this culture: the worst thing you can do is say something offensive.*

*note: does not apply if target is likely a Republican......
shake your head all you want. electing a person into office who has abused americans for decades is equally foolhardy. meet someone who has been completely screwed over by trump, and you might change your mind on him as well. the point is that we, the american people--not the politicians, were screwed at the primaries.
I got 4 people from the US embassy in Benghazi I want you to meet... oops, sorry, I can't: they're dead.

EAD and for dessert... GFY.
I would like to know how the state went from voting Reagan, Reagan, Bush for three straight elections to being an automatic 55 for Dems? I've read multiple theories but curious on your take.
It's my understanding that 12% of the nations population lives. there.. BUT 34% of the people drawing welfare lives there. In other words, the democrate party has got them bought & paid for. Plus that's the weirdo capital of the world out there. And we all which political party pandres to the weirdo, freaks.
shake your head all you want. electing a person into office who has abused americans for decades is equally foolhardy. meet someone who has been completely screwed over by trump, and you might change your mind on him as well. the point is that we, the american people--not the politicians, were screwed at the primaries.

Lol. just another bullshit media narrative.

Trump hasnt screwed over anyone. this crap about not paying contractors was pure fiction.

Yea, there are instances where someone was rightfully not paid. thats what businesses do when someone screws up the job.
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Donald Trump should send Al Sharpton, Don Lemon, Van Jones, and especially Angela Rye a fruit basket as they won the midwest for him. Republicans should fund BLM permanently.

Seriously, just remove what I mention above and Hillary Clinton is easily president. You could hear the stampede of white midwestern voters away from Hillary every time BLM showed its ass and every time those moronic CNN anchors descended into their race pandering. Not even going to mention that walking bubonic plague of white voters that Al Sharpton is.
No there was no way Hillary was going to win. She only won the popular vote because she won the mindless states where they vote for anything with a (D) beside the name. You would have won the election more than likely if Bernie was the nominee, even though his domestic economic plan was illiterate and dangerous. Some of what you say is correct though. People are being tired of being told what to think. "If you disagree with me you racist, sexist, or whatever phobic." They arent, they just think different and the government was too full of itself to listen, instead telling people you have to do this. The basket of deplorable comment was the breaking point of what's wrong with the democratic party..."You have to do what we say or your evil" It's no different than Obama's behavior on a global scale..."Oh your trying to Brexit, well then Britain, since you don't think the same as I do about the EU, I'm putting your ass at the back of the bus on trade. I think his exact words were "end of the queue"

The Democrats lost this party because it's a train wreck. It's not the voters fault. They committed political suicide putting Hillary Clinton out there. They forced a politician who thought she was owed a presidency, who only stood for ultimate gov regulation and really never had a platform. They said nothing when they put forth someone who doesn't have any of the values democrats claim they have. Oh you believe in fighting for the little guy, corporations are mean, everyone should get a fair shake, and intervionism is bad? Okay well here is a crony capitalist, war hawk, who has a poor record on criminal reform, and influences policy based on how it benefits corporations" As much as I disagree with his politics, you had another candidate who wanted to fight for you, and you know what happened? She rigged the DNC using SuperPacs and took him out. No one said a word, bc the democratic party doesn't care about you. They just forced a candidate, told you to fall in line, follow the leader, and do what your told because government knows best. Afterall the GOP didn't prop Trump up, he came through on a hostile takeover. The democratic party is in shambles, evidenced by the GOP beating their ass down ballot for years. The dem party is going to have to rebuild and distance itself from the Clintons if it ever wants to be taken seriously again. She was not going to win this election at all. Now what do we see the Dems doing...looking at how they lost demographics...not bc they are looking to implement change for them..but how they can manipulate to get ppl to pull a lever so they can regain power.

