How will they rule ??!

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I know you want to hold on tight to that conservative ideology but the truth of the matter is that ideology was rejected in just about every state primary and the general election.

Sure. That's why every single election that Obama's policies have been on the ballot the Democrats have been routed. He has basically left the Democrats without a party & everything he has done will be undone.

Btw, I'm not a conservative, nor Republican. My voter registration says NPA, been that way for over a decade. I have some conservative ideologies, just like I have non conservative ideologies.

If you can't see that this election was a rejection of globalism, liberalism & socialism like it's the plague, then I'm not sure what to tell you. Democrats like you are the reason you idiots are considering Ellison.
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In response to me saying Democrats are threatening to leave the party if Ellison is chosen b/c that's too far left for them you said this "Too far left doesn't seem to exist right now. The Donald seemed to prove that conclusively."

So, to me, you're basically saying Trump went so far left, he proved that too far left doesn't seem to exist & Ellison couldn't possibly go any futher left than Trump. Is that not a comparison of how far left each them went or will go?
As much as you want me to, I can't comment on Ellison. I know next to nothing about him. Yet I stand by my comments that we don't yet know how far left we will go with spending and social issues.

Seems to me populism is here to stay for awhile and I fully expect The Donald to veto many bills that liberals would approve but it remains to be seen if the GOP leadership gets on board with the Trump agenda. I doubt McConnell says to make Trump a 1-term president but his actions may end up speaking the same exact language.
By the way Jameslee32, it is your acceptance of this "pragmatic reality" that makes me question your character. It is also what was the undoing of Hillary's campaign in large part. That and her being unlikable.
If you can't see that this election was a rejecting globalism, liberalism & socialism like it's the plague, then I'm not sure what to tell you. Democrats like you are the reason you idiots are considering Ellison.
Globalism yes. The others do not speak to the movement that I have witnessed but if it makes you sleep at night, go for it! Trumppets screamed immigration reform and rejected free trade. Not a single protester is screaming less spending, a lower minimum wage and fewer veteran benefits.

I have voted as an IND in 23 years of voting. I refuse to defend democrat ideology the way you defend republican ideology seemingly in step with every talking point. I can't even call myself a moderate hoping for social progress, profit repatriation and the death penalty.
Exactly. You have no clue what you're talking about & the point you were trying to make was completely irrelevant to the topic. Got it.
Then the topic wasn't relevant to the GOP and your blindness to its political direction as witnessed by the election of 2016.
Then the topic wasn't relevant to the GOP and your blindness to its political direction as witnessed by the election of 2016.
[laughing] Now you're just trolling. Again, what's any of that have to do with me saying prominent Democrats were threatening to leave the party if the DNC chooses Ellison & moves that far left?

I get, though, you had your pushy grabbed & now you're mad.
By the way Jameslee32, it is your acceptance of this "pragmatic reality" that makes me question your character. It is also what was the undoing of Hillary's campaign in large part. That and her being unlikable.
I didn't like her either. I am not running for office. I question your character every chance I can get. Detente at last!
[laughing] Now you're just trolling. Again, what's any of that have to do with me saying prominent Democrats were threatening to leave the party if the DNC chooses Ellison & moves that far left?

I get, though, you had your pushy grabbed & now you're mad.
You're saying things I don't care about until your prognosis on the direction of the GOP and you could not be more wrong. Jeb Bush is not our president! Conservative ideology has been rejected! I say yay!
Let the left finish going as far left as they have intended. They're nut jobs and the more obvious their radicalism becomes, the more people will realize the beast they are facing.

I said it on here a month ago. In the future, the Dem Party will be mentioned in the same breath as the Communism Party and perhaps the Nazi Party. I don't know how long it will take but their radicalism is only getting worse.
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until your prognosis on the direction of the GOP and you could not be more wrong.
[laughing] Never gave a prognosis on the direction of the GOP. Just told you what exactly happened in this election. Republican, Democrat, Independent, it didn't matter. This was an election on globalism, ideology & culture. Just the facts.

Jeb Bush is not our president!
Thank God. What's your point?

Conservative ideology has been rejected! I say yay!

I wouldn't go that far, but I will let you cling onto it if it helps. Especially compared to the beating that Obama's "progressive" policies have taken up & down the ballot every single election they've been up.
You're saying things I don't care about until your prognosis on the direction of the GOP and you could not be more wrong. Jeb Bush is not our president! Conservative ideology has been rejected! I say yay!
Your own post speaks of what I have been saying about people being tired of the lying and rejecting the GOP. It is why you do not get it. You accept the status quo in the political approach of today's "reality" but, me and many others do not. You have exercised it often on here with your "professed" rejection of Hillary but, much of your posting suggested support of her. Lies?
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Rape Melania is trending on twitter.

