How will they rule ??!

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Conservatives went left on so many issues such as infrastructure spending, VA spending, minimum wage increases and keeping companies from shipping jobs overseas, and it doesn't seem inevitable? Too far left doesn't seem to exist right now. Bernie and The Donald seemed to prove that conclusively.
Again, infrastructure, supporting our Vets and keeping jobs are NOT exclusive to leftwing views! Minimum wage increases would be but I haven't seen Trump proposing that - may have missed it.
Already starting to happen. It's desperate & insulting, if you ask me. Trump isn't having any of it.


LOL, at the NYT saying that they are going to continue to be fair. I hope they all lose their shirts and jobs.
Take that up with the Democrats threatening to leave the party because of it. Besides, too far left is what won Trump the presidency. This election was ideology & culture more than anything.

Also, not sure you realize how far left Ellison actually is. He's the guy who demanded to be sworn into office with a Quran. Now, I'm not saying anything is wrong with that, his religion, his choice, but if he's the one chosen to lead the party with his vision, as far left as it is, good luck winning back the rust belt.
My point is too far left won the rust belt. At least when compared to traditional conservative economic principles.
Do you know how many people aren't working? Do you realize how beneficial it would be to America if 25% of those people went to work and paid taxes? It would increase the tax revenue by more than the projected loss based on today's working taxable income.

Some of you really need Econ 101
It is a mystery to me how self proclaimed highly educated people cannot comprehend this simple point.
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Do you know how many people aren't working? Do you realize how beneficial it would be to America if 25% of those people went to work and paid taxes? It would increase the tax revenue by more than the projected loss based on today's working taxable income.

Some of you really need Econ 101

I've had it and read the full context of supply side economics and the Reagan/Bush history of it... I recommend you try it. I believe in more principled conservative approach of paying the bills... Like Clinton (moderate taxes) and the republican house (decreased spending), you know when there was an actual surplus. I really do hope just cutting taxes increases revenue enough to close any gaps (third time's a charm maybe) but if you did take Econ 101 you realize there are many more forces on job creation than just tax reduction.
To help them keep it close. With out cheating, I don't think they win one for a while.
I reject Trump's message overall but there's much populism to be excited about . But ignoring that dems won the popular vote in 4 or the last 5 elections, is a turrible mistake. And sticking with the rigged message despite winning, doesn't help win that vote in the future. Same holds true if any liberal disagrees with Trump helping the less fortunate like disabled vets and poor whites in rural KY. At some point, pragmatism has to become apparent to any thinking person.
So much about voting is ridiculous in 2016
1. You can't do it online
2. There is no requirement of identification
3. We dust off the same old machines and expect them to work 100%
4. People physically count things
5. You don't get a receipt after your vote is counted

I would argue that if the things above don't change, every election is just a hope and a prayer that the result falls outside of the combined margin of error of the fradulent votes, the machines, and the people counting. Blockchain election 2020!

93,000,000 people not working and if 25% of those people were at least on minimum wage the tax revenue would increase by 56 trillion dollars at a 15% tax rate.

But by all means keep thinking that lower taxes will create some false BS trillion dollar deficit.
Enough you goofy politards......

What happened is simple Trump used angry whites the same way democrats use minorities........he catered a message that he has no intention for following through with.

I'm for him and hope he does well, but doing well isn't going to coincide with half the crap he spewed. If you can not realize this or come to grips with it please check yourself as you are asking the race baiting left to do.


Of course he won't be able to do it all, that's where Obama's inexperience hurt him when he was first elected.
I reject Trump's message overall but there's much populism to be excited about . But ignoring that dems won the popular vote in 4 or the last 5 elections, is a turrible mistake. And sticking with the rigged message despite winning, doesn't help win that vote in the future. Same holds true if any liberal disagrees with Trump helping the less fortunate like disabled vets and poor whites in rural KY. At some point, pragmatism has to become apparent to any thinking person.
Winning the popular vote probably because of the rigged system (moreover media bias) does not really show the whole picture. If you had a more objective mainstream media machine, you might possibly have a different outcome in the popular vote. I would even be willing to bet on it. Problem is, that will never happen in my opinion, honest reporting by the mainstream media that is. Does that not bother you guys on the left? Lying being the main reason you get people to agree with your system. Not saying that the GOP does not lie, because they do. But, those on the right do not like it and that is the reason Trump was elected as the GOP nominee. We got tired of the lying and not doing what they were being elected for.