But the ppl protesting don't get it at all. It's as if calling someone racist, sexist, etc if they say it enough will make it finally stick and everyone will fall in line and do what they're told. That's what part of the election was about.
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The Democrats pander to every minority they can drum up, they push political correctness, they create a false war on women then abuse and bash women, they cowtow to Islam and the terrorists, they support hate groups like BLM, which burn and loot our cities, they turn their backs on cops, they try to limit free speech, they hate the constitution, they are fear mongers, racist, terrorists, criminals, and just plain evil. All they want is more taxes and more spending, thinking they know how to spend my money and tell me how to live better than I can. And I am truly sad that I was ever a registered democrat.

The Republicans can't get out of their own way from obsessing over social issues, such as abortion, gay marriage, shoving their religion down everybodies throat. I want the Repubs out of my bedroom, and the Dems out of my wallet. Republicans elected to office have been nothing but wimps, they had no fight, let the Dems and media put them on defensive. I want someone to call bs when it is bs, call a terrorist a terrorist, call out the biased media, and give a big FU to the wimpy world leaders.

Rand Paul! And he's from kentucky
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No there was no way Hillary was going to win. She only won the popular vote because she won the mindless states where they vote for anything with a (D) beside the name. You would have won the election more than likely if Bernie was the nominee, even though his domestic economic plan was illiterate and dangerous. Some of what you say is correct though. People are being tired of being told what to think. "If you disagree with me you racist, sexist, or whatever phobic." They arent, they just think different and the government was too full of itself to listen, instead telling people you have to do this. The basket of deplorable comment was the breaking point of what's wrong with the democratic party..."You have to do what we say or your evil"

The Democrats lost this party because it's a train wreck. It's not the voters fault. They forced a politician who thought she was owed a prrsidency. They said nothing when they put forth someone who doesn't have any of the values democrats claim they have. Oh you believe in fighting for the little guy, corporations are mean, everyone should get a fair shake, and intervionism is bad? Okay well here is a crony capitalist, war hawk, who has a poor record on criminal reform, and influences policy based on how it benefits corporations" As much as I disagree with his politics, you had another candidate who wanted to fight for you, and you know what happened? She rigged the DNC using SuperPacs and took him out. No one said a word, bc the democratic party doesn't care about you. They just forced a candidate, told you to fall in line, follow the leader, and do what your told because government knows best. Afterall the GOP didn't prop Trump up, he came through on a hostile takeover. The democratic party is in shambles, evidenced by the GOP beating their ass down ballot for years. The dem party is going to have to rebuild and distance itself from the Clintons if it ever wants to be taken seriously again. She was not going to win this election at all. Now what do we see the Dems doing...looking at how they lost demographics...not bc they are looking to implement change for them..but how they can manipulate to get ppl to pull a lever so they can regain power.

But the ppl protesting don't get it at all. It's as if calling someone racist, sexist, etc if they say it enough will make it finally stick and everyone will fall in line and do what they're told. That's what part of the election was about.

Agree entirely. This rioting out in Cali is ultra destructive to democracy and is not in our nation's interests.
Trump is going to do something impeachable. I hope he's able to carry out most of our liberal agenda before he does it. We need that infrastructure package passed and of course Trump is folding on Obamacare already so it's plainly obvious it is going to survive only with minor superficial changes. Mitch won't allow term limits. Paul Ryan will get shown the door. Obama will be a close key adviser to help guide Trump through tweaking Obamacare.l Need all these right wing free trade deals gutted. Need some good old fashioned liberal protectionism which to any Republican has always been unthinkable prior to their conversion to liberalism.

So all is on track. Just need to get it in before Trump does something that blows it all up as Pence is a total nutcase.
You're such a pompous ass. Infrastructure improvements are not a liberal policy! Everyone wants better roads, bridges, etc... Didn't get approved on Obama's watch due to all of the pork attached to the bill. Trump is not folding on ObamaCare but said he will take a look. You're delusional all at best...
Wondering when CNN & MSNBC will initiate and trigger the next national race crisis. The presidential season is over and they' ll be looking to exploit an eventual tragedy for ratings and profits.
shake your head all you want. electing a person into office who has abused americans for decades is equally foolhardy. meet someone who has been completely screwed over by trump, and you might change your mind on him as well. the point is that we, the american people--not the politicians, were screwed at the primaries.