Nothing about that is illegal. The MSM are corporations first and foremost. Social media in many cases, is also. Was Fox going to preserve their market share and income stream by rejecting Trump? No.

Lying is not going away. The Donald is our president for Pete's sake. Candidates, corporations and individuals always play favorites.

It's called journalistic integrity James, it's the main reason freedom of the press was such a unique idea. The press is supposed to be unbiased in America.

There's a difference between editorials and actual reporting of the news. One is an opinion, and one is telling the public facts.
Let the left finish going as far left as they have intended. They're nut jobs and the more obvious their radicalism becomes, the more people will realize the beast they are facing.

I said it on here a month ago. In the future, the Dem Party will be mentioned in the same breath as the Communism Party and perhaps the Nazi Party. I don't know how long it will take but their radicalism is only getting worse.

At this point it won't, but it's heading that direction.
Who pays for Obama's 11,000,000,000 in debt he added?

There is more than one facet to look at when turning our finances arou
nd, lowered taxes help me and most likely allow me to spend more of the money I make.

What kind of idiot opposes this?

You are off by 1000. 365.25.(8) equals
2922 days in office. Your numbers equal every 2.922 days. Your numbers equal Jan 23, 2009.
Why do you think your party is against voter ID laws?
Because democrates needs to cheat to win elections. They want people to vote that are not even citizens in this country. They want & need their supporters to vote more than once in an election. Plus dead people has a way of always voting for democrates. That's why they're against voter ID.
It's called journalistic integrity James, it's the main reason freedom of the press was such a unique idea. The press is supposed to be unbiased in America.

There's a difference between editorials and actual reporting of the news. One is an opinion, and one is telling the public facts.

Here's the Journalism Code of Ethics that everyone reads and studies in college. Now compare it to what you see today and see if it's being practiced.

Truth and Accuracy

Journalists cannot always guarantee ‘truth’, but getting the facts right is the cardinal principle of journalism. We should always strive for accuracy, give all the relevant facts we have and ensure that they have been checked. When we cannot corroborate information we should say so.


Journalists must be independent voices; we should not act, formally or informally, on behalf of special interests whether political, corporate or cultural. We should declare to our editors – or the audience – any of our political affiliations, financial arrangements or other personal information that might constitute a conflict of interest.

Fairness and Impartiality

Most stories have at least two sides. While there is no obligation to present every side in every piece, stories should be balanced and add context. Objectivity is not always possible, and may not always be desirable (in the face for example of brutality or inhumanity), but impartial reporting builds trust and confidence.


Journalists should do no harm. What we publish or broadcast may be hurtful, but we should be aware of the impact of our words and images on the lives of others.


A sure sign of professionalism and responsible journalism is the ability to hold ourselves accountable. When we commit errors we must correct them and our expressions of regret must be sincere not cynical. We listen to the concerns of our audience. We may not change what readers write or say but we will always provide remedies when we are unfair.
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Let the left finish going as far left as they have intended. They're nut jobs and the more obvious their radicalism becomes, the more people will realize the beast they are facing.

I said it on here a month ago. In the future, the Dem Party will be mentioned in the same breath as the Communism Party and perhaps the Nazi Party. I don't know how long it will take but their radicalism is only getting worse.
Those are complete opposite on the political spectrum if you look at it in a straight line. But, I can similarities in both with the way they are acting so you could be right. Maybe we are looking at the spectrum in a circle instead.
Those are complete opposite on the political spectrum if you look at it in a straight line. But, I can similarities in both with the way they are acting so you could be right. Maybe we are looking at the spectrum in a circle instead.

I meant in terms of how they will be viewed one day. They're too crazy.
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Who is picking up Obama's added 11 trillion dollars of debt to implement the ideas you like so much?

scary how Obama touted Bush's additional 4 trillion dollar debt as 40K burden to "every man woman and child". I suppose that makes his 11 trill something like $110K per. nice of Trump to never point that out. I suppose dems can now suspect him (trump) for never having done so. But whatever. Obama should consider himself lucky that Saudi / opec production has ramped up in his last 3 years, driving down crude $$ per bbl. Otherwise, his debt would likely be 2 - 3 trillion more. And anybody who doesn't understand the relationship between the price of oil and rate of debt simply has no business entering the discussion.
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Let the left finish going as far left as they have intended. They're nut jobs and the more obvious their radicalism becomes, the more people will realize the beast they are facing.