93,000,000 people not working and if 25% of those people were at least on minimum wage the tax revenue would increase by 56 trillion dollars at a 15% tax rate.

But by all means keep thinking that lower taxes will create some false BS trillion dollar deficit.
That's history! It already happened. [jumpingsmile]

Think about the polar opposite directions taxes and deficits have gone in the past 40 years. I'm not discounting spending or the Great Recession in the least despite this obvious correlation either. The wars, bailouts and the pork speaks for itself. Yet voters seem to care as less about deficits as ever unless a partisan political argument is about to occur.
Glad some realize hopefully people in the press would drill on it so these children will get out of the streets.

I feel like I'm living the reverse of American History X.

93,000,000 people not working and if 25% of those people were at least on minimum wage the tax revenue would increase by 56 trillion dollars at a 15% tax rate.

But by all means keep thinking that lower taxes will create some false BS trillion dollar deficit.
Supply side economics, trickle down economics, voodoo economics... whatever you want to call it... is so thoroughly discredited I can't believe we still have to seriously discuss it.

Reagan turned us from the largest creditor nation on earth into the largest debtor nation on earth in just 8 years and we've never recovered. Iceland completely destroyed their economy doing it. The entire world is on the verge of economic collapse because of it. Seriously, why can't everyone just admit it and move on? Nobody should be seriously considering that shit anymore yet here we go again.
I reject Trump's message overall but there's much populism to be excited about . But ignoring that dems won the popular vote in 4 or the last 5 elections, is a turrible mistake. And sticking with the rigged message despite winning, doesn't help win that vote in the future. Same holds true if any liberal disagrees with Trump helping the less fortunate like disabled vets and poor whites in rural KY. At some point, pragmatism has to become apparent to any thinking person.
Oh, and by the way, are you Charles Barkley using an assumed name.
Ok I'm going to un-ignore you and I'm sure I'll regret this.

Are you saying you do not understand how job creation increases tax revenue?
No doubt the nyt will return to investigative reporting NOW. Where was this when the biggest criminal in political history was conspiring with them to fix the election?

Make no mistake, there will be no stone left unturned now that Trump won. They'll roll up their sleeves and get to work. That's not even a bad thing. The hypocrisy is just sickening.
"A study by the National Bureau of Economic Research found precise figures on how much revenue will be recouped by tax cuts. For each dollar of income tax cuts, only 17 cents will be recovered from greater spending. Corporate tax cuts do a little better. Each dollar cut returns 50 cents to revenue. This shows that, over the long-term, the revenue lost by tax cuts will be only partially regained. Without a decrease in spending, tax cuts lead to an increase in the budget deficit. That harms the economy over time. (Source: NBER, Dynamic Scoring: A Back of the Envelope Guide, December 2004., "No, the Bush Tax Cuts Do Not Increase Revenue," November 15, 2007)"
Supply side economics, trickle down economics, voodoo economics... whatever you want to call it... is so thoroughly discredited I can't believe we still have to seriously discuss it.

Reagan turned us from the largest creditor nation on earth into the largest debtor nation on earth in just 8 years and we've never recovered. Iceland completely destroyed their economy doing it. The entire world is on the verge of economic collapse because of it. Seriously, why can't everyone just admit it and move on? Nobody should be seriously considering that shit anymore yet here we go again.
Many more countries out there are failing because of high taxes due to entitlements. High entitlements are not sustainable. Eventually, more are on the dole than those that pay in. It is really that simple. It is one of the main reasons Europe has been taking in so many immigrants, they are trying to get more workers into the system to help pay into the system so they can sustain it. They are losing that battle by the way.
Winning the popular vote probably because of the rigged system (moreover media bias) does not really show the whole picture. If you had a more objective mainstream media machine, you might possibly have a different outcome in the popular vote. I would even be willing to bet on it. Problem is, that will never happen in my opinion, honest reporting by the mainstream media that is. Does that not bother you guys on the left? Lying being the main reason you get people to agree with your system. Not saying that the GOP does not lie, because they do. But, those on the right do not like it and that is the reason Trump was elected as the GOP nominee. We got tired of the lying and not doing what they were being elected for.
Nothing about that is illegal. The MSM are corporations first and foremost. Social media in many cases, is also. Was Fox going to preserve their market share and income stream by rejecting Trump? No.

Lying is not going away. The Donald is our president for Pete's sake. Candidates, corporations and individuals always play favorites.

93,000,000 people not working and if 25% of those people were at least on minimum wage the tax revenue would increase by 56 trillion dollars at a 15% tax rate.