False. GOP voted for its nominee. Dems were the ones who fixed their election.
Just flipped to MSNBC and LMFAO, they are calling for Trump to do more than tweet to stop these protests. Trump is NOT POTUS, MSNBC don't say they want the current POTUS to do something.

Tell the Democrats who are orchestrating them to stop. Republicans have nothing to do with the actions of the left. But can't say that cause Soros is their daddy and he's footing the bill.
most of us are very socially liberal and favor economic policies that make money move. california moves money and generates wealth at a greater rate than any other state, and libertarian views align with the economics. for the most part, neither the democratic nor the republican fiscal policy rocks the boat much. so, folks have traditionally voted democrat (i have for all three elections I have had the opportunity to vote--this last one, very reluctantly so), on the social aspects. when you get to know us a bit better, you'll find we vote for things in rational manner (just as you and others do from the perspectives that you come from).

i've had an interesting set of opportunities in life so far, and have met a number of people you may see on tv or the news doing big things (not hollywood). many of them, like our presidential candidates this election, have gotten by with same moral compass as our two candidates this year. the two important lessons i've learned for myself are: if you can't do something gracefully, you probably shouldn't be doing it at all; and, give more than you take.

it is hard to watch folks like trump and clinton get rewarded for immoral and unethical behavior.

But what about Reagan, Reagan, Bush? Heck, they elected Reagan to two back to back terms as governor.

California had a Mexican population of 2.5M and presently it's somewhere between 17-18M. California has lost about 2M of the white population since the 1990 census. California past the tipping point along time ago.

New Mexico is like this also on a smaller scale and is automatic (D).

How far away is Texas? Once those electoral votes are automatic, watch out.
Good luck getting white America to vote for a black president again. No way he gets the same crossover as Obama.

I doubt middle America wants to see another racist black guy coming in so we get more BS division from the guy with a chip on his shoulder.
I would vote for for someone like C Rice or Carson without hesitation. Has nothing to do with rave.
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Regretfully, I predict Trumps election (and I am happy he was elected) will prompt terrorist attacks. When Bush 2 came on board we were in a position to make progress socially. The terrorist attacks derailed him. I'd like to see Trump develop a plan for responding before they attack and let terrorist harboring nations know inadvance how they will pay .
One thing Trump's election did was show me how far the Democratic Party had moved towards actual white hating lunatics that I share absolutely nothing in common with. I have been focused on destroying Republicans for so long now that I failed to watch my flank.

I do not support these race baiters. I have railed on that point for 2-3 years now that we can't base a political party on that shit because that's the kind of stuff you can't govern after even if you win. That's why the middle east is a shithole.

I like Rand Paul right now. More libertarian than republican. I think I will throw in with whoever is supporting our sovereignty the strongest from now on. There are so many nuts on both sides that you find yourself scratching your head at who you find yourself aligned with and you think "hey, I don't support what these jackasses are doing" and right now all this race mongering and pointless stupid whining after losing an election and "rioting" instead of respecting the will of the American people is not the kind of thing I can support.

Things are so muddled right now I don't even know who to support and who to attack. There are actually many things Trump supports that I like, but then again there are many things I cannot stand. Then I look at the idiots on my side and think "WTF, I'M WHITE?" like these losers hate me. You see Mexicans waving Mexican flags. Shit all over the place that I absolutely cannot support.

I need a new party. Something purely based on nothing more complicated that American sovereignty. That's it.
UC Berkeley students are asked about voter ID laws and express why black people are incapable of getting IDs.

Then shows it while interviewing blacks in Harlem.