I said it on here a month ago. In the future, the Dem Party will be mentioned in the same breath as the Communism Party and perhaps the Nazi Party. I don't know how long it will take but their radicalism is only getting worse.

Will be? as in . . . future terms? No offense, YPE, but folks have been identifying legitimate similarities as applied to socialism re. democratic party for years. The "class war" phrase you have heard over and over, and the specific examples of how this has been implemented over the past decade, dovetails perfectly with Marxist mantra. "pay their fair share" . . . when does that end? when you become taxed more than 50% for how long before you concede that the govt. owns - effectively - more than 1/2 of your property - regardless of who's name is on the deed or title, or who's hands are on the plastic bags leaving the grocery?
Also the democrates have only 18 governors. And only 1 of them is under 50 years old.

At this rate there wont be a democrate party left in 10 years. So the question is. How long until the democrate & the national socialist party of America merge & become one party ? I mean they're basically one & the same right now. But they are going to have to do something or they will cease to exist.
Your own post speaks of what I have been saying about people being tired of the lying and rejecting the GOP. It is why you do not get it. You accept the status quo in the political approach of today's "reality" but, me and many others do not. You have exercised it often on here with your "professed" rejection of Hillary but, much of your posting suggested support of her. Lies?

it must be amateur hour at the bait and switch tea club, Warrior. That dude couldn't carry Z's jock strap.
Also the democrates have only 18 governors. And only 1 of them is under 50 years old.

At this rate there wont be a democrate party left in 10 years. So the question is. How long until the democrate & the national socialist party of America merge & become one party ? I mean they're basically one & the same right now. But they are going to have to do something or they will cease to exist.
That's why Dean is the obvious choice. He appears to be the only guy on that side of the aisle who understands that this is a federalized republic, not a direct democracy. More than 900 elected Democrat politicians have lost their jobs under Obama because the DNC has been sitting on their hands and content to keep their attention focused on places within a stone's throw of salt water.

If the Democrats continue to attempt to become a party of the metropolitan voter, they'll never be in power again. The Constitution was specifically designed to prevent "London" from ignoring the rest of the island. You *must* have a 50-state strategy if you want to advance your agenda in this country.
Will be? as in . . . future terms? No offense, YPE, but folks have been identifying legitimate similarities as applied to socialism re. democratic party for years. The "class war" phrase you have heard over and over, and the specific examples of how this has been implemented over the past decade, dovetails perfectly with Marxist mantra. "pay their fair share" . . . when does that end? when you become taxed more than 50% for how long before you concede that the govt. owns - effectively - more than 1/2 of your property - regardless of who's name is on the deed or title, or who's hands are on the plastic bags leaving the grocery?

I meant in regards to the future where they will be bashed relentlessly and seen as the evil that they are. I already see the similarities but I'm talking about being to the point of where no one admits they were a Democrat out of shame. Their name will increasinly evoke disgust.
Pretty sure drain the swamp didn't mean not a single insider was going to be on his staff. That's ridiculous to even think. Good luck having a competent staff if all are outsiders with zero experience.

I took drain the swamp to mean to try put an end to the corruption. But, then again, I also didn't take everything single thing he said literally, so I could be wrong. Regardless, Priebus is probably the best man for the job.
Drain the swamp meant something else. Muslim ban meant something else. The wall meant something else. Mass deportations meant something else... WTF?
Pretty sure drain the swamp didn't mean not a single insider was going to be on his staff. That's ridiculous to even think. Good luck having a competent staff if all are outsiders with zero experience.

I took drain the swamp to mean to try put an end to the corruption. But, then again, I also didn't take everything single thing he said literally, so I could be wrong. Regardless, Priebus is probably the best man for the job.

Actually The Donald is taking resumes for cabinet positions from average everyday Americans.

Anyone of us can apply.

Trump has already done more for America in 4 days than Obama did in 8 years.
I don't mind Priebus, actually; fairly benign guy who was a mediocre RNC chair. Consummate insider, though, who's bundled and funneled hundreds of millions of dollars from lobbyists and special interests. Quintessential DC. But none of that is really a change from what the country's been subjected to for decades.

The part of today's news that's unsettling, however, is Bannon being "chief strategist".
Drain the swamp meant something else. Muslim ban meant something else. The wall meant something else. Mass deportations meant something else... WTF?
Not really, but I get it. Your girl lost, so Trump has to be questioned, ridiculed & criticized throughout every turn. I would have done the same to Hillary.

Anyways, insiders or outsiders, as long as they're working for the American people instead of against, not actively participating in corruption and/or mired in scandal unlike the administration currently in place, then I think most would consider the swamp drained.
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