But by all means keep thinking that lower taxes will create some false BS trillion dollar deficit.

You do know that 93 million figure is a basic misunderstanding of the labor force as it includes everyone from 16 years old to those in retirement from 65 years and older and those not working because they don't need/want a job (I.E. spouses/disabled etc. and the lazy) . So off the bat there are 40.5 million Americans ages 25-64 not in the labor force and the more accurate number of those fully out of work involuntarily is ~14.7 million with another ~6.5 million that have a part time job currently but would like to work full time. Giving you a heads up since your econ101 gave you false data.
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My point is too far left won the rust belt. At least when compared to traditional conservative economic principles.
But we were talking about how far left Ellison will take the party & Democrats are threatening to jump ship. Trump has nothing to do with that.

Trying to compare Trump to Ellison is moronic. Ellison is going to take the party so far left they will not only never gain back the rust belt, but will actually lose more Democrats. That was the whole point of the post you first quoted.

You still don't get it. Too far left is why the Democrats are in ruin right now. Rust belt didn't vote for Trump b/c he was left of conservatism. They voted for him b/c Democrats have gone so far left they're basically radicalized at this point. This election was a revolt from that ideology & culture. Shame you still don't realize.
People alway brag about how great the economy was under Reagan and I LMAO. Of course if I give you an unlimited credit card with a 29% interest rate then things will seem fantastic while you're spending your ass off, problem is, just like under Reagan's irresponsible tax cutting and spending spree, somebody eventually has to pick up the tab.
Nothing about that is illegal. The MSM are corporations first and foremost. Social media in many cases, is also. Was Fox going to preserve their market share and income stream by rejecting Trump? No.

Lying is not going away. The Donald is our president for Pete's sake. Candidates, corporations and individuals always play favorites.
So, you are ok with the lying, character confirmed.
In 2007 that is right, absolutely 100% dead on.

In 2016 when reduced taxes are being used as a compliment to changes in NAFTA as well as other changes that allowed corporations to ship jobs out of America to make it not as beneficial to do so anymore.

What we will most likely also see to help motivate companies to bring these jobs back is a guarantee to not increase min wage but instead we will see policies that allows those lower level wages to continue getting aid that will in fact motivate them to go back to work and slowly get them ahead and become skilled labor which will lead them to raises and being more productive!

I think the thing people do not realize when looking at whatever other smart people said in the past is that we have never had this many people not working, or this many illegals, or this much incentive to tweak policies to benefit us instead of spreading our wealth across the world.
People alway brag about how great the economy was under Reagan and I LMAO. Of course if I give you an unlimited credit card with a 29% interest rate then things will seem fantastic while you're spending your ass off, problem is, just like under Reagan's irresponsible tax cutting and spending spree, somebody eventually has to pick up the tab.


Who is picking up Obama's added 11 trillion dollars of debt to implement the ideas you like so much?
You still don't get it. Too far left is why the Democrats are in ruin right now. Rust belt didn't vote for Trump b/c he was left of conservatism. They voted for him b/c Democrats have gone so far left they're basically radicalized at this point. This election was a revolt from that ideology & culture. Shame you still don't realize.
I know you want to hold on tight to that conservative ideology but the truth of the matter is that ideology was rejected in just about every state primary and the general election. Even after the convention and the spending pledge, Trump and Conway realized immediately the issues where they had no choice but to move left and they did so quite brilliantly.
Not once did I bring it up. [laughing]
In response to me saying Democrats are threatening to leave the party if Ellison is chosen b/c that's too far left for them you said this "Too far left doesn't seem to exist right now. The Donald seemed to prove that conclusively."

So, to me, you're basically saying Trump went so far left, he proved that too far left doesn't seem to exist & Ellison couldn't possibly go any futher left than Trump. Is that not a comparison of how far left each them went or will go?
Another tax cutting idiot that will make things worse by implementing the same idiotic trickle down economic plans you're in here pimping this morning.

Who pays for Obama's 11,000,000,000 in debt he added?

There is more than one facet to look at when turning our finances around, lowered taxes help me and most likely allow me to spend more of the money I make.

What kind of idiot opposes this?
Again, infrastructure, supporting our Vets and keeping jobs are NOT exclusive to leftwing views! Minimum wage increases would be but I haven't seen Trump proposing that - may have missed it.
Your leadership rejected spending and celebrated gridlock for years. Luckily markets and our 401k's love those ideas